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Posts posted by gjuneangel1940

  1. GOD is our leaderand the head. he is the potter we are the clay. he is our creator. we are told to keep all of GOD'S laws one of the commandments tells us to honor our father and mother that our days may be long up on the earth. this goes for our heavenly father also.

  2. jesus told the woman at the well he would give her living water and she would never thurst again . that is true for today also. if we dont have the living water each day we would die like aplant that is never watered. here is my cup LORD fill it up LORD but i will want more and more of you .

  3. yes i have my second husband tryed to touch my girls when i kicked him out he came and would not take him back he came over to my house and came in with a knife. he cut my neck he nicke the artrie by right's i should not be here. what am i facing now ? i have 4 grown children 2 of each none are saved. 3 are into drugs the youngest girl has spent time in prison for meth .i thought she had changed when she got out but no. she has 4 children other people take care of them i had the twin boys when they were 19 month old i was 60. i thought she had changed and gave them back .GOD forgive me now my other daughter has them. one son in to pot. youngest son is in to meth . i covet our prayers . i am 68 to old for all this and could'nt do it but fior the grace od god

  4. yes i have my second husband tryed to touch my girls when i kicked him out he came and would not take him back he came over to my house and came in with a knife. he cut my neck he nicke the artrie by right's i should not be here. what am i facing now ? i have 4 grown children 2 of each none are saved. 3 are into drugs the youngest girl has spent time in prison for meth .i thought she had changed when she got out but no. she has 4 children other people take care of them i had the twin boys when they were 19 month old i was 60. i thought she had changed and gave them back .GOD forgive me now my other daughter has them. one son in to pot. youngest son is in to meth . i covet our prayers . i am 68 to old for all this and could'nt do it but fior the grace od god

  5. yes i think ABRAHAMknew GOD would provide-GOD made a covenant with ISAAC . GOG talked about ISAAC"S descendant's.he had to grow up to have children. GOD has never let me down. PSALM'S 37-25 tells us ONCE I WAS YOUNG NOW I AM OLD BUT IN ALL MY DAYS I HAVE NEVER SEEN THE RIHTEOUS FORSAKEN OR HIS SEED BEGGING BREAD.

    one time my husband and i went to church we only had two dollars to last us untill payday and that was about 3 or 4 days away. we had 2 children to take care of. we went on and put it in the offering. the next morning we got up to go to work there was money laying on his pants. we were the only one's in the house except the little one's. where did it come from ? well we know the devil didnt put it there. we laught and cried what a time of rejoicing.

  6. the LORD said when we give him our heart body and soul ,he would never leave or forsake us.he is our shield against the firey darts of the enemy. when we have the blood of jesus applied over us we are safe, for the enemy can not cross the blood line. i plead the blood over my family every day.i also ask him to build a hedge around us. Jesus said if we ask anything in his name,in faith beliving he would do it. he is a GOD that cant lie. it is the only thing he cant do. glory to his name

  7. justice is getting what is coming to us when we sin. vengence is pay back for sin, mercy is love and forgivness when we dont have it coming to us i think GOD can forgive with out punishment. he said he would cast our sins as far as the east is from the west never to remember them again he can do what he wants. we pay for sinning and our actions with the out come of them i dont know if that is because of poor judgment or GOD punishment. i dont want to do anything to find out.

  8. the clay is just a lump of clay, untill the potter takes it in hand .then he takes it and makes something useful out of it. to offten we get out of GODS will or act ahead of him and make a mess of things. we should listen and let the spirit lead us.

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