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Posts posted by Nashipili

  1. How are we to obey the commandment to "Honor your father and your mother" in the kind of situation Gideon finds himself? What justification does Gideon have for his action? (Matthew 10:37).

    Honoring God in all situationneedto do about respecting people who is without depending or looking what he have or what offer you.To respect all people who are older than you.It does nt matter either is your biological father or not nor your biological mother we havge to respect all elderls.

  2. Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

    1.People with pure heart can see God that they can feel his present .Jesus said in John that He and his father are one that who are accept him in his life he will live in him and dwell the .In this God is living inthe lifre of that people.

    2.While sinners can not see God unless he or she repent God hears the pray of sinner calling for repentance. That means if Jesus is not in a person life is impossible to seee our Father.(God).

    3.Pure hert must belive in God and must havve faith be faithfully.

  3. Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

    Gideon blame God in away that he thinks that he is rigtheous than our father whop krpt his promise from the beginig to the end.

    2.No because they are the one who sins against God not God sins against them.

    3.Mostly people blame God when ever thy are in trouble they thinks that is God who is causing that while they left their sins un forgiven.They think that God is punishing them bt they did nt realise that the give they life to be ruled by the devil and they dont save God in spirit and in truth.

    4. The danger is to being disobeying God .People need to have faith in what ever we are doing because it is impossible to save God without faith.

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