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Posts posted by Gitzi

  1. Joash has been wishy-washy in his leadership even allowing Baal and Asherah worship on his own property so that the Midianites wouldn't harm them. Fearing the Midianites wrath above Yaweah and placing worldly values above the truth. Gideans action forces Joash to decide once and for all who he would rather serve and proclaim his faith. Gideon did the right thing by serving God above everyone including his own father.

  2. God is the One true living God and we are to serve Him alone. Gideon must use the wood of the Asherah pole and erect a proper alter at the top of the "height" to show this. The risks are from his father and the community and Gideon was to forsake not only worshiping the false gods but also anyone that would oppress including his own father, putting God first in his own life as well. I think Gideon's doing this at night is symbolic of a new day that will dawn for the Israelites and shows great faith.

  3. The world crashes in--

    I am lost.

    I am week, wretched, poor, the least--

    My life is only dust.

    Who am I that you call?

    Yet the plan of salvation rests,

    On those that You bless.

    Lift me up to see clearly--

    The image You have of me.

    Strength, power, Warrior?

    I cannot see these things in me.

    Yet at Earth's foundation I am blessed

    So with this prayer I simply ask--

    Lord that You be with me.

  4. Gideon blames God by looking at all the Israelites problems the he thought God had purposely caused out of meanness. Gideon's assessment is inaccurate because he isn't focusing on all God had done for the Israelites and placing the blame where it belongs--Gideon fails t see the big picture. When things go wrong according to out particular situations it is easy not to see ourselves and how we brought about our problems and feel sorry for ourselves. I think that we can avoid this in the future by looking at our part in the situation and remember all that God has done for us--realizing that He has our best interest at heart.

  5. Hello, I am Peggy and I live in the USA

    I am a Christian writer and this is my first online Bible study. I am excited to learn and grow in Christ through this study as well as to bring added strength to my writings.

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