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Posts posted by Roozita48

  1. Lesson 2, Q1

    Since I live in a large city and have taught in public schools, I immediately thought about how gang leaders or drug leaders influence and affect their groups. The members of the group may be tied to this person because of fear, loyalty, acceptance, protection, the thrill of danger, economics, or just plain like-mindedness.

    Another area is the church. The pastor can and does make decisions that affect his entire congregation. Even though a pastor

  2. Lesson 1, Q4

    Reconciliation is the restored fellowship between us and God. Reconciliation means we no longer are His enemies and are accepted as friends. We now have free access and have peace with God. We have salvation from sin and have been declared righteous.

    Reconciliation with God is necessary because God is a holy God and hates sin. Christ took the punishment we deserved by dying on the cross for our sins and reconciled us to God. The hostility and enmity towards God has been removed and has been changed to friendship and acceptance. God is reconciled to us and we to Him through the death of His Son.

    Since Jesus lives in us, He dwells in our hearts by faith. Salvation is being worked in us through the power of the Holy Spirit. The sanctification process works in us the character of Christ. We have a salvation that took care of the past, is taking care of the present, and well take care of our future.

    Jesus is our great High Priest and Intercessor. We can receive forgiveness of our sins by confessing them. Jesus is ever interceding for us.

  3. Lesson 3, Exercise

    Paraphrase of Psalm 15 - Prayer

    Lord, what characteristics and values are needed

    by a righteous person to be in Your presence?

    Help me to be a righteous woman

    who does what is right and speaks the truth;

    Who does not slander, gossip, harm,

    Or discredit neighbor or friend.

    One who does not tolerate evil or

    associates with those who are;

    But who honors those who fear You.

    Who will always be a woman of my word.

    And who does not use money

    to take advantage of others.

    In doing these things, I will be able to stand forever.


  4. Hello sisters and brothers in Christ. I currently live in Houston and am very excited about this opportunity. I am a single parent of 3 teenagers. Their ages are 17,15, and 13. The first two are my boys and the last is my little girl. I am blessed with the truth of our bond and love for each other. I thank God for them. They think I keep them going but I believe God placed them in my life to give me a little push during the rough patches.

    Welcome to the Psalms Bible study. May you be blessed as you study His word.

  5. Hello sisters and brothers in Christ. I currently live in Houston and am very excited about this opportunity. I am a single parent of 3 teenagers. Their ages are 17,15, and 13. The first two are my boys and the last is my little girl. I am blessed with the truth of our bond and love for each other. I thank God for them. They think I keep them going but I believe God placed them in my life to give me a little push during the rough patches.

    Welcome to the Psalms Bible study. May you be blessed as you study His word.

  6. Lesson 2, Q2 (Psalms 42-43)

    David is experiencing pain, anguish, and misery, which has taken a toll on his spirit. He is feeling spiritually dry and thirsty; needs deliverance from his oppressors; he is plagued by doubt; and feels forgotten, rejected, and dejected. But most of all, he wants to be in God

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