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Posts posted by blessed247

  1. Gideon blames God because he assumes that God would help them just as He did in the past. God is not obligated to do anything for people who disobey Him, however, out of His great mercy, sometimes He does. (Thank God)

    We blame God for our troubles sometimes just because it's easier to blame someone or something else than to accept responsiblities for our own actions. It's the same game that has been played from the beginning of time. Adam blamed Eve, Eve blammed the serpent and so it continues today.

    The danger lies in not recognizing our own mistakes and sins. It's easier to "sweep it under the carpet" than to step up and admit we've messed up.

    I think prayer and the Word are important tools in helping head this off in the future. We need to immerse ourselves in prayer and sharpen our minds and spirits in the Word so we become closer to God than ever. The closer we are to God the more we'll realize what's not right.

  2. Isreal had disobeyed God and turned to worhsipping idols, which had went against the first commandment of having no other gods before Jehovah God.

    They made a choice. They had forgotten what God had done for them, and so quickly at that.

    We, just like the children of Israel, forget sooooo fast what God has done for us at times. Maybe not meaning to, but we do tend to put other things and even people before God. It makes no difference what or who we put there, ANYTHING or ANYONE who takes us away from God and the time we spend with Him, is an idol. We must recognize that God has done so much for us, and we must not take that for granted. If we find ourselves in this position, we must ask for forgiveness as soon as possible.

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