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Posts posted by elna

  1. In bookkeeping reconciliation is when a credit note is debited ie it is paid in full. God is love. The whole essence of the ten commandments is to teach us to live in a loving relationship with God and our neighbour. We all commit sins against God and our neighbours. Just as you can never withdraw that stupid hurtful remark you made to a friend, the same way we can never repay our sins towards God and our neighbours. While we are trying we are committing even more sins which just keeps on adding up. Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross made in love (John 6:3) our sins were fully paid up.

    Jesus said that if we loved Him we will do what He commanded.(John 14:15) His whole life on earth was a practical demonstration of the Ten commandments. We need to study His life and do what He commanded which God makes possible through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Jesus also made God known to us. (John 1:18) Faith is knowing the character of God. The more time you spent with a friend the more you know what to expect from him. The more we study the Word of God and the Word become flesh, Jesus Christ, the more we come to know the character of God (who He really is), which transforms us more to His likeness.

    Jesus is also busy making intercession for us at the throne of God as High Priest.( Hebr 9:24) Through His death Jesus has made us friends of God, thereby saving us from the wrath of God.

    Jesus also made it possible for us to rejoice in God because He gave His only Son to save us. Daniel prayed three times a day - Praising God!!! (Dan 6:10) How much joy do I miss in my life because I don't spend enough time praising God?

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