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Posts posted by gripofhisgrace

  1. Q2. (2 Thessalonians 3:7-9) What kind of example did Paul set with regard to work when he was in Thessalonica? As a Christian worker, did he have a right to support? Why didn’t he exercise that right?

    Paul set the example by working wherever he went. He worked as a tentmaker and worked beside other Christian workers. As a disciple he had a right to support just as the believers were told to support their preists. However, Paul couldn't afford to have people accuse him of preaching one thing and practicing another.

  2. Q1. (2 Thessalonians 1:3-5) In what ways do persecution, pressure, and stress help us grow strong in Christ? What would we be like without the testing of our faith?

    I think that without testing we would tend to take our faith for granted. We wouldn't appreciate it as much. Also, it helps us define where our priorities are. If something is worth suffering for, then it is appropriately important to our lives

  3. Q4. (1 Thessalonians 2:11-12) Why are “fatherly” roles so important to making disciples? How effectively do you think women can adopt these traits?

    Fatherly roles are important because they are the pushers, the cheerleaders and the standard setters. Disciples need all of these qualities within their ministry. Why would women want to adopt any of these traits? We have qualities of our own that are necessary in the church community

  4. Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?


    Courage is important because the trials of disciples are many and we must demonstrate perserverance and courage. Lack of courage keeps us from speaking up when we should. Lack of courage in a congregation leads to an inward focus and not an outward focus. We are so worried about what happens to our church we don't see the wider world vision a world hurting and in need. This inward focus leads to lack of new members, new disciples, new ideas and new blood.

    In my work place God and work do not mix, yet I have to rely on him every day to survive. Too often I shut God out because I feel the need to honor the man imposed rules

  5. Q2. (1 Thessalonians 1:4-5) Why is the Holy Spirit’s working so necessary to effective ministry? What happens when the main power behind our ministry is will-power? What is the role of miracles in Paul’s evangelism? What would happen if we saw miracles in evangelism in our day? What is hindering this?

    The Holy Spirit guides us in God's work, without his whispering we are so apt to go our own way. Then God's work becomes the mans. Will power is great and is often necessary in any ministry. However, will-power also involves a bullheaded stubborness that can prevent you from being Spirit lead and lead to selfishness. Miracles are evident in Paul's ministry. So many times he has been doomed only to be saved by the miracles of God. What would happen if we saw miracles in evangelism is our day? What makes you think we don't???? The only thing hindering us from experiencing miracles is our refusal to see them.

  6. Q1. (Acts 17:1-10) Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica? Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him? Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop?

    The people who have the most to lose fear change the most. The Jewish heirarchy had money, power and position. Anything that threatened that threatened them. Paul's continuation with ministry despite violence is a mystery to me. How do you do that day after day knowing your life is on the line. Paul was able to do that because his faith in God was total and his relationship with Him was personal. Violent reactions to our ministry doesn't mean we should stop, we should not act provacatively either. Continue what God set you out to do and He will protect you

  7. Q1. (Galatians 4:10-11) Is celebrating different special worship days essentially wrong? Why did Paul grieve over the Galatians’ observances? What significance did these have in terms of their movement towards Judaism? How can we be blessed by observing special days in our era? How can observance of special days become legalistic for Christian believers?

    I'm confused. We celebrate alot of non-Christian holidays in the US. Days that we hold to be special. Does this go against Paul's teaching?

  8. Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud?

    1. This Psalm teaches me that it is a privlidge and honor to Praise God and that it should occur everywhere at anytime, by everyone. THis Psalm is bursting with energy, it creates joy and sadness as I remember all the times I don't give praise and should. When I talk to God about all my sniveling complaints instead of remembering his goodnes.

    blessings to you all


  9. You know, we all know we should cast our fears on Jesus. It sounds logical but it really takes alot of discipline. The media has given us so much to be afraid of. Be afraid of the neighbor, of the drunk driver, of the swindler, of the diet, of exercise, of world peace, of the economy......... it goes on and on. And yes they have brainwashed us into fear.

    I have to discipline my mind to seek God's will

    I have to choose to trust

    I have to pray to stay focused on God

    I have to put the situation in the context of the God I know by studying the Word and knowing Him.

    So, I'll keep working and plugging and making the decision to turn things over to God


  10. It would really change my perspective on things. I love the Lord and try my hardest to serve Him in as many areas as I can. I also work hard (although not hard enough) to be the Christian he wants me to be. However, I'm also a busy working Mom who is pretty overwehlmed.

    So, if I knew He was coming soon I would, stress less, volunteer more,

    and spend more time studying the Word. :D



  11. King of Kings, Lord of Lord.

    One who is all powerful, all knowing, who deserves our obedience and submission.

    We are studying "Traveling Light" by Max Lucado in my Sunday school class. He says that we tend to look on God as a kindly grandfather, a genie in a bottle or a far to busy Dad that we see on Sunday" . I believe that is true. The truth is he is King of Kings, Lord of Lords and my "all in all"


  12. Q1. (19:7-9) These verses draw together two themes from Scripture -- (1) God's people as his betrothed Bride and (2) the feast of all God's people in heaven. When you meditate on these themes, how are you both admonished and encouraged?

    I am encouraged because I know that no matter what He will never leave me or forsake me. That we are bound through eternity

    I am admonished because I often focus on the things of this world and forget how much more he gave to me than anyone here can

    I am humbled to think that He does so much for me-to the point of the cross and I am so unworthy.



  13. Q4. (18:4) We Christians are instructed to be "in the world" but not "of the world" (John 17:15-19). One interpretation has been to be hermits, ascetics, to distance ourselves from the political process, and to adopt stringent dress and behavior codes. Another interpretation is to be "salt and light" (Matthew 5:13-16) in the world so that we might bring about cleansing and change through God's spirit. Where do you think the balance lies? How and when should we fulfill the command, "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins...."?

    God put us in the world for a reason. He did not hide us in caves or give us our own separate planet. He gave us this world so that we might testify so that all may become believers. We must live in this world but we must keep our priorities straight and remember our focus is on God and Godly living. How do we fufill the command: , "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins...." I think it means that when it is the appointed time for each of us, we must make that split second decision to let go of this world and go to God.


  14. Q3. Revelation 12:11 could be considered a theme verse for the book. What does it mean? Who is overcome? In what sense do we have victory if we die in the process? What does the "blood of the Lamb" have to do with this? How does loving our lives prevent spiritual victory today? (See Luke 14:25-27; Matthew 10:37-39.)

    That does it mean ?

    Even when things look dark and the situation scary God can and will have victory.

    Who is overcome?

    Satan and his followers are cast down and evil is overcome

    In what sense do we have victory if we die in the process ?

    Matthew 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.(KJV)

    how does loving our lives prevent spiritual victory today? I look at John 12 and Matthew 19 which basically state that the things of this world are weights tied to our ankles preventing us from rising to heaven


  15. Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

    We confirm what we already know - that God is all powerful and sovereign and is ever faithful to His promises to his chilren. The seal will protect the children of God but also (I think) make a public proclaimation of who they are.


  16. The Creator and the Redeemer are equal in majesty and they are due all our praise. God can do all things: he is power, might, and strength. God has created all things including all in heaven and below. The lamb is an image of humility and sacrifice, and grace. God is the power and Christ is the saving grace giving us eternal life and eventual life with them in the Kingdom of Heaven

    That is really an awesome reply. I was simply going to say that according to the Trinity the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one but this makes them distinct but one. thank you


  17. I atttend a traditional church but a contemporary service. It is so refreshing to see that even today we draw on the Bible for our lyrics. The first time I read the Bible and recognized song lyrics I was estactic. Anyway some songs I recognize are

    Holy, Holy, Holy,

    Crown Him with Many Crowns

    You are Holy

    Worthy is the Lamb

    Victory Chant (Hail Hail Lion of Judah)

    blessings and peace to all


  18. Q3. Why do you think the religious compromise required by participating in heathen religious practices in the trade guilds was so spiritually destructive?

    Heathen religious practices in the trade guild were attractive to the natural self. Hang out with Temple Prostitutes, get drunk, and worship something that doesn't give instruction. Because these things were attractive in the natural and easier to follow than God's rules, they became incorporated and diluted, if not destroyed God's work.

    What compromises do twenty-first century Christians struggle with? Let's not settle for trite legalisms about drinking and smoking. What are the real compromises that dilute vital Christianity?

    Let me break this down to everyday things we do instead of the big moral picture. The real issues today are numbers and money. Many churches will chose the easy right and ignore the morally hard in order to keep up appearances. It's ok that people miss church because they were out on the boat, it's ok that they don't tithe because at least they're there, it really doesn't matter what they wear, cause they're filling a seat. We take that which is foul in the eyes of God and turn it into something acceptable because people's acceptance of us is more important than our acceptance of Him.


  19. Q1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus? What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry? How does the lack of love show up? How can a congregation regain this love?

    A local church loses is "first love" when:

    a) it focuses more on numbers, programs, and dollars than Jesus

    B) When people use their gifts to bring glory and power to themselves

    c) When the worship becomes more of another form of entertainment than worshiping Christ

    d) when we water down our beliefs until we have no beliefs so that we are acceptable to everyone and offend no one.

    What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry?

    a) When people demonstrate that they don't "run" anything but facilitate many things

    B) When worship of focused

    c) When worship is emotional

    d) When classes and programs welcome all and promote personal growth

    How does lack of love show up?

    a) dead worship

    B) closemindedness

    c) Decreased attendance

    d) people become territorial

    How do we regain in?

    By reestablishing a personal and meaningful individual and corporate relationship with Christ.


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