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Posts posted by SharonK

  1. Greetings All...Isn't our God and Awesome God..... :)

    Alpha ans Omega...The Beginning and the End....He was and He is....He is the First and the Last.....

    John 1:1.....In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God....v2....He was in the begining with God....v14....And the Word became flesh and dwelt amoung us and we beheld His glory...the glory as of the only begotten of the Father...full of grace and truth.....

    John 10:30 I and the Father are one

    1 Corinthians 2:13...Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the

    Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely

    given to us by God.

    the three are ONE......Praise God!!!!!

  2. Greetings To All..... :rolleyes:

    I believe that all countries are experiencing persecution. Persecution is right here in our country With the removel of the Ten commandments...even going as far as wanting all things removed from our public buildings that represent Christiany..or that pretains what our country was founded on...as well as our own front yards. Our freedom to express our Beliefs and Faith is being challenged more and more. If we look back several years we can see how persecution has gained in our country. Immorality being argued in our goverments. People being threatened for taking a stand for what is moral. How much more demonict is it than to go against creation. To express that God ordained man and women ....not man and man....and then be threatened because you have expressed that in a Bibical way. Or the fact that a book on satanism can be in a school library.. but not the Bible. What will our last freedom right be...will it be when they take In God We Trust off our money.

    I think we Christians lived with blinders on for awhile and let things slip into our society. Our we were just comfortable with the way things were...Or did we have our eyes on other countries and didn't see what was happing here.

    Revelations is a book that gives us ultiate triumph of Christ over all who rise up against Him and His saints We need to encourage our brothers and sisters to stand firm in Christ. Not to compromise with the world... And above all be a witness for Christ to share His Grace.

    Sorry if I ramble on...

    God Bless All

  3. Being persucted in our country is becomming more of a reality. I just read yesterday that a homeschool pastor was called with a bomb threat to the school. Unless he changed his stand on same sex marriages. There were at least 200 plus children in this school and had to be removed so that the proper people could look for the bomb. Perfect example of persuction, effecting children.

    I fail at times to stand up for what I believe to be true and right. Our nature is to want to protect and we fall short of standing firm so that our children do not become hurt. But then I remember what Jesus did for us. The persuction He suffered for us. Our witness and our testimony is so important in these times. So that we can combat the imorality that is setting into our country.

    When I fail to share blessings that God has given to me, My spirit grieves.

    If we could only draw strength from our brothers and sisters in Christ, share our testimonies and blessings we can become stronger. Strength in numbers.

    God bless

    And share this day and everyday the love that God has given to us.

  4. Greetings To All.. :) My name is Sharon, I live in Ohio...In a very small country town. Where when you look out of my computer room window all you see is fields, trees and sky...I call this (Gods Painting ). He is such a wonderful artist to give us such beautiful paintings to gaze at. I am married, have three grown children and several grandchildren (16)...Who keep me busy. I've been a part of many ministries most all of my life...With many trials, discontentment and stepping outside of my walk with God...He never left me...Moving to the country a few years ago is what brought me closer To Our Lord....Quite time I needed to seek Him for my direction. Doing a web site of Inspiration also drew me closer to Him...I'm very excited about this Bible Study....And have taken a few Bible Study Courses here online before. They are exciting and shareing Gods Word with those from around the world is like being in an Interent Mission Field...

    God Bless To All

    And Joyful Studing To All.... ;)

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