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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Mary Jane Boyd

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Posts posted by Mary Jane Boyd

  1. It was obvious Joash was not a God-fearing man because he allowed the altar of Baal and the Asherah pole to remain on his property. I believe Joash was a people-pleaser, not a God-pleaser. The men of the village were not afraid to come to his home demanding the death of his son for the sacrilege of the altar. I imagine this caused quite a stir within the family. I am sure that Joash had already heard of the act before the village fathers appeared at his door and had quite the conversation with Gideon over it. Don't you know that Gideon told him about his conversation with the Lord? And don't you believe he was quite persuasive in this conversation? I believe the same fear of the Lord was instilled in Joash as it had been in Gideon, and caused Joash to get off the fence and make his decision to side with the Lord God of Israel!

    As for Gideon considering the impact on his father, I believe Gideon considered all of it, but knew that he had a choice to make...continue living in fear of his enemies or make a stand for God, and he made his choice.

  2. Hi, My name is Mary Jane Boyd and this is my first experience in a forum. Although I am very familiar with e-mail and word processing, I have never spent much time interacting with others on-line, but I am looking forward to this new way of communicating!


    I live in Friendswood, Texas, near Houston and attend a Christian church, but was reared Baptist and attended a non-denominational Bible School. My daughter and I co-host Beth Moore Bible studies in our homes throughout the year and have recently started a prayer group as well.

    I'm thinking this Bible study is going to stretch me in more ways than one, :unsure: but I am looking forward to it!

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