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Posts posted by michaelkoehler

  1. His vision is to produce a good crop. To accomplish this he prepared the land, got the soil just right for planting. The Vintner had expectations his crop of grapes would be nothing but the best.  But when the crop came in just the opposite happened the grapes were junk.  This story is about man’s sinful nature... When God created Adam and Eve he created a perfect masterpiece. He created a Garden for man to live God planted the very best vines there.  Yet Adam and Eve sinned against God and his masterpiece. In a sense Adam and Eve were God’s very best grapes yet with time the grapes turned bad and rejected God.



  2. God’s plan for his people is to teach them to follow God’s ways. He plans to teach everyone, Jew and Gentile, how to life as Jesus instructs us in the New Testament. If nations will follow God and his teachings then peace will reign throughout the world. These verses seem to prophesize the coming of Jesus who will, through his teachings, teach everyone how to walk in the light of the Lord.



  3. Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4?

    Judah is like a teenager who has been brought up in a good home yet strikes out on his own to discover the world forgetting what has been taught to them. Rebelling against authority.

     What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion?

    They become isolated from God and his teachings.

    What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?

    1. Their hands are full of blood,
    2.  They are doing evil things in the sight of God.

     In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable." Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative?

    Judah’s behavior is unreasonable because it goes against all that God wants for his people. God offers Judah the alternative to follow God’s ways which will result in the people will enjoy the good of the land, and will be blessed by God.



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