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Posts posted by dparker777

  1. I always try to show everyone how much they mean to me not matter what they do, or how they act. I honor my earthly father with love & respect.

    I am not as dedicated to my bible studies or my prayer life as I need to be. I let everyday life stop me and hold me in place, this is not a lack of faith, I know Jesus as my savior, He died for my sins, its a lack of self-contol.

    Always honor him in our words first, praise him for his love, and the blessing we have.

  2. Christ said there are two commandmands above all others "Love God with all you heart. Love you neighbor as you love yourself. If you truly Love God with all your heart as he commanded, your heart will not be cold to others.

    Christ put it in a more simplistic term or condensed version "Love you neighbor (everyone) as you love yourself, show not favoritism.

    You are not loving the rich, with a pure heart, under the surface you want this person to like you in case you need something, they may be able to help you, where as the poor may not.

    Your assuming that the poor have nothing to offer.

  3. You shun those who do not fit the mold you have in your mind of how things should be. If someone does not act or look like we think they slould we tend to not want to have contact with them, Christ wants us to look at them through the blood and see the saint not the sinner.

    It makes you judgemental because you do this with a critical heart, not a compassionate heart, Come unto me all that are heavy laiden and I will give you rest ""ALL"": not some.

  4. We tend to discreminate against those who are less fortunate that ourselves, or those who are doing something we feel is unacceptable in our eyes. We often want look at ourselves, because to look at ourselves means we would have to acknowledge sin in our own lives and change.

    Churches often shun the downtrodden, for fear they may want something. This is not how our savior wanted thing to be, Love your neighbor as yourself.

  5. It is easier to blame God than to accept resposnsibility for our actions, because if you accept resonsibility, you admit guilt and need to examine yourself for change. Hard to do if you are enjoying the sin.

    God can not temp you with any sort of evil, he is wholly good.

    He allows us to be tempted by our own sinful heart.

    He created us to have the right to choose, because he wanted us to worship him of our own free will, not by force.

    He will not force us to worship him, out of love we have a choice, out of love he want our hearts.

  6. That no matter what you do or how you try to resolve lifes issues on your own you can't. You must get on your knees, confess, ask for forgivness & guidance, but also be willing to accept Gods decision on all matters.

    Yes I have allowed Satan to temp me, and through that temptation and weakness destory a wonderful 7 year marriage.

    I am in the mist of the aftermath of this, I don't know the out come, but I am putting things in the hands of out father.

  7. I believe that Christ is the only son of God, he would have died for just me. I believe tha the Bible is the undisputed word of God. I believe that I would be faithful to Jesus until death. I know that I am not created prefect, and that I will fall short, but I can take it to my Lord, confess, lay it at his feet and all is forgiven-- this doesn't mean that I can contuniullly sin--but that I must learn from my failures turn from sin, live everymonent as if he will return in the blink of an eye.

    I must be always on guard, but if and when I stumble I can turn it over to him & beforgiven.

  8. It is hard to realize how just God is. We don't want to believe that anyone will be lost- it is hard to realize tha someone you love & care for may be lost forever.

    We were given freedom to choose our own path- why then would God punish us for our choices after all he allowed us to follow that path.

  9. He is to be the center of my world at all times, all things I do should glorify him & praise him.

    Anything that will not bring glory and honor to Jesus should be eliminated.

    This is a place of the trials for Christians, we must pass through in order to make our choice to honor God or to disobey him- the world is temporary do not be of this world.

  10. They will be men of great power & deception, who are

    able to hide their true intentions from people. Thru this deception

    they will be able to lead those who are blinded away from God.

    They will do this through miracles & trickery to achive thre ultimate

    goal of leading people astray.

    People will be lost forever because they will not be able to see the

    lies, they do not know the word of God.

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