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  • 1 month later...

What are the implications of the truth that you don't belong to yourself, but to God? Beyond the implication; that which belongs to Him is to be treated like a temple of the Holy Spirit.




What category does it put us in if we resist that truth? Disobedience

The implications that we don't belong to ourselves is when we become one with Christ through faith and baptism. He owns us because He brought us with His blood. If you know the truth and refuse, Christ will disown you to the Father, plus, you will surely be spellbound.

What are the implications of the truth that you don't belong to yourself, but to God?

When a person accepts Jesus as Lord, you surrender your total life to Him.  So what a Christian does wrong is against Jesus, because we are a part of His body.  It seems that God intended in the beginning, that is creation, that the union of a man and woman was to be a picture of the Messiah - Christ and the church for eternity.


What category does it put us in if we resist that truth?

We are not fully persuaded that Jesus is the Christ.


We cannot be reckless with what belongs to God.  The body of each believer is His possession, bought with Christ's blood and made holy by the presence of His Spirit.  Remember the curses God declared against anyone who desecrated any of the holy things of the tabernacle, and later the temple?  People died because of casually touching things the LORD said not to touch!  The implication of this is that a believer’s intentional and deliberate sin against his own body is sin against God’s grace-age temple -- and will not be overlooked by God.  There is serious consequence somewhere down the road. 

    Chapter 6, vs.13b tells us that the body was created for the Lord, not for sexual immorality.  Any person who resists the truth that you do not belong to yourself, but to God, is not going to rightly glorify Him in their body as commanded.  That puts him/her in the category of a person who is destroying God's temple.  3:17 states clearly and unequivocally that God will destroy that unrepentant defiant person.  That’s a thing not to be taken lightly.


We belong to Him.  We have crucified ourselves to live in Christ.


If we resist that truth, we are not His.


I don't belong to myself but to God because He literally bought me and redeemed me at a great price. The price was His own blood and His life. If we can't offer our whole selves back to Him after He sought out wretched sinners like us, wanted us, offered Himself for us and suffered a terrible, torturous death for us, then we have missed something. We have not really taken Him into our hearts, because who He is and what He has done should break our hearts in deep gratitude and we should gladly offer ourselves as slaves to One so good who has done so much for us.


If we resist the truth then it puts us in the "unbeliever" category. It puts us in the category of those who reject Christ as their Savior and those who do that will be condemned. 

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Q). What are the implications of the truth that you don't belong to yourself, but to God? 

A). It implies that sexual sin is uniquely harmful to believers because it defiles the Lord and this body that belongs to the Lord.


Q). What category does it put us in if we resist that truth?

A). If we resist that truth it puts us in the category of unrepentant sinner.

Q5. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
What are the implications of the truth that you don't belong to yourself, but to God?
What category does it put us in if we resist that truth?

Every believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit and their bodies belong to Christ - a temple of the Holy Spirit. Once we realise the full implication of this, it should grieve us when we use our body for any illicit or evil purpose. Not only is our body the shrine of the Holy Spirit, but in addition, we are not our own. We were bought at a price; and a most hefty price at that! To have paid with His own precious blood gives us an idea of how much He must have loved each one of us. So in the final analysis, our body does not belong to us; it belongs to the Lord, and it is not for us to take our bodies and use them anyway we might desire. If I am to take it and use it in the way I desire, then I am acting as a thief, taking that which does not belong to me. Rather I must use my body to glorify God, the One to whom it belongs.


Q5. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) What are the implications of the truth that you don’t belong to yourself, but to God? What category does it put us in if we resist that truth?

The implications of the truth that we do not belong to ourselves but to God are, we were baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. Christ purchased us with His blood, we belong to him, we were set from free from the bondage of sin, we were justified, sanctified and will eventually glorified with Christ in heaven.

If we resist the truth and continue to live in sin, we are not none of His. We deceive ourselves because sinners cannot inter in  to heaven. If we continue to sin, it could be possible that Satan would destroy the body in order to save the spirit.    


5. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) What are the implications of the truth that you don’t belong to yourself, but to God? What category does it put us in if we resist that truth? 


Question 6.5

We do not belong to ourselves we belong to God.  Paul writes to the Philippians  when he calls himself and Timothy slaves of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1.1) Being slaves Paul and Timothy did not belong to themselves, they belonged to Christ Jesus.  In the same fashion we also are slaves of Christ and we do not belong to ourselves but we belong to Christ Jesus as well.
With this in mind, that we are slaves of Christ; his property we are able to do only that which Christ wants us to do.  To do otherwise is to disobey.  One of our problems is that in order to discern Christ’s option for us than we must pray and pray sincerely for an answer and guidance.  To rely on our own ‘wisdom’ is to be like the Corinthians and get our answers from their culture.  The Corinthians said “all things are possible to me” but Paul answers “but not all things are beneficial”.  There are many things that we do that our culture prompts us to do but these are detrimental to our union with Christ.  Yes, we can do all things but all the things our culture promotes are not good for us.
To the Corinthian slogan “Food is meant for th stomach” Paul responds “The body is not meant for fornication but for the Lord.  They respond “and the food for the stomach and Paul retaliates “and the Lord for the body.”
Here Paul is saying that we are to hold our bodies as a temple for the Lord.  For we were bought for a price - the price was Christ Jesus; therefore we should glorify God in our own bodies and not waste them in the pursuits of the world of global economy.
If we resist the truth then we are rebellious slaves; the penalty for which is death.

Q5. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) What are the implications of the truth that you don’t belong to yourself, but to God?


My life, my will, my purpose, my dreams, became His when I said "yes" to His invitation to become His child. The implication is that every day I have a choice to live in the flesh according to my fallen nature or to say "Yes" again to His will, His purpose, His heart in living out the gift of today for His Glory.


What category does it put us in if we resist that truth?


That of calling Him a liar, since He declares I am His own, bought with His blood.



  • 2 weeks later...

Q5. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) What are the implications of the truth that you don't belong to yourself, but to God? What category does it put us in if we resist that truth?


Since I do not belong to myself but God, I should honour my body and keep it holy just God is holy



The implication that my body doesn't belong to me but to God should cause me to be discriminating in what I engage in and practice in my life style.


If we resist this truth it puts us in the category of rebelling against God.  Exercising our will over and against His will for our life.


The implications of the truth that I don’t belong to myself, but to God is that I am here to be doing the work that God wants me to do. He doesn’t want me to sin against my body but this is his body also. If we resist this truth then that puts us in the category of not being very smart.

  • 1 month later...

Q5. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) What are the implications of the truth that you don’t belong to yourself, but to God? What category does it put us in if we resist that truth?


Through the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, Christ purchased us by paying for our sins by the shedding of His blood.  Through repentance by faith in Him and then merciful salvation we received from the LORD, we are one with Him. We are not our own anymore but belong to and are in union with the one true God in Jesus Christ our LORD. We were purchased, redeemed, cleansed and purified upon our confessed and repentant sin(s).  The Word of God is absolutely clear on this in that we are not included in His body should we leave our condition in the state of the non-repentant sinner.

  • 2 weeks later...

What are the implications of the truth that you don’t belong to yourself, but to God?

1.  We are not our own because we were bought with a price.


What category does it put us in if we resist that truth?    

2.  We reject Jesus, basically. We are not grateful that He shed His blood for us. 

  • 10 months later...

The implications that we belong to God, is that we no longer live for our self fulfillment but to live for God and his purposes. We are his creation and he wants us to live holy and spiritual lives. If we do not believe this, we are opening ourselves up for sin and eternal damnation.

  • 6 years later...

Q5. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

What are the implications of the truth that you don't belong to yourself, but to God?

What category does it put us in if we resist that truth?

Christ bought us with a a price.  I no longer belong to myself.  I belong to Christ.  Whatever I do to myself, I am actually doing to Christ.

If I resist this I am actually saying I do not belong to Christ and am an unbeliever.

  • 1 year later...

I must view myself as God's slave, purchased and redeemed, blessed to be alive, snatching at the crumbs under His table. I'm wholly His. He owns me. He purchased me. I let myself be purchased ... willingly put myself "up for auction." At that auction God was the highest bidder. His bid was the cross.

The fact that I am God's slave means that when He tells me to do something, I must quickly obey. My own agency or interests matter not. I am a slave. 

If I resist servitude, I open myself up to His punishment (consequences). God owns me and therefore can do with me what He wants. I have no say in the matter. I threaten myself if I disobey, then. Disobedience jeopardizes the relationship He has established with me.

My relationship with God is one of total submission. That's what slavery is -- it's giving up what I want and serving Him alone. This is not easy. It's far more gratifying to think of myself as His daughter or "His trust fund baby" as one pastor put it. Though the truth in that statement is evident which is as a child of God I have access to the wealth of His kingdom, it is still the case that I'm a child. I'm not at par with Jesus but far below Him. His slave. Jesus is not my brother but my savior.

I'm still thinking on this ...

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