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  2. I believe that Solomon had pondered in his heart often about providing the best leadership for his people. He did not have the counsel of his father to rely on and probably because of all that he had gone through to become king, he did not place a lot of trust in his direct reports. He was indeed young but he was not naive to the level and depth of the responsibility he had as king. The people loved his father David and he had to gain and maintain their respect. God being omniscient, knew exactly what Solomon's desires were. I believe that God had asked the question to Solomon to see if he was going to cite his desires or not. Solomon followed his heart and it pleased GOD. Too often when I serve the Lord, I do it for what I can gain from Him. I seek His guidance, and His help in having a strong imitimate relationship with Him. I seek His forgiveness for my sins, and those things I did that were against Him and heaven. Nevertheless, there are times when I seek what I can do for Him because I consider it to be a privilege and honor to be chosen by Jesus. Singleness of heart is so important in a follower of GOD because it does not give way to distractions or even things of the world. We are not to conform to the things of the world and allow distractions from the events and things in our lives that do not give honor to GOD to take precious space in our minds and hearts. We are to cast our cares on our Lord and Savior Jesus. When we are burdened down, it gives way to the enemy to sow a seed. To combat adversity, we must diligently seek the Kingdom of GOD and all His righteousness by praying, fasting, and studying.
  3. Today
  4. Solomon's marriage to Pharoah's daughter more than lightly brought about great peace from such a rather large nation that could have relentless devastation on the Israelites. Moreover, this marriage could have been beneficial in exchanging or buying and selling commodities. In a business sense, it was probably considered a great opportunity with profitability. The Bible teaches us that we cannot serve God and mammon. God requires our full undivided attention regardless of the cost. Solomon appears to place his gain, notary, and strength in himself over his obedience and trust in God. Unfortunately, he is not the only person of high degree to do so, even today men of great powers do the same thing. For example, former president Obama legalized marriages between the same sex. He gained popularity from the gay communities but he strictly went against the word of God. It can be said that they prefer men's praises rather than God's. When the followers of Yahweh praised and worshiped Him during OT times, they were, as we are today, to do so in a specific manner. In the days of Solomon, certain holy men helped and led the people into worship and they had to worship using holy objects. The first commandment written by Yahweh Himself was that we are not to have any god before Him. He is a jealous God. Solomon, I believe truly loves Yahweh but not in the manner that Yahweh wants us to revere Him. Just as we do today, Solomon's worship was at his convenience. For example, since COVID, many Christians do not attend worship/fellowship in the church in person but choose to attend church by a media platform. I truly believe that parents and pastors should continue in the ways of GOD regards the most popular things that other followers of Christ are doing. Staying faithful in prayer, fasting, worship, and studying His Word is what pleases our GOD. We should stay the course, and allow GOD to do the rest. Let GOD handle the consequences of our obedience. Let us not lean to our understanding, but continue to acknowledge and trust in Him who is able.
  5. Q12. Should worship be a "sacrifice" for us in the sense that it costs us something in time, effort, or focus? Which of the New Testament forms of "sacrifice" and "offerings" are most meaningful for you? Which are most difficult for you? Out of gratitude we should be serving our Lord. There is no talk of a sacrifice, an inconvenience, a burden, or an expense involved. Everything should be done out of love and respect for our heavenly Father. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength (Mark 12:30). To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice (Prov 21:3). After all we are His creatures, and He owns us and as such we should be there to serve Him. We are not our own, we were bought at a price (1 Cor 6:19-20). We surrender all to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and live a life of obedience to Him. To bring glory to His name. Just the fact that He elected us before creation is enough for us to be eternally grateful.
  6. Q11. How does an understanding of Old Testament sacrifice help us understand Jesus' death on the cross? In the temple the priests stood before the altar making time after time new daily, weekly, monthly, and annual sacrifices. This was a cycle that was repeated over again and again. On top of this the Israelites had to bring their own personal sacrifices every time they sinned. These many imperfect sacrifices could never take away sins (Heb 10:11), only the perfect sacrifice of Christ could accomplish this. We were redeemed with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect (1 Pet 1:18-19). The power of the offering is eternal, that is once and everlasting/forever. Our past, present, and future sins are forgiven – we have been made fit to be in God’s presence. We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all (Heb 10:10).
  7. Q10. How do church buildings relate to the central mission of the Church? What is the place of building worship buildings (such as Solomon's Temple) that express the beauty and glory of God? What is the place of building functional houses of worship that conserve resources for other tasks? I remember the first time I went into a Cathedral I was over overcome by its beauty, size, and the intricate finishes inside, that I hardly heard a word preached. So, as in my case, it can be a distraction. I do feel that such magnificent buildings remind me of how majestic our Lord is. Also, His excellence, His greatness, and His worthiness - they stand as a testimony to the glory of God. Today we are His living temples that make up His church, every individual believer is also a temple of God indwelt by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 3:16; 1 Pet 2:5). I also feel that instead of building these huge/enormous churches we should be concentrating on living a life of obedience, and on the teachings of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and not be sidetracked by religious activity that such a huge church would involve.
  8. Yesterday
  9. God declare to David he is not the one to build the Temple. He will make one of his sons a king and will keep his kingdom strong. He will be the one to build a Temple for Him , and will firmly establish his kingship forever
  10. Last week
  11. Q9. (1 Kings 2:12; Matthew 25:14-30) What "natural" talent(s) do you have? What are you good at in the natural world? How are you using these talents for God and his Kingdom? Have you identified any "spiritual" gifts? How are you using those? Have you found that your "natural" talents are related to your "spiritual" gifts? If so, describe how they relate to each other. I was not part of a group of the "haves" in society, but rather of the "have some things" and "have nots". I do not have much confidence in my ability and am very hesitant to take a lead in anything. Throughout my life it was the outcasts that were drawn to me. As a young girl I was teased by the others as "Goosey with her goslings". I fought for those under my 'protection' and tried very hard that they were not hurt more. Now that I am older and no longer in the 'working class', but a pensioner, I find the scenario is actually still very much the same and looking back over my life, it was very much like that at all times. I will help where I can to the best of my ability and will visit and protect ones assigned to me as best as I know how. I guess in a way the natural talent or gifting is very much incorporated into the spiritual gift needed by each individual. I love sharing what I glean in the Word of God and will try to bring peace and understanding between individuals who are at enmity with one another. Mostly I am a loner and am terrified of crowds, they make my mind buzz like crazy and make me want to run and hide. (Go into the kitchen and wash the dishes or find an old lonely person to chat to, that's more my style)
  12. Q8. How have the writings attributed to Solomon affected your understanding, perspective, and way of life? In what ways? Which proverbs have you committed to memory? Which of these is most dear to you? I am honest, I cannot really say which one is a favourite or committed to memory for a specific reason. I do know that one has delved into proverbs and found wealth when looking up different aspects of life. Looking at the "tongue" or "speech" the other day, was a good example of this. So much warning about the bad effect but also the good effect it can have. Proverbs 1:7 sure says so much: The fear (a healthy sense of awe) of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
  13. Q12. Should worship be a "sacrifice" for us in the sense that it costs us something in time, effort, or focus? JESUS the perfect sacrifice is worthy to received all our time, our effort and our focus, because it of HIM we live and move. Thanks by to our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Which of the New Testament forms of "sacrifice" and "offerings" are most meaningful for you? Loving GOD and loving our neighbor. Which are most difficult for you? Financial gift and Alms, gift for the poor: This two goes hand in hand to you, you gave your best at that specific time to the receiver of finance (if it was more) or the alms (if it was a new thing).
  14. Q11. How does an understanding of Old Testament sacrifice help us understand Jesus' death on the cross? In the Old Testament the priest performed day after day every religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when this priest [Christ] had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God. Because by one sacrifice he [Christ] has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.
  15. Yes, It is a sacrifice because our bodies think worldly and we want to relax and close our eyes or be entertained by TV. I am asking God for deliverance and to spend more time fellowshipping with Him, reading the word, studying it and praying. Things are robbing us in our fellowship with God and the devil will see to it, in distractions. We have to become overcomers of our flesh. Loving God and love my neighbor, prayer and fellowship with God, worship and give thanks and alms. Proclaiming the Gospel and how to present it.
  16. How would you describe the spiritual and emotional temperature of Cleopas and his fellow disciple before Jesus teaches them? (Luke 24:13-24) While not low ebb they were struggling to sort out all the pieces into personal understanding. Why don't they seem to believe the women's report of Jesus' resurrection? (Luke 24:22-24) The present has not connected to the prophetic teachings they were steeped in. Yet. Why does Jesus rebuke them? Is his rebuke fair or warranted? Why or why not? (Luke 24:25-26) The watchman does not focus on one point, but seeks to see the entire picture. The Hebrew definition of knowledge is inclclusive of the whole. Necessary. They were distracted by the sudden, not seperated from the hope of a earthly victory. Extra credit: Examine Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12. How could you relate the Suffering Servant (52:13; 53:11) to the Messiah? How could the Jewish rabbis miss this? From our experience it seems so obvious with our post reserection, post apostles ministery before us. The Ravi’s were overtaken by tradition and walking out more of a long history without expectation. That expectation was available to the spiritual Jews Anna and Simeon in the temple on Jesus eighth day give proof that the knowledge of Christ age was arriving and had begun was upon them. Extra credit: In 52:13 - 53:12 what is the meaning and significance of the Servant's death? He came to and did give great service. And was executed. The parable of the distant lord sng the vinyard servants rings a similar bell. What in the passage indicates his resurrection to life? 53:11-12 speak to me of the fulfillment of the Lamb of God’s sacrifice beginning the mercy and period of the costly grace. Why do some Christians seem to be proud of their unbelief? They are deceived by eorldly thought and not listening to the Holy Spirit. How should we deal with the doubts we have? Ignore them? I take my doubts to the heavenly in prayer. The Holy Spirit coaches me into very practical knowledge. In what sense is Jesus revealed to us today in "the breaking of bread"? (Luke 24:31, 35) the power of believing his broken body was payment in advance for our health and healing is a good start. The trusting the Lord to mend broken abused hearts and souls. Especially of those molested and or abused in their lives. It is paid for already. No price required of you, no payment, no sacrifice other than your giving Him way to heal the hurt and cleanse the damage.
  17. Why did the women go to the tomb on Sunday morning very early? To minimize the time the body was only minimally, hurriedly prepared. Why didn't they go later in the day, do you think? (Luke 24:1) to compete the honored preparation of the body of one the loved and honored. What evidence do we have that the empty tomb isn't just a case of mistaken identity of one tomb for another? Far too many witnesses of the burial. In what way is the angels' declaration ironic? (Luke 24:5b) Often in shock we need the reminder to ‘remember his words to you ‘. In what way is it thrilling? (Luke 24:6) The very life of Jesus on earth so simply proclaimed. He has risen. How could Jesus have predicted his death and resurrection three times (see footnote 19 below) and it still hadn't registered with his disciples? (Luke 24:6-8) It is difficult to make real the words of a teaching until hands on eyes on experience occurs. What do we know about these women who cared for Jesus' corpse and were the first witnesses to his resurrection? They were serious, ministry supporting followers. Where did they come from? Along the route of Jesus ministry travels. Why did they love Jesus? (Hint: see Luke 8:1-3) The effect upon them personally and as witnesses to his touch of the kingdom of heaven to the people and themselves. Why did the female disciples believe in Jesus' resurrection while the male disciples didn't believe yet? (Luke 24:11) They saw the empty tomb, at first the desciples heard a report of ‘highly excited women’. How do Peter's observations of Jesus' graveclothes (Luke 24:12) bear on the rumor that his body had been stolen? (Matthew 28:13-15) there would be no time spent on unwraping during a theft. I love John 20:7, the napkin was folded and plainly set aside. The sign from a skilled workman upon completion of his task. Does the validity of the Christian faith rely upon resurrection as an historical fact rather than a religious myth? Yes or no? Support your answer. Yes. Every religion has it’s mysteries. Many have wonderful tales. Only Christianity has multiple historic proofs of a reserected savior.
  18. In the Old Testament the people of God sacrificed animals for their sin, every year, but they just covered it and could not take it away, so it had to be done every year, over and over and they should repent of their sin. In the New Testament, Jesus took away sin once and for all. By dying on the cross for us and We are to be repentant but If we sin - IJohn 1:9 and If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. The Bible says it better: Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when this priest [Christ] had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God. Since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool, because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy." (Hebrews 10:11--14)
  19. Q10. How do church buildings relate to the central mission of the Church? Church buildings is stationary and glorified, and is a heavy financial burden. The central mission of the church is to be on the move to spread the Good News of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. What is the place of building worship buildings (such as Solomon’s Temple) that express the beauty and glory of God? Temples are related to Moses Temple, as it was handle with the highest reverence although it was temporary structure. Therefor the brick Temple building have to be glorious because a Glorious GOD is worship in it. What is the place of building functional houses of worship that conserve resources for other tasks? As the building is stationary, the local congregants are bound for other tasks.
  20. The cloud represents His glory which may be the same as His spirit, though somehow more present to our senses than His invisible spirit. I don't know why His glory isn't called Spirit, however. When Moses saw God, he glowed afterward -- something physically changed in the way He looked. When Elijah saw His glory he wrapped His cloak over His face and backed into a cave, but he still was able to see God's glory. So God's glory must be a presentation of the Spirit that is more greater in measure or powerful to human senses than His typical "still small voice." (I just re-read the Elijah passage and the word "glory" isn't used in my translation). God sends His fire as a scary, awe-inspiring sign that He is present and powerful; also, it a sign of confirming a promise or covenant. Recently, I was with a group of charismatic Christians who were deep in prayer when one of them said she saw God's glory. I saw nothing. Perhaps God does allow contemporary people to see His glory as did with Moses or Solomon, but, frankly, I was suspicious that this woman was emotionally overwhelmed. The need for a confirming and dramatic spiritual experiences is strong in some people, so much so that such a need manifests itself as an experience. In other words, she imagined it. I believe that God could manifest Himself as "glory" and am not ruling out the possibility that He does so, but, so far, have not seen it myself. -- Clearly the "glory" comes to those who are particularly scrupulous morally, obedient to what they know is His will and observant at all times. Such integrity is non-existent in fallen humanity, so how could God make this a precondition for seeing His glory? Who of us have "integrity of heart", "uprightness," and are obedient in all things? When God makes His words/blessings contingent on our behavior, I, for one, am worried I don't make the cut. Yet God let these people -- sinful people who did not merit the descriptor "upright" -- see His glory. This is amazing. Were they good enough? No. Yet they saw His glory anyway. We often say God knows our hearts" in times like this, which seems to be a phrase signifying His forgiveness. -- I do not know how to trigger a vision of God's glory or how to "take time" to apprehend it. His glory seems too great for me to ask for ... so I don't.
  21. Q11. The Old Testament rituals of sacrifices were instituted by God, as a means of cleansing people from their sins. This could not take sin away completely so it had to be repeated over and over again. It was ineffective if it was not accompanied by true repentance for sin. All these rituals were only a temporary measure until the ultimate sacrifice was offered. This ultimate, perfect sacrifice was Our Lord and Saviour Jesus. He was crucified once for all to satisfy the wrath of God, for all our sins. Because Jesus was the only living perfect human being, he was the only one good enough to redeem us from certain death and an eternity in punishment, in hell. Because He was so perfect and the ultimate sacrifice, the old system of sacrifice was needed no longer. Praise God for sending His Son, thank you Jesus that you came.
  22. Q12. I think worship should cost us something sometimes, when things in life are going well, it is relatively easy to worship. Sometimes it just comes naturally. Then there are other times when we are tired, worried, disappointed, or maybe unable to concentrate, then it is a sacrifice to worship. We need discipline to make ourselves pray , study, go out to the prayer meeting, call to see our next door neighbour, when we do this it is a sacrifice and the sign of a true disciple. The most difficult sacrifice for me is trying to speak to others about Jesus. So often I just don’t know where to start! I find it hard to get past the first couple of sentences, unless I get a positive response, which seems quite rare. I enjoy visiting the elderly who are unable to get out anymore. If they are able to go out, I take them out for a drive and coffee/lunch. I enjoy supporting charities who are doing great work with poor children, giving them schooling, teaching them about Jesus, etc. I enjoy church and the teaching and singing with likeminded Christians. I enjoy study groups , exploring and learning from the Bible.
  23. Q7. (1 Kings 3:16-28) Why does the Scripture emphasize justice for the poor and disadvantaged, the alien and the orphan? Why are courts often inclined to favor the wealthy? Why do societies throughout the ages tend to perpetuate discrimination against outsiders? In what ways should social justice be a value for followers of Yahweh and of Jesus in our day? The poor and the disadvantaged, the alien and the orphan, are the ones that most often cannot afford help for themselves. Often the wealthy or alternately the ones that are in the know, are favoured because a bribe is offered. many times it just seems they will loose face if they are treated the same as everyone else. Money talks. Many times outsiders are misunderstood as the cultures differ, also many times the thought comes up why should the outsider be favoured above the citizens of the country who are also in a disadvantage state. Fairness should operate but unfortunately it definitely does not. Social justice is mostly no longer justice. Society is seldom godly and changes rules and regulations on a whim depending on who is to be judged.
  24. Q6. (1 Kings 3:5-15) What does Solomon's answer to God's question tell us about Solomon's heart at this time? Do you serve Jesus for what He can do for you or for what you can do for Him? Why is singleness of heart so important to true discipleship? Solomon was sincere in his following the Lord. He recognized his youth and inability to rule a people properly and also recognized his need for wisdom, to be able to do so for peace to reign. Solomon also recognized the responsibility of it not just being any people, but God's People. At that time Solomon truly wanted to live right before God. He was 'small' in his own eyes. My sincere desire is to serve the Lord with all my heart, mind and soul. To truly live for Him and Him alone. For Him to use me as He sees fit, in whatever capacity that can be. Singleness of heart is very important to true discipleship as we are the "Bible" the outsider reads. We are the one whose actions are watched and copied or eventually seen to be worthy of copying or taken to be hypocritical of the God we claim to follow.
  25. Multiplying church buildings is not the central mission of the Church. The Church is the Body of Christ. Our mission is to spread the Good News of Jesus that sets men and women free from sin to enjoy God's grace and presence. The place of building worship buildings such as Solomon's Temple that express the beauty and glory of God, are beautiful but not what God desires. We are His Temple and we are to express God's beauty and glory from within. Building functional houses of worship that conserve resources for other tasks is what should be. We are the body of Christ gathering for Worship, hearing the Word of God and being built up in the faith, loving one another and using the resources for missions, and those in need. No need for extravagant spending on things that are not needed. We could worship anyplace, it doesn't have to be luxurious.
  26. What do we learn about Joseph of Arimathea? What kind of character does he possess? He is resolute concerning respect for Jesus the Teacher, the one who carried the power of the kingdom of heaven to the helpless and downtrodden. Why has Joseph been a secret disciple, do you think? A devout man would have spent much time in the temple if wealthy. Able to absorb many of his teachings. Why does he come forward now when identifying with Jesus can only hurt his standing with his peers? If a disciple then he received the training couse that they were to carry on Jesus ministry. What do the Gospels tell us about the tomb and Jesus' burial? Why are these details important? It was unused therefore ritually clean. It was secure properly sealable. Why is the timing important? It must match the prophetic. Why the mention of the Sabbath? No work could take place on the Sabath. No one could, within Jewish practice do any work. Disturbing the tomb etc. What do we know about these women who followed Jesus? They all had direct interaction with Jesus messianic ministry. Why do they follow the body to the tomb? Witness to see all was properly done. I remember my mothers ensuring, overseeing concerning my fathers wishes, and mine of hers. Why are Jesus' followers so extravagant at his death? He gave his very best. All is the seed planting principle. They are planting in the messiahs word received as from the messiah. Therefore may expect to receive the messiahs reward. What does that teach us? Do the same, bring our very best to the Lord in His service. We may expect his very best to us.
  27. My natural talents are cooking and baking, I love to garden, watch flowers grow, care for them, get weeds out of their way, and these are what I am good at in the natural world. I did help and plant flowers in my Pastor and other peoples garden, I bring meals and bake goods to people. I think I am finding that my natural talents are related to my spiritual gifts and how I think they are related to each other is as follows: My cooking and baking is that I like to feed people and make them content and I can do this by feeding them the Word of God and that will certainly bring them contentment and satisfy them with the right kind of food. And in the gardening aspect - planting the flower seeds, watching them grow, caring for them, seeing they get enough water, planting in a sunshiny area, taking care of the weeds. Where God originally gave us the seed, the dirt with the right nutrients in, brings the rain and the sunshine, even gives us different varieties and colors of flowers. In the spiritual - God gives us the seed of His Word, which makes us grow, builds our faith, gives us strategies against the devil and not give him the opportunity to plant weeds in our heart, He makes us strong in Him, able to withstand storms and still come out beautiful.
  28. What does the darkness at Jesus' crucifixion represent, do you think? (Luke 23:44-45a) The spiritual condition of their Religion, man’s meddling, in God’s plan for the Hebrew people. What is the meaning of the curtain of the temple being torn in two? (Luke 23:45b) The separation of mankind from God is over. He is now available to all who will come. What does Jesus mean when he says, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit"? He is announcing his return to the spiritual relm. (Luke 23:46) Why does this saying comfort us so much? We are assured that God awaits us. What did the centurion see in Jesus' last hours that caused him to declare Jesus innocent, a righteous man? (Luke 23:47) He had absorbed the complete scene from whipping to death. That included his acceptance of and declairation to the second thief. And the final declairation to the father. “Here I come”. What would you have felt like had you witnessed Jesus' crucifixion -- if you didn't know the next chapter in the story? I hope like Anna and Simeon I would have witnessed the spiritual level victory as the Lamb of God walked out the fulfillment of so many prophecies. Not the physical loss. Why is faith so important during the dark chapters of our lives? Faith is only trusting God at his word. Which requires testing and strengthening to be secure in high stress times. What does it take to shake off the numbness and depression and take hold of that faith once more? Often the soft voice of the Holy Spirit bringing a scriptural promise is to mind. Placing our feet on the foundation rock once again. What does Jesus intend for us disciples to learn from this passage, do you think? That which has been promised for our portion of this age shall go according to God’s blueprint if we stay true to our calling and work the harvest field.
  29. We are the church. a building is a building no matter how beautiful. our mission is to go into the world and tell all the good news of salvation. what a holy gathering when the people of god can enter into His presence and worship Him.
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