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Pastor Ralph

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    Loomis, California

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  1. Q42. (John 3:30) In what ways are you observing Christ’s influence increasing in you? How is your seeking of your own way decreasing? What are the biggest obstacles to humility currently before you? What are you doing to humble yourself in these circumstances that challenge you?
  2. Q41. (1 Timothy 6:3-4,17; Colossians 2:18) Why does having an abundance of wealth and knowledge tend to make us feel superior? Why do false doctrines and heresies often come with a feeling of superiority over lesser Christians who believe differently? How can you show humility if you are wealthy? How can the well-educated show humility?
  3. Q40. (Romans 12:16; James 2:1-9) Why does Christ’s humility require us to associate those considered lowly? Who are the “lowly” in your community? What are you and your congregation actively doing to break down the barriers between these people and yourselves? What message does lack of favoritism send to a world that is intently watching Christians?
  4. Q39. (Matthew 5:38-39; Romans 12:19; 13:4) Why are unforgiveness and humility incompatible with each other? Why must we distinguish between personal forgiveness and judicial determination and sentencing?
  5. Q38. (Matthew 7:1-2; 9:13; Hosea 6:6; 2 Corinthians 10:12) What prevents a judgmental spirit from being compatible with humility? How can we maintain an attitude of mercy towards sinners in our fallen world while still maintaining godly standards within our Christian community? In what way does comparing ourselves with others work against humility? How do backbiting and a critical spirit betray a judgmental spirit?
  6. Q37. (Romans 12:16; Ephesians 4:1-3) How does conceit make it difficult to live in harmony with others? Why do you think maintaining the unity of the Spirit is such a high value for Jesus and his apostles? What are the tensions in your own congregation that threaten the unity of the Spirit? How can you lessen those tensions and promote harmony?
  7. Q36. (James 1:19-20; Colossians 3:13) What is the relationship of patience to humility? What in us motivates impatient outbursts? What does it take for God to work in us “long-suffering”? Why is forbearance so vital in a marriage?
  8. Q35. (Titus 3:1-2; Colossians 3:23-25). How is appropriate submission related to humility? Why does opposing church leaders so often exhibit pride? When you have to submit to a harsh person, how can you look at it in a way that is spiritual? How can we submit voluntarily in our hearts without being slavishly servile?
  9. Q34. (1 Peter 3:15; Romans 12:10; 1 Peter 3:9) How is humility related to respect for others? To honoring others? How can we minister to someone for whom we have no respect? In what way does insulting speech trample upon humility? How does interrupting a person show disrespect?
  10. Q33. What is the difference between temperance and abstinence? How can use of alcohol and drugs disrupt the humble life? Why is self-control so important in the Christian life? How does self-control differ from the idea of “moderation in all things”?
  11. Q32. (Ephesians 2:10; Titus 3:1-2; James 2:17-18) How are good deeds related to humility and compassion? What kinds of good deeds were common in the early church? Is it possible to have faith without any fruit of good deeds that demonstrate your faith?
  12. Q31. (James 4:1-3) How does pride fuel conflict? How do fighting and quarrelling prevent a peaceable life? According to James, what is at the root of our fighting? How do we respond to conflict knowing that peace doesn’t depend solely upon us? Since conflict is inevitable, what are some ways we can disagree agreeably, humbly?
  13. Q30. (Titus 2:15-3:2) How does living God’s way require humbling ourselves before God?
  14. Q29. (1 Peter 5:1-7) Why does pride make God our adversary? Why is the power of example preferable to the power of one’s office? What might God “lifting us up in due time” look like?
  15. Q28. (1 John 2:15-16) What role does pride have in worldliness? How can we live holy lives in this world? What does “stealing the glory” look like? How can it be dangerous?
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