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  1. Today
  2. Q9. (1 KINGS 2:12; MATTHEW 25:14-30) What "natural" talent(s) do you have? What are you good at in the natural world? How are you using these talents for God and His Kingdom? Have you identified any "spiritual" gifts? How are you using those? Have you found that your "natural" talents are related to your "spiritual" gifts? If so, describe how they relate to each other. I would like to think I’m good at organising, at listening and giving advice, at numbers and mathematics, and at persevering. I hope to think that I have served our Lord well over all the years, having been on church councils, treasurer, and various other church duties. I only now realised that our talents have to be discovered, and developed so that they can be used to the glory of our Lord. But by now I have reached my sell-by date. However, if asked I’m more than willing to help. I spend most of my time now reading His Word and the many Christian books available. To me all good things come from heaven, and our natural and spiritual gifts come from our Heavenly Father. There is no distinction.
  3. Q8. How have the writings attributed to Solomon affected your understanding, perspective, and way of life? In what ways? Which proverbs have you committed to memory? Which of these is most dear to you? As we read and study his writings, the Holy Spirit works actively in us giving us the proper understanding/discernment needed to make the right decisions using the knowledge we have built up in life. How to handle whatever situation we might find ourselves in. Also keeping us on the straight and narrow as we go through life serving our Lord. The Proverbs I have committed to memory are: Prov 1:7: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. Prov 3:5-6: Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Prov 15:1: A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. They all are most dear to me but 3:5-6 has always been one of my favourite verses in the Bible. It has been an anchor in my life. It’s all about our total dedication to our Heavenly Father. We trust Him with our whole heart and acknowledge Him in all our ways, and He promises to make our paths straight. God willing, I will be 86 next month, and He has always been there for both my wife and me, (in March we celebrated our 62nd wedding anniversary) without His loving care and grace and more grace, we would never have made it. All glory and praise to Him!
  4. Q7. (1 KINGS 3:16-28) Why does the Scripture emphasize justice for the poor and disadvantaged, the alien and the orphan? Why are courts often inclined to favour the wealthy? Why do societies throughout the ages tend to perpetuate discrimination against outsiders? In what ways should social justice be a value for followers of Yahweh and of Jesus in our day? This is because these people are the most vulnerable in our society. They do not have the means to protect themselves as do the rich and powerful. Outsiders are discriminated against mostly because of their threat to local employment, and perhaps because of cultural differences. Today, as it was in Solomon’s time, failure to appoint honest, righteous, and impartial leaders will lead to many problems as Israel discovered to their own detriment. As believers we are to imitate our Lord’s love and seek justice for all.
  5. Q6. (1 KINGS 3:5-15) What does Solomon's answer to God's question tell us about Solomon's heart at this time? Do you serve Jesus for what He can do for you or for what you can do for Him? Why is singleness of heart so important to true discipleship? A very caring heart, one that loves the Lord admitting his own inexperience, and his concern that he might not be able to rule justly in obedience to the Lord’s commandments. Also, acknowledging his dependence on God by referring to himself as God’s servant (3:7-8). He truly loved the Lord. I love to think that I serve the Lord Jesus Christ my Saviour, out of my love for Him, and not for any selfish motive. The heart of a true disciple must display an intense love for our Lord. A love that desires to obey and serve Him; to glorify His name, and a deep grief when one fails to obey.
  6. Q5. (1 KINGS 3:1-4) In what way does Solomon's marriage to Pharaoh's daughter enhance his status in the Ancient Near East? How does this marriage compromise him as a follower of Yahweh? How does his worship on the high places - and failure to destroy them - damage the purity of Yahweh worship for centuries to follow? In what areas do our compromises as parents and pastors impact our own discipleship and the faith of our families and congregations? This marriage formed an alliance with Egypt, securing peace in the area, and thereby enhancing Solomon’s status as well. However, this marriage does not please the Lord. He had forbidden Jews to marry wives of surrounding nations, as it opened the door to pagan customs, leading them to accepting their so called gods, and turning their hearts away from the Lord (11:1). Also, God had specifically stated that the kings were not to take many wives (Deu 17:17), but we know that before he ascended to the throne, Solomon had married Naamah, an Ammonitess, the mother of his successor Rehoboam (14:21). God had wanted Israel to have a central place of worship and not to imitate the pagan nations by building high places of worship. This was to safeguard the purity of their worship. They used hilltops believing that the closer they got to heaven the more likely their prayers and offerings would reach their gods. God had instructed them to destroy these high places and the idols that were worshipped there (Num 33:52). Nevertheless, this practice was commonly observed in Israel at this time, even by Solomon. Also, Solomon had also failed to destroy them. This failure had severe consequences. Their disobedience angered God (Ps 78:58) and provoked a just and holy response. A pattern that lasted for many years. As a parents of three sons, today we see the consequences of bringing them up in a Christian household. Our only regret or concern was that perhaps we had not done enough. Perhaps we could have exposed them more to the Word. By the grace of our Lord all three are believers. Thank You Lord.
  7. Yesterday
  8. Does the clause, "Peter followed at a distance," reflect positively or negatively upon his character? There is some boldness to find out what was transpiring. That is bold. Why is he there at all? Seeking to know/understand the unclear in his mind. Who is seated around the fire in the courtyard? (To whom does "they" refer in verse 55?) It must be those with ligitmate duties in that house and event. Was Peter's danger real or imagined? Fear or disquiet are levels of the same. Not knowing if you are part of a sweep up of the disciples or just Jesus. What evidence do you have to support your answer? There was no indication the arrest had interest in the three who were with a Jesus for prayer at the arrest. That does not indicate safety of a disciple after Jesus arrest at his questioning. Why do you think Peter's courage melts so quickly? He realizes he is far out in front of His fellows in exposure. What does Peter's denial consist of? Disclaimer of being one with Jesus close followers. Why is it so serious? Separating from a committed path. In what ways do modern-day Christians deny Christ in similar way? Camouflaged christianity. Carry some but not openly committed. What effect does it have on Peter when Jesus turns and establishes eye contact with him? He knows Jesus had seen this episode before he was told he would deny him 3 times. And Jesus did not denounce him early or late. What do you think is communicated in that look? I give you grace. Why does Peter weep bitterly? He realizes he is free of accusation, but not his own inward guilt of denial. Only a few stories are told in all four Gospels. Why do you think Peter's denial is one of these? A warning to us that our boldness can fail us without serious backing with prayer life. Why do you think Christians can relate so easily to this story? We walk this failure far too often until we mature.
  9. Why is Judas' kiss so hideous? The very cultural sign of care and familial affection used to betray. (Luke 22:47-48) Have you been the victim of such a betrayal by those who are outwardly sweet? Not directly such. Have you ever been party to such a betrayal? No, I tend to be openly confronting of non performance in organizations I am part of. Why is loyalty so important a quality in disciples? In leaders? There is not one perfect. Except the Lord. Situation today at a meeting and the opinionated lesson along a very immature narrow doctrinal line brought an interesting comment from the Holy Spirit.. “He will grow up…Have patience with him. Then I could feel the spirit smiling at me, “Do you have patience with me…. My answer. Yes Lord. It will take place by others actions on God’s perfect timing. Bottom line, my loyalty is to the Lord and my assignment for him. There is no more protective church member than those who pray as Aaron and Hur holding up the arms of Moses. Struggle at times, yes. Holy Ghost answer… I did not tell you it would be easy. The disciples begin to defend Jesus with their swords (Luke 22:49-50). In what way is this courageous? Facing 11 with maybe 2 swords against the equiped temple guards. Laughably inadequate. In what way is this foolish? How does their sword defense display their spiritual dullness? They had not yet connected the prophecies of the coming sacrifice of Jesus himself with what they were walking out. Why does Jesus heal the severed ear of his enemy? He was returning one who was following orders to unblemished so he could continue in his employment. A person with a physical defect was unclean for temple service. (Luke 22:51) How is this a rebuke to his disciples? He restored his attacker to full duty to continue to harm him. Psalm 35:11-15 How do you think it affects his enemies? Firey coals upon their conscience. Jesus intends double meanings when he uses the word "darkness" in 22:53. What are the two meanings? In the dark and as part of the powers of darkness. What are pastors and leaders to learn from Judas' betrayal of Jesus? The very people hiding a troubling problem may become the accuser of the ministry when the light of exposure of their issues arrive. What are followers to learn? Serve God and pray for their recovery to grace and service holding no animosity. They are not the enemy. They were and May still be decieved.
  10. I tend to skip over the proverbs which is one of the reasons why corrective learning about Solomon is important. The proverbs seem a bit like folk wisdom -- it is difficult to know what to do with them. Often, a proverb stands alone as an isolated sentence without context or development. In a way, the proverbs contradict how we've been taught to think in the West, that we are to dig, dig, dig downward to get to the pithy core of a statement, and then rebuild it in its historical and cultural context. Down than up. But a proverb seems to be the core meaning of a wise statement, (as far down as one can go) without the secondary development (the upward rebuilding). So, I'm not sure what to do with a proverb. Take it as it appears? If so, how? "Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding." Hah! That's a proverb I often tell myself. It tells me to stop the process of understanding and just take God's teachings "as is", but ... in practice, what does this mean? God doesn't want us to turn off our minds but rather He is telling us to not lean on our minds, to not overemphasize thinking and reasoning. I take this to mean that when the limit of thinking has been reached, I am to stop scrubbing at the problem and just trust God to give understanding. His understanding. Easier said than done. So much in the Bible is difficult to understand. I reach my limit of understand both often and early and have to rely on God to help me stop worrying about being so dumb and ignorant. Important concepts such as the resurrection or the humanity of God in Jesus ... floor me. I simply don't understand them deeply enough so that this knowledge can be "applied." -- i wonder if God looks at us as I look at my dog. Right now, my dog is barking at something he sees outside the window. Probably another dog. I tried to reason with him, "What does this do for you ..." but he didn't listen. So, I said, "Good Dog No Bark." He understood this but the temptation to bark was too overwhelming so he didn't care. Solomon tries to tell us what to do/not do by reducing His directives down to pithy statements, "Bad Woman Think Too Much." I understand this, and truly care, but, well, am still barking ...
  11. .I used to be a school teacher . Today I teach or disciple new Christians who need to know the word of God. This is my ministry now, discipline young believers, praise God.
  12. King Solomon has been gifted in a special way to understand how to walk in the ways of God who put him as king over Israel.So all his teachings which he has passed from generations to generations are to enlighten us on his understanding of life, purposes, meaningful living and obedience to wisdom which he was richly endowed with. when I was in the world, I walked according to the wisdom of the world, but when I came to Christ I left the world wisdom to embrace the wisdom of heaven. From there I left the ways of worldly life and adopt the ways of heaven. Proverbs I’ve committed to memory:Prov 3: 5-8. 9:10. 11:25 19:17. Proverb 3: 5-8 is the most used and quoted..
  13. Luke ch 18v1 reminds me of the widow before the Judge. The widow persistent was because she knew her Rights. Pray is a Petition, pleading your case. You don't go before a Judge or a King with emotions, negative behavior. Thankfully we can boldly enter into the presence of Our Heavenly Father with a pure heart. When a Priest (Tabernacle) enter in to the Holy of Holy if he wasn't wash ,and clean with the blood, he would die.
  14. Last week
  15. Q9. (1 Kings 2:12; Matthew 25:14-30) What "natural" talent(s) do you have? Work with my hands (practical). What are you good at in the natural world? Do gardening and wood work. How are you using these talents for God and his Kingdom? GOD's took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. We have only one precious earth so we have to look after it. Doing wood work, to create out of common something beautiful. Show people that GOD can use "common" to change someone in "something beautiful". Have you identified any "spiritual" gifts? How are you using those? Healing and teaching. Have you found that your "natural" talents are related to your "spiritual" gifts? Yes. If so, describe how they relate to each other. In the natural my talent brings out the best out off the once in a terrible condition, now a fairy tale garden. Same with the broken furniture restore it to original use. In the spiritual to bring the best out of people and restore them to their full potential.
  16. Please respond to my complaint in way of advice, the only other thing I can add--- the dear Lord Jesus is endlessly good, loving, merciful, faithful protecting and encouraging to me He showers me with kindness and blessings everyday, but I still feel like I'm not - I don't know how to say it, wavering between lukewarmness and trying real hard some of the time but usually falling right back into old habits please help me understand where I go wrong, thank you
  17. My inconsistencies( I call them those flies in the ointment) very much discourage me. I'm forgetful, often suddenly casual, chronic insomniac who does everything haphazardly and whenever whenever, losing things all the time, forgetting things a lot of time,and a whole lot more flakiness. I feel so overwhelmed, the cares of this life seem endless and the things of God get thrown in the gaps of moments here and there, and often when I finally go on a rampage of doing all I can to show someone the gospel in every which way, in the end, 90% of my sudden big effort just has no feedback. I get no response, they don't - whatever , I see no actual results, if at all. Been puffing a long like this for years now, gonna turn 70 this summer and wish I could become someone effective for the Lord before my life ends, please pray I become somehow what the Lord wants me to be. Thank you🌹
  18. Q8. How have the writings attributed to Solomon affected your understanding, perspective, and way of life? That GODLY wisdom open up the door to success. No matter what the profession maybe, it is applicable. In case of Solomon who interact with people on daily bases, who has to make important decisions has to know how to use his words. In what ways? Most of the writings are based on daily happenings that make it worth to apply or if not attend to it. Which proverbs have you committed to memory? "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5--6) Which of these is most dear to you? "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5--6)
  19. Q4. (Matthew 5:25-26) What is the point of Jesus' parable of settling out of court? ANSWER: Jesus is comparing the spiritual stakes of unresolved conflict to the civil stakes of an unresolved lawsuit. In either case, if you've truly wronged another person, you are in danger of judgment. The proper response is to make things right quickly, both to have a pure heart and to avoid judgment for wrongdoing. Jesus counsels to take responsibility and make things right promptly. Jesus presents two options. We can make friends with our opponent and reconcile with him by making right the wrongs we've done against him. If we choose this option, we avoid the negative result of the court. Who are we supposed to settle with, according to this parable? ANSWER: With your adversary who is taking you to court. What does "settling" entail in the parable in Matthew 5:25-26 ? ANSWER: The parable assumes that you owe your accuser a debt of some kind, and to collect on it he is taking you to small claims court. Jesus is saying: settle quickly, before you get to court. Settle quickly or you'll be stuck for every last cent that is due. The point of the parable in context is that Jesus is teaching us to reconcile quickly with those we have wronged and not to put it off. The implication is that if we wait for God to settle the matter at His bar of justice, that judgment will exacting and harsh punishment. What are the reasons that we should settle? ANSWER: The reason(s) that we should settle quickly is because we don't want to wait until you get to court to work out some kind of deal; Because you do not want the court to have to decide the matter, you might entail further debts and fines.
  20. Q4. (John 16:5-7; 14:12) What benefit is there to the disciples that Jesus goes away? ANSWER: Jesus assured the disciples that, even though He was going away, He would send the Holy Spirit to help them. The Holy Spirit will comfort them, empower them, and enlighten them. Because of all this, they need not be sorrowful. On the contrary there was cause for great joy. What promise do we have in John 14:12 concerning the Spirit's power in believers? ANSWER: On the night before his crucifixion Jesus is huddled together with his inner circle of disciples, giving them final instructions before he goes to complete his self-sacrificial mission. In the middle of the conversation he makes an astounding promise: “… whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; … “
  21. Q3. (John 14:26; 15:26; 16:13a) Why do we believe that the Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force or power, but a Person? ANSWER: The Holy Spirit is a person, not an impersonal force or an influence. The reason that many people believe that the Holy Spirit is an impersonal force is because they have the wrong starting point. All attempts to make the Holy Spirit an impersonal force or influence do not take into account all the evidence. It is clear from Scripture that the Holy Spirit is a Person – the Third Person of the Trinity. What kinds of functions that we attribute to persons does the Holy Spirit do? ANSWER: The Holy Ghost, a member of the Godhead, bears witness of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He is the source of personal testimony and revelation. He can guide us in our decisions and protect us from physical and spiritual danger. He is known as the Comforter, and He can calm our fears and fill us with hope. The human attributes of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Why is it so easy to refer to the Spirit as "it" rather than "Him"? ANSWER: We must use the word “He” rather than “It” - not to denote The Holy Spirit’s sex but His personhood (and not objectiness).
  22. In the recent past, the poor, aliens and orphans were shoved aside by the court system, unable to defend themselves against other citizens or from the government itself because the system was rigged against them. Today, courts are corrupted and politicized in a different way with different victims. For example, "lawfare" harms a political opponent by using the court system to destroy his reputation, bankrupt and silence him. Today's courts are above the law. They create, not interpret, laws and use these newly created or fantastical re-interpretations of existing laws to destroy political opponents or people they don't like. Once targeted, a citizen's life will never be the same. He or she will never feel safe and will constantly worry about the next trumped up accusation their political enemies will make. Today's legal system uses the laws as a weapon to coerce submission and silence. Ray Donovan (who had some sort of job under Reagan, I believe) after finally being acquitted (as well as bankrupted), famously quipped, "Which office do I go to to get my reputation back?" He had been ruined by the courts. Unjustly. His acquittal didn't help him because his entire life, career, family and health had been devastated by weaponized courts. There are tens of thousands of people who have had experiences like Ray Donovan's ... harmed and destroyed by the government's judicial system. Today's court perverters of justice intellectualize the problem by pretending that justice is an airy-fairy concept that no longer exists -- "whose justice ... which rationality" -- but the rest of us know that justice remains an understandable concept. Corrupt judges are part of a corrupt system. That system seeks to harm individuals who critique or oppose it. Americans can no longer safely voice contrary opinions or challenge the government -- free speech has been gutted. For this reason, Solomon's wise sayings don't fit today's circumstances. In fact, Solomon's situation has been turned on it's head! The poor, disadvantaged and aliens are actually protected and acquitted by the courts even when guilty, while Christians, the innocent and reformers are persecuted relentlessly even though innocent. There is a positive bias toward criminals and Leftists in today's courts -- witness the lax punishment of those who steal, destroy property or are a public menace in San Fransisco and Portland, for example. The court is part of the insider's club which excludes true Christians -- governmental elitists are a law unto themselves. Social justice only will be manifested when governmental insiders are unable to change the laws to benefit themselves or to consider themselves above the law. Personally, I no longer think it is possible for Christians to work within the system to reform the system. Governmental corruption is too endemic and pervasive to be changed with the typical remedies of voting and activism.
  23. God is a just God who does not show partiality and accept no bribes.He is just in all His dealings with mankind . He cares for the poor ,the lowly, those who are trodden down by the wicked society of this world.He is love and cares for those who are helpless and defenseless . Courts where justice is not the rule are corrupt and favour those who have power and influence .James 2:2-6 You have dishonored the poor man. Are not the rich ones who oppress you and ones who drag you to court? Societies which are self centered would not want to share with outsiders . There’s also racial discrimination, inconsideration for those who seek asylum or refuge for safety from political issues etc. Followers of Jesus should learn to walk like Jesus . We have examples of Jesus though a Jew did not refuse to help those who were non Jews . He never turned away any need from anyone. He did not consider himself above any particular race or ethnicity.After his resurrection He commanded his apostles to go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to observe all things that He has commanded them. Today followers of Christ should promote justice in their societies as a witness to the living Christ., justice
  24. Q.5 Solomon married the daughter of Pharoah . At this time Egypt was considered to be a great nation and by marrying into this family Solomon forms a strategic alliance. This will have benefits for both Solomon and Israel. It would open up channels of communication between the two countries which would be beneficial for trade and diplomatic relations. This alliance will also help raise the profile of Solomon amongst his surrounding countries and political opponents. Hopefully it would also guarantee peace between the two countries. This marriage may have been politically beneficial but it should not have taken place as marriage between a believer and nonbelievers is prohibited in Scripture. Solomon failed to get rid of the high places as he should have done and this disobedience had a ripple effect for many years. The kings that came after Solomon saw that he did not get rid of them and they followed suit. Until sacrifices to The one true God and sacrifices were being made on the same altars. Solomons disobedience led to apostasy. Any compromises we make as parents or grandparents gives our children and grandchildren permission to do the same. We have to walk the talk at all times! We must do exactly as God’s word says , with no compromises.
  25. Solomon was truly into the responsibility of being made king after his father king David. He humbly acknowledge his need of help to tule over this great nation .When God gave him the opportunity to ask , Solomon Opened his heart and asked the most appropriate help- wisdom . I serve Jesus for who He is to me , my Saviour and my Master to obey his will also my Provider in strength and all that I need to fulfill his purpose for me on earth Serving Jesus with an undivided heart leads to victory that honors his Name which we carry as his disciples on earth.
  26. The marriage certainly contributed to his prestige amongst the Israelites and Egyptians. Throughout the Mideast, the Hebrew religion was magnified. The riches of the Egyptian history, medicine and scientific discoveries were made known. This marriage must have contributed to Solomon's vast knowledge of science, government and philosophy. Moses was schooled in the wisdom of the Egyptians as well. Solomon was being prepared for the visit of Queen Sheba. Sadly, Solomon was distracted by trying to placate his Egyptian wife. Solomon slowly compromised. He had to tolerate Egyptian idols and ceremonies: contradicting the explicit admonitions of the Holy Bible. Solomon had to walk on eggshells lest offending his Egyptian wife.
  27. Q7. (1 Kings 3:16-28) Why does the Scripture emphasize justice for the poor and disadvantaged, the alien and the orphan? This is people who most of the time cannot defend themselves because of cannot afford it or lack of knowledge. The is the people JESUS instructed us to look after. Why are courts often inclined to favor the wealthy? They can afford the best lawyers and the wealthy language. Why do societies throughout the ages tend to perpetuate discrimination against outsiders? They are not of the same culture, not the same nation, not the same country some times not of the same language. In what ways should social justice be a value for followers of Yahweh and of Jesus in our day? GOD is LOVE and therefore love us first, JESUS said as I love you so you must love your neighbor.
  28. Q6. (1 Kings 3:5-15) What does Solomon's answer to God's question tell us about Solomon's heart at this time? Solomon wants to please GOD. Solomon wants to serve God's people as best he can in the best possible way that pleases GOD. As David the father of Solomon has said to him "only do what is right in GOD's eyes" Solomon has that longing just to fulfil his fathers words. Do you serve Jesus for what he can do for you or for what you can do for him? JESUS already done everything for me, I have received it as a gift and now I am HIS to do what HE wants me to do. Why is singleness of heart so important to true discipleship? There will be only one thing to on your heart and mind, to serve GOD with everything that is with in us.
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