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Posts posted by Niyonka16

  1. Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting His Spirit upon selected individuals in the Old Testament?

    ANSWER: The primary purpose of God putting the Holy Spirit to come upon select individuals is to empower them to do God's work and to know God intimately. The result of God pouring His Spirit on them will be that the people will recognize that they are the Lord's and will be called by His name (Pouring Out Ruah: Isaiah 44:1-5)

    The function of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament: the Spirit came upon and empowered God's prophets, priests, and kings in special ways, gifting them for service. Prophets preached God's word, the priests interceded for God's people, and kings were anointed to lead Israel against God's enemies (2 Peter 1:21; 2 Chronicles 24:20; 1 Samuel 16:13).

    As the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit’s nature is consistent in the Old and New Testaments. His role was only slightly different under the two covenants. He enabled believers to trust God, live holy lives, and serve the Lord in power. There are ten roles of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament.

    The Spirit … :

    1. Created and Sustained Life;

    2. Spoke God’s Words;

    3. Promoted Holiness;

    4. Addressed Evil;

    5. Regenerated;

    6. Indwelled;

    7. Empowered;

    8. Taught and Led;

    9. Granted Special Skills; and

    10. Pointed to the Messiah.

    What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? ANSWER: In the Old Testament, the Spirit came upon only a relatively few individuals to empower them for a particular task. In the Old Testament it seems that only people upon whom the Spirit rests are able to form deep, meaningful relationship with God and to really get to know Him.

    The Holy Spirit plays an essential role in taking the raw materials of gospel potential and turning them into the sweet fruit of gospel impact.  We see this throughout the Scriptures but perhaps nowhere more clearly than in the life of Peter, especially in Acts 2. The effect on Peter was pretty amazing.  May that be our story as well.

    Five Effects of the Holy Spirit …:

    1. The presence of the Holy Spirit leads to confidence and courage, even in the face of opposition.

    2. The presence of the Holy Spirit leads to dependence on Scripture.

    3. The presence of the Holy Spirit leads to holy forgetfulness.

    4. The presence of the Holy Spirit leads to a focus on Christ and the gospel.

    5. The presence of the Holy Spirit leads to fruit in ministry.

    Always depend on the Spirit, ultimately the effect of the Holy Spirit is to take all that God has given us, our gifts, experiences, passions, and knowledge, and set them to work, bringing glory to Christ in the church and in the world.

  2. Q4. (2 Timothy 4:21a) Why is it important to Paul for Timothy to come before winter?

    ANSWER: Why before winter? Travel became more difficult in winter. Because of storms, the Mediterranean was closed to shipping between November and March and ships would winter over in safe harbors (Acts 27:9-12)

    The weather at that time of the year, so severe as to make it risky for ships to venture out. And so if Timothy did not come to Rome before winter, then he would not be able to catch a ship to Rome until the spring, and the spring would be too late, because you see, Paul, has a premonition. He knows that he’s going to die. He senses that he will not survive the winter.

    What happens if Timothy delays?

    ANSWER: if Timothy did not come to Rome before winter, then he would not be able to catch a ship to Rome until the spring, and the spring would be too late, because you see, Paul, has a premonition. He knows that he's going to die. He senses that he will not survive the winter.

    While Paul hopes to see Timothy in person soon, he is unsure of what the future holds. Rather than wait, Paul wants to be sure Timothy has complete instructions on how to encourage the healthy function of the local church. If Timothy was to get to Rome, he would have to leave quickly or he would lose the opportunity forever to assist Paul in the last days before his execution.

    Do you think Timothy dropped everything and came to Paul's side?

    ANSWER: Timothy immediately begins packing his bags to go and be with his mentor, father, and friend. We do not know if Timothy made it in time. But we do know Timothy followed the faithful example of his mentor. Timothy is again urged to come before winter. The winter storms will make travel almost impossible and it is not even certain that Paul will be alive that long. He is to make all possible speed to come to Paul now. And yet Paul’s final words are not pointed at himself but are spent ministering to his beloved son in the faith.

    He prays for the Lord to be with Timothy’s spirit, for God did not give Timothy a spirit of cowardice but of power, love, and disciple (2:7). This is a prayer for Timothy to fight the good fight, finish the course, and keep the faith in the power of the Lord. This is a prayer for Timothy to remain faithful as he trusts fully and only in the power of Christ. The final four words, grace be with you, state so much in so little space. This is a blessing as well as a charge. If the grace or favor (χάρις) of God is to be with Timothy, it implies that God shows His grace to Timothy. On the one hand, it is a blessing that reminds Timothy that his very life is a gracious gift from the Almighty by His grace. On the other hand, it is a charge to conduct the remainder of his life and ministry in a right standing with God as a true recipient of this grace.

    Paul is ever the minster, ever the encourager, and ever the preacher. Doubtlessly these words were read through tears as Timothy immediately begins packing his bags to go and be with his mentor, father, and friend. We do not know if Timothy made it in time. But we do know Timothy followed the faithful example of his mentor.

    Paul with his dying breath calls Timothy to emulate his ministry. Ministry Continues until the Lord Returns (vv. 19-22)

    1. Care for Those Who Remain
    2. Never Desert the Faithful and
    3. Proceed in the Strength and Grace of the Lord

    Timothy also served at least some time in jail for his faith and was later released, though the timing of this event is uncertain (Hebrews 13:23). Date: Approximately AD 65—67, just prior to Paul's death under the Roman emperor Nero. And Timothy with his dying breath proved to be like his mentor Paul and like his Master Christ. May we be found just as faithful.

    Would you, if you were Timothy, dropped everything and go to Paul's side?

    ANSWER: The answer to the question a resounding ”YES!” And the reason is that Paul was instrumental in Timothy learning how to be a spiritual person. A discipleship relationship is found between the apostle Paul and Timothy. Timothy joined Paul on his journeys, and their relationship grew to the point that Paul called Timothy “my true son in the faith” (1 Timothy 1:2). 

    1. Discipleship Is Intentional … In Acts 16, Paul intentionally chose Timothy to travel with him to help Timothy grow in his faith.
    2. Discipleship Is Focused … Paul encouraged Timothy to continue learning from God’s Word to stay equipped for good works (2 Timothy 3:14-17).
    3. Discipleship Is Reproducible  … Paul challenged Timothy to teach others what he learned from him. That way, discipleship could continue (2 Timothy 2:1-2).
  3. Q3. (2 Timothy 4:9-12) Why is it so difficult when trusted friends desert us?

    ANSWER: it's so hard to build trust and deep connection. Sometimes people want to connect with us and get to know us and then they vanish into thin air leaving us feeling sad, lost, and vulnerable

    Genuine friends refresh us, energize us, and give

    us what we need to keep going strong, they can be rare and difficult to find. Not everyone is meant to stay in our lives forever. Some friendships naturally grow apart. As the saying goes, friends come into your life either for a reason, a season or a lifetime. The best relationship we will ever have is the one we have with ourselves.

    When a friend turns against you, it may feel like the end of the world, especially if this person is who you would normally turn to during times of need. Coping with friends who turn against you requires compassionate attention to your own emotions as well as closely considering the status of the current relationship and moving forward accordingly. Learn how to care for your hurt feelings and handle a disloyal friend, too.

    Dealing with Hurt Feelings:

    1. Acknowledge the pain of disloyalty. It hurts to have someone turn against you or to find out someone you thought was a close friend may not really be who you thought. It's normal to be upset and there is no need to hide the fact that you are hurt.
    2. Take time to reflect. Friendships can benefit from time apart. Take this break to think about any major choices like confronting the friends or completely ending the friendships.
    3. Practice regular self-care. Before you can even think about rebuilding trust with your friends, you have to first take care of you. Denying yourself time to care for your own needs does not lend itself to creating long-term, healthy friendships.
    4. Be the bigger person. Don’t entertain urges to get revenge or hold grudges. Try to forgive those that do you wrong, if only so you don’t have to carry the burden of anger.
    5. Hang out with fun and supportive friends and family. It can be extremely comforting after betrayal to surround yourself with positive people who want nothing but the best for you. This not only helps you process and cope with a betrayal, but it also reaffirms your value as a person and a friend.

    Why is it so difficult when they (trusted friends) move away or die?

    ANSWER: The reason it is difficult when trusted friends moves away: … When you are so much attached, emotionally to a person. It is pretty normal to feel that you won’t be able to live a happy life without that person’s presence. And your heart breaks down into infinite pieces on the mere thought of parting.

    It’s always best to always remember this, each and every person that comes to your life comes with a purpose (obviously decided by the Almighty) and leaves, once that intended purpose is served. Moreover, if the almighty creates some void in your life, it is just because he wants to fill that void with something more beautiful. So, trust Him and His plan for you. And keep smiling.  When a close friend moves away, be happy for your friend especially if they’re moving away for a better life.

    The reason it is so difficult when a trusted friend dies: … Although it’s often overlooked, the loss of a friend is just as devastating as that of any other loved one. It comes with the same force and it quickly takes you through a whirlwind of emotions before it throws you at grief’s mercy. Expect to be shocked, angry, confused and deeply disturbed as you try to make sense of it and adapt to its demands. The deep emotional connection and shared experiences can make it difficult to let go and move on. Friendships often involve a level of trust and vulnerability, which intensifies the emotional pain when they end.

    Regardless of whether your trusted friend is moving away or dies, your grief is just as important and you need to give it the full attention it demands. Listen to it and be prepared to deal with the sudden burst of emotions, confusion and anger. You may feel guilty about past arguments or regret some of the things you remember saying and doing.

    Is it better to trust no one?

    ANSWER: TRUST is a five letter word that is the foundation of relationships. You may have heard the admonition to “Trust No One”, but that is not practical for daily living, nor desirable. When we don't trust people, we have a more difficult time forming relationships with others. And when other people sense that we don't trust them, they are often more likely to respond to us in negative ways. You may have heard the admonition to “Trust No One”, but that is not practical for daily living, nor desirable. When we don't trust people, we have a more difficult time forming relationships with others. And when other people sense that we don't trust them, they are often more likely to respond to us in negative ways.

    When you don’t trust others you are depriving yourself of human connection and authentic living. Perhaps you relate to the inherent difficulty of letting someone in. Maybe you used to feel safe sharing your hopes, dreams, and demons, but not anymore. Most of us have been burned after letting our guard down. Some recover by shaking off the dust and moving on. Others push so far in the opposite direction, they practically run over those who could be their strongest allies.

    Who remains with Paul besides Luke? (Hint: see verse 17a).

    ANSWER: In 2 Timothy 4:17a tells us that He (Jesus) will stand with us and give us strength. No matter how bad it seems He will never leave our side. He will see us through and give us the strength we need to keep standing. Whatever you are going through, know this, that the Lord will be your support, the Lord will stand by your side, he will strengthen you and by his grace he will bring you through it all.

  4. Q2. (2 Timothy 4:8) What does the "crown of righteousness" represent?

    ANSWER: The Crown of Righteousness is mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:8, and is promised to "those who love and anticipate" the Second Coming of Christ. These Christians desire intimacy with God.

    The Crown of Righteousness:

    1. The Crown of Righteousness will be handed out to certain believers at the Judgment Seat of Christ, together with the other crowns.
    2. The Crown of Righteousness is the Winner's Crown - also known as the Overcomer's Crown or the Victor's Crown.
    3. It's a crown for those who finish their race.
    4. This is not a crown just for being saved and made righteous by believing in Jesus.
    5. The Crown of Righteousness is given to all those who look forward to His return…those who fight the good fight of faith, who have finished the race and who have kept the faith.

    To whom is it (the Crown of Righteousness) given?

    ANSWER: This crown is specially designated for those who longed for Jesus’ appearing and lived holy lives in anticipation of His return. This is the crown that Paul referred to when he wrote about his own death and the crown that Jesus would give to him. If anyone will receive the crown of righteousness, there are at least three things to do according to Paul. These are …:

    1. Fight The Good Fight: In the Christian journey, there is always a fight to fight and it is a good fight of faith. (1 Timothy 6:12) The Christian life is often represented as a conflict or warfare.
    2. Finish The Race: To receive the crown of righteousness, there is a course to follow and it must be followed to the finishing line.
    3. Keep The Faith: As we fight the good fight, striving to finish the course, we must also ensure we keep the faith. We must hold fast without wavering our profession of faith. Our faith must be kept pure and incorrupt against all opposition.

    On what basis is it (the Crown of Righteousness) awarded?

    ANSWER: It is given to those individuals who demonstrate "self-denial and perseverance Just like trophies, rings, and plaques are given to sports heroes or winning teams in sports, God apparently is going to be doing the same thing in heaven. He will be giving out certain types of crowns for the people who were willing to go that extra mile, who were willing to give that extra special effort in whatever God had called them to do.

    These crowns will be a special reward that will be rewarding excellence and maximum effort. These crowns will also be incorruptible and will last for all of eternity. They will be a special mark and a special token given by our Lord to honor and reward all of those who have faithfully served Him in this life, way above and beyond what the average would have considered doing for Him.


  5. Q1. (2 Timothy 4:6-7) What does it mean to have "fought the good fight" or "run the good race"?

    ANSWER: “Fighting the good fight of faith” involves running from sin and pursing things such as righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. “Fighting the good fight of faith” is about making a choice, a choice to pursue God's will and a life of faith on a daily basis. Fighting the good fight of the faith is also about perseverance and continuing, even when the road is hard.

    Christians should have the proper motive (an all-out desire to win the race), habits (of disciplined training and practice), and value system (high regard for God's laws and rules, and faithful obedience to them). Run your best in the race of faith, and win eternal life for yourself. Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus. The the race of faith; the most important race of your life, the race whose goal is eternal life with Christ, made perfect in him. Run your best in this race.

    What does it take to "finish the race (course)" God has designed for you?

    ANSWER: If you don’t press on studying and learning Scripture each and every day, you won’t know what Christ expects from those who call on His name, and you won’t be able to spot a false teaching when you encounter one. And further, if you don’t know what Scripture says about what Christ has commanded, you can’t be obedient. If you don’t know His commandments, you cannot do them; etc…

    We must not be ignorant of the complete plan of salvation as given to us by God in Scripture. We must seek and do His will, not ours. And we must “fight the good fight of faith” and “finish the [race] course”! Let us now “press on to maturity,” “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” “be diligent” about ensuring our final eternal salvation, “be obedient” to the commandments of Christ, “always abounding in the work of the Lord,” “fight the good fight of faith,” and “finish the race”!

    What does it mean to "keep the faith"?

    ANSWER; The Christian life is not lived exclusively between God and the individual; it is lived in community with other Christians. We keep the faith by remembering God’s faithfulness and continuing to grow in relationship with Him.

      1. Keeping the faith requires remembering what brought us to faith in the first place. We need to be intentional about remembering God’s grace in our lives and remembering the wonderful gift of God’s salvation and following the example of our Savior, who “endured” the trials of this life.
    1. Keeping the faith requires a love of truth and a commitment to the Word of God. We must “test the spirits to see whether they are from God.” The Spirit of truth will never lead us into untruth..
    2. Keeping the faith also involves growth in Christ. We remember what He has done, and we look forward to what He will do. Practically, this involves having an active prayer life, studying God’s Word, and digging in to His truth
    3. Keeping the faith is also about community. The Christian life is not lived exclusively between God and the individual; it is lived in community with other Christians. They can exhort us when we are going astray. They can join in our gladness and in our sorrow.
  6. Q4. (2 Timothy 4:5) Why does Paul command Timothy to "discharge all the duties of your ministry"?

    ANSWER: Paul knows that he will not survive his current imprisonment. So, he clearly and boldly charges Timothy. He commands him to hold to the faith he has seen and lived. Timothy can do this knowing that Paul has faithfully served God, expecting the heavenly rewards given to all of God's followers. For 3 years Paul had been training Timothy, and now he is passing the baton onto him and leaves Timothy four simple instructions for him and for us to follow. All we have to do is wake up every day and repeat the very same things. Nothing more than that.

    Here are the 3 instructions given Timothy by Paul:

    1. First: In your ministry, keep your head. Don’t allow yourself to be “under the influence” of the chaos around you. Remain levelheaded. Show presence of mind in all situations. Stay free from the controlling influence of emotions and or desires.
    2. Second: In your ministry, endure hardship. Don’t be surprised when ministry gets hard. “Endure suffering.” Literally: endure every kind of suffering.
    3. Third, in your ministry, share the gospel. Make the preaching of the Good News and the sharing of the gospel your life’s work.
    4. Fourth: In your ministry, do whatever it takes. “Fulfill your ministry.” This means to accomplish something thoroughly and completely. Leave nothing on the table. Give it everything you’ve got. Bring it to completion holding back nothing. Stay at it until the task is completed.

    God will hold us responsible as to how well we fulfill our responsibilities to this age and take advantage of our opportunities. We are strategic and our work is important. Life is short. Live every day as one who will give account. Get on with your work, because your work is important. We are to strive to be an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, and in purity.

    What is the work of an evangelist that Timothy is to do?

    ANSWER: The work of an evangelist that Timothy is to do is, he is to faithfully proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ; to make the sinner aware of his sins; to correct with compassion; to encourage with hope and to never lose hope in or belief that man is beyond redemption. This can only be accomplished when one is willing to fulfill his ministry. Paul goes on to speak of the effect the Christian witness must produce. He must convict. He must make the sinner aware of his sin. The first essential is to compel a man to see himself as he is.

    1. he must rebuke. A word of warning and rebuke would often save a brother from sin and shipwreck. But, that word must always be spoken as "brother setting brother right." It must be spoken with a consciousness of our common guilt. It is not our place to set ourselves up as moral judges of anyone; nonetheless it is our duty to speak that warning word when it needs to be spoken.
    2. he must exhort. No rebuke should ever be such that it drives a man to despair and takes the heart and the hope out of him. Not only must men be rebuked, they must also be encouraged. Further, the Christian duty of conviction, of rebuke and of encouragement, must be carried out with unwearied patience.

    What does the command in verse 5 mean to you personally?

    ANSWER: The commandment in verse 5 personally means to me that as a Christians, I should turn to God with my suffering, and He will be faithful to help me undergo every trial and overcome every temptation. I should learn and strive to have the same joy as Paul had during trials, knowing that suffering produces virtues such as endurance, godly character, and lively hope. Everyone can use their lives as if ministers. We should all be looking for opportunities to share the word, endure the afflictions associated with that, and fulfill our calling in Christ.

    we are to teach and express

    1. sin as damning,
    2. the cross as necessary,
    3. the blood as cleansing,
    4. the resurrection as fact and
    5. the second coming as expected 

    This means that I am to  teach/preach the doctrines of the Scriptures from, “In the beginning,” to “Surely I come quickly.” Forget those with itching ears and preach to those with itching hearts. It is not the teaching of fables that will turn the world to Christ. It is, however, the teaching/preaching of the Word by those of us who are willing to do the work of an evangelist that will turn many to righteousness.

  7. Q3. (2 Timothy 4:1-2) Why do you think Paul has to resort to the command in verses 1-2?

    ANSWER: Paul has to resort to the command in verses 1-2 to defend his faith, against all error and false teaching, at all times. Whatever forces of evil were lined up against Paul, nothing could keep him from the heavenly kingdom. Paul ended this letter by comparing the sadness of his earthly circumstances with the glory of his heavenly but invisible circumstances. We, like Paul, show we are living the godly Christian life when we recognize that the Lord will in His time rescue us from all evil. This new life we live in the grace of God is shown by the fruits of righteous works. So then grace, God’s kindness and goodness toward us, motivates us to change and helps create the desire to receive the divine nature, the mind of God.

    Why does he (Paul) have to talk about being ready when it's inconvenient and when it is convenient?

    ANSWER: Paul have to talk about being ready when it's inconvenient and when it is convenient because: …

    1. You are called to keep on doing the work of the kingdom, when it’s easy and when it’s hard,
    2. You are called to keep on doing the work of the kingdom, when you feel like it and when you don’t. 
    3. You are called to respond to the leading of the Spirit, when it’s convenient and when it is VERY inconvenient;
    4. You are called to keep pressing on in the Lord, when people are cheering you on and when people  are snickering at you. 
    5. You are called to hold fast to the Word of God when people accept the message and when the whole world rejects it.

    People who are steadfast, immovable, faithful in season and out of season, are NOT people who just happen to have pretty smooth sailing, or who are blessed with stable emotions, and never feel the overwhelming urge to stay home, quit, or give up or withdraw. They have the same in season and out of season feelings and experiences as everyone else but they have chosen to NOT let the seasons of life determine their faithfulness to God and his call. In summary we must be prepared in season and out of season. Everyone in a leadership role in a congregation of the Lord Jesus must be ready to serve.  In a sense, it’s a reminder to be “on call” for the Lord.  It doesn’t mean church leaders don’t get a break from the congregation; it means we don’t get a break from Jesus!

    What problem is Paul trying to overcome here?

    ANSWER: The Apostle Paul is struggling with sin yet still under grace. Paul highlighted the human struggle we experience. He knew that even those with God’s Spirit still had human nature and have to resist the selfish pulls of the flesh while seeking to obey God’s law. Paul summed up this struggle when he wrote: “I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death?” (see Romans 7:22-24, NLT)

    How do these verses speak to you in particular?

    ANSWER: The way these verses speck to me in particularly, as Paul states, In my mind I really want to obey God’s law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin” and I will persist to struggle with temptation and sin throughout my physical lifetimes. Although God’s Holy Spirit helps me resist the pulls of my selfish-oriented nature, that nature will continue to trend toward sin. My relationship with Christ is not broken unless or until I deliberately and irrevocably sever it.

    Nevertheless, I must always be vigilant and strive against the pull of my sinful, selfish desires. I am to be so rooted, grounded, and immersed in the Word of God, that no matter when or where I am challenged or questioned about my Christian beliefs, I am answer boldly and authoritatively. If my faith is firmly founded on the truth of God's inerrant Word, I will be thoroughly equipped to preach the Word in every circumstance of life and encourage, reprove, rebuke, and exhort my brothers and sisters in Christ, with great patience and instruction.

  8. Q2. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) In what ways does Scripture equip a Christian for ministry?

    ANSWER: Jesus has gifted the body of Christ with spiritual leaders to “equip the saints for the work of ministry.” God does not leave us to our own shortcomings. He provides everything we need! 

    how does god equip us for ministry?

    1. through His divine power,
    2. through the Holy Spirit, and
    3. through God’s people. 

    jesus is the one who:

    1. pours out His Spirit on us;
    2. intercedes for us, as we pray for needed wisdom; and 
    3. gifts the body of Christ with spiritual leaders to help us press forward. 

    Also Jesus is the one from whom all these things flow. Jesus is the one who will be with you when you feel alone and inadequate. Jesus is the one who will make you more than a conqueror! It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, what your background is, or the mess you may face. God has equipped you for ministry. He has given you an opportunity to daily make an impact wherever you go… even in the soiled linens closet of a hospital.

    In what different ways can the Scriptures function, according to 2 Timothy 3 verse 16?

    ANSWER: “All Scripture is… profitable for” four functions stated in 2 Timothy 3:16

    1. for teaching,
    2. for reproof,
    3. for correction, and
    4. for training in righteousness.

    The first two functions have to do with the positive and negative of belief. Scripture is “profitable for teaching,” that is, instructing what is right and true.The second two functions have to do with the negative and positive of conduct. Scripture is “profitable…for correction,” which has the idea of correcting aberrant behavior. It is also “profitable…for training in righteousness,” which is to instruct one in right behavior.

  9. Q1. (2 Timothy 3:16) What does inspiration of Scripture mean?

    ANSWER: The Bible is verbally inspired and it is unique because it is God's revelation recorded in human language. According to 2 Timothy 3:16-17 the words of Scripture are "God breathed" or inspired. This implies that God is the source or origin of what is recorded in Scripture. God, through the Holy Spirit, used human authors to write what He revealed in the Bible. They were not mere copyists or transcribers. In other words, all Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.

    What does the term "God-breathed" tell us about the source and authority of Scripture?

    ANSWER: The phrase in 2 Timothy 3:16 simply means, that the Scripture came from God himself. That’s it. It was breathed out from his inner being. The Bible is, through and through, literally, God’s own Word. That simple fact itself is profoundly significant. The phrase tells us that, when God caused his divine word to be written by human authors, he breathed it through them. As God speaks words, we can imagine there is breath coming out of His mouth. And so, to say that all Scripture is God-breathed is to say that all Scripture has its source in God and that it comes from God and that it is therefore His word. To say that Scripture is God-breathed is a rather clear way of saying that Scripture is the very speech of God. Scripture is reliable, relatable, and relevant because it is God-breathed.

    Why is the doctrine of inspiration of Scripture important?

    ANSWER: The doctrine of inspiration of Scripture is important because Inspiration preserved the writers from error, which would be natural to them as sinful men, and guided them in their expression of thoughts and use of words so that what they wrote is God's own Word, “making the voice of God speak to us in a human accent, and His Word to address us in our own tongue”. The inspiration of Scripture reminds us that God wants us to know Him and His will, but more thank that, that He wants us to know the One He sent to rescue and redeem us, Jesus Christ, who gave His life for ours.

  10. Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness?

    ANSWER: God allows persecution; the Scripture says that we can expect persecution if we are truly following Christ; persecution can build the Church and strengthen our own Christian character. But that does not mean we ought to be afraid to truly try to eliminate persecution. We will never completely succeed because persecution is inevitable in a sinful world, where there are many who are enemies of Christ. But it is only impossible because this is a sinful world.

    Persecution is inevitable only in the same sense that disease, famine, and human trafficking are inevitable. And although, like all those things, God can use it for good, we still have a responsibility to stop it if we can.

    If God has put barriers in our path, then perhaps it is because he is using persecution to strengthen and sanctify the church in that instance; whatever the case is, we are simply called to serve, helping the persecuted in every way possible and being there for them.

    Just what does it mean to "take up His cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry His cross" (Luke 14:27)?

    ANSWER: To take up one's cross meant to die. It could mean physically but it also means “to die to self” or self-denial. Taking up your cross daily leads to transformation. You won't always be the same person you are today. As you are cleansed from the sin in your nature, the fruits of the Spirit come in its place. Rather than being quick to judge and critical, or grumpy and downcast, you can radiate love and kindness and gentleness.

    Here are 5 ways to accept your daily cross, in order to follow in the footsteps of Christ:

    1. Obedience to God: Taking up our cross means putting aside our selfish desires, and following God’s will for our lives. We find our life’s fulfillment, contentment (even in trials), and unspeakable joy.

    2. Guard Your Thoughts: When unpleasant, dissatisfied, grumbling, critical thoughts enter our minds, we have a choice. Denying these thought processes; refusing to give in to them, is a way to take up your cross.

    3. Practice Self-Denial: When we deny self, we make the choice to replace our desires, thoughts, and plans with God’s thoughts and purposes. We live our lives centered on considering others first before ourselves.

    4. Put on the New Self: We need to stop lying to one another, and take up our daily cross and show Christ’s love by avoiding sin or “put to death” those sins which so easily beset us.

    5. Pray for the Strength to Carry Your Daily Cross: We are to take time to pray with Christ. The Cross depict humiliation, suffering, and sacrifice that Christ took on willingly for the sake of our salvation.

    Here is a list of ways we can live for Jesus in our daily lives:

    • Show compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness.
    • Choose (it’s a choice we can make) the peace of Jesus to rule your heart, not conflict, fear, jealousy, etc.
    • Be thankful. Make gratitude a priority and a daily practice and watch your focus turn towards the many blessings we receive.
    • Let the word of Christ “dwell in you richly”, completely fill your lives. We have so many more opportunities to dwell in His Word. Paul and the early Christians had no New Testaments to read from as we do, so they retold the stories, sang them in songs, prayed together and shared their wisdom.

    Your Cross Is Meant to Bring You Down: A cross is a cross, be it wooden or spiritual. What is your cross? It is any burden or pressure that threatens to break you down.  God knows also that not one of His children can carry the cross they take up when following Christ. We so much want to be good disciples; we so much want to deny ourselves and take the cross upon ourselves; we seem to forget that same cross will one day bring us to the end of our human strength and endurance. Would Jesus purposely ask us to take up a cross that He knows will sap all our human energies and leave us lying helpless; even to the point of giving up? Absolutely yes! Jesus forewarns us, "Without me ye can do nothing" (John 15:5). So He asks us to take up our cross, struggle on with it, until we learn that lesson. Not until our cross pushes us down into the dust do we learn the lesson that it is not by our might or power or strength, but by His power. That is what the Bible means when it says His strength is made perfect in our weakness. It means that God's way is the only way; His strength the only hope.

    Is Jesus talking about persecution or something else?

    ANSWER: I believe Jesus is talking about persecution. By allowing persecution to produce faith and joy in our lives is just one example of His grace to us. We praise God that He has given us salvation and also strength to face each trial/persecution.

  11. Q3. (2 Timothy 3:5) Why is it so easy to become a hypocrite?

    ANSWER: There are many causes of hypocrisy, but some of the most common include: Self-interest, inconsistency, blame, pretense, and complacency. It is so easy to become a hypocrite because you …:

    1. Get very comfortable with inconsistency.
    2. Judge others by a higher standard than you judge yourself.
    3. Keep your superiority front of mind and expect others to recognize it.
    4. Create barriers to others’ progress.
    5. Make a big deal out of small things while trivializing the truly weighty.
    6. Give little thought to your true inner character.
    7. Reject, or at least forget, the gospel.
  12. Q2. (2 Timothy 2:24-25) In your own words, explain the various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents.

    ANSWER: We must strive very hard to get the biblical balance right, in other words. Refusing to be drawn into wasteful and useless arguments does NOT mean we just allow false teaching to run riot. We can stand up for biblical truth while also not getting involved with those who just like to debate stuff and argue all day.

    We must be kind to everyone; even to our opponents by speaking the truth in love not letting errors go unanswered.

    1. First, good Christian teachers are God’s servants. They defend biblical truth, not their own opinions.
    2. Second, their demeanor is “kind” or gentle. The gentleness that Jesus modeled with Thomas and Peter is the standard (see John 20:24-29; 21:1-19).
    3. Third, Christian leaders are “able to teach” (see 1 Timothy 3:2). They deliver the truth with clarity and conviction.
    4. Fourth, when they “patiently endure evil,” that are able to put up with it if necessary.

    How does the lack of any of these hinder the task?

    ANSWER: Christian teachers (godly shepherds) will “correct [their] opponents with gentleness” (see 2 Timothy 2:25). They may ignore lesser errors so that they can address core issues. They wait and speak calmly, without haste or anger, so that others can listen. The goal is not to win arguments but to tell the truth so that people repent. This edifies God’s family, which is wounded by both heresy and wrangling. May the Lord therefore grant us insight to know when to ignore petty disputes and when to correct damaging errors. And may He grant that good doctrine drive out bad, even as the beauty of peaceful, loving leaders silences contentious men. To sum it up, Christian teachers are the Lord's servant and we must not quarrel; instead, we must be kind to everyone, able to teach, and not resentful. It is very important to set an example of consistent faith and a good conscience, remaining above reproach and exercising the spiritual gifts that God has given us.

  13. Q1. (2 Timothy 2:20-22). When do you put your good plates and silverware on the table? (In this scripture, Paul uses everyday household receptacles to describes two uses, special / menial and some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble.)

    ANSWER: We tend to use our good plates (fine china) and silverware on the table for truly special occasions.

    When do you use your everyday tableware?

    ANSWER: We are inclined to use the lesser expensive dishes (the cheap ones) for our everyday use (tableware).

    What point is Paul making with this example?

    ANSWER: We all want to be useful. We want our lives to have meaning and purpose beyond ourselves. When we discover the gospel of Jesus, our possibilities for real use and purpose expand exponentially. Yet we come to Jesus in our raw state; we need to be purified and refined before we can reach our potential for His use. A tremendous promise rests before us in this passage: "Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work"(2 Timothy 2:21). Jesus will use us-if we make ourselves useful!

    The individual who cleanses himself from false teachings will be "an instrument for noble purposes." He will be "made holy", will be "useful to the Master," and will be "prepared to do any good work."  A crude pottery bowl can't transform itself into a beautiful gold vessel … that's where the analogy breaks down. But men and women can!

    In practical terms, how do we "cleanse ourselves" so that we might be useful and ready for the Lord's use?

    ANSWER: There are two kinds of people in the church: useful and dishonorable. Cleanse yourself so you can be useful to God, and ready for every good work. Paul isn't talking about only the cleansing of forgiveness and holiness, but the cleansing we must do for ourselves, to flee from evil and shun the temptations that drag us down, so they no longer control our lives. Yes, God is at work. But here, Paul emphasizes our part: "If a person cleanses himself" (2 Timothy 2:21a). The most important thing any of us can do before worship is to truly cleanse ourselves spiritually as we prepare to come to praise the Lord. Wash first, then worship. In order to prepare ourselves for worship we should examine ourselves and confess our sins to God.

  14. Q5. Why should Christians look forward to the events surrounding our resurrection?

    ANSWER: As believers, the return of Christ is one of the most eagerly anticipated events we look forward to. It is when Jesus will return to earth and take his rightful place as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It is when all things will be made new, and the world will finally be free from sin and suffering. Jesus Himself told us to always be ready because He will come like a thief in the night. As Christians, we should live our lives with an attitude of readiness, knowing that at any moment, Jesus could return.

    In the meantime, we should be working diligently to share the love of Christ with others. We should be living our lives in a way that reflects the character of Jesus and sharing the gospel with those we meet. We have been given a great responsibility to be ambassadors for Christ, and we should take that responsibility seriously.

    As we wait for the return of Christ, let us hold fast to our faith, knowing that our Savior will come back for us. Let us live our lives with an attitude of readiness, always looking forward to the day we will see Jesus face to face. And let us be diligent in sharing the love of Christ with others so that they, too, can experience the joy and peace that comes from knowing Him.

    Why do you think Christians have largely lost this as their active expectation and hope?

    ANSWER: Christians have largely lost their hope of looking forward to the events surrounding their resurrection. The hope that they have in the midst of living in this fallen world. And in this fallen world, we are surrounded by all kinds of suffering, and a lot of it in our own personal experience. Broken relationships, disappointments, people who break their promise, broken words, death of parents, ill health, disease, financial hardship, emotional trauma, discouragement, etc … That’s the world in which we live.

    How do we maintain this hope? We have to keep our eyes on the Lord and we have to set our mind on things above, and we have to be careful not to become so earthly minded that our hope diminishes in the sense as it begins to flicker and it grows weak and dim. But the more we long for the world to come, the more we set our mind on future glory, that hope grows stronger and stronger. Mature Christians, mature believers have a strong hope, and so we just need to keep that hope strong.

    What should be done to reclaim these truths?

    ANSWER: Life gets busy and sometimes, in the middle of trying to stay afloat, we drift away from God. Here are some ways to help you find your way back to Him:

    a. talk to him: as a child would talk to their parent; as often as you can. He is there for you not only in times of need, but in times when you just want to talk.

    b. obey him: to obey His commandments. We become brighter and stronger in spirit, integrity and mind.

    c. study the scriptures: making time to study the scriptures each day can fully revitalize your tired soul.

    d. listen for him: take time to stop, look, and listen for God’s answers to your prayers.

    e. show gratitude: being grateful for God’s hand in your life will make you more appreciative of His constant presence and your purpose here on the earth.

    f. be mindful: be grateful and aware of how much He has blessed you and continues to bless you each day. He is the greatest ally and guardian you can have throughout your life.

  15. Q4. What will our resurrection bodies be like?

    ANSWER: There are four noteworthy differences between our body now and the body that will be give us in the resurrection.

    1. Our earthly body is corruptible; our resurrected body will be incorruptible.
    2. Our earthly body is buried in dishonor; our resurrected body will be raised in glory.
    3. Our earthly body is buried in weakness; our resurrected body is raised in power.
    4. Our earthly body is buried a “natural body”; our resurrected body is raised a spiritual body.

    Why do you think we will be given resurrection bodies?

    ANSWER: I think we will be given resurrection bodies because the Bible says those who have trusted the promises of God are going to be given a new body, one that will never die In heaven, we will have new and perfect bodies, bodies that will never age or become weak or die, because they will be like Christ's glorious body after His resurrection.

    Additionally the Bible says that Christ, "by the power that enables Him to bring everything under His control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like His glorious body" (note Philippians 3:21). God will give us new bodies in heaven; bodies that will be similar to Christ's body after His resurrection. Ultimately, the gift of a perfected, resurrected body helps put us beyond Satan's power forever. God designed our resurrection body for eternity.

    What is the point?

    ANSWER: The the point of being given resurrection bodies: We need a resurrected body because the gift of a perfected, resurrected body helps put us beyond Satan's power forever. If there were no Resurrection, “our spirits must become subject to … the devil, to rise no more. The unity of our souls and bodies is important to God; He designed us as holistic creatures, and our physical condition is inseparably connected to our spiritual condition. Our bodies are important to God (see 1 Corinthians 6:13-20). If we are going to experience complete justice, joy or satisfaction in the next life, our resurrection bodies will play an important role.

    Christ made you (body and soul), and He will redeem you (body and soul). He will do it in this order; soul now, body later. All that God has made is good and all that God has made He will redeem. The resurrection body will be better than the body you have now. And you will have forever to savor the pleasures that God has in store for you. Keep giving yourself to everything that God is calling you to do. Don’t hold back in any way!

  16. Q4. (2 Timothy 2:15) Exactly what is the analogy with a skilled workman that forms the basis for Paul's instruction to Timothy?

    ANSWER: Paul urges Timothy to view himself as a worker seeking to please God. Any worker or servant should desire to satisfy the expectations of his or her boss. Timothy was to view his work for God in the same way. Rather than quarreling about words, Timothy is to be a skilled craftsman when it comes to teaching the Word.

    God’s approved workers handle the word of truth correctly. Rightly dividing literally means “cutting straight” in the original Greek. Pastors and teachers are to be skilled workmen of God’s Word who carefully and thoroughly search the revelation of God in Scripture, not deviating from or distorting its message in any way. The approved worker receives the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what it said was true.” He studies God’s Word and then seeks to apply it to his own life.

    How does this apply to our teaching of scripture today?

    ANSWER: The skilled worker rightly handles scripture with accuracy, boldness, and clarity. He is a craftsman, someone who cuts straight, who sets forth without distortion. Preaching takes place in the pulpit, but teaching God’s Word still takes place in our everyday lives; in our homes, in our small groups, and in our conversations.

    1. Reading and Meditation - This is the one weapon that you have to fight against false teachers and the lies of the world. It is the Sword of the Spirit and the Word of Truth. You need to read your Bible. After you read, you need to think about it. This is what it means to meditate on God’s Word day and night.
    2. Interpretation and Application - After you’ve studied, seek to apply God’s word to your life. Go from head knowledge to heart transformation. Live out what you’ve learned. Take the Bible to task. God’s word will not return empty. 
    3. Teaching the Truth - When you know what God’s Word says, and when you have lived it out yourself, you will be best prepared to begin teaching others. Faithful stewards are skilled workers, laboring with the Law of the Lord, leading others to Jesus.

    Which of these examples speaks most strongly to you?

    ANSWER: All of these examples are vital to a Christian life. The example that speaks volumes to me is “teaching the truth”. I feel that one must know the Word and share it as God intends, straight, without wavering, or with a sugary coating that makes it easier to swallow. His Word is living and active. Definitely one must persistently avoid, ignore or reject profane and vain talking rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. It's important to be as honest as possible when answering strongly agree and strongly disagree questions in reference to God’s .

  17. Q3. (2 Timothy 2:3-7) Paul calls Timothy to endure hardship for the sake of the goal. What in the experience of a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer illustrates this well?

    ANSWER: Those three very expressive metaphors which Paul uses add up to saying one thing: In a world that is falling apart, Christians must commit themselves without reserve to obey the Lord Jesus Christ. The context for all of this is ''suffering,'' meaning the hardships endured for the sake of Christ. Those who endure do so by the power of God, not their own efforts.

    1. To be a fruitful Christian, willingly embrace the hardship of the good soldier: Unentangled commitment (2:3-4).


    2. To be a fruitful Christian, willingly embrace the hardship of the athlete: Discipline within limits (2:5).

    Observe three things:




    3. To be a fruitful Christian, willingly embrace the hardship of the farmer: Hard, unexciting work with no immediate payback (2:6).

    Note three things:




    Maybe we could add this as a fourth illustration, the hardship of the Christian scholar. To gain insight from God’s Word, you must apply yourself by carefully observing and thinking about what the text says. All the while that you’re laboring, you must ask God to give you understanding.

    Let’s look to the rewards in eternity. Jesus Christ will smile and say, “well done, good and faithful servant.” That will make all the toil and hardship worth it! He will reward us eternally for our labors. We will enjoy the harvest of righteousness in the presence of the Lord and all His saints. But we must now set aside all distractions and the sin that so easily entangles us. Seek first His kingdom and righteousness as a good soldier, a disciplined athlete, and a hardworking farmer, even though it is difficult!

  18. Q2. Why do you think our churches tend not to declare the call to endurance and suffering?

    ANSWER: Why does God allows so much suffering in the lives of those He loves, and why the Church needs to learn to suffer with the hope of Christ?Suffering with hope reflects our suffering Savior (1 Peter 5:10). Suffering with hope proves our faith genuine (Romans 5:3-5). Suffering with hope testifies to the power of the true gospel and disqualifies false gospels (2 Corinthians 4:7-10). Suffering with hope draws us into greater unity with each other (Romans 12:10-16).

    If Christ learned obedience through what He suffered (Hebrews 5:8); then how much more do we, as His children, need to learn obedience through suffering? God’s Word says clearly that, since Christ suffered in the flesh, to the point of death, for the sake of our freedom from sin, we too should expect to suffer as we follow Him; suffering for the name of Christ and suffering for the sake of learning obedience and being sanctified from sin. 

    The body of Christ needs suffering because it has a way of stripping away our “false pretenses”, our outward goodness, and our independence from Christ and each other. As Christ reveals our weaknesses, shows us the depth of our need for him, and comforts us in our affliction, we will grow in humility, unity, and love towards one another. The church was never meant to be a place filled with perfect, whole, lukewarm people. Rather, it is made up of broken sinners who have been redeemed and are in the process of being made whole into the image of Christ.

    Why did Timothy tend to shy away from it, (the call to endurance and suffering)?

    ANSWER: Though Timothy became a leader in the early church, he had some temperamental weaknesses. He was timid and not forceful like Paul. Timothy was under pressure to compromise the gospel. His timid personality shied away from conflict and controversy. Timothy struggled with fear and hesitation. So Paul admonished his timid protégé: “God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. Timothy proves that God can and does use all kinds of temperaments in ministry.

    Paul tells Timothy to look for individuals who are: 1). “reliable”, "faithful" Look for people who are faithful, dependable, sturdy in doing what they say they' ll do, and then invest special time in them. 2). “able” Look for people who are worthy teachers (by their maturity and godly life), not just those who have an ability to teach and influence others (as the false teachers did).

    What is the result of a willingness to suffer for the gospel?

    ANSWER: How suffering hardship for the gospel results in eternal glory? To endure hardship, remember …

    1. Jesus Christ, our risen Savior (2 Timothy 2:8).
    2. that God’s Word is powerful (2 Timothy 2:9).
    3. that God’s sovereign purpose in saving His elect will surely succeed (2 Timothy 2:10).
    4. that God’s promises are trustworthy (2 Timothy 2:11-13).

    Because God has saved us by His sovereign grace, we should be willing to suffer for the gospel. Suffering for the Gospel can result in the salvation of others.

    The gospel is about God’s salvation of sinners by His sovereign grace.

          a. IT IS GOD WHO SAVES US.


    God’s salvation calls us with a holy calling. God’s call to holiness is  effectual, which is to say, it is something that He purposes and promises to accomplish in us. Yet at the same time, we must actively strive for holiness according to the means that God has provided. As to the effectual nature of this call, note Romans 8:28-30.

  19. Q1. (2 Timothy 2:2) Why is it important for pastors and church leaders to execute a strategy of mentoring teachers and elders in a congregation?

    ANSWER: Here are six reasons mentoring is crucial for Senior Pastors:

    1. It helps keep the Senior Pastor connected to the outer rim of the church. The longer a Senior Pastor is at a church, the more he is naturally pulled to the center of the organization. When this happens, it’s easy for him to lose relevance with the people the church is trying to reach.
    2. It protects the Senior Pastor from 100% crisis management. The Senior Pastor can be consumed with crisis management…praying for and dealing with people whose houses are on fire (i.e., marriage problems, addictions, etc.), This produces sporadic, “one-and-done discipling.”
    3. It models “leading from the front” if he intentionally engages with a Radical Mentoring group, it removes the excuse from literally every man in the church.
    4. It makes a Senior Pastor easier to follow because if he engages in intentional disciple-making is easy to follow because he’s in the trenches…it gives him handlebars for saying and living out 1 Corinthians 11:1.
    5. A Senior Pastor’s sermons will be better because he’ll see the struggles of those in his church, up close and personal.
    6. It will increase the quality of the Senior Pastor’s ministry.

    Radical Mentoring is not the solution to any of the above, but it is a powerful tool to help a Senior Pastor (and church elders for that matter) engage in intentional disciple-making. This breathe new life into your discipleship. Small group mentoring can help you engage your people, build your core group of leaders, and transform your church.

    How much time should be devoted to this teaching of future leaders vs. the time spent in administration and programs?

    ANSWER: Effective time management is the key to transforming individuals into future leaders and achieving success in all aspects of life.

  20. Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection?  

    ANSWER: According to Romans 8:23-24 what is the meaning of “redemption of our bodies”? This bodily transformation, “the redemption, (redemption is a metaphor for what is achieved through the atonement), of our bodies,” is the great triumph of the gospel and the hope in which we are saved. We age now in the comfort of knowing that, with every passing day, that redemption is closer than ever before.

    For those in Christ, aging is more about hope than fear, more about honor than dishonor, more about holiness than decay, more about gain than loss. The realities of aging can fortify our hope by causing us to fix our eyes on the bright future Christ has for us. In Christ, aging is the path to glory. What is sown in weakness will be raised in power at the return of Christ. We will be with the Lord forever. In the meantime, aging is the accumulation of more stories of the faithfulness of God and a display of God’s determination to love and care for his own.

    On the day of resurrection, it is believed, bodies will have the same gender and the same organs as when they were alive. They won't have the same uses because there will be no need for food, clothing, transportation, medicine, etc… There are 4 qualities of a resurrected body: the excellent physique and physical beauty (natural prerogative).

    1. incorruptibility,
    2. freedom from decay, or impassibility,
    3. freedom from pain and
    4. the passions, deriving from the perfect submission of the body to the soul.

    What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies?

    ANSWER: The resurrected bodies possess several properties:

    1. immortality (note I Corinthians, 15:53; Luke 20:35; Revelation 21:4)
    2. entirety, implying the restitution of the limbs, the distinction of the sexes and the perfection of the senses;
    3. the excellent physique and physical beauty (natural prerogative).
    4. incorruptibility, freedom from decay, or impassibility, freedom from pain and the passions, the deriving from the perfect submission of the body to the soul (see: Isaiah 25:8; Revelation 7:16-17; 21:4)
    5. clarity or glory: the bodies of saints will reflect the light, the inner splendor of the soul, therefore, in the body they will conform to the Incarnate Word; (note: Matthew 13:43; Wisdom 3:7; Daniel 12:3)
    6. agility, so that the body of the saint, once free from the natural heaviness (imponderability), will be able to move rapidly from one place to another in the cosmos; (see: Isaiah 60:31)
    7. subtlety, the faculty to penetrate everything: the glorious body penetrates, without difficulty nor mutual damage, the other bodies in the Universe.
  21. Q2. (Philippians 1:23-24; 2 Corinthians 5:8) According to these verses, where will Christians be immediately after death?

    ANSWER: Everything Scripture says about the death of believers indicates that they are immediately ushered consciously into the Lord's presence. When a Christian dies, he or she immediately enters the presence of the Lord. Some refer to this as an intermediate state because our final state is a bodily resurrection that happens following the second coming of Christ.

    Where do we await the resurrection?

    ANSWER: The instant we die, we go into heaven in our soul-state, and then we await the final consummation of the resurrection of our bodies. We're waiting for our bodies to be redeemed after we die physically and are then resurrected as Christ was. Or as someone put it: Our adoption is complete; we're just waiting for our father to come and pick us up so that we can be with Him.

  22. Q1. What is the word used in the Bible instead of "rapture"?

    ANSWER:  The word “rapture” is taken from the Latin “rapio” for the two words “caught up” used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. It has come into popular use today to refer to the Lord Jesus coming for the church, to lift her up into the heavens.

    When will the resurrection take place in relation to Christ's return?

    ANSWER: The Bible is clear that resurrection is a reality and this life is not all that there is. While death is the end of physical life, it is not the end of human existence. The Bible teaches that there will be not one resurrection, but a series of resurrections, some to eternal life in heaven and some to eternal damnation (see Daniel 12:2; John 5:28-29). The first great resurrection was the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The first great resurrection of the Church will occur at the time of the rapture. All those who have placed their trust in Jesus Christ during the Church Age, and have died before Jesus returns, will be resurrected at the rapture. Another great resurrection will occur when Christ returns to earth (His Second Coming) at the end of the Tribulation period. There is a final resurrection, apparently of all the unbelieving dead of all ages. Jesus Christ will raise them from the dead

    (When will the resurrection take place) In relation to judgment?

    ANSWER: Therefore, the first resurrection is for the people of God; the second resurrection is for the judgment of unbelievers. The difference between these two groups is based on one's relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It is essential for every person to hear the good news and be saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) to receive eternal life (John 3:16).

    (When will the resurrection take place) In relation to glory? (This is NOT the place to debate various theories of the rapture and the millennium.)

    ANSWER: In the Gospel according to John, the glorification described by the Ascension story seems to have taken place immediately after the Resurrection.

  23. Q5. (1 Corinthians 15:58) What does being steadfast and immovable have to do with the hope of the resurrection?

    ANSWER: To be steadfast and unmovable is to be spiritually grounded. A steadfast person knows what he believes and cannot be “tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching” (Ephesians 4:14). An unmovable person can hear false teaching, engage doubters, and defend truth without it shaking his own faith.

    To be steadfast (unwavering) is to be firmly fixed and not subject to change, to be firm in belief and determination, and to be loyal and faithful. Likewise, to be immovable is to be unyielding and incapable of being moved or diverted. To remain steadfast and unmovable we have to know the Word of God. It is God’s desire that we grow daily in our understanding of Him and His Word so that we will remain faithful to the end.

    Why is our labor not in vain in the Lord?

    ANSWER: Our labor is not in vain because Jesus has been raised from the Dead, we can be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the Lord’s work, knowing that our labor in the Lord is not in vain! For all of us who have placed our faith and hope in Christ, His resurrection guarantees that our work “In Him” will not be in vain. All that we do “in His name” will bear fruit, it will make a difference, it will be forever significant.

  24. Q4. What assurance do you have that you will be physically resurrected rather than experience disembodied immortality?

    ANSWER: Our bodies will be raised not spiritually or ethereally, but physically and materially. Our souls will be reunited with our transformed physical bodies, brought back to life from the dead. If we look at the scripture, we see that scripture teaches this in many ways.

    1. First, simply to speak of a "resurrection" of the dead is to imply physicality. That is what a resurrection is. The Bible has no categories for the concept of a resurrected body that remains dead and physically lying in a grave. (see Matthew 22:30-31; Luke 14:14; 1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16).
    2. Second, Philippians 3:20-21 teaches us that Christ's resurrection body is the pattern of our resurrection body. Since Christ's resurrection is the pattern of our resurrection, we will therefore be raised in a physical body as well.
    3. Third, our bodies are not going to be thrown away. They are going to be renewed, restored, revitalized. Romans 8:21-23 speaks of waiting for "the redemption of our bodies" (see verse 23).
    4. Fourth, Jesus speaks of the resurrection as involving the coming forth of individuals out of their tombs, which clearly indicates a physical concept of the resurrection (see John 5:28-29).
    5. Fifth, the Old Testament in Daniel 12:2, “And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt,” which speaks of the resurrection as being physical. Likewise, we read in Job 19:25-27, "I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take His stand on the earth. Even after my skin is destroyed, yet from my flesh I shall see God; Whom I myself shall behold, and whom my eyes shall see and not another. My heart faints within Me".

    What does it mean that Jesus is the "firstfruits" (1 Corinthians 15:20) and "firstborn" (Revelation 1:5) from the dead?

    ANSWER: Paul describes (Christ)/Him as the "firstfruits" of those who have died, those who have “fallen asleep”. Paul's use of the term here means that Jesus was the first of the crop of "the dead" to be resurrected. His was the prototype for what lies in store for believers in the future (1 Corinthians 15:51; 1 John 3:2). In other words, that harvest has only just begun. As God raised Jesus back to life, He will collect all those who trust in Christ to life, as well, when the time comes. Jesus is the “firstfruits” symbolized and consecrated the entire harvest that was to follow, Christ's resurrection was the foretaste of the resurrection of all believers yet to come.

    When Scripture refers to Christ as a firstfruits, it is teaching us that He was offered to God to sanctify the coming ingathering or harvest. Christ is the firstfruits of those of us who believe in this life. But it doesn’t stop there. The firstfruits always imply a future ingathering, a coming harvest that far exceeds the firstfruits. The firstfruits, therefore, are a pledge of a much larger harvest to come. Just as with the firstborn, not only is Christ the firstfruits of us, but we are the firstfruits of the rest!

    “Firstborn” refers to the high, privileged position that Christ has as a result of the resurrection from the dead. Christ has gained such a sovereign position because He is the inaugurator of new creation by means of His resurrection. Jesus’ resurrection from death opens the way for all who trust in him to follow him in a resurrection like his when he returns. He is the firstborn of the resurrection plan. Second, being the “firstborn of the dead” means that Jesus is both the first to rise and the first in supremacy. He is the first to rise from the dead and thus the first of the new creation. He is also the inaugurator of the new creation and the rightful heir to it all.

    Through the victory of His death and resurrection, Christ will ultimately triumph over all enemies, including death itself. Christians who have died physically will live eternally through their risen Lord. Christians have a sure hope that one day we will follow Christ into the resurrection and new creation, and, because we are in Christ, will reign with him as the firstborn of God, heirs of all things in heaven and on earth. When it says Jesus is the “firstborn” from the dead, means He sits as head of a new family over whom death has no power.

  25. Q3. How does Christ's death and resurrection provide an analogy for baptism according to Romans 6:3-5 and Colossians 2:12?

    ANSWER: Those who put their faith in Christ are ''spiritually'' circumcised and are identified with God through their faith. This act of forgiveness by God frees us from the eternal penalty of sin, restores our relationship, and defeats the evil forces fighting against us.When a person trusts in Christ for salvation, that person is baptized in the Holy Spirit into Christ's death. We die with Him. This death somehow breaks sin's rule over us and frees us from our need to obey our sinful desires (Romans 6:3-4).

    We as Christians agree that baptism is a picture of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When a true believer is immersed, he is proclaiming to the world that he is being identified with Christ:

    1. by being placed under the water, he is proclaiming that he has died and been buried with Christ.
    2. by being raised up from the water, he is proclaiming that he has been raised from the dead with Christ to live a new life.

    God counts the person as having died in Christ. God takes the person's faith and baptism and counts the person as participating in Christ's death. God counts and considers the person to be identified and be in union with Christ's death. It means that we no longer live “in” sin.

    According to Ephesians 2:4-6, while being "raised with Christ" is still spiritual, not physical, in what way does this union impart real spiritual power?

    ANSWER: At Christ's right hand we share His power and privileges in the spiritual world. Our being co-raised with Christ typifies the grace of God to us. It was with Jesus we were raised up. Obviously this is a spiritual resurrection that follows our crucifixion with Christ and our entombment with Christ. Christ's resurrection was physical while ours was a spiritual resurrection. On the basis of the believer's past spiritual resurrection, there is the guarantee of a future physical resurrection and transformation.

    Believers don't just receive life but experience resurrection life in Christ and it is something we should pray for to be fully realized. Practically this truth means that we now can walk in His (Christ’s) resurrection power. On the basis of our past resurrection with Christ, we have the sure "hope of our calling", of a future physical resurrection and transformation of our bodies into conformity with His glorious body.

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