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Posts posted by grace2free

  1. Q1. (John 8:3-6)

    What was the trap Jesus’ enemies tried to spring on him with the woman taken in adultery?

    It was a trick, a trap to turn the authorities -- and the people -- against Jesus. To have a basis of accusing Jesus v6a.


    What might be the consequence if he upheld stoning her?

    If Jesus were to say the woman should be stoned, he would be going contrary to his longstanding reputation for showing mercy to the broken and disreputable. And it could get him in trouble with the Romans, who might view stoning as overstepping the Jews' authority to exercise the death penalty.


    What might be the consequence if he said not to stone her?

    But if Jesus said she shouldn't be stoned, he could be accused of teaching against the Law of Moses and undermining the social order.

  2. Q4. (John 7:37-39)

    In Jesus’ teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink?

    The believers - v38 Whoever believes in me


    What does he promise to believers?

    Holy Spirit within the belivers - v39 streams of living water will flow from within him


    How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it?

    It was fulfilled at Pentecost after Jesus was nailed at the cross and he was glorified. While its not after Jesus spoke it because the Spirit had not been given yet.

    "Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified." (7: 39b)


    To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life?

    When Jesus was glorified, when he was hanged on the cross because of my sin. I don't deserved it but now I have the streams of living water flowing within me. Glory to God in Jesus Christ name.

  3. Q3. (John 7:17)
    Can we truly know God’s will if we’re not really willing to obey the truth we know?
    We will never know God's will if we're not really willing to obey the truth that Jesus is teaching.
    The only way to know Christ -- to really know him and know the truth of his teachings -- is to experience him yourself, by choosing a path of learning and obedience, the path of a disciple who hungers after the truth and pursues it.

    "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (8:31-32)

    Why not?
    There are many people who are "always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth" (2 Timothy 3:7). They dabble here and then study that -- sampling one thing after another.
    Many people are unwilling to repent of their sins and follow Christ. They love their lifestyle more than finding God. Sad, but true.
  4. Q2. (John 7:15-17)

    How were rabbis trained in Jesus’ day?

    As a boy they have to study Hebrew and the Scriptures in the school in their local synagogue and discipleship to a famous rabbi as advanced or seminary training to be considered authority. Until now the Orthodox Jews are still doing it everywhere in the world.


    How was Jesus trained?

    Jesus was trained by the Spirit, his mentor is God. John 7:16-17


    How were his disciples trained?

    Jesus shared his mentor's (the Father's) teaching to his disciples. He instructed them in the Scriptures and trained them in practical ministry.


    What is the value of formal theological training?

    Discipleships under godly professors, teachers, and pastors, interpret the Bible accurately, deeper wisdom of knowledge and understanding  of God's words, and to communicate with God's words.


    What is the value of learning to hear and obey the voice of the Spirit?

    The Spirit is our Comporter, Teacher, Helper, Chastener, and the voice that guides us always.

  5. Q1. (John 7:1-5) Why did Jesus stay in Galilee and avoid Jerusalem?

    Jesus need to minister in Galilee first thats why he eluded those Jews who want to kill him. He is not afraid of them or being killed its just that it is not yet his time.

    "After this, Jesus went around in Galilee, purposely staying away from Judea because the Jews there were waiting to take his life." John 7:1


    What is the balance between taking precautions to protect yourself and trusting yourself into God’s care?

    Jesus goal is to do the Father's will. His own self he leaves on to God's care. This is what Jesus is teaching us, to put our whole hearted trust in God and do all things for him alone.

  6. Q6. (John 6:61-66)

    What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of “disciples” that turned away from Jesus?

    The twelve already believed and have eternal life. They already found there home, where else would they go. The others are not the chosen ones and no belief in Jesus.


    What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32?

    Continuing in Jesus words and knowing the truth and setting free.

  7. Q5. (John 6:53-59)

    What is “eating the Bread of Life” a metaphor of?

    Eating = Believing

    Bread of Life = Son of Man

    Believing in Jesus


    What is “eating Jesus’ flesh and drinking his blood” a metaphor of?

    Believe in Jesus and have eternal life.


    How are these metaphors similar to each other?

    They are both similar about believing or faith in Jesus and having a eternal life.


    Why do you think Jesus used such a vivid and repugnant metaphor?

    Because he knows the people will urgue first before they believe and many also don't believe at all. But God already chose those who are to believe and to have eternal life.

  8. Q4. (John 6:35-51)

    What does the metaphor of “eating the Bread of Life” mean in practical terms?

    Eating and nourishing, believing and living eternally.

    • verse 47: He who believes | has eternal life
    • verse 51a: If anyone eats of this (living) bread | he will live forever


    To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling the Bread of Life rather than actually making a meal of it?

    Meaning you are not fully having the right nourishment then you will not have the eternal life. Not like in making it as a wole meal then you will be filled and have a life eternal.

  9. Q3. (John 6:37, 44, 65)

    What is the significance of Jesus’ teaching that only the ones the Father “draws” to him can come to him?

    It is the Fathers will, the plan and purpose was made by him. Before you were born and what will happen to you after was made already by the Father. So the Father already made those ones he draw close to him.


    In what way does this sound like predestination?

    The ones are chosen or elected according to the will of the Father.

    1 Peter 1:2 (KJV)
    2  Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.



    How does the Holy Spirit prepare people to put their faith in Christ?

    The Holy Spirit sanctify those ones by having faith with Jesus Christ.

  10. Q2. (John 6:28-29)

    What kind of “works” do people sometimes pursue to please God?

    People do works by their own as if they can really do something that can please God. They tend to work for the food that spoils.

    Jesus has said:

    "Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life" (6:27)


    According to Jesus, what is the most important “work” that God requires of us?

    This is actually as I may say, a power given unto us, a gracious gift, powerful work -"faith".


    What should we be doing? they ask naively, as if they can perfectly perform what God requires if they just know what it is. Jesus answers with one work -- faith, "to believe in the one he has sent" (6:29).

  11. Q1. (John 6:26-27)

    Why were some of these “believers” following Jesus?

    They are only following Jesus for their own physical needs.

    "Jesus answered, 'I tell you the truth, you are looking for me, not because you saw miraculous signs but because you ate the loaves and had your fill.'" (6:26)6)


    What were their selfish motives?

    Just to be filled physically and only about this present situation and not thinking about the journey to the eternal life.

    As we'll see, their motives for pursuing Jesus weren't out of spiritual hunger, so much as physical hunger -- Jesus as a means to feed them physically.


    For what motives do true disciples seek Jesus?

    A true disciples motives is to be fed spiritually by the real manna or bread of life.

  12. Q5. (John 6:14)

    How does the people’s desire to make him king relate to the third temptation Jesus met in the wilderness (Luke 4:9)?

    People only want to use Jesus for their own agenda.


    What would have happened to God’s plan of redemption if Jesus hadn’t retreated to the hills on this occasion?

    God's plan of redemption will be put to a halt. We have learned that Jesus only do the will of the Father, that is why he went to the hill to pray, to talk to the Father.


    Why must we resist giving in to people’s plans for our lives?

    God's plan, purpose, promises, and providences in our life is greater compare to people's.

  13. Q4. (John 6:12-13)

    Why does Jesus have his disciples pick up the left-over pieces?

    (6:12b) that nothing be lost/wasted.

    To make the point to them that God's provision that day has not been merely adequate, but more than enough to meet the need.

    Our God is doing the work, we ask, He gives and gives abundantly, but we need to be taught to make an effort to collect and keep it and not to waste it.


    What does this have to do with his attitude towards waste?

    Though there is abundance, there is no waste

    Wasting the grace is disrespect to the Provider


    What does it have to do with his teaching the disciples about abundance?

    To make the point to them that God's provision that day has not been merely adequate, but more than enough to meet the need. Weeks later when they are short of food, Jesus reminds them by asking:

    ''When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?' 'Twelve,' they replied." (Mark 8:19)

    "My grace is sufficient to thee", the Lord knows our needs and the quantity of our needs, He is the Sovereign Grace.

  14. Q3. (John 6:11)

    How did Jesus distribute the multiplied loaves and fishes to the multitudes?

    First, Jesus put the loaves and fish in a basket and gave thanks to the God Provider. In everything we do we glorify God. Giving thanks before eating is glorifying God. Then he distributed it in orderly manner to those who are seated.


    How do the disciples fit in?

    The disciples let their basket to be used and minister in distributing the loaves of bread and fish like a basket soldiers.


    How are the baskets used?

    The basket were used to carry the loaves of bread and fish for distribution


    What impression do you think this is making on the disciples as they work hard during the ongoing miracle?

    The disciples for sure were filled with awe and wonder and became more enthusiastic in following Jesus.

  15. Q2. (John 6:10)

    Why does Jesus have the crowds sit down before feeding them?

    The distribution channel is in place. Our Lord is God of order, the same thing he want us to be always in a fashionate order and not in chaos. So he have the people to sit down so that the disciples can count them easily and while they are sitting they will not push and shove in order to grab at what is being distributed.


    What is the disciples’ role in this?

    To organized the crowd, to be a distribution channel, and to be a witness to a miracle.


    Why would you prepare for a miracle if you don’t think it would happen?

    Miracles are God's surprises for our faith and for life. Everyday you wake up in the morning! is a miracle. Surprise! You came home from work still alive, Surprise! It is God who is doing the work, It is God who will prepare us to witness it.


    How ready is your congregation to see miracles take place?

    My congregation is ready enough to see miracles to take place.

  16. Q1. (John 6:5-9)

    Why does Jesus try to get the disciples to own the task of feeding the crowds?

    Jesus want the disciples to be involved, to be immersed in the ministry. He waits for their contribution and commitments.


    What is the significance to the story of the boy’s five loaves and two little fish?

    Nothing is impossible to God. No matter how huge is the task and however tiny resources we have, it is God's victory and not man's. God's providence is abundant.

  17. Q5. (John 5:39-40)

    What should be the role of the Scriptures in our lives?

    The Scriptures is our life, it is the food of our soul.


    How is it possible for a person to be a great student of the Bible, but so lacking in spiritual discernment and lifestyle?

    It is not possible to be a great student of the Bible without spiritual discernment and lifestyle. Just like what Nicodemus felt after being a student, graduated, and working in the torah, mishnah, and kabbalah,having good position, employees, and reputation, he found out he is still missing something. No Spirit of God living in the man's heart, no discenrment, no Jesus lifestyle.


    How can we keep our churches orthodox but not legalistic and judgmental?

    There are a lot of laws in the Bible but the Lord gave only two to fulfil them all. 1. Love thy God from your heart, mind, body, and soul. 2. Love thy neighbors more than yourself. If your doing these, the Spirit of God is in you, what a miracle. Study the Scriptures - Bible study with listening and obidience in the Word of God. Being orthodox following only the law/love of God and only letting Jesus to judge.

  18. Q4. (John 5:36-37)

    According to John’s Gospel, what is the value of miracles?

    The value of the miracle is believing in Jesus that he is in the Father, and the Father is in him (14:11).


    What is the weakness of faith that depends solely on miracles?

    The weakness of faith that depends solely on miracles is by not solely believing in Jesus that he is doing the Fathers will.


    Why do you think that we don’t have more miracles in our day?

    I do not think that we don't have miracles in our day. Seeing and knowing people that was accepted by Jesus, believed in Jesus, and confessed Jesus as their saviour, is a miracle in our day.


    How much is that dependent upon a congregation’s attitude (and unbelief) towards the importance of modern-day miracles?

    Believing in Jesus is having faith with him and his miracles.

  19. Q3. (John 5:30)

    Why is Jesus so dependent upon the Father for wisdom?

    Jesus is only doing the will of the Father. He is only dependent of his Father. Jesus and the Father are One.


    How dependent are you upon your culture to approve of your way of life and validate your wisdom?

    I am not dependent of my culture to approved my way of life and validate my wisdom. I am dependent on the Fathers plan, purpose, promises, permissions, and providences in my life.


    To what degree do you depend upon God for wisdom?

    As a worm, as only a brethe, as only a mist, as only a grass, without God I don't have life. ______IAN without CHRIST "I Am Nothing"

  20. Q2. (John 5:21-24)

    According to John 5:24, when does eternal life begin?

    The moment you've heared his word and believed in Jesus Christ your eternal life already begun.

    " I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life." (5:24)


    What is our default position without Christ – life or death?

    Our default position without Christ is death. "the law of sin of death." (Romans 8:2)


    How can people come to eternal life if they never “hear my word”?

    Let us pray for people to be choose by the Lord to hear his word and that they may have eternal life.

    even so the Son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it" (5:21)


    How do your friends and neighbors normally hear Jesus’ word?

    We should always pray to the Lord to be a channel of blessings to other by telling them about Jesus Christ. Set up a Bible study and devotion time.


    What might be your role in seeing that they hear his word?

    If I would see that they are hearing God's word, I would pray more to the Lord to use me and let Jesus Christ be seen in me. To be a good model and steward.

  21. Q1. (John 5:19-20)

    Are we intended to emulate Jesus’ listening to the Father, or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this?

    We must emulate Jesus by having a close and constant communication and listening and obidience to the Father. Well, very likely, now a days, It is the Bible now who is telling us about the Father, about the Son and about the Holy Spirit. It tells us on how Jesus listen and obey the will and purpose of God.


    Why don’t churches teach more about hearing the voice of God?

    These churches are relying on thereselves only rather than on the voice of the Living of God. There are many churches that we need to pray for enlightment.


    What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us?

    Our generation will find eternal life, the life in the Person of Christ, relying only to God. (5:39-14)

  22. Q4. (John 5:14-15)

    Is it possible to be blessed outwardly, but lost inwardly?

    I believed no, God blessess inwardly and outwardly, a complete blessings.


    Why did Jesus confront the healed man in the temple with his sin?

    Jesus warned him to avoid being worse, or getting to hell.


    How was this necessary for a full healing, his salvation?

    Jesus want the man to believed in God who really helead him completely and saved him for going to eternal hell.


    Does the man seem to respond with faith to Jesus’ rebuke?

    The healed man afterwards have known Jesus as the man who healed him. The action of the man after the rebuking doesn't show faith in Jesus.

  23. Q3. (John 5:9-13)

    Why are the “sabbath police” (the Pharisees) so upset at the man who is healed?

    For the "sabbath police," the healed man was obiously not observing the Sabbath Day, it is unholy to do personal work.


    How can a person be so intent on rules that they miss what God is doing?

    Pharisees rules where base on supertitions and traditions (Mishnah), and they have wrong interpretation of the laws of the old testament.


    Have you ever caught yourself doing that?

    When I was yet unbeliever we also have supertitions and rules that are totally not biblical.


    Has someone in your church been so intent on “how we do things here” that they couldn’t see God at work?

    I think there are some but I believed they are going into process of learning more


    What is the sin of the Pharisees here?

    The sin of unbelief of Jesus Christ. The sin of making traditions and supertitions as rules and being healed in the sabbath day was not God's work.

  24. Q2. (John 5:6)

    Why do you think Jesus asked the invalid if he wanted to get well?

    He wanted to assess desire and faith. Also the Lord wants the man to do his responsibility by using his mouth to answer his question. It must come to heart when we answer or ask our God.(Mat_15:18  But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart)


    Why is it important for us not to make assumptions, but to seek discernment about people’s needs before we pray for them?

    Making assumption is like guessing and we are not sure about the real needs of the people. Many people they just need attention but their pride are still there thats why they only want empathy and not sympathy or patronizing them. That is why it is important to ask them of what they want the Lord to do for them.

  25. Q1. (John 5:1-16)

    How would you describe the invalid’s character?

    1. Old. If the life expectancy in those days was maybe 35, and if this man had been afflicted during his childhood, he might have been 40 or 50 by this time -- an old man (5:5).
    2. Dependent. He probably relies on others to bring him, take him home, and support him (5:7). If he couldn't take care of himself well, he was probably dirty and smelly too -- a smelly old man.
    3. Complainer. He complains about how long he's been an invalid. He complains that he doesn't have anyone to help him into the pool (5:5, 7)
    4. Blamer. When confronted by the Jews for carrying his pallet on the Sabbath he blames the person who told him to carry it (5:10-13).
    5. Sinner (5:14), serious enough for Jesus to confront him in the temple.
    6. Ungrateful and disloyal. When he learns Jesus' name, he reports it to the religious leaders. He "tattles" on Jesus rather than being thankful for his healing and loyal to his healer (5:15).
    7. Unrepentant (5:14-15). There's no indication that he accepted and acted on Jesus' rebuke about his sin; rather John tells us that he reports Jesus to the authorities.


    The invalid’s faith?

    Zero faith


    How does Jesus’ healing here demonstrate the grace of God?

    He choosed a unbeliever and invalid for 38 years.


    Why do we humans find it difficult to accept grace when it is offered to us?

    knowing nothing about Jesus and lack of belief in Christ who can do anything.


    Why do we resist the concept that God’s gifts are entirely by grace?

    We resist it because we don't know the real meaning of grace. Grace means you don't deserved it, but God intended it for you, according to his own plan and purpose for your life. Gift means for you, without you making any effort, you did not work for it.

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