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Posts posted by Karen11

  1. On 11/28/2017 at 1:19 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q1. ((Judges 6:36-38; Psalm 95:7-10) Does Gideon ask for a sign because of his unbelief? What is the difference between Gideon’s seeking confirmation, and “testing God” in a way that displeases God? Does God mind if we ask for confirmation? When might God be upset with us for asking for confirmation?

    Not because of his unbelief.

    He is not testing God out of unbelief but out reassurance.

    No, as long as we are just confirming.

    When we do it for a sign out of unbelief, 

  2. On 11/28/2017 at 1:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17) Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God’s commands so important? How does obedience sometimes help us understand God’s workings.

    We must learn to trust,(walk by faith not by sight) even though we don't know the reasons we must remember God is in control.

    When we obey God moves, so we learn Gods workings.

  3. On 11/28/2017 at 1:16 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you?

    To first know God more intimately, to understand more deeply.

    Hearing Gods voice directs us closer to the path he wants to lead us.

    To keep pursuing him to know him better.

    To never give up, to always keep learning.

  4. On 11/28/2017 at 1:15 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q1. (1 Samuel 3:1-10) What was Eli’s counsel to Samuel, when he recognized that God was calling to the boy? Was it good counsel? What is the significance of Samuel recognizing that he is a servant?

    To answer the Lord, tell him he was listening.

    Yes, without his counsel Samuel would not have listened or known it was God.

    As to humble himself before the Lord.


  5. On 11/28/2017 at 1:14 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q4. (Acts 16:6-10; Psalm 27:14) Why does God sometimes not talk to us? Is it always because we aren’t receptive? What should we do when we don’t hear anything from God?

    God knows what's best, he has his reasons, I don't think it is always because we are not receptive.

    Listen, wait on the Lord.

  6. On 11/28/2017 at 1:13 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q3. (Acts 5:1-11; 8:23; 14:8-10) Sometimes God nudges you by giving you insight into the spiritual state of people around you. What should you be asking God about once you receive this insight about them? Have you ever had a nudge from God that resulted in a person receiving help? What did you learn from this?

    I would ask God how he would want me to approach them.

    Yes I have. 

    To always follow that nudge.

  7. On 11/28/2017 at 1:12 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q2. (2 Samuel 5:19, 22-25) What’s the similarity between God’s brief, inarticulate nudges or promptings, and David’s use of the Urim and Thummim to receive direction? What happens when David needs more than a “yes” or “no” answer?

    I believe they are the same, it is a nudge for David because he would not have moved.

    The Lord answers him.

  8. On 11/28/2017 at 1:11 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q1. (Acts 8:26-40; 16:6-10) Are promptings from the Holy Spirit clear enough when we’re seeking God for direction? Why is “no” just as important an answer as “yes”? Have you ever felt God’s promptings to take some action? If you followed through, what happened?

    Not all the time, sometimes we just don't realize they are from the Holy Spirit.

    Because that NO just might save your life.

    Sometimes I have, things work out for the better. 

  9. On 11/28/2017 at 1:09 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q4. (Acts 10:19-20) Why was it important for Simon to get a very clear command from the Spirit to go with his visitors? What would he have done if the word weren’t so clear? What does he do when criticized for taking this action (Acts 11:2, 12)? What kind of faith does it take to obey the Spirit and take an action you know you’ll be criticized for later? Do you disobey when you know you might face criticism for obedience?

    To know for sure this is what God wanted him to do.



    Strong Faith

    I think sometimes I do.

  10. Q3. (Acts 19:21; 20:22-24; 21:12-14) What would have happened if Paul hadn’t been sure of his instructions from the Holy Spirit to go to Jerusalem? Would you have tried to dissuade him? It’s comforting to receive encouraging words. What level of maturity does it take to receive a direction that might lead us into hardship and danger? What happens when we choose the easy way, when God leads us on a difficult path?

    If he wasn't sure, he might have made the wrong decision and that would have been a mistake.

    If he wasn't sure if he heard from the Holy Spirit I would have tired to dissuade him other wise no.

    A very high level of maturity and a strong conviction.

    The outcome will not be what was meant for you.

  11. On 11/28/2017 at 1:06 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q2. (2 Corinthians 12:9a; Acts 18:9-10; 23:11; 27:24) How do you think it feels to Paul for God to personally encourage him when he is afraid and hurting? What do we learn about God that he speaks to Paul in this way?

    I think he feels strengthened and emboldened to go on and do the work of God.

    I learn that he is a caring loving friend of ours that is always near.



  12. On 11/28/2017 at 1:05 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q1. (1 Kings 17-19) Why do you think the author contrasts the “still small voice” to the wind, earthquake, and fire? How does God’s voice comfort and renew Elijah? Why is it easy to miss God when his voice is gentle and quiet?

    I think that most believe God would speak to us in that manner.

    Because God spoke to him in such a comforting soft way to Elijah it brought love and reassurance.

    We tend to think it's our own thoughts owe miss his voice over all the problems of the world.

  13. On 11/28/2017 at 1:04 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q4. (1 Corinthians 2:9-16) How does the Holy Spirit make “the mind of Christ” available to us? How does this make you dependent upon the Holy Spirit? How does this relate to listening for God’s voice?

    The Holy Spirit ready's us, through prayer, in mediation and speaking in tongues.

    We need the Holy Spirit to hear, to learn.

    God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit.

  14. On 11/28/2017 at 12:58 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q3. (John 14-16) What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God?

    That he will be with them forever, he will not leave us.

    The Holy Spirit will guide us through and allow us to hear from God.

  15. On 11/28/2017 at 12:57 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q2. (John 5:19, 30) Why do you think Jesus said, “By myself I can do nothing”? (vs. 30). How do you justify this statement with Jesus’ divine nature as the Son of God? In what ways can we use Jesus’ example as a pattern for our own life and ministry? How do you think Jesus would “see” and “hear” the Father?

    Jesus is the son of God, he is of God and can do nothing apart from him.

    The Father,The Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Having the Holy Spirit dwelling with in us, praying and seeking God always.

    He would listen to the Holy Spirit talking to him, and as he prayed he would see God with his heart.




  16. On 11/28/2017 at 12:55 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    To help you internalize and apply what you are learning from this study, I have included several Discussion Questions in each lesson. These are designed to help you think about and ponder the most important points. Don't skip these. It is best to write out your answers, whether you post them or not. However, you can post your answers – and read what others have written – by going to the online forum by clicking on the URL below each question. (Before you can post your answer the first time, you will need to register. You can find instructions at http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/instructions.htm

    Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus’ prayer life? Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? How does this prepare him for his ministry? How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) Why? Do you have a Quiet Time? What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day?

    Spending time with God. To seek guidance from God. To know what he should do next.I think they felt Jesus should always be in the public eye to be around them also.

    I try to have the time in the Morning, but I need to be more consistent.

  17. On 4/21/2023 at 11:38 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q34. (Luke 13:23-27) Beyond the message that few will be saved, what is the unique message of the Parable of the Narrow Door? Why must would-be disciples be aggressive in order to enter the Kingdom? What happens if we don't aggressively seek God? Why do you think Jesus told this parable to his disciples?

    I believe God saves all who welcome him into their hearts and strive to know him more and to live and share him with all, some say they know the way but don't I would say false disciples.We should always seek God to stay in the word, if we don't we also will fall behind. Jesus told this so we will never stop the life we where called to live.

  18. On 4/21/2023 at 11:36 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q32. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to the Parable of the Sower, why do some people fall away so quickly? What is their problem?

    When life get's hard when problems come as they always do, they let go of God, they stop thinking about him and think and worry more about their problems.

    Thy get out of God's covenant, they stop reading his word.

  19. On 4/21/2023 at 11:29 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q26. (Matthew 26:26-29; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26) How do the bread and wine remind us of Jesus' sacrifice for our sins? In what way, when we partake of the Lord's Supper, do we “proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26)?

    The Bread as the body of Christ(which went to the cross) the wine as the Blood that Jesus shed for us.

    We recognize Jesus as our Lord and Savior who died for us and will come again.

  20. On 4/21/2023 at 11:28 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q25. (Luke 18:24-25) Why do you think people try to distort Jesus’ Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility? Why is salvation impossible to humans?

    Well most people who are Rich don't want to think they will never get into Heaven, and when you put the needle and Camel parable in, most know that you could never put a Camel through a needle.

    They can not comprehend the fact that someone could love them so much. I don't think most would want to change(Listen to the Lord).

  21. On 4/21/2023 at 11:28 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q24. (John 4:13-14; 7:37-39) If water is symbolic of life, what is flowing or living water symbolic of in these passages? Who creates this spiritual thirst in a person? How are these promises fulfilled in believers?

    Spiritual and Eternal Life.

    God The Father.

    Receiving Jesus as you Savior. 

  22. On 4/21/2023 at 11:27 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q23. (John 3:3-8) In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth? What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy? What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit?

    We are a new person, washed clean from our sin never again to be remembered, we are changed, Jesus has cleansed us forgotten (completely) our sin.

    Spiritual Birth is of the Holy Spirit not of a women.

    Only by the Spirit can we be taught and the Spirit will move us from here to there, listen to the Spirit.



  23. On 4/21/2023 at 9:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q16. (Matthew 25:31-46) What are the “sheep” complimented for? What are the “goats” condemned for? Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? How does Jesus identify himself with “the least of these my brothers”? Why did Jesus tell this parable to his disciples? What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless?

    The Sheep are being docile and calm, the Goats are disruptive and unruly.

    No, salvation is not by works, Salvation is by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

     Jesus identified with the "least of these" he came in the flesh and was treated as such and went to the cross for us.

    To help his disciples understand to love and care for people.

    They need to do what Jesus told us to to do, to help the least of these.

    To feed the poor help the sick, TO LOVE.

  24. On 4/21/2023 at 9:16 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q15. (Luke 16:19-31). What was the Rich Man's sin that landed him in hell? Since it isn't stated explicitly, what must it be? In hell, what is the Rich Man's attitude towards Lazarus? What is the main point of the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus? What are you and your church doing to aid the very poor in your area? In the world?

    Pride, Greed, No Love for his fellow man.

    His attitude is that Lazarus is still a slave  and lower in Esteem .

    To treat your fellow man with love in your heart to help and lift them up in life.

    Feed the poor, Love the poor


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