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Menberu Adane

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Posts posted by Menberu Adane

  1. The word of God tells us that thos who are cleansed in the blood of the lamb, as Jesus told to Nicodemus, are born again from God. Thus, their names is written in the book of life, as they lived with grace day by day getting the mercy and forgiveness of God, throne of grace, though they fall and feel exhausted, but seeking forgiveness every time. That is their ramification as opposed to those who have no salvation because they are not born again by the blood of the lamb, for the lamb to use the book of life to be their testimony. Hence, they are judged by what they did only, naked, and will be paid their wage which is death, because no man is worthy before the holy God unless covered by the blood of the lamb.

    Jesus is worthy of opening the seven seals of the book in the hand of God in the temple. 

    That always marvelous me day and night that why I am able to get salvation, when multitudes of those who excel me in humanly perspectives are blinded. Thank you Jesu, and help me reach this hope. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

  2. Each follower of Jesus is temple of God and all of us are parts of this body of followers called Church of Christ that Paul tells us prepared, betrothed, to Christ. Thus, there are those who are chosen to be part of this body of the bride, washed by the blood of Jesus, yet to believe through hearing the gospel, so the delay until the body of Christ, it bride full of believers get ready.

    Betrothal is promise time of preparation of the bride and the bridegroom, the time to call invited/attendants, preparation of feast and dowry for the bride by the bridegroom. This time the bride and the bridegroom leave separately in their parent's homes. Married is coming to the completion of the promise of engagement and they become one.

    Likewise, the final of this marriage will be final in the new Jerusalem that all human beings who are washed with the blood of Jesus will get the fulfillment of their hope to eternity that they lost in Eden.

  3. Though we are victorious by the time we got our salvation when we accept Jesus as our Lord who died and is raised being in the right Hand of God, we need to always meditate that the blood of Jesus has covered us and our enemy cannot stand it. And we need to be in His reach of command with the Holyspirit guidance and continuous empowerment.  

    Always shine the light by being examples in our work and social engagement and relationships, be testimony to those who are in bondage telling the good news.

    Our fight is not of flesh and our weapon is not of physical that we always oppose the work of satan in the spirit realm during our prayers, worship songs, when encountered with temptations of satan in our walk of life. I believe prayer is the most powerful tool to destroy the strongholds of Satan who always roars like lion to win over us. 


  4. Song of Moses is like song of the lamb in that it praises God Almighty and it is song of joy and being truimphant and victorious over the enemy, Pharoah vs Satan. However, it was short lived as the bible says when a new generation comes, they forget what God did to their forefathers and worshiped the idols of their neighbours, which evoked punishment. It was also performed before Moses though intended to God mentioning His name. But the song of the lamb on the contrary is eternal and original before the Almighty in His temple in His presence. 

    It is must the all creation praise God. They are made by Him and it is in their body constituents that His presence is instituted and are meant to please Him

    It takes admitting His Authority and Power, the coming of His kingdom and His will be done on earth. That is what it takes for nations to come to the Lamb because He is worthy, creator but showed humility and love to all of us, individuals and nations.

  5. Dr. Pastor Ralph. Thank you for your teaching. I tried many times to follow you in such forums, this time I succeeded with the help of Jesus.

    You said it all and i have nothing to say on the first reflection questions.

    Yes you are right, as you said, "It's not the destination that's important; it's the journey. It's the relationship that forms as we walk with Jesus, as we follow him. That is Life!". That is what I pray for myself, my wife and children and to all saints-brothers and sisters in Jesus. To "walk what we talk!". I faced stumbling and were in slumber many times, but grace have been lifting me up. Yes we have Hope in Christ. He finished everything. But as "Life" we have to live it every day. There is this journey that we have to travel till we reach the destination-where the hope giver is-that Jesus said he will prepare for us. As receivers of this hope we have to earnestly and day by day and time and after time, we need to seek Him and grow to Him. 

    Hope will be Hope if the receiver of the Hope reaches to the giver of the Hope. There is this space which we need to narrow every day until we reach to our Hope. Grand hope of mankind-given free but needs our "feet of hearts" to walk every day.

    Jesus help me as I walk to you-energize me, and your people, with your spirit every day. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

  6. The antichrist, the serpent that deceived Adame and Eve, always falsely claims what is God's and never repents. He claims to sit high and has forgotten that it is creation of God.

    So what Jesus, the slain lamb, has done for us is to reclaim or liberty from the false kingdom of satan, and by appearing on mount Zion He once and for all declared that He has seated us with Him in the highest place where He sits in the eternal temple.

    So, at the end time when the beast tries in vain to overtake what is for God, His/Jesus' redeemed people by His blood/the lamb, His name is significant as it is the name above all names in heaven, on earth and beneath it to destroy the work of our enemy who wants to take our lives and separate us from God as he did in Eden to Adame and Eve. Thank you Jesus. I praise your name for ever and ever. Amen.

  7. The book of life is our assurance of the hope we have to be with almighty God that we are given by the blood of Jesus. If the name of a citizen in the census/passport of Ethiopia, USA...is assurance of being a national of these countries with all privileges of being citizen, how much is this assurance when our name is found written in the book of life of the Lamb who opened the seals in front of the throne in the temple of God! Thank you Jesus for enabling me,my wife, children and my brothers and sisters in Jesus to get this priceless gift for free.

    I believe what is written by those saints telling me that my name is written in the book of life before the foundation of the world/time. I am reassured, time and again and now and then, by the word of God on my hopes with Him! This is what makes my enemy furious but he cannot defeat me-because he cannot kill my soul. I escaped many dangers-forest fire, lost in lions forest in mid-night, car-wrecks many times...here I am with the grace of God. God has time for me-He is the one who decides when I should be with Him.

    Again and again thank you Jesus, who am I to be worthy of this magnificent right-eternal right to be with you in heaven. In Jesus name, Amen.

  8. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, because he is the only one who defeated our enemy in humility sheding His Blood for us, so our faith in him makes us defeat satan because it makes us walk in humility and grace with Holyspirit. But this faith becomes complete when we finish the race through walking with Jesus everyday until we reach our hope. This includes heralding our victory in Jesus and showing out light around us which is our testimony. 

  9. Every day in my work, family life, relationships, the way I talk, decide, see people ...is led by my shepherd. I only need to follow as he leads. I am now settled and stopped roaming, I am content by what I have and I don't crave beyond my needs. That is because I already got the spring, as I have much change in the way I live, behave and relate..., yet strive in the grace of God to be abundant and overfowing for others to drink from it. I have tears for my relatives, brothers and sisters, country and it's people and leaders to get at peace with Jesus, and rest in Him as I do.

  10. We in Ethiopia still slaughter lamb and goat and chicken on holidays like new year, Chritmas, Easter at our homes and gather with families and feast. Especially, after I realized the the blood of Jesus shed for me to make me child of God and Knowing that this blood day by day cleanse me from my trespasses simply by confession as opposed to sin sacrifice by Israelite which they have to make every time through trying to please God in their work, I ask my self what a priceless gift I have been given for free and the Holyspirit making it absolute daily helping me to worship God. And I imagine how Jesus obeyed in humility when I see those lambs we slaughter give up to be slaughtered. This always reminds me of the price paid for me and those who are saved through confession of that Jesus died for them and rose and is Lord in heaven in his speldor in the right hand of God.

    Though I am free from such embaressemt because of what we practice to get meat during holidays, I can imagine those in the Western world that it is difficult for them to relate the blood of Jesus cleansing our sin because of the humility He showed till death in the cross like the lamb we slaughter goes to our home and gives its neck to be slain. Hope God in the Holyspirit can light up their mind and heart to better understand the sacrifice of Jesus as lamb. I pray in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

  11. Worship is theme in heaven, because one gets filled with magnificent revelation as one faces God in His splendor in His throne. No one can stand extraordinary scene of the presence of God. Isaiah, Ezikael, John himself testified this and later Paul told us unspeakable things he saw in the third heaven. Worship is not by force and once knowledge and manipulation but with inner most feeling arouse by Holyspirit that reveals God in his full glory and power. That is what Paul told us that now we see in twilight, but when we face God our knowledge will be full and holy, which lead us to true worship.

    God cares for the vulnerable and oppressed. That was one of Isreal's problems which made God punish them apart from idolatry. Oppression brings the wrath of God. He know not our color, language, rich, boundaries...but our being the work of His hand. Minority and poor and rich and King and queen is what man ordained by himself. Let our being human suffice to respect and treat good to each other.

    We are called to act like Him, humility, whether we are in the palace, multi million company, in a small village in forests or in big cities, we need to show love, respect and hope to each other.

  12. If we believe in God the creator of the world as we read it in Genesis, no doubt that we have to admit and believe to what He tells, plans and warns us. Then, as Isaiah admitted in 64:8, He is our father and maker. And if we believe Him, we need to know that there is rebellion and betrayal by Satan, who from the beginning defied God and exalted himself foolishly. This has made God pay the price to save us not to go astray again, as Adam went astray in eden, by giving Jesus and Jesus obeying the will of His Father redeemed us. What love and Truth do we need to believe other than these accounts and myriads of miracles and heralding nature in heaven, on earth and under it. Disobeying by Adam led us to wrath of God and obeying of Jesus has led us to eternal life and receiving of Holyspirit. If the warning of punishment cannot deter us from sin what love other than Jesus' who died on the cross would deter us from sinning. At least all humans know that, heard and are seeing someone disappearing through death, we are destined to live short life on earth. Let the curtain be removed from those who are short of these truths. The  Messaih, Jesus, is the ultimate sacrifice that God gave to all humans. This was because of the rebellion, Satan, and we are to choose between life and brimstone. Let this truth be lighted up in the hearts of those who are fooled by the thief who came to rob their lives. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

  13. Jesus, I shout praise to you for I am a changed man, living witness of your atonement and work of miracle.

    I cannot stop singing and worshiping you. I am yours. 

    Kingdom, power and glory is your for ever and ever. I pray as you thought us to pray.

    You are my Creater, King, Lord, provider ....!

    I pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen!

  14. Every Sunday, when I was around 6/7 years old may be until age of 12, I used to watch, now I am 49 years old, films in the the American Baptist mission compound near where I was born and brought up. They used to give us colors to paint bible verses and them watched films like may be Jesus, Moses...(with old technology of the then projector). It was fun that time for me as kid to go with my friends, especially for the projector film. I remember the person who translated into Amharic from English, and I always wished to be like him. But after I joined junior and high school, though I went to the same place, it was for different purpose, which is to study in their well equipped library to study. There was no such library as far as I knew as good as this baptist mission library near my village. projector films were stopped and students, especially from high school,  come from all corners of Addis Ababa to get this service. Variety of science and maths and physics books. I knew Jesus by name from that childhood film and painting verses, but never it was seriously taken as my savior and even didn't know what my relationship with God was and let alone knowing what I needed to do to be saved and become child of God in Jesus. After many years, after I joined university and were studying the fifth year agricultural engineering, graduating class,  but in the mean time I was feeling empty and didn't get satisfied even as I approached graduation-already became chain smoker and drinking and doing all the nonsense of youth habits and aspirations, one of my dorm mate in my department got saved and encouraged me to join him-which I started reading the bible as a man and was very impressed by the Message of Hebrew and then the gospels which letter culminated to receiving Jesus and met my King-Jesus. Baptized in the Pentecostal Full Gospel church. putting the long story in short.

    After that with all ups and downs, I am now the husband, , last more than 25 years, of one very beautiful  and blessed wife and three children (19, 17 and 10 years old) who are also in Jesus even serving with the youth group, worshiping God in Jesus as family and praying for our neighbors, relatives and those who we happen to meet and know. Being with brothers and sisters..studying in cell groups... What a privilege and reward of life! Thank you Jesus.

    This is Jesus for me and I long to see him. Now I know that His plan for me, my family and brothers and sisters in Him is everlasting communion in love as children and Father. 

  15. He doesn't feel good for those who suffer, he calls all who are heavily loaded with this world's system and burden of religion. He felt the same way and invited me to his righteousness which he secured with humility and resulting power.

    Nonetheless, we cannot finish knowing Him and we cannot graduate of his wisdom and knowledge. he is new every second ...and day ...and years. He is our God and redeemer. Yes, we knew Him in human form 2000 years ago but not now.

    Let we approach Him with complete openness and reverence in all our minds, walk of life, steps and strides of every inch. He is our God Who made us who deserve worship for ever and ever. Jesus, we are indebted to your sacrifice to or sin, but no more we know you as weak as you were on the Cross at Golgotha.  Amen.

  16. The description of the lamb in ch5:6 becomes clear as how He is powerful and triuphant in the recognition of scene in ch4:5 and following verses of worship before the throne. He was in the midst of lightening, thunder and fire as slain but standing boldly. In the following verses of ch5:6, the lamb received the same worship that the elders and the 4 creatures performed before the One who sat in the throne. Thanks Jesus, we adore and revere you forever and ever!! you have made us kings and priest with you because of the love you have for us and the humility you showed on the cross tolerating the wound and carrying our sin. Meditating this everyday renews our souls and empowers us in out troubles. As Jesus promised that we have tribulation but as He overcome the world, slain but standing with might and seeing us with Holyspirit. What grand Promise and Holy gift this is. Let it prevail day by day, in the name of Jesus who shed his Holy blood for us, the meek. Amen.

  17. Humility is the very nature of our God. He from the beginning gave out to Adam, the first man, everything He created and even brought all animals to get their name from Adam, and called him good helper. Even after all the trespassing God promised and showed humility to human being to redeem us from the grip of satan, which Jesus finished humbling himself before his Father. Likewise, the powerful God became man, as symbolized by lion becoming lamb, which is also the absolute humility of God, which is His inherent manifestation Who swore in Himself to atone us in the blood of Jesus, and chose us for the same before the creation of the world. Oh, Jesus, who astonished the King in silence before His accusers who desperately wanted Him to hang on the cross, is this much humble even in His silence, obeyed God the father and pleased Him by doing His Father's will. Here we are because of his humility, the we are now worthy to be called children of God and priests of the eternal King. Thus, we need to please Him as He redeemed us and made us worthy by His Blood, in day to day  communion with Him and heralding this humility to our families, relatives, neighbors, workmates, without distinction making them see the value of the bloof of the lamb that unchain them from the shackle and yoke of satan. We do this when our change lights around them overcoming the darkness that devoured their lives. Jesus is Lord, Amen!

  18. On 5/15/2020 at 7:21 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 1 Meditation (Revelation 4; 5:6). Why is everyone around the throne worshipping? Why are they chanting and singing? Why do you think that we get bored with worship after a few minutes? What does that indicate about our hearts? What can we do to change this?

    All creations are the work of His hand, including man-Isaiah 64:8. Then, who can stand before Him and resist not to worship him being in His presence-all those sacred revelations though not like the Israelite who trembled before Him as they listened His voice in the wilderness, which was on earth and they were with their sinful nature in flesh not in spirit. Who resists singing and keeps quiet in His presence? I feel that God's glory fills every one in reverence and joy. That we also feel here on earth clothed with our flesh when the holy spirit engulfs us in our prayers and worship. If His presence on earth fills us with joy and reverence, what it is like to be with Him and not revere Him. That is why on the contrary we feel bored and experience short lived prayer, worship and relationship with God, our Maker and Father as Isaiah 64:8 said, when we get abscessed with our earthly things lifting our eyes from Him, chasing away the Holy Spirit, until we feel drowned as we walk, as Peter did-lifting his eyes from Jesus while walking on the sea and saw the fierce wind/tide-Mathew 14:30. Let we always see Him, always sanctified by the blood of the lamb in reverence and thirst of the holy Spirit who immerses us into true worship and singing. God help us. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

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