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Posts posted by Katy

  1. Q23. When a baby is born they leave the mother’s body and have a new beginning living independently of their mother. When we are born again it is a new beginning for us. The old ways of life become unattractive and desires for new and different ways begin. This comes from having the Holy Spirit living within us and leading us into a new life of fellowship with God. 
    The wind cannot be seen, but we can experience it blowing and we can hear it. We don’t know where it comes from or where it is going. We have no control over it at all. The Holy Spirit comes , nothing to do with us , but by the will of God. We cannot see Him, but we can experience Him in our lives. 

  2. Q18. This parable teaches us that God’s generosity knows no bounds. Those who are Christian’s know this to be true, because we have experienced God’s bottomless generosity towards us. 
    All God’s generosity is full of grace because we are sinners and don’t deserve anything but punishment from God but because of his love, grace and generosity He came to earth and died on the cross, He who had no sin, so that our sins would be forgiven. In this parable The Landowner (God) shows both grace and generosity to the men who did not work a full day. He gave them a full day’s wages.

    If we feel we are being overlooked or taken for granted we often feel annoyed, insulted, unfairness and our pride is hurt. These feelings are generally negative and ungodly! Our reaction should be “ Well I am working for my Lord and Saviour, He knows what I have done ,and that is all that matters “!

  3. Q17. The Parable  of the Weeds and the Parable  of the Nets are similar because they both speak about good and bad being together, but in the end the good and the bad are separated and sent to the places they deserve.

    They both tell us that the Final Judgment is coming in God’s time. We now have a period of grace in which to  follow Jesus wholeheartedly and to work to help others but it will come to an end.

    We know that this world is only temporary and Jesus has already won the victory over satan. No matter how hard this life is, the next life is worth waiting for . 1Corinthians 2v9.tells us :What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived … the things that God has prepared for those who love Him.

  4. Q16. The sheep were placed on the right, which is the place of highest honour. The goats were separated from the sheep because they fought with the sheep at night when the shepherd was asleep. 
    It is not Salvation by works. These are the kind of things we are motivated to do as a result of being saved and having the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God… not by works so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2v 8-9. 
    Jesus tell us that whatever we do to help the poor and the needy or anyone in any kind of distress, it is as though we were doing it for Him. 
    Jesus told this parable to His disciples to instruct them in how Jesus expected them to look after people in need but it was also telling them about what was going to happen at the end of time. The sheep and goats represent all people living both good and bad but at judgement day the goats ( representing those who did not follow Jesus) will be separated from the sheep ( who represent followers of Jesus) will be separated and taken to heaven while the goats will be sent to hell. 
    We must all play our part in helping those who need practical help as well as spiritual help. 

  5. Q15. The rich man’s sheer greed and absence of mercy for those who are poor, especially Lazarus are the reason he went to hell. His excessive banqueting and costly garments and neglect of Lazarus who was in dire straits, tell of a man full of himself and living to satisfy every desire he had. He had no concern even for a beggar right outside his door! 
    I think his sins were greed, lack of mercy and selfishness.

    In hell he still thinks of Lazarus as inferior to him. He asks Father Abraham to ‘send’ Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool his tongue. V24. Than in verse 27. The rich man is begging Abraham to ‘send’ Lazarus to his family. 
    The point of the parable is that we get the opportunity on earth to do what we can to help those less well off than ourselves. If we ignore these opportunities and think only of gratifying ourselves, then we will be punished. We must do all within our power to advocate for those who cannot speak out for themselves and to serve and give what we can to the poor. 
    Within our church we do very little for those around us who are poor. I volunteer at our local food bank and work in a charity shop which serves those unable to afford normal shop prices. 
    Our church supports a number of missionaries who serve the poor. We also support organisations like ‘Asia Link’, Open Doors, and their humanitarian efforts. 


  6. Q12. Without seeking we will not find the narrow gate. It takes time, effort and commitment to seek God and His ways. It is not for the half hearted people who are not really interested in God. When we are called by God we must play our part and seek Him with all our heart. Jeremiah 29v 13. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

    Jesus warns us that only a few will find the narrow gate because most people are not interested and just follow the crowd, who take the broad easy way of life. It is a warning to us to make sure we are on the right road, or the narrow way. May we be among the few who find it and walk it with diligence and commitment.

    This parable explains to us the pitfalls and encourages us to be among the few who walk the narrow way. And warns us about how easy it is to find ourselves on the broad road and going with the flow, unless we make a conscious effort to seek out our Saviour and start our journey on the narrow road. 

  7. Q11. Many people hear a preacher and believe and are enthusiastic about God. But so often their enthusiasm wains. They find it too much effort to actually obey, it may be too uncomfortable or inconvenient. 
    mothers think that if they believe in Jesus that is sufficient, they do not realise that we are called to hear and obey. One without the other is not what Jesus desires. 
    The need to obey God needs to be explained to young Christians so that they understand fully about what is required to be a follower of Jesus. Hearing and obeying must be linked together at all times. As Christians we must also play our part by showing by the way we live what hearing and obeying are an integral part of our everyday life.

  8. Q10. Jesus told the parable of the guilty defendant to show to us the vital importance of dealing with sinful issues in our lives and not to delay putting things right with God and other people we may have hurt or done damage to in some way. We don’t know the day or the time when God will call us ! If we put off dealing with sin and reparation we may miss our opportunity and then will have to face the wrath of God. 
    If we have people in our lives that we have wronged and we have made no effort to make amends in whatever way we can then there is a barrier between us and God. We will find we cannot worship God as we should because our conscience is not clear and things will stay that way until we have done what we know we must do,even if it is frightening or we are afraid how someone we have hurt will react when we contact then. Whatever happens the wrath of God will be worse if we refuse to do it. 
    It would be hypocritical to be attending Church and meetings if we are in sin and have outstanding issues in our lives that need our attention. We are pretending to be something and someone we are clearly not! 

  9. Q9. Both Mark and Matthew explain to us that what we take into the body through eating and drinking does not defile the body because it goes into the stomach then into the bowel, the goodness from the food is absorbed and the waste is passed out of the body when we defecate. 
    It is the sin in our hearts that defiles the body, these things come from our hearts and are responsible for defiling and destroying us. 
    Jeremiah 17v9 tells us that our hearts are deceitful above all things and beyond cure!

    All of us have a side that we present outside, to try and make ourselves look good and acceptable to others. Often we can be resistant to Jesus to change us on the inside because we are unwilling to give up our sin, or to lazy to make the effort to change, or we don’t care enough about Jesus to realise how vital it is for our Salvation. 
    Our hearts must be changed and our sinning stopped , and our lives given to Jesus . In order to do this we must first be truly sorry for sin and turn away from all sources of sin in our lives. The Holy Spirit will help and guide us through this process.

  10. Q7. The people recruited from the roads , byways, etc represent in this parable the ordinary Jewish people and those who are deemed unacceptable in society. It may have also included gentiles. Today it represents all people living on earth. 
    The servant recruiters are all of us that have accepted the Lord and have been given a part to play in the Great Commission. 
    Everybody who comes is welcomed and encouraged to be part of the church. Since Covid we have been slow about organised outreach. We are going through difficult times within our church and seeking a new Pastor as our Pastor resigned due to overwork and ill health. We are encouraged to continue personal outreach to those we come in contact with. 
    I fail miserably at outreach! I miss opportunities and realise later. I may say a few sentences and get discouraged easily. I find it hard to convey the love and feelings I have for my Lord and Saviour to others. 

  11. Q8.The servants were the prophets, apostles and Jesus who were sent by God, who was the vineyard owner. The tenants were the ruling classes of Pharisees and priests who did not believe and were prepared to murder the Lord’s messengers. 
    In 70AD Jerusalem was totally destroyed, many were killed and those left were taken prisoners, many of these people were used to entertain the Romans in the arenas of Rome. 
    A church cannot function properly unless everyone plays their part. Everyone can contribute something to the smooth running of the church. We must support our Pastors and obey them because they are God’s representative. Even if we would prefer something done a different way, we must submit and go with the consensus. This parable teaches us not to reject or be complacent about those whom God has given to teach guide and direct us. Otherwise there will be consequences. 
    As Christian’s we can expect to be persecuted, some of us way more than others. Jesus tells us in the Beatitudes that if we are persecuted for His name sake, great will be our reward in Heaven. 

  12. Q6. The excuse maker were all the people invited to both banquets and either just didn’t show up or made lame excuses. The excuse makers in these two parables were the Pharisees and the Jewish leaders who would not acknowledge Jesus but saw him as a threat. 
    When we disobey God we are sinning against Him and unless we take action we will continue. Continuing in sin will lead to God’s wrath and punishment. 

  13. Q5. The Jewish people of Jesus time did not accept that Jesus was the Son of God. They were very caught up in the sins of pride, disobedience self righteousness and legalism. They were so sure of themselves that they didn’t think for a moment that they could be wrong and then listen to really hear what Jesus had to say and to offer them. 
    If we have sin in our lives the Holy Spirit cannot produce fruit in our lives. We need to be full invested in following Jesus and have our eyes firmly fixed on Him. 
    We can learn that Jesus is very patient and tolerant with us but there is a time limit on His patience. If we don’t stop our sinning we will be punished. 

  14. Q1. I see JUSTICE metered out when the king is informed of the servant’s treatment of a fellow worker who owed him a debt. Instead of treating him with the same mercy with which him master the King treated him, he insisted on his debtor being put in prison because he couldn’t repay his debt. The King gave him the justice he deserved. 
    Q2. I see GRACE given by the King to his servant who cannot repay his enormous debt. His servant doesn’t deserve it but the King totally forgives him, his debt in total. 
    Q3. I see GREED in the forgiven servant who could not pass on the grace that he himself had received from the King. Instead he insisted that his fellow worker pay there and then his much smaller debt. This same man showed unforgiveness to his fellow worker who owed him money, even though he himself had been forgiven a much larger sum of money by the King. 
    Q4. As disciples of Jesus we must incorporate into our lives forgiveness, a sense of justice and advocacy, and to be a dispenser of grace. 

  15. Q1. I think the woman was saved prior to the dinner. She had come to express her gratefulness and thanksgiving to Jesus by using expensive nard and anointing the feet of Jesus. She also used her tears to clean His feet and her kisses to show just how thankful she was. So Jesus must have forgiven her prior to this time.

    Q2. I certainly have not been as effusive as this lady was. In fact mine love appears lukewarm by comparison! I do love my Lord and Saviour deeply, but these thoughts have made me realise that I need to show Him my appreciation more fully and deeply in future. 
    Q3. Jesus wants us to be faithful followers. This includes, praying without ceasing, especially for our salvation, Bible study, involvement in our church, helping as much as possible, faithful attendance, fellowship with other Christians, speaking to the lost about Jesus, and doing good works. 

  16. Q1. The same theme runs through this parable as it does in the parable of the  lost sheep, and the lost coin. Jesus is looking for the lost and when a person comes to faith in Jesus there is great rejoicing in heaven. 
    So there are themes of lost, finding and rejoicing in all three parables. The Prodical Son was lost to his father and family, after he had squandered his father’s fortune and been in dire straits he comes to his senses and prepares his confess and what he is going to say in repentance to his father and then journeys home. Before he has time to ask forgiveness his father embraces him and calls for a celebration to be prepared. 
    Q2. Our Father in Heaven is merciful and unwilling that anyone should perish. These three parables show us that Our Father is showing us that He is always seeking the lost, longing to find those who will choose to follow Him, and rejoicing when that decision is made. 
    Q3. The older son is faithful to his father and has worked hard on the estate. Unlike his father he is jealous of the attention and the forgiveness his father gives to his younger brother. He is not gentle and forgiving as his father is towards his wayward brother. 
    Q4. As a disciple of Jesus I should have the same heart as Jesus, with a great desire to see those that are lost come to faith in Jesus. It should be the most important task in my life to talk to the lost about the grace of Jesus and all He has done for us all.

  17. Q1. God is a seeking God. He longs to see all sinners turn to Him and be saved. He rejoices when a sinner is saved. All heaven joins Him in rejoicing over a lost sinner who has been saved.

    Q2. The Pharisees are murmuring and complaining about Jesus, who He associates with and who He spends time with. They are filled with pride and feel superior to the people and don’t mix with them. They are the exact opposite to Jesus, who loves and regards everyone as equal. Jesus is interested in seeing the lost saved, and He will do what it takes to save them. 
    Q3. We should be like Jesus eager to see those we come in contact saved. We need to step out of our comfort zone and introduce people to Jesus. Tell them about the difference He has made in our lives and the joy that He brings every day to our lives. Even if we are ridiculed we need to persist , it will never be as bad as the persecution some of our brothers and sisters go through because they love Jesus. God will give us the grace we need for every situation we are in. 

  18. Q4. The Spirit is mentioned towards the end of the list as the Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. The word of God is full of verses which help us to protect ourselves from the attempts of Satan to shake us and tempt us to sin. It also teaches us , guides us , and shows us the way God wants us to live. The second element is to Pray in the Spirit, sometimes we find it hard to pray even though we want to pray. The Spirit takes over from us and prays with groanings. When we are Spirit filled we are connected to God and desire the things that God desires, and thanks to the Spirit we can pray in the Spirit as the Lord wants us to. 
    I have at time been prompted to pray for people. A couple of times I have found out that the person in question was ill and having to go to Hospital. Sometimes I think of someone out of the blue, I will pray for them because I feel I have been prompted by the Spirit. 

  19. Q3. When we are Spirit filled we want to worship and praise God and for many of us to sing helps and draws us nearer to God. I have found that as I draw closer to God I just want to sing and tell Him how much I love Him. Words of songs so often express my feelings so much better than I do. 
    The closer we draw to God and the more He occupies our whole being the happier we become and joy fills our hearts as nothing else can.

  20. Q2.Character change is a very slow gradual change as we spend more time in the presence of God. As we get to know Him through His word we realise that the things of God are the only things worth pursuing. As we do this we are changing more and more into the likeness of God. We realise that being in His presence is where true contentment and happiness is to be found. Unfortunately the mundane things of this world can often get in the way and reduce that precious time in the Lord’s presence. It has to be a priority in our lives otherwise character change will not take place.

     I have seen changes in my character over the years, but feel I have delayed the process by not spending enough time with God. I have never spent four hours in prayer. So often I seem to get to a point of not knowing what to say, or all my prayers seem to be requests or my mind wanders. So although I have seen changes, I have a long way to go. I praise and thank God for His patience with me, and His faithfulness towards me. 

  21. Q1. We need to abide in Jesus so that we can have a personal relationship with Him, and get to know Him and what He would like us to become through our relationship with Him. By abiding in Jesus we will grow more like Him be more in step with Him and desire what He wants more than what we want. 
    I don’t understand the question’Is it accurate to define fruits as souls saved.’ Reading other people’s answers doesn’t help. If I am walking in step with the Lord and attached to the vine, I am bearing fruit, so I am a saved soul. Some people think they are Christian’s but the Bible tells us that some people will be told ‘I never knew you’. And they will not get to spend eternity in God’s presence. 

  22. Q4. Samuel was instructed by his mentor Eli, to address God as Lord because it shows that Samuel is aware of who is speaking and his superiority over Samuel. Samuel refers to himself as “your servant” , here we see Samuel in full submission to his God. It is only when we are humble and in full submission that we can hope to hear the Lord speaking to us. Samuel was also listening , this is another way of being submissive. He was not trying to put in his ideas or opinions. He was engaged in active listening. This is also a lesson to us to give time to listening to God and to be always talking.

  23. Q3. The Spirit’s voice I hear through God’s word. When reading something I can get the impression that it is so relevant to something in my life. It can help me deal with a situation or make me look at it in a different way. I think this is only possible when I am actively walking each day in the Spirit. When I have spent time with the Lord and asked His help to see what He wants me to see in His word, and also seeking His guidance throughout my day. 
    The Spirit’s prompting or nudging comes about in the same way, by having a close walk with the Spirit on a daily basis. I have often felt I needed to delay a decision or going somewhere, or to do or not to do something. Later I have realised it was the prompting of the Spirit because it turns out that it would have been the wrong thing to do. I used to tell myself I was just procrastinating but then began to understand that it was the Spirit nudging me. It certainly takes time and prayer to differentiate between our will and God’s will. 

  24. Q2. The Holy Spirit who dwells within all true believers connects us to the mind of Christ. 
    Yes I have a quiet time most days. The odd day I miss if I have an early appointment, I have my time with the Lord in the evening, but this time is not so good. I find there are more distractions, I am tired and my mind wanders. I try to be in communication with the Lord throughout the day. I am constantly looking for His help and guidance as well as His protection and peace. When I started getting up early to spend time with God I found it hard but someone told me to think about the situation, you wake up and Jesus and Satan are standing beside your bed. Jesus is inviting you to come spend time with Him, Satan is encouraging you to stay and rest. I found that scenario quickly got me out of bed, now years later, I don’t even think about it. I long to have that little time in the morning in His presence before the madness of the day starts.

  25. Q1. In Jesus’s earthly life we see a pattern of work and prayer. Prayer in the presence of His disciples and prayer alone in lonely places at unsocial hours. This was done by Jesus to ensure He had private time in prayer with His Father. It was important to Jesus to have this quiet time with His Father before the start of a day to be sure that He was doing exactly what His Father wanted Him to do. I’m sure Jesus needed the encouragement of His Father from day to day as He grappled in this sinful world so far from the perfection and purity of Heaven. While on earth Jesus was truly man as well as truly God. He needed to minister through the Holy Spirit just as we human beings have to. 

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