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Posts posted by Zibuyile

  1. Q.5. A mentor is someone who has grown spiritually  and capable hearing The voice of God than you would as a novice , therefore he/she is able to provide you with guidance

    We will be sure we are on the right track as he /she has walked with God far more than I have

    The danger might be when what he is guiding you on is not what God want for you and  you do as told without inquiring  on the Lord with regards to the matter

  2. Q.4

    Sometimes  our desires are not what God wants of us , therefore surrendering them to God will make them to fit what God wants of us as we might find that God changes what we desired with what He desire of us

    We might find ourselves going astray and at times being destroyed  by what we thought we needed when it was nit God's  desire for us

    Sin hinders us from hearing God , even the small nudges He gives us we cannot hear because sin is clouding our judgement

  3. Q.3 The voice of the flesh would say 

    There is no harm if i can take just one glass of alcohol

    Voice of the world

    God help those who help themselves

    Voice of the devil

    You've been praying long enough , but there is no change in your situation

    Knowledge  of the scriptures is so important in that when such voices speak you will know what to respond to the voices using the scripture 

  4. Q.2. Sometimes  we will think that we're  heard God speaking to us , yet it is not more especially  in the early stages where we are still new and haven't been accustomed  to His voice then well make mistakes

    God is always speaking , but requires  spiritual  maturity  for us to discern voices we hear , and know when it is God speaking

  5. Q.1 No it was not because of Unbelief,  he just needed confirmation  of what he heard is what God is saying to him

    Seeking information  is when you want to be sure what you heard is really what is required of you , but putting God to test is more of Unbelief 

    I don't think God mind asking for confirmation,  if you did not  heard correctly 

    God might be upset  if asking for confirmation  is more of putting God to test to see what will happen 

  6. Q 2 You cannot  spend your time seeking to hear a voice  of someone you don't know or don't care about . Therefore spending time with lGod  through prayer , worthing and reading His word enables us to hear God

    Ability to God’s  voice give assurety  of the relationship  we have with God and strengththens our faith

    We should make it  our responsibility  to press on seeking God and stays in Him no matter what our situations 


  7. Q.1  Eli's counsel to Samuel was to instruct him to go lie down and whenever  he ears the voice again to say " speak lord your servant is listening 

    Yes it was , as it was going to teach him to hear God's  voice and how to respond to call

    The significance  of Samuel recognizing  he is a servant  is that he will learn to be obedient to God and be willing  to do what God requires  of him

  8. Q.4 God is always talking , might happen that at times He is not talking to us , because we are not tuned to hear His voice

    Yes it could be because we are not quiet to be able to hear when He speak , could be ignorance or being not sensitized to His voice duck that we miss Him when He speaks

    Reading His word , is the initial way we hear God speaks, and ask Him what He want us to hear through His word , that is how we grow in  hearing His voice. Being still also help us to hear when He speaks

  9. Q.1 yes they are,  though at times require yielding to Holy Spirit  for direction

    No is as important  as a yes  ,, because when God says No He knows about the dangers ahead should you follow through

    Yes , fulfillment of what has been spoken

  10. Q.1 The author contrast still small voice with earth quake , wind and fire to show us that God can speak to us in many form to get our attention , and will choose to use either depending  on the circumstance 

    God comforts Elijah by by pointing him to his new companion Elisha who will later takes after him

    It is easy to miss God's  still small voice because there is so much noise happening  around us that distract us  such that God will speak and do not recognize  its  Him speaking

  11. Q.4 The Holy Spirit make available  the mind of Christ to us , by revealing to us God's deepest desires to us things that a natural mind cannot fathom , because they are revealed  by the Spirit

    It relates to listening to the voice of God , because without the mind of Christ in us we cannot be able to hear God because  we able to  hear God as we spend our time with Him, and that is when we get His revelations to us

  12.  Q.2 Wnen Jesus said , I do what my father tells me He meant that apart from God there is nothing that He can do , He does what God tells Him to do

    Jesus devine nature as son of God

    Jesus in trinity He is God but subordinate  to His father

    We can use Jesus example by also yielding to the voice of tthe spirit to guide us , so that what we do is what God please with us

    Jesus would hear and see what God wants a d require of Him only, as He says i do what my father tells me



  13. Q.1 The pattern  in Jesus prayer life was that of taking time to withdraw  from the crowd and noise and find a queit time with God in prayer

    Q.2 It is when He gets instruction from the father about His mission , to preach the gospel

    Q.3 This prepares Him for His daily encounters  , as many people come to Him with various issues which He has to help them eg healing the sick , casting out demons  etc

    Q.4 The wanted  Jesus to spend more time with them , whilst Jesus was on a mission  to preach the gospel through Galilee

    Q.5 Yes I do have quiet time

    Q.6 To keep to it require that I set the time daily and be consistent no matter  what to have that quiet time with  God 

  14. Q.56  Jesus meant by mercy than sacrifice - He had compassion for the sinners and seeks to save them rather than feeling better  than them or feel righteous

    The pharisees had an attitude of being superior and more righteous than the sinners

    Jesus had compassion towards them and seeking to save them

    Love and and longing to see them getting saved

    The spiritual doctor is the to provide  healing  to the people 


  15. Q.55 The Jews and Levites were the highly respected people serving in the temple and expected to be of help to others as compared to Samaritans who were hated , but  became of help to a man who was in need

    According  to Jesus a neighbour is anyone who has love for people and is readily  available  to provide in times of need

    It s about letting  go of yourself  and be in the shoes of Jesus , if it was Him what He would do as at times self can get better of us  

  16. Q.54

    Jesus wanted to teach His disciples about the last days , when He returns how they used what they have been  entrusted  with 

    I use my talents by being there with people in their need , bringing hope , where it has lost and being of help wherever there  is  a  need 

    They bury their  talents , because of ignorance, selfishness or deliberately  not seeing the need  to

    Reward for faithfulness   is getting praised for the good work done

    To whom much is given , much is required 


  17. Q.53 Jesus wanted to teach His disciple about serving  one another

    It was so shocking because it was done by the low class people to the superiors not the other way round as Jesus did to His disciples 

    It was customary that before reclining to eat they must wash their feet to remove dust , hence Jesus did it to His disciples 

    When it was Peter's turn to be washed , he couldn't  accept Jesus washing his feet and started questioning  Him to the point where he asked Jesus to wash his whole body. Jesus had to tell him there is no need to wash the whole body since that has been done (initial salvation)

    Washing a person's feet is humbling service as it requires a servant heart to do so  and also being service done by low class people to their superiors

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