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Posts posted by Zibuyile

  1. 1. How do we apply principle  of not lifting the  finger against  the annointed  of God

    By showing respect in the position they are given   knowing that it's God who put them there and that it is God who will deal with their wrong doing

    2. What provision in 1 Timothy5:19-20 for calling leaders to account?

    1 Timothy states that we should not entertain accusation to our leaders by single person,  we should not act harshly without getting proper explanation of  the situation.

    God said it's Him who'll revenge on our behalf therefore we should give it to Him 

  2. 1.What did Abiathar and Ephod have to do with inquiring of the Lord?

    Ephod was priest garment to enquire of the Lord and since Abiathar was a high priest , he had to inquire from God whether David should attack Phillistines

    Why did David inquire of the Lord ? To be sure that his attack to the Ohillistines is God's will

    What advantage  of enquiring  of God have to the person? Will be acting in God's will concerning  the situation and whatever happens God us involved.

    How can you find God's will at key points in your life?


     Through prayer asking for His guidance and reading His word.

  3. 1.What is nature of covenant  between  David  and  Jonathan? They had a sworn friendship  with each other in the name of the Lord  [1Sam 20:42]

    2.What does David receive. Jonathan was going to help David escape from his father who wanted  to  kill  him 

    3.Who benefited most from this covenant? Both of the benefited , as we'll see in next chapters David showing favour to Mepibosheth , who is Jonathan's son


  4. 1.What does David's explanation to Saul say about David's faith , He was a man of faith who put all his trust in God  , also believe that God will be with him

    2. How lethal is David as a warrior? David was strong and courageous , he killed lion and bear

    3.Why do you think Saul allows  him to go to battle with Goliath?He had belief in him that he will conquer Goliath

    4.Does Saul has faith?Yes he does

    5.If so what is source  of it.From God , he believed that God will be with Davjd on the battle  with Goliath (17:37)

  5. 1.David's explanation  to Sailof his combat experience

    His explanation shows him as mannif faith who trust do much in God, shown in his explanation  to Ssul how ge has lion and the bear and believed that God will deliver him from Goliath.

    2.How lethal is David as warrior?

    He has killed a bear and lion before , therefore is capable to Goliath

    3.Why Saul allowed him to go to the battle.

    4. He had faith in David ,that he will kill Goliath after he has heard his testimony  

    5.Does Saul have faith.

    Yes he does 

    6.He had seen God delivering people of Israel,  and has faith He will do the same with David



  6. 1. Why is David upset at Goliath  ?Because he was was being rude against  people of God and against God

    2.Why was Elyab upset at David? Because David was showing courage against Golizth who was defying  the armies of God , while amongst  them there was no one courage to face Goliath.

    3.What does this teach us about David's faith?

    We need to put all our trust in God even when we facing our enemies  , as Hes is the one who give us strength  to stand.

    4.What does it teach us about Eliab's character?

    He had no faith in God , fearful even for his brother who was showing  courage. 

  7. 1. It is important  to have attentive  listening  ear to the voice of God , so that we don't  miss His instructions and important  things that God convey to us.

    2.Our instinctive ways of listening.  It is when we listen to what our natural minds telling us without and do accord  to our own thinking  without recognising  the voice of God

    3.How is God teaching us to discern?

    God teach us to discern through His word   studying the scriptures , through prayer .

    4.Spending time with Him such that we are able to hear when He speak , and be sure it is Him speakin7 to us.


  8. 1.Rebellion is going against what you are supposed to do / against what the word of God says.

    2. I would say rebellion is as bad as witchcraft in the sense that ,witchcraft is going against God's command of not fully trusting I Him .

    3.Rebellion has to do with arrogance ,in that while knowing what is right  , you decide to do otherwise

    4.when we find rebellion in our hearts , we need to repent and ask for forgiveness  from God and also ask Holy Spirit to guide us to the truth.

    5. If we do nothing about our rebellion,  we detach ourselves  from the love of God and we make ourselves vulnerable  to be used by the enemy. 

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