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George L

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Posts posted by George L

  1. Q8. (Matthew 21:33-46) Who do the servants sent to collect the landowner's share of the crop represent? The prophets prior to Jesus ministry, perhaps back father than the 400 years but at least those to Hosea and Malachi


    What happened to Israel who rejected God's servants and Son who were sent to them? Those who heard and received Jesus, the sect of Jews that were and believers known as ‘the way’ and departed Jerusalem.  Those that did not heed the warning died in the Roman 67-70AD destruction of Jerusalem and its population. ‘In three days.. not one stone stone will be remain’..and so it was.


    This is a parable about resisting those whom God sends to us to help us. Have you ever seen a church reject a pastor or leader that God sends to help them? Yes a few and it did not end well for them. One died of cancer in prison after going public with something God was dealing with and wanted kept still.  One decided to build a fancy church not expand his outreach from the storefront building. Cancer again, gone in months.. One was fleecing the flock. Fancy cars, etc etc. After a warning disreguarded God removed the demographic population which was his church body by moving that major group to another state. He was bankrupt without church, house, or car within two years. He now assists two other ministries as an assistant.


    Why is supporting our pastors and leaders important to God's plan for the church? (Hebrews 13:7, 17). No one is perfect. All of us gain wisdom and maturity more by error and recovery than doing it right the first time. Doing it right seems to generate the self pat on the back, not humility for the blessing.  We should always be support in prayer for those annointed to lead. Stand by them as they too walk the believers walk each step of the way. Moses needed his arms supported for the duration of the battle. We should be that service to those anointed we serve. Both when the going is good and when it is recover and gain wisdom from correction. That is love.


    In the Beatitudes, how does Jesus encourage those who are rejected and persecuted? (Matthew 5:10-12)? All is the seed planting principle.  If we will give the Lord an offering of our sickness, disease, lack, poverty. And in faith trust Him to honor our heart to give from what we have….. the He will reward us with heavenly blessings far better than our poor offerings. He delights in faith which follows His leading.

  2. Q7. (Matthew 22:1-10; Luke 14:15-24) In Jesus' Parables of the Wedding Banquet (Matthew) and the Great Banquet (Luke), who are the people represented by those recruited from the streets and lanes of the city?

    I take that as beyond the temple atendance so gentiles.

    From the highways and hedges? The social outcasts.


    Who do the servant-recruiters represent?

    The body of the church as workforce. Not the leadership only, which should be growing up to maturity the harvesting crew. Then leading and guiding the harvest.

    How diligent are you and your church in recruiting those who are of a lower class than others in your congregation? I am not sure we truly know how the Father wants it done. I believe our current efforts are limited in productivity.  And I truly believe we are in a change of seasons and being taught how to fish a new. As with the apostles who came in with empty nets. And were told go out deeper and recieved a great reward. We are gaining a few. Here and then there. We must learn the updated how to.


    What keeps you from this Kingdom task? God told me no more vending machine grade cheap prayers. He is not refilling the machine. Without tears He will not believe we care in prayer. Or we do not receive Psalm 35:13-14 and cry for the lost who no mater how bad they are do not deserve the Lake of Fire reserved for satan and his.  We as body are not at that point yet.


    How might your church fulfill it? I am called to pray to the dead bones.
    Our chuch and others shall respond and fulfil the next level of our maturing and calling. That is my faith that as I do as guided by the Spirit, God will fulfill His purpose.

  3. Q6. (Matthew 22:1-10; Luke 14:15-24) Who do the excuse-makers represent? In our day those who ignore the calling of God both in salvation and in going to work to fulfil his desire to save the lost stolen and stray. he stresses to me He paid forr ALL. I hear no willingness to accept less than effort for working to harvest all.


    What are the potential results of excusing ourselves from carrying out God's will as we know it? Hearing ‘depart from me I never knew you’.

  4. Q5. (Luke 13:6-9) What caused Israel's barrenness in Jesus' time? Harvest requires sowing as well as growing conditions. And there are seasons, times for the proper sequence. The Pharasees only took from the field.

    What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives? Failing to plant. Or more correctly failure of faith. If all I have is debt and failure that is what I have to give to God. If I give of what I have he will honor my heart and reward me from his abundance of goodness and turn my life around. But we must give seed to hain harvest. We must invest ourselves.

    What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree? Oddly there is an owner who knows three years. It takes a fig four years to five before the fig tree is giving good edible fruit. The parable says the vine dresser said. Indicating to me the owner or manager is much like poorly trained mangers today. No understanding of the nature of the process. Just demanding of right now answers. We must stay in harmony with the seasons God is placing before us. The vinedresser knew it would take one more year to get good fruit.

  5. Q2. (Luke 15:11-32) What does this parable have in common with the Parables of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin? All the effort, and love put into the lost remains lost and all possibility of future value if not found.


    What does the parable tell us about our Father's way of operating and his values? The father trusts those in the sheep fold to remain. They are protected in the standard care provisions. He believes in the return of the lost by their hearts turning and or by them being sought and found.


    In what ways does the older son hold his father's values? He is busy atrending to business.


    In what ways does he lack them? His heart attitude is the lost is lost. While the Father never stopped streaching out and believing the Lost could be found or come home.


    What should disciples learn from this parable to equip them for ministry?Do we understand “all you have is already yours”

  6. Q3. (Luke 7:41-43, 47) According to Jesus' Parable of the Two Debtors, do you think the woman was saved prior to the dinner or during the dinner? She brought a gift and ministered to Jesus. There is no record of begging for forgiveness but of deliveing care consideration and love. She must have been saved earlier.


    How effusive is your love for Jesus? The Jewish prayer or greeting, “May you become more like God each day” once quit cold as if I was startled by the occuance of salvation my love for him has grown deeper and more fully rounded with every passing day I serve him.


    How should we as disciples express our gratitude for salvation? We should be asking for completion and matuiring in the use of our particular tool box of gifts that we rightly fit into his plan. We are after all the workers he wants tomwake up and go into the fields with him.

  7. Q4. (Matthew 18:23-35) In the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant, where do you see justice? Both were forgiven.

    Where do you see grace? Needing more grace for deeper debt received full pardon with no demand for greater request.

    Where do you see greed? In the need to address the question of who would love more.

    Where do you see unforgiveness? In the need to address the question of who would love more. Thoughts of buying indulgences comes to mind.

    What lessons from this parable are disciples to incorporate into their lives? I live because God answered my cry from life support in ICU. With in a few days my X-rays were the main education stop for medical trauma students on just how much damage the human body could withstand and live. 13526 days of life after seven code blues while on 60 liter on oxygen per minute I write this comment. I owe Him for every breath I have taken since. I serve Him for I owe a bebt beyond what I could ever pay. And He has never requested it. I love to serve one who so greatly served me in my time of need. Think of what He has already done fore you! You will know.

  8. Q1. (Luke 15:1-10) What do the Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin teach disciples about God’s heart? 

    God considers the gathered flock properly cared for as it should be and the main supply of coins safely stowed. The lost, stolen, stray is God’s heart. They do not and are nor recovered on their own. God cares about the endangered who are without help unless searched for.

    In what way do these parables represent a contrast to the murmuring of the Pharisees?

    The pharisees did nothing in the way of outreach to my reading of the scriptures, rather out roadblocks in the paths of the widows, poor, and needy. 

    How should a disciple implement Jesus’ value of seeking the lost in his or her own community?

    The area we live in is like the lump of dough. Are we mixing the yeast of the word. Are we setting a proper at atmosphere for the word to work on our neighbors? Love is a patient work most times.

    1. What's the difference between power and authority? In original Hebrew writing symbols for power is the bull, authority is the staff. The shepherd prods the recalcitrant of the flock. He also guides with a kind touch.  Authority is the authorization to use the power. With believers on up in christianity that throttle on power is the Holy Spirits knowing you and trusting your judgement in using power properly, in proper measure of the need.
    2. What purposes did Jesus seem to have in sending the Twelve on this mission? They had seen his demonstration and received explanation and discussed the scriptures long known among themselves. It was time for them to discover they to were part of the prophesied coming of the kingdom of god to the meek, humble, poor, sick in even a fringe of the nation far from Jerusalem. 
    3. Why did he instruct them to travel light? Why did he tell them not to bring a staff, a bag, or food, or money, or an extra shirt? What was the point in that? Limited equipment rather than flashy equipping made them very kin like the workers in the region going about daily tasks. No fan fair or parade shown, no expensive requirement for fancy lodging or support. Just workmen set on a local journey. 
    4. Why were they told to stay in just one house in each village, and not try to find better lodgings? It prevented ranking by affluence of the first house discovered that could be hospitable. And the random lot of that occurrence in God’s hands made sure a variety of hosting was observed reinforcing the kingdom of God was playing no favorites. 
    5. How did the disciples' obedience to Jesus' instructions bless people? Importance must be given to the vision for the mission of the sender therefore obedience to the details of how to act in the going. That portrayed God’s true intent of blessing throughout the nation included the smaller villages, the less prosperous preferences, the less economically prominent locations as well as peoples. 
    6. Of what value were their reports and Jesus' debriefing? The demonstrated their levels of understanding and progress in ministry skills according to his chosen anointing.
    1. What do Jairus' actions in this story tell us about the state of his faith? He was totally at the end of his rope.
      Can we imagine the pressure on church leadership to deliver a miracle within the family of leadership. We are the ones who are expected to have a more special relationship with the heavenly. Jairus was beyond what the Rabbi’s of his temple could do. Beyond what his own prayer had accomplished. And then there is this neighbor Jesus of Nazareth with a special reputation matching the prophecies of the messiah. End of our rope, one path open, so act or fail becomes  our choice. Always our test of faith. The christian’s version of, Lights Up Full, Curtain Rises, you are onstage to show what you believe. It is not comfortable. It is part of the apostles walk. The believers growing up. Especiallybon your own first opening night.
  9. 4. How much of the substance of our faith is self-talk and convincing ourselves that something is true? How do we gain the kind of solid faith that doesn't consist in self-convincing? Self talk is pretty much self deception if not meditation on the word and God’s promises of how it is. Faith is trust and trust grows from continuing positive responses and outcomes in our hours of need, and from our prayers for others. Faith grows by experience. Perfection is a poorly translated Hebrew concept. Perfection is better understood as maturity. Faith grows from milk days of total care until we gain by trials and experience to truly trust ABBA in Jesus name.

    1. What things did the lady in our story have going against her? Religous custom, Jewish Torah uncleanness, a physical ailment for years. Marathon of unsuccessful medical attempts.
    2. Do you think she was superstitious about touching Jesus clothes? There was a cultural belief in the tassels of christ’s robe having healing power. Mal 4:2  But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings;  How would you assess the quality of her faith? When you have no other hope, have given up on the natural then faith in Christ is the only way possible. Is that great faith. Desperation brings focus.  
    3. Why did Jesus stop? To determine the recipient of the virtue. Do you think there was an actual transfer or flow of power? Yes.
    4. Why do you think Jesus caused her the embarrassment of having to tell her story openly? Without testimony the event losses its spiritual value to the multitude.
    5. Few people have had the gumption and nerve to push their way to Jesus the way this woman did. Why is this so?  Their social inhibitions overpower their need.  Why do many fail to receive answers to their prayers? They fail to meet the required follow through requirements. They do not persist, praise, thank and worship God. Reminding him of the effective promises and Gods inability to lie.
    1. What or whom does the lighted lamp represent in 8:16? A disciple? Jesus? The Message? I identify the message as directed to all who claim salvation.  Tell why you identify it in the way you do.  John 1:1-5 Jesus is the word and the word is the light for mankind. Rev 12:11  And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. It is our testimony of what Jesus has done for us and the power of the Good News in the bible that wins souls. 
    2. Why must the lamp be placed on a lampstand rather than hidden? What does this mean in the twenty-first century? A hidden lamp is a total loss of use of its purpose. Unless you are with Joshua at Jericho. We are not to hide the gifts we have been given. We are to bring grace to the poor, weak, downtrodden. 
    3. In view of 8:18, is there any hope for people who think they are Christians, but don't really "get it"? Only if the come to their senses and begin to reciprocate the Lord’s love with obedience to perform His will, finishing His work on earth.
    4. Why would Jesus speak so disrespectfully of his family as he seems to in 8:21?  When you walk in your office you are fully in that role. It has responsibilities, and requirements. You are about your assignment. Family is not a part of work, it has it’s own protocol. Perhaps Jesus is pointing out that the apostles are paying more attention to the crowd than the teaching. 
    5. If you must state a single theme of Luke 8:1-21, what would it be?  The importance of setting self aside.. Mar 8:34  And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. We are to be about the masters business first as guided by the holy spirit who will see that our life is balanced, family, work, and living on earth realities handled in order, and opportunities to minister the great grace of the gospel are not missed.
    1. Why do you think Jesus called out, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear?" What was he getting at? I am reminded to listen to the intent of what the speaker intends, and not be listening so I may interject my own thoughts and meaning. The pharisees began desiring to understand his teaching and then his amazing power with the people. Soon they understood the plain truth that they had no such power from God. And that proof was indeed a worldly threat to them.
    2. How could people listen to Jesus, but not really understand what he was saying? The ear filter is often quite selective for the self motives, good for me. Openness to new information can be seriously revolutionary to your very way of life and values.
    3. In what way does Jesus' teaching harden people's hearts? If you decide not to hear, repetition is like work hardening metal. Increased resistance to flexing. Surely Jesus ministration to the poor and steady supply to his growing following demonstrated continuing blessings while the pharisees had no such supply.
    4. Is there any way that we can assist those with hardened hearts? If so, what can we do? Heaping coals upon their heads is a work of loving soft speech words not attacks on their stone walls. Holy Spirit guidance required both in words and in quantity. Proper dosage just as prescription medicine. 
    1. How would you describe the expression on Simon the Pharisee's face when he saw the woman touching Jesus' feet? Several come to mind. Unhappy as someone is intruding on my nicely planned dinner. Oh No not Her! And Oh no her hair her hair. Astonished.
    2. What was the sinful woman's motive for coming to see Jesus? I agree with your analysis she came to deliver a gift of respectful returned love for his proclaiming of the good news, forgiveness of sins burdens. What can I give… in return… what is most valued in my house.. the oil…
    3. Why did Jesus let her continue, since by all appearances what she was doing was scandalous?  Jesus respect of individuals each, though among a crowd. He knew her need to reciprocate with gift that only could come from a heart of love. 
    4. Is your love for the Lord more like the sinful woman's or Simon's? Why? The sinful woman. I was literally rescued on my death bed by crying out to God I can not take the pain that the care will cause this broken body. I had to have the patience to put up with the pain.  From a oh you know me god type christian, I became someone who owed a debt beyond payment and knew it was a free gift to me. Miracle upon miracle turning a 9 month expected hospital stay into home by ambulance on 42nd day. Back at work 6 months to the day of my accident. I am now more than 13000 days past dead in the ICU bed revived time and time again. On life support, unable to breath on my own. Every day I have been given is God’s gift to me. Only by acting in love to others who are lost, stollen, and stray sheep can I ever give God my thanks for turning my end into a new beginning. Salvation paid in full, I do not owe him. I Love Him. She and I are family, I say with tears in my eyes.
    1. In what ways is your position in the Kingdom greater than John the Baptist's? (A hard question, but at the root of today's lesson.) I though stumbling and bumbling as I am. I know that I Am. Yes! That I Am is my Father who is in heaven. By the holy spirit I have been given I may learn to know him as Abba (greek for daddy). I may seek Him as a beloved child, with a first born brother seated at His right hand making intercession… read that editing, proof reading, correcting my prayers into perfection for me, always, ever! OH sll ye saint's praise God!
    2. Why were people so critical of John and Jesus -- and for opposite reasons? What are we learn from this? So many people want their self verified important. Their self perception of importance. Repent, cry, humble yourself is far beneith them they think. They fail to see the God selected have been public rejects. Abram, Isaac, Jacob, Moses Gideon on and on. Throw away people of humility. John said ‘You repent for your sins snd be washed clean by baptism’ Jesus said ‘what is easier, to say rise up and walk, or hour sins are forgiven you. Already done no sacrifice to buy..” 
    3. Do you know anyone who has "rejected God's purpose for himself"? What can you do to influence him or her for Christ before it's too late. What is doing too little? What is doing too much? Where is the right balance, do you think? So many have heard the word and then once so enlightened missed the warning and like me, became entangled in worldly pursuits, time wasting, non god serving activities. What to do, pray for them. Prophecy that the life come back into the dead bones. Pray the holy spirit and the Lord act on their behalf. Intrusive is too much, Nothing or no serious prayer on their behalf is too little. Failing to get from praying, petitioning, into praising and thanking God for the positive outcome.   That is balance. When you know you know you can trust that God loves them more than you ever can. And He never changes nor goes back on His word.   
    1. Why do you think John the Baptist had doubts about who Jesus was? John had not seen or heard the walking out Isaiah’s prophecy. He was not hearing of a warrior king putting the Romans to flight which was a common desire of the people for the messiah. The deeper meaning of bringing judgement was not apparent though those offended by his ministry of power out of meekness to the poor, downtrodden lower caste surely offended the religious powers.  Thus bringing judgment upon the religious self righteous profiteers on religious practice who cared nothing for the full population.
    2. Why didn't Jesus answer John's question directly? Why did he let his deeds speak instead? The deeds matching the prophesies of his coming were iron clad proof. Fare greater powerful proof than ‘He said…”.
    3. How was John intended to take Jesus' mild exhortation: "Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me"?  Jesus was walking out the holy spirit lead path of Father Gods choice, not man’s expectations of a coming king. I believe that John who also walked an unusual obedient ministry walk and would more deeply learn from the low key meekness the true nature of the age of grace arriving with its first pages being written in the hearts of the poor. “The kingdom of God has come among you.” 
    4. How has God lifted your confusion and brokenness in a time of difficulty? How can you encourage those who are now under such a burden? Ex twice associate Pastor. Called back to work in a new place, church doing well. Hearing ‘pray’ and no other instruction. It was a fit in, do not expect to stand out understanding. Importance Almost forbidden. Some months perhaps a year I was filling in as catcher during body ministry after a powerful guest preaching the spirit said “third string fill in”. OK, no issue I must be getting this right. This low key placing is right.  Soon Pastor was beside me and ‘tell him’ was the instruction.  I turned to pastor and softly said, “God said to tell you I am a third string fill in”…. He responded ‘Oh Good.’  I knew that Father is pleased with you fitting to a needed role rather than your needing your own previous walk in authority…. The understanding of the low key seeking no position as important came clear with time.  Those with worry, remember everyone has needs and troubles you know nothing of. Your obedience to walk Gods needed role is seriously important. If you are in the fire of the crucible remember the dross is coming to the surface to be cleared away, and the quiet deeper trusting walk of faith is developing within you. Broken is a repeating selection criteria…….  
    1. Did Jesus heal all the sick people he saw? Did Jesus raise all the dead people he encountered? No he departed Nazareth with comment about prophets lack of respect (faith in) in there hometown and family.
    2. How do you explain him raising the widow's son at Nain while passing many graveyards his route? The cemeteries were not actively in process. The cemetery while being there is not happening it is.  the widow and burial party were encountered on the way.  
    3. Does acting out of compassion mean responding to a whim? Why or why not? A whim is by definition not deeply emotional or involved.. Compassion is everything a whim is not. Shared pain for an observed condition or situation of what you truly see.
    4. Compassion is a dangerous virtue to cultivate. Why is that? What is the cost of compassion? What is the reward of compassion? As with Jesus encounter with the woman who’s faith was if she could only touch his garment. He felt the drawing upon his virtue. Compassion has a price. Caring is more than idle words. It is entering into seeking God for a solution. Prayer of a serious nature is not and adventure for the timid. Not a way to collect look at me awards. Compassion costs seeking God with our most precious thing, our time to be seriously involved with seeking positive out come.
    5. Can you be a true disciple and be dispassionate toward people in need? Why or why not? Good news is not the stuff of tabloids. It is the carrying of the true real power of the gospel knowing true hearing will bring expectation of things spoken. Your faith in God’s intent to deliver must be more than read about it. It must be a true lifestyle of experiencing God responding to your compassion as a heart felt need for godly power and supernatural intervention. 
    6. How can a sense of compassion help you to pray effectively? Most definitely. From knowing of an issue, casual hearing. Some come to roost in your prayer time. And as you pray the flower opens or the layers of the onion are pealed revealing a ‘better more accurate picture’ of the need. You discover it is a mountain in the path. From open pit mine country. You begin turning the mountain into gravel to become a smother pathway for the one in need to receive Gods blessing. Many things are revealed in prayer, dealt with in tears of compassion, knowing God cares far more, knows the pain far better, and shows you just guidance to bring relief. Jesus paid the price. We finish somewhat exhausted yet joyous at the lost found, the captive free, the choice of salvation accepted.  Compassion fires the engine to keep you returning again and again like the widow to the unjust judge. Compassion does not seem to allow turning ones back and walking away. Return with your hammer and hit the mountain again and again. Haul another barrow of gravel away.  Move the mountain. One prayer session at a time. Loving compassion is like the sticky oil on the neck of an old bottle cooking oil. It sticks to you and doesn't rub off. That is the fats of the oil of anointing that carries through.
    1. In your own words, state the insight that the centurion had of Jesus' power. How did this insight differ from that of Jesus' disciples at the time?  The disciples were students not administrators with ‘office’. Giving the territory proper credit the doings of a powerful new Rabi (teacher) whom miraculous strange things of benefit to the poor and needy would be properly reported to the military structure which maintained public order. If nothing else, ‘this is the guy drawing huge crowds’. The miraculous side spoke of power and authority to delegate.  Strange as it seems to ‘civilians’ a mikitary trained mine immediately recognizes another authority not by their fancy uniform orvtitle,  ut as the nnsvy speaks of certain officers. ‘He/She draws a lot of water.’as battleship or sir aircraft carrier power among the smaller ships.
    2. What portion of Jesus' mission do you believe he has delegated to you? The portion before me each day. My claim is not preparedness but availability.   I am a bench marker, a fill in. I like the fire crew go when called. Otherwise I train.
    3. How is the power Jesus can delegate to you limited by the size of your faith.  Faith is trust. Not hearing of possibility, but more a great and powerful double hand grip on the actuality of God’s specific promise forcthe situation before you.
  10. 1. Con men continue to trick people and take advantage of them. How can you tell them, according to Jesus' teaching? ‘Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks ‘ careful listening quickly shows if there is value in the words or pompous glib talk, words to generate inappropriate desire for appearance not substance.

    2. How does what you say when you're angry indicate what is in your heart? Because the tongue is difficult to tame. It has no ability to prevent the abundance of your heart to appear. 

    3. What areas of your life where you AREN'T following closely has the Holy Spirit been convicting you about? James 3. The holy spirit began to answer my .quest for a deeper walk with a sudden ability to hear my mutterings while stuck in traffic jams. It is still a progress test to see if I am asking for blessings on the others or am of critical nature once again. 

    4. How can you tell if you are a true follower of Jesus? Is being "born again" a good indicator? What does "born again" mean if it doesn't affect a person's lifestyle?  Born again is a starting point. I often believe we are saving people and leaving them orphan. A true follower wants to learn the biblical pattern and ways because God Said and his word is eternal, trustworthy, never will he turn his word inti a lie. I begin to appreciate the distance yet to grow into with each confrontation where the scripture does not appear quickly showing me the proper A true follower desires above all else to follow in his pattern of behavior and compassion as our guide.


  11. 1. Why is the real test of agape love being able to love your enemies? If we fail this test, do we really have agape love? The Lords prayer is my guide, one translation includes not only ‘as we forgive those who trespass against us’ but continues with ‘and hold no animosity toward them’. That has indeed proven to be a difficult in practice. Yet with Christ as our example: Heb 12:3  For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.  Are we not willing to forgo earthly satisfaction of holding others acts against them to seek God’s choice of mercy rather than sacrifice. Are we not willing to give time into prayer for them. Time the most precious commodity of earthly life.  Let us all give time to praying for the lost. Who else is there but we who know their great need?

    2. Do you see "turning the other cheek" and giving your enemy your tunic as literal, figurative, hyperbole, or what? What is the point Jesus is making here?  Many proverbs there are about strife. If I refuse to engage in a dispute and forgive, then the contender must find new ground to attack me. If he must win, so win. On scriptural matters, Pro 15:1  A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. I find a soft answer and retreat leaves open a future conversation instead of destroying a future opportunity.

  12. 2. Choose one of these four alternatives and then support your choice:
    (1) Christianity can be accurately characterized by delayed gratification.
    (2) Christianity can be accurately characterized as seeking a present blessing and experience. 
    (3) Christianity can be characterized by both a present blessing and experience, and by delayed gratification. 
    (4) Christianity can be accurately characterized by none of the above. Why did you make the choice you did? The presentation of relationship above is essentially gratify self, now or later. Which totally misses the fundamental core of relationship between man and God. That were knit in the womb to be exactly unique and gifted with skills and abilities to perform duties for God necessary for His plan to have the maximum benefit for mankind. There is no greater feeling on earth as completing a task well done.  Adam walked with God in the cool of the evening. We have that opportunity to walk each day with self put on our cross and walk through the day with the Holy Spirit and guide, advisor and that still small voice to work a divine work each day.  What could be a higher goal than serving God with his supply and his supernatural abilities for healing, miracles of all kinds, deliverance each day. How could we possibly do greater good?

    1. What kinds of situations face us today where all night prayer is appropriate? (6:12) Major decisions and crisis situations for others.
    2. If there are full-fledged apostles today (and let's assume this for the sake of this question), who would be some of your nominees? Why would you nominate them? Apostle is a certain area of gifting. Prophetic insight, discernment, apt to teach. Able to establish and or build up a minister or church. Correct drift from true gospel doctrine as Paul did in his letters and travels. I have not seen apostolic minister, evangelism and many who teach and travel. But arrive to build a work for some time, them move to the next. Have not become aware of any yet.  
    3. Why do you think most of the apostles were martyred? The world and religion hate ruval power to theirvpolitics and public acclaim. Can you think of any Christians in the twentieth century who were martyred? (Incidentally, they say that there were more Christian martyrs in the twentieth century than in all the other centuries combined.) Many in foreign lands where eastern religions prevail.  When is martyrdom glorious? When is it inglorious? I will not judge that. Historic glory is when the death by a loving apostle causes salvations and turns the hearts of the perpetrators. Inglorious may be when one goes off on his or hervown initiative notblead by the holy spirit.bDeath with no positive result for the kingdom.
    4. Why do we tend to assume that miracles won't happen today? Many people have not seem one to believe. Scripture lines up the good news was preached and confirmed with signs and wonders following. I am one medically. I am not satisfied with our church family’s success rate. In prayer the answer was “More Jesus”. Our problem, we have lost our foundation, Crisp and him crucified.  
    5. What would happen in your own local church if people began to get physically healed on a regular basis? They do. Who would it upset? I am sure there are critics of the full gospel approach. What would result? There are always critics. The doubters, critics, nay sayers can have their little cliques. God’s work will succeed without them. Rebellious sheep and goats should be sent on their way, they are in rebellion to God. How could we get our faith ready for such a happy event? God sent me to this church to pray. God wants to raise the power level of anointing, power their evangelistic outreach. Begin to polish the skills of our young gifted. It shall come to to pass if we allow the refining power of the Un-compromised word and allowing the holy spirit guidance in what must go and what to learn.
  13. 1. List some of the traditions that are taken for granted in your church, but are not directly mentioned in the Bible. Which seem to aid Christian mission? Which seem to impede the work of Christ?   A hugely important thing this. The church began in the woods 40 plus years ago and has grown with God’s gifting into a growth ready larger building. Yet the  mindset and organization are small family church. Important ministry people are overloaded with detail work. The transition to the new mindset for operating a larger ministry, not only more people in the flock but multiple outreaches is beginning to dawn on us. So certain habits of small organizations must mature to encompass larger crews versus I’ll handle it. And over site must broaden to deal with the much marger span of control. 

    2. Teaching that God's rules can sometimes be set aside for the sake of human need, can be dangerous. How can we observe this truth without abusing it? The Holy Spirit is the best guide. That still small voice, go, stop, left, right is so important as we walk through our day.

    3. Are there any people who you are "looking for a reason to accuse"? (6:7) Why is this attitude dangerous? How can it blind you? Are there any people who you are "looking for a reason to accuse"? (6:7) Why is this attitude dangerous? How can it blind you? Friends are in a church where the Pastor is having to deal with his board of deacons on these issues. The critical attitude is driving the flock away. It is blocking the ceearion of several ministries to specialized needs identified in the area.

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