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Posts posted by angelkat

  1. The devil comes to steal, lie and kill. We are all in the same boat on this one. He doesn't need the sinner as he already has him or so he thinks. Our Lord would that none should perish, but we know that some will. There are people that will just turn their back on the Lord, because of one thing or the other. These days there are so many things going on like the gay marriages, the defeying of the ten comandments and blantant remarks against all that the Lord Jesus died on the cross for. As christians it is important not to fall for all the lies that are being spread. We can feel sorry for people, but we do not have to accept the way they live when it goes against what the Bible says. The world would have us believe the words of the Bible are just stories for back then and they are not for now. History tell us to learn from the past and as christians this is also true. We are all a target for the devil to put ****, envy, jealously and desires in our way, but the Holy Spirit gives us power and strength to abstain if we will just listen to his voice. We do sin because we are not perfect, but repent and it is as if it never was. Does this mean we should sin more, Paul tells us no, but when we do the Lord is quick to forgive. To those who think they will be perfect in their walk with the Lord Jesus, you have hope in knowing that Jesus alone is the perfect one and we strive to his perfection not on this earth, but the world to come. Praise God most High!!!

  2. I believe that to stand out as a christian is always giving praise to our Lord. We are being watched even in simple things, such as shopping, walking on the street and driving our car. Sometimes even a smile is an opening for a conversation. People should always see Jesus in our actions and that in itself is praise, not of our doing, but of the Holy Spirit working through us. Helping to feed the homeless, the sick and just helping shut-ins are good examples of Jesus. He was the servant of all and that is our example to follow. To me there are two different kinds of blending in; one is in the world blending which is not what we should seek to do. The other type of blending is the fellowship with other believers. This of course gives our Father glory. Blending into the world is not going to give testimony to our Lord, but it will and could cause our brothers to stumble. This I would not like to do on purpose. It also means making wise decisions on where you go and with whom you are with. That is why it is important to wittness in all your ways, and not with just words. Works can be a meaningfull way of showing praise to the Father and being a testimony at the same time.

  3. Praise is from the heart, mind and spirit. It should be done without thought as to how it looks to others. You are simply showing the love you have for Jesus in song, prayer, and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Whether you sing in another language, or english or in the spirit let all praise be Holy. There are new songs being sung today that have beautiful words, but terrible melody in my opinon. There are flags being waved in the churches, but I don't think that is necessary either. It is not the outward sign to show how much you praise and love the Lord, but what is really in the heart. I believe when you praise it should not bring attention to you, but to the one and only Lord Jesus.

  4. I like to think of my relationship with Jesus as that of a child listening to his/her father. Yes many times we do act like consumers when we talk to the Lord, but I think in His Mercy there is understanding from knowing our hearts. I like to think He is forgiving in my failures of not always doing and coming to Him in any boxed in type of comunication.

    The priest of today are much different than those in Jesus time. We do not need someone to entercede for us. He tells us to come unto Him, That means we can converse with Him anytime, anyplace, about anything large or small. He is the Priest, Father, and Savior to all who will believe and the door is open to those seeking to believe. I pray to become a better servant and laborer for the work Jesus ask us to do.

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