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Posts posted by edler

  1. Q4. (Ephesians 6:9) How should Christian employers conduct themselves towards their employees? How should church boards conduct themselves towards church employees? How do you determine a just wage -- not merely the one you think you can afford?

    The manager is to do the very same things that are required of the workman. he is to treat the workman just like he expects the workman to treat him. the manager is to forbear threats. this does not mean a workman cannot be corrected or released if he is not diligent and loyal. God does not encourage slothfulness nor license nor indulgence.God chastens and disciplines when needed. the point is this employers and managers must guard against unwarranted threats for they too have a Master in heaven and he has no favorites and shows no favoritism. as employers and managers we hold every workman accountable to us so the Lord holds us accountable to Him.

  2. Q3. (Ephesians 6:5-8) What are the characteristics called for in a truly Christian employee, according to Ephesians 6:5-8? How can these attitudes help us in difficult work situations?

    the christian workman is to work in singleness of heart as to christ.singleness of heart means with purpose and focused attention in sincerity and without any pretense or hypocrisy or slack. it means that the workman does not beat time he is totally committed to his work.there is no fakiness nopretending to be a good workman at all. the christian workman is a good workman and he offers his labor to the Lord.

  3. Q2. (Ephesians 6:4) What kind of behavior by fathers (or mothers, for that matter) can embitter or cause a child to lose heart? What do you think the "training and instruction of the Lord" involves?

    living an inconsistent life before a child can provoke a child. a parent who tells a child one thingand then turn around and does the opposite thing himself is full of hypocrisy and false profession. a parent is to bring up a child in the ways of the Lord,in the nurture and admonition.

  4. Q1. (Ephesians 6:1-3) What kind of obedience and honor is appropriate for adult children to show towards their parents? What might be the exceptions? How do respect and forgiveness figure in this relationship?

    To obey parents mean to honor one's father and mother.to show respect reverence kindness courtesy and obedience. scripture is not speaking to any certain age child. it isspeaking to all of us who are children with parents still living.we are to honor our father and mother. tragically this is a rarity today.

  5. Q4. (Ephesians 5:32) In what sense is Christ our Husband as individuals? As a church? What are the implications of this for our lives? What does this say about Christ's responsibilities towards us?

    standard of the husband's love is the love of christ for the church.the love o9f christ for the church can be described in one simple statement: christ gave himself for the church . christ loved the church so much that he gave himself and sacrificed himself totally gave all he was and had for ity. this isd the love the husband is to have for his wife.

  6. Q3. (Ephesians 5:28) In what sense is a husband's care for his wife's needs just common sense in taking care of his own needs? What is the principle from Genesis 2:24 that underlies this?

    Christ is the great proctector and comforter of the church. So the husband is to be the protector and comforter of the wife. In Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife:and they shall be one flesh.

  7. Q2. (Ephesians 5:25-30) Does being head of the wife involve being "boss"? Why or why not? What does being "head" require of a husband? What is the example husbands are to follow in headship?

    To one no this is not how christ put it to the head He is to love his wife as christ love the church. that christ6ian marriage was to be built on a loving relationship placed heavy responsibility on the husband coming out of cultural values that were quite different.the love christ who loved the church and gave himself up for her.

  8. Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience?

    The submission they have made to Christ is not one of fear and defeat but one of joyous discovery of a loving Lord. So a wife who finds in her husband a soul mate who has her best interest at heart will gladly listen to his guidance. The Greek wordf for submission used here does not imply an inferiority of personhood but rether describes subordination to one who is worthy os respect. Lest husbands be tempted to turn their wives' submission into an autocratic rule over them, they were admonished to love their wives with the same kind of love and reverence they have expressed to christ.

  9. Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience?

    there are three reasons why the wife is to be sumissive to her husband .one to submit is God's will. two She loves the Lord: therefore, to please Him she

    submits herself to her husband.Three to submit is God's order for the family.

  10. Q3. (Ephesians 5:17-18) What is the primary temptation involved with drugs and alcohol? How can drug or alcohol use substitute for the "high" of the Spirit? How can being filled with the Spirit help us fend off the temptations of drugs and alcohol?

    To me the drug and alcohol show me the wild orgies of bacchus in which men acted like they were mad running and tossing their heads and appearing in every sense completely.this again refers to the orgies of bacchus when men and women would get drunk entering into all kinds of immoral acts. in Isaiah59:19 when the enemy shall come in like a flood thwe spirit of the Lord shall lift up a strandard against you.

  11. Q2. (Ephesians 5:15-16) Why does Paul exhort us to make the most of every opportunity? Why do we resist that? What must happen in our lives so we can be ready for the opportunity?

    because it means to walk about watching on every hand to avoid danger and enemies live the gospel by watching your conduct. and buying up those moments which others throws away. improve every moment to make up for those lost in sin.(v.16).

  12. Q1. (Ephesians 5:2-3) Why does Paul warn so strongly against sexual sin? Is sexuality part of our spiritual life or can it be (should it be) partitioned from our spiritual life?

    too me means here to imitate God as children do their parents imitate his acts. words,nature, ways,graces, and spirit. indecency sugar-coated in mirth to make it more corrupting,course jesting obscene and offensive conversation.

  13. Q4. (Ephesians 4:32) Why is it so difficult to forgive those who hurt us? According to Ephesians 4:32, who is our example of forgiveness? What heart attitudes toward people are evidence of a forgiving spirit, according to verse 32a?

    Because this is the way God has dealt with us in Christ. theway of Christ is about living out God's love in the way we treat others.and mercy in everyday contact with human beings who need to see God's grace in action.

  14. Q3. (Ephesians 4:29-32) What kind of "unwholesome talk" is common among us Christians? What three guidelines does Paul give us to measure the value of what we say? What is slander? How common is it among Christians? How can we prevent it?

    Of things that need to be put aside by those who would demonstrate honorable living. bitterness, wrath,anger,wrangling,slander,and malice.

  15. Q2. (Ephesians 4:26-27). Why did God give us the emotion of anger, do you think? How can anger be dangerous? How can we keep from sinning when we are angry? Is anger itself sin?

    Be angry but do not sin (4:26) acknowledges a common human emotion.with we do well to confess our anger deal with it and leave it behind.the reference is to being provoked to sin by satan but one must not yield to such provoking or give place to the devil.

  16. Q1. (Ephesians 4:17-19) Using Ephesians 4:17-19 as a basis, how would you describe (in your own words), the secular, non-Christian mindset of our age? Why are we tempted to conform to its values?

    To me the way we brith again christians live,we act as if we have been safe all our live and did no wrong. some go tonight glub were blue ,rap, r&b is on going. and playing the field on wife and girlfriend, and drank act fool. So the Non - Christian see all this in this age. And some of the believe is in acconrding to tha prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience not born again in Jesus Christ . So it is so easy to be tempted to conform back to old way. because if you have taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that truteth in him. (Psalm:43:v 8).

  17. Q4. (Ephesians 4:12) What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? How does it hinder people in the congregation? How does it hurt the community? What is the purpose of pastors and teachers?

    the older pioneers would go into areas where there we no full gosple church for many miles.if one is a pastor and a teacher and often this is the case he would not necessarily have a roving ministry although he masy go out at times to teach.

  18. Q3. (Ephesians 4:11) How could a person have the spiritual gift of pastor or teacher without having an official position in a church? What must a church do if its "senior pastor" doesn't have the spiritual gift of pastor? Who gives these gifts?

    no other office is given so much instruction in the New Testament as is the pastoral office.I am convinced that the pastor ought to be equipped with the word of wisdom the woed of knowledge and even with tongues and interpretation. there is not a higher more needed office that God could call you to than the office of pastor. it is a noble cause.

  19. Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) How much energy must we expend on Christian unity? What is "the bond of peace"? How do we strike at peace when we are intent on argument and dissension?

    we must see honestly seeing ourselves as sinners saved only by God's grave.The goal of such worthy living is unity of the spirit in the bond of peace a task best approached with all humility and gentloeness with patience bearing with one another in love.

  20. Q4. (Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? How? What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift?

    God set ministry gifts in the church-not man.it was living growing energized body of believers with all the varied gifts and abilities

    of its diverse linked together though the calling of God.to me the natural talents and spiritual gift come by God with He made man in his image.

    no differe all can from God.

  21. Q2. (Ephesians 4:2) Why are patience and humility so important to preserving unity? What happens to the reputation of Jesus Christ when we have right doctrine along with a sense of arrogance towards those who disagree with us? How are we to be both "gentle" and to "fight the good fight of faith"?

    patience describes theopposite of the short-temperedness and intolerance of this world.to me humility refers to out to us.that quality of honestly seeing our own condition and thus laying aside the grounds for pride. to me grows out of a respect for others by one who has discovered how a graaious God has gently reached

  22. Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior? What is the "calling" to which God has called us?

    was that those who had been called must devote themselves to living a life that honors and respect their calling. it a responsibility to live a life that honor that gift through obedience growth and sincerity.

  23. Q4. (Ephesians 3:21) What might be different in your own congregation if bringing glory to God were considered the very most important function of the church? What would be different in your life if bringing God glory was your most important job, bar none?

    This teacher that the church weill continue eternally along with eternal generation of natural people through the age of the ages.

  24. Q3. (Ephesians 3:16, 19) What does it mean to be "filled with the Spirit" (verse 16)? Is this a one-time experience or a continual reality? What can we do to be filled with the Spirit? Is it different or the same as being "filled with all the fullness of God" (verse 19)?

    Paul prays that they might receive the fulness of the spirit of which they had only a measure. to be fulled with all the fulnss of God is just as possible today as than and as possible as the other things prayed for.

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