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Posts posted by charchar

  1. Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? What did anointing the stone mean to him? Why does he do these things? What does he promise God in his vow? He sets up the stone as an act of dedication of himself in worship, a way of remembering God's presence in this place. He anoints it as an act of cleansing and consecration, setting it and himself apart for God. He promise God that God will be his God, the pillar will be God's house and that he will give God a tenth of all God gives him.

  2. Q6. Extra Credit. Whose character flaws most remind you of your own? Isaac's, Rebekah's, Esau's, or Jacob's? Why? How is God working to improve your character? Maybe a little of Rebekah in the way of her faith before she did what she did. I'm a woman of great faith that have learn to listen. I often separate myself and want the best for those I love. I felt like she did at one point when she knew Isaac was the better child in her eyes and she did know the promise that God made but she felt that this would have been the last chance because her husband was going to die, fear set in and she wanted to make sure Esau was not the one. I felt that way as my sister was dying I felt that she was a woman of God and could have spread the word of God that she always did and to me God was taking a wonderful woman of God and letting someone else that I knew that have cancer live that was not living for God. But of course I could do anything about that except to pray and understand that God never makes a mistake what He said he will do He will. My sister had completed her job her and it was time for her to rest. Others need to make changes in their lives so that they too will be ready for the day of rejoice.

  3. Q5. (Genesis 25:28) What happens when your children sense that you love one child more than another? Did such discrimination happen to you when you were growing up? If so, how are you finding healing? How can we as parents love our children equally but differently?

    Well I'm please to say I never had that problem. I am blessed to have one child, and in my heart I can not really see myself loving one child more than the other. We must understand that living one child is the same as loving 20. Look at all of us that God love so much that He gave us Love His one and only Son. So if God can love us that much we should no matter what do everything in our heart to show each of our children love regardless if one is different and is not doing all that we would like them to do. Love is what we live by, with faith, and God grace and his mercy is what helps us to do the right thing and that is to sure love always.

  4. Q4. (Genesis 27:33) Why couldn't Isaac reverse his blessing once he discovers Jacob's trickery? What is Isaac's role in this blessing? What is God's role in it?

    Isaac couldn'g reverse it because it was a blessing from God that he gave his son Jacob rule over his prosessions. Isaac was to be obidient to God regardless of how it came about. God had already given the command it must have been filfulled and it was regardless of how we may think or feel. Many lesson can be learn from this one situation.

  5. Q3. (Genesis 27:6-29) God had told Rebekah that Jacob is supposed to rule over Esau (Genesis 25:23). To what extent does this excuse her plan to deceive her husband Isaac? How much responsibility does Jacob bear in the deception?

    Rebekah as a woman of God was wrong. She was not waiting on the Lord, she wanted to focus on getting what she wanted when she wanted it not getting it in God timing. Jacob was just as wrong as his mother. Deception especially to his own blood was wrong and not even considering that this is being done on his Father death bed. How much did that go into consideration that Rebekah and Jacob had to live with the fact that on his death bed he was deceive by the ones he loved. God already had it planned out.

  6. Q2. Was Rebekah a spiritual woman, that is, interested in spiritual things? Was Isaac a spiritual man? Which do you think was the more spiritually sensitive? What evidence of spirituality do you see in Jacob? In Esau? Yes She was but because she favor one son over the other she wanted the promise to take place now. Not learning to wait on God. Isaac was a spiritual man also. He spent many days walking and talking with the Lord seeking answers for unexplain question. He was a child of Abraham one that was call a friend of God. Jacob was hungry to get ahead to do the will of God but he went about it the wrong way. Esau on the other had didn't care one way or the other what happen he just wanted to live his life day by day doing and getting what he wanted at the time not taking into consideration about the next day or the result of his action for the future. We must all consider our everyday action that can result in a bad outcome at the end to the day.

  7. Q1. Why does the New Testament condemn Esau for selling his birthright? (Hebrews 12:16-17) What did selling the birthright represent? What does this transaction say about Esau's character and values? What does it reveal bout Jacob's character and values? Because Esau did not have in values in what was his. He sold his birthright which shows that he really didn't care he wanted what he wanted now. Esaus was willing to sell his birthright for food that shows that he was a person that had little values for the blessing. He was only concern about what he wanted now and the future was not something that concern him. To me he was just one that live his life for the moment not taking into consideration the future of his action.

    As for Jacob he was a deceiver. He was not acting as one that Loved God he was also willing to get what he wanted but not telling his brother that this was wrong for him to do and that he was sorry for asking him to do such a thing.

  8. Q4. (3 John 9-10) What character flaws does Diotrephes exhibit? Can a person be a strong pastoral leader without developing these traits? If you have tendencies in yourself towards pride and a controlling spirit, how can you fight against them? Diotrephes is all about self,he wants to be incharge but don't really understand what a great or even a good leader true mission is. A pastoral can not be a strong pastoral leader if he is all about self. What is best for the salvation of those that is in his congrations and present is more important. You can't be about doing things your way and only your way. Where is the God in what you are doing? How does your actions represent the love of God? If you have tendecies of a controling spirit are any spirit that is not of God you must pray and pray honestly to God to be deliver from that spirit and give you the true fruits of the spirit. You must be humble to receive not controlling and have the attitude because of your position that I'm in charge and what I say goes. Wrong answer it's God way are not way.

  9. Q3. (3 John 5-8) What are the reasons given in these verses for supporting Christian workers in their ministry? What reward comes with becoming a "co-worker," by assisting Christian workers? How effective can Christian workers be without those who support them?

    We we support Christian workers we are also supporting Christ because Christian workers are are sent out to do the work that Christ have approve them to do. The true work of God. When we support a Christian worker we are entitle to a great reward also as we do to them we also do to Christ. Christian workers need our support if we are true Christian because they are not to take from unbelievers but only those that believe. We must always support our missionary that is going around spreading the Great news about Jesus. Only the true word and the true missionaries.

  10. Q2. (2 John 10-11) Why does the Apostle John tell his readers to refuse hospitality to the false teachers? What would refusing hospitality mean for a congregation (as opposed to an individual)? What is the border between tolerance and stupidity, when it comes to false teachers? Do the divisions of denominationalism find justification in this verse? Why or why not?

    We should refuse false teachers hospitality because it's not the true words of Christ. When we began to listen to the false words of God it is what we start to believe. This is not of God but of the devil. another trick to deceive the words of God that is written. We should not tolerant any teaching that is not in accordance to the words of God and one that may say is studpid is also free to make the choice and read, study and ask God to open the meaning of his words to them. As for all the different denominations it's not about the name about about the true words that is given. This is so important for us to understand because our denomination is not what's going to decide our life forever with Christ but our life that we live. I wish sometime that it was not such thing as a denomination because so many are being caught up in title not understanding that false teachers are everywere and we must study for ourself also.

  11. Q1. (2 John 9) What is the danger of "running ahead" of Christ's teachings to "deeper truths"? What is the danger of "running ahead" of Christ's guidance for our lives? What does it mean to "abide" or "continue" in Christ and his teachings? Why is this so important? Running ahead of Christ's teaching is very dangerous because your are not allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you and protect you from the danger that you are headed into. Your life is safe when you are guided by the direction of Christ and if we decide t choose another to guide us than we are failing into a dark life that is not one that is protected. We must abide in Christ means that we are to be one in Him, every area of our life should show Christ in it. We are apart of Him so our decisions should be based on His love for us and others.

  12. Q4. (1 John 5:21) Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? What idols distract us from the true God? What idols compete with God for attention in your life?

    Idols keep you from focusing on God an it brings you to a point in your life were those things are more important than you keeping the word of God and staying in his will. Nothing comes before God. It distract us from our true God when we idol material things, our job, car, family, what we wear, our money an our love for anything that is not of God. the idol that compete with God for attention in my life is nothing. I try daily to put all my attention on only the things of God.

  13. Q3. (1 John 5:14-15) What are the two conditions to answered prayer in 1 John? (See also 3:22) How do we determine God's will so that we can pray boldly, confidently? How often will our prayers be answered when our main motive is to achieve our will?

    Obedience and the will of God. As long as it line up with the word of God than we can pray boldly like Jesus did in the garden. Our pray will not be answered if we are asking for our own will not the will of God. Everything thing we do is to glorify the Kingdom of God not for us to get the glory or for self motive.

  14. Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? Life in a Christian Church is base of one belief of the doctrine that is being taught they. Life is in his Son is all about Jesus. We can't go wrong if we live our life with the true Son and the Holy Spirit which is a gift given to us to help us here from God. We should not just say things that sound good and confused many that is going through difficulty we should only speak the word of God and teach them that with Faith all things are possible, and that God never said it will be easy but He reassured us that we are over-comers by the living word of our testimony and that we who have faith as small as a mustered seed is great faith. Faith is just believing that every will be done but faith in Jesus is know that it's already taken care of, because he have won the victory of all evil of this world just believing and trusting him no matter what is what we need to hold on to in our daily walk.

  15. Q1. (1 John 5:4-5) How does a defeatist mentality differ from a belief that in Christ we have overcome the world? What part does faith have in this overcoming? What part does unbelief have in a defeatist mentality? A defeatist mentality is when someone don't believe that there are over-comers by Christ. Many have the attitude that they want to question every thing that will prove to they mine that Christ is not the True and Only Savior. This is what defeat many because of the attitude to what Christ did for us it doesn't seem possible in the mine of dis-believers. We must have faith in all that we do and believe that no matter what by Christ we already have the victory. When many have this unbelief mentality they will fail in all that they do because it's not done to glorify the Kingdom of God. Yes at first it may seem that they are winning but in the final out come they have lost.

  16. Q1. (1 John 5:4-5) How does a defeatist mentality differ from a belief that in Christ we have overcome the world? What part does faith have in this overcoming? What part does unbelief have in a defeatist mentality? Wow! to have a defeat mentality, sadly shows a disbelief that Jesus the son of God and it shows that you have no belief in our Lord that He have come and that He have defeated. We have overcome the world because are born again in Christ. Nothing is impossible, all things have been completed and the task no matter who it may seem to us, we are over-comers of it all. Without faith we have no trust in what have already taken place. Without Faith how can one say that they beleive? If someone is a unbelievers than sadly they are already defeated, many must understand that even in they situation God is still in control and the Victory have already been won. We must hold on and always remember that All is in God hand and Our test is just a graduation day for another victory for the Kingdom of God. I pray that many will only just believe and trust in our Lord because truly what else and who else is Greater? NO ONE AND NOTHING.

  17. Q4. (1 John 4:11-18) What kind of fear should we have towards God? What kind of fear is extinguished by his love perfected in us? What kind of attitude should we have towards future judgment?

    We should show respect to our Lord. He have all power in His had to do what ever He wish but He continue to show us His great Love. We should stay focus of the idea that no one know the day that our Lord will come so we should always be ready and no let anything or any situation stop us from respecting God and all that He have purpose for our life.

  18. Q3. (1 John 4:7-8) Why is the statement, "God is love," so important? What does it say about God's nature? How does love being the essence of God's nature affect us? If we were created in God's image of love, but fell, what does this say about the road to healing in our lives? Why does love demand a willingness to forgive?

    God is love is very important for use to understand because if we don't we don't understand and know our God. He have given us the greatest love of it all. Even when we didn't live as Christian He still covered us with His love by giving us another chance to get it right. God nature is love, this is who He is. He give us everything we need even if we didn't take care of it but it is offered to us. God created us in His image of love but we often fail because we didn't understand that to love is to forgive and live our life as if this was the last. We must always forgive and not be willing to hate those that have mistreated us. I work on being humble daily and show my respect and love for others. I've found that even in my humble hours when I'm just meditating on God and listening to my Gospel music other will try to fine a problem with that and turn it into a negative event but it will never stop me from being in the present of God and staying true to His love. I only pray that those that are on my job that have this evil spirit will change there life that they will realized, the things that they do trying to hurt and destroy other are the very things that could hurt them. God have shown me so much love and have guided me with the Holy Spirit to make a great change in my life and stay true to His love. This is what my life is not I only want to do and be all that God have design me to be with all the love that he have given me I want to share it with others. I thank you God for your love and how you have continue to show me and mature me in a humble way so that your Kingdom will be glorify.

  19. Q2. (1 John 4:4) What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan? In what sense have we overcome them? In what way will we overcome them in the future? How should this truth affect fear in our lives?

    God Holy Spirit that is within us is greater than anything. We have overcome all false things and evil of this world through the power of Christ and the comforter that He gave us. We must always love and understand that our days are for us to grow in the image of Christ regardless of what may try to have us to focus on things in a negative way we MUST truly see things and all things in the likeness of God eyes. If we stay true to the teaching of Christ and spend our days with him praying and reading his word He will guide us on our daily path towards our future. This truth of His precious and loving care and Love for us should only affect fear in our lives if we don't do his will and if we don't strive to love as God love. He gave us the best and we often take it for granted but no longer should we except the things of the evil on but we must stay focus and Love like we never Loved before. His greatness and His Grace and Mercy with what have kept us and we as Christian should be praying for all of our Savalation, after all we are our brothers keeper. So lets learn to keep them in our prayer against all false prophets and Satan work. Think God for your Love in us through Jesus Christ that have give us the gift of life to live in this world and spread your word in Love.

  20. Q1. (1 John 4:1-3) Why is believing that Jesus was God in the flesh so important? Why doesn't Satan want us to believe that? What are the implications of the fact that Jesus could live out his divine life in a human body like ours? What significance does it bring to the crucifixion and to the resurrection? What is the significance for your Christian life?

    If we don't believe in Jesus that He was God in the flesh than what purpose do we have here on this side except to die and go to hell. Satan want us to believe that because he knows that once we not only believe that but nothing else can prove it different then we have the opportunity to live eternal with Him in Heaven. Jesus came to live out Him live as human to teach us that He is the way, the truth and the life anyone that believe in Him should take up His/Her cross and follow Him. He lead the way now we must follow if and only if we truly believe and I pray that we all do. He died on the cross for All of our sin and it is our choice to choose to live are die. I understand that without Christ in my life then the Holy Spirit cannot reside in me. I thank God for the gift of discernment against all things that is not pleasing or not of God that is things that is of the evil one.

  21. Q4. (1 John 3:22) We know that God doesn't "owe" us anything. So what is the relationship between obedience and answered prayer? Do we "earn" God's favor through obedience? When we are obedient we are doing the work of our God, and he will here our prayer because we are still connected with him. If we are a child of God than we must do what he tells us to do. If we choose not then we are disconnected to him. When you continue to do wrong how can you expect someone to reward you. God is a loving God that he will not tell us through the Holy Spirit to do anything wrong. No matter what the situation we must always be obedience even when it is hard. We me I have been in situation when it was hard for me to do the will of God, at one time in my life I didn't but do His grace and mercy he gave me another chance and I will continue to do His will NO MATTER WHAT.

  22. Q3. (1 John 3:16-18) What does it mean to "lay down your life for your brothers"? What are some concrete examples of this kind of love in action within the Christian community? If you are in a large congregation, how can you get to know other members so you'll be able to lay down your life for them -- and they for you?

    To lay do you life for your brothers is to Love them like Christ loved us. If we know that someone in our community is in need of anything we should not send them away but offer our best that Christ through the spirit told us. We must learn to reach out more to people and stop being selfish as if we are so great and nothing seem to concern our spirit to care for others forgetting that the things that we have was only because of Christ. God gave and he can sure take it away if that is how we must learn to sure our pure love of Christ and the people that is in our path so that we can continue to do the work for our purpose her on this side. It is real love to lay down to give what God told you to give, to help when God place you in a place to help and to Always love no matter what.

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