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Posts posted by Ashech

  1. Q3. (5:14-16) In the healing prayer,

    what is the role of oil?

    The anointing of oil is the symbol not only the power of the Holy Spirit as well as the acceptance by God.

    What is the role of the prayer of faith?

    Prayer of faith is the acknowledgement and declaration of the truth and virtues of God and to strenghten the faith of the sick as well as every individual who is praying for the sick.

    What is the role of faith?

    Faith is needed in order to please God the Father Who is Omnipotent to heal so that the sick will find mercy and grace to help in time of need.

    What is the role of confession of sins?

    Confession of sin is a state of humility where regrets of offences done and the desire to repent and return to the way of righeousness. So that the Faithful Lord Jesus cleanses away the power of curse in sin and the sick be healed.

  2. Q4. (5:19-20) In the light of James' emphasis on active faith vs. dead faith (2:17), why is the role of finding and bringing back the wandering sheep so important?

    When we talk about christian faith, we are also talking about God living in us. When we talk about God is real then He will urge us to bring back the wandering sheep.

    Why? Because,

    1) this is God's heartbeat.

    2) multitude of sins be forgiven.

    3) the sheep could be restored from destruction.

    4) the defeat of the wicked.

    5) for the heavens to rejoice over restoration of soul to God.

  3. Q3. (5:7-8) What can happen to us Christians if we lack the patience to eagerly expect Christ's return? Why is patience so vital?

    When we are lack of patience, we begin to doubt about the appointment. Then we will feel very disappointed. Finally we will give up.

    Patience is very essential in expecting Christ's return. Patience shows proof of our belief. Besides, it helps us to be consistence in our preparation and watchfulness in our godly lives so that we will not be ashamed before God if we depart from this world before Christ's return. As it is written that the righteous lives by faith.

  4. Q2. (5:5-6) What is the spiritual danger of our demand for comfort and luxury? Extra credit: How might our demand for low-priced goods and services cause us to (1) oppress our own employees or (2) cause workers in this country or abroad to be under paid or oppressed? How does all this relate to the need for patience?

    I really delight and agree with MAGNUS' views. As for me, we must learn to be considerate and merciful to others even though it is not wrong to strive for better life.

  5. Q1. (4:13-16) What danger is James warning us about in verses 13-16?

    The danger James is warning us,is pride. Because boasting is the work of foolishness that implies God is not in control of our lives Proud people always boast about their achievements and would not give glory to God. In this act, may God forgive me for being careless in boasting before His sight.

    How can we be humble in our planning without being indecisive and wishy-washy?

    We need to do plannings in hope to be blessed not only for ourselves but also at the same time those around us, share our blessing. By the way, whatever planning we make must be commited to the Lord because He is our Provider.

  6. In what way does bad mouthing a neighbor cause you to be judge of the law?

    When we are self-righteous, we would fault finding, critise or slander our neighbour. This made us a judge of the law and not humble.

    Why is it tempting to bad mouth others do you think?

    It is tempting to bad mouth others because of unforgiveness or jealousy arised in our heart. Another cause is our weakness to refrain from fellowshiping with friends full of bad mouth and yet join the flow of their conversation.

  7. Q3. (4:6-10)

    Verses 7-10 contain 10 different commands. Why are these actions so vital?

    These actions are so vital because they helps us to please God and for us, to have abundant life in the Lord.

    In what way do they go against our nature?

    Our nature tends to be proud,selfish,and delights in merriness but the commandments call us to turn to the opposite ways that pleases God for a purpose.

    Which of these commands is most difficult for you?

    Submission and humility are the most difficult commands and please pray for me.

  8. Q2(4:4) Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"?

    We know the church is the bride of christ. In this society of the east,we consider a bride being an adulteress when she still have an affair with another man. Then it is the same to those who are spiritual bride of christ that ought to have Godly desire but going after worldly desire.

    What does the adultery consist of?

    It consists of the desire and pleasure of sin.

    Who is the aggrieved husband?

    Certainly Jesus Christ is the Husband.

    What is wrong with friendship with the world?

    This is wrong when friendship with the world is established by compromises and agreeing with the things of the world instead of influencing the people of the world to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

  9. Q1. (4:1-3) Is God against pleasure?

    The definition is important over here. I believe God is not against every pleasure. But when dwelling in yeilding to worldly type that does not benefit our spiritual life then God is against it.

    What wrong in living to increase one's pleasure?

    Living to increase one's pleasure is wrong when we are not contented because it is not godliness

  10. Q4. (3:17-18) With what tool do peacemakers sow peace?

    Peacemakers sow peace with the wisdom of God. Only this kind of wisdom brings result because they follow the ways God.God knows all the solution for peace.Jesus of said,"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God."

    Why does this produce a ripening crop of righteousness?

    God's wisdom is accompanied by the love of God and with his divine power everybody is able to produce a ripening crop of righteousness because God's wisdom leads to righteous deeds.

    In whom does this crop grow?

    This crop grows in the submissive believers of Christ Jesus because they are upright.

  11. Q3. (3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?

    Bitter envy dislikes others to have better things whereas selfish ambition only serve ownself first, without having the concern for others. These are the work of the sinful nature of man yeilding to the carnal desire out from the evil heart. However humility on the other hand, always rejoices to the success or upgrading of others and desires to see others in a better state by helping them. Humility is the delight to God's heart but the formers are hated by God because humility comes from God regardless the relationship of anyone with Him.

    Denial of these negative elements make oneself fall short of God's mercy. Therefore prevents healing of relationship with God and others. Nobody wants such kind of people to be good friend.

    Boasting about having such mentality and attitudes implies God's way is not the better or right way for man to live on. Such a foolish life also prevents healing of one, towards God's Righteousness because God rejects the people who are proud by boasting always.

  12. Q1. (3:1-2) Why does James discourage people from aspiring to be teachers of the Word? Why is greater strictness appropriate? Should you set higher standards for your pastor than you do for yourself?

    Because God will judge them more strictly. Moreover teacher of the word should walk the talk if he fails he will be a stumbling block to others. To set higher standards for my pastor is not my priority.

  13. Q3. (2:18-19) What is the difference between the "belief" of a demon and the "belief" of a practising Christian?

    The "belief" of a non-practising Christian?

    The belief of the demon

    is God is without mercy. This God will never reinstate them to Heavens again but tremble at the knowledge of the wrath of God against them.

    The belief of practising Christian

    is God is Love. His Love opens a way of salvation of eternal life to be with Him. To live a life for Christ is a token of gratitude towards God.

    The belief of the non- practising Christian

    is God of grace. Whatever he or she does or says, God will not judge or notice in this life but God will be graceful again after taking account of his or her deeds.

  14. Q2. (2:15-16) To what degree are we responsible for the poor and needy in the church community?

    We are commanded to love one another to show we are christ's disciples. God is the God of the poor also. Our giving to the poor and needy is the token of our love to God.

    How about our responsibility for those outside the church, in the community at large?

    As I have written, God is also the God of the needy and the poor, so being godly nation we will take responsibility for those outside the church that is the community at large. Hence we obey God's word to be workmanship of good deeds.

  15. Q1. (2:14-18) In what sense is faith dead if it is unaccompanied by action?

    If someone believes he can achieve a goal and has no heart to proof it. Then his belief is considered useless or dead. So likewise a person believes to be saved in the Lord of love and yet cannot prove God's presence in his heart by showing His Love and Mercy to others. (The world want to see not only our belief but also the heart). Then his faith is dead without God. This type of faith is fake and fated to the doom.

    In what sense might (if that were possible) it be alive?

    Therefore to see our faith is real and alive is, to see our life behaving Christliked by the power of the Holy Spirit after we have been born again in receiving Christ Jesus as our personal saviour.

  16. Showing regards to the wealthy ones, is really not showing mercy to them but hope to receive good treatment from them in return. If this is our primary attitude, we will certainly ignore the mercy for the poor. There are leaders in the church that delight to give favoritism to the wealthy ones in hope they will give better offering or opportunities to their families.

    When we regard the poor, we learn to have mercy to those who are lack of concern of their needs. Showing mercy to the poor is knowing the very desire of the heart of God, that is to say we are getting to know God is Mercy. Yet on earth when we are merciful to the poor we are pleasing God's heart and He too will show mercy to us. In time of judgement, we rejoice against it because we will be blessed by His mercy on our mercy to others. This is the triumphant that bypass the judgement when we continue to give mercy to the poor. Moreover the poors belong to God.

  17. james refered this is the royal commandment because it proceeded from the mouth of the King of kings and Lord of lords. it is more royal law than the mosaic because it instructs love for God and love for our neighbours whereas mosiac law is more generally for detering of sin. favoritism does not perfect our love for our neigbours but inclines towards selfish gain rather than sacrificial which we might give without gaining.

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