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Vincent Paul DiMino

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Posts posted by Vincent Paul DiMino

  1. 1st,That God speaks to him.That alone is revival itself.All the words and all the truth of what's transpired wash him with overwhelming joy.Our lives rarely take the steady-state form of constant faith,love,hope,effort,energy,dedication,and action;they are called forth in bursts,followed by periods of rest.God Heals (Jehovah Rophe) ! "Do not be afraid",when that phrase proceeds from God,puts fear itself to flight.Jacob's spirit is revived ! Give thanks to Our Lord !God's Grace is given to us through faith.

  2. I read the two answers that came before mine, and they helped to shape my thoughts.Joseph,when confronted with Potiphar's wife's evil intent to userp her husband's authority by entrapping his trusted servant by intrigue and sin,and thus become "the boss" herself,he knew that she was capable of initiating great evil,on anyone,including himself,if it suited her own evil intentions,but he feared God, and served God only,at whatever cost to himself.Joseph does get to see the fulfillment of his dreams and visions within his lifetime,and to see the repentance and salvation of his brother Judah.The experience moved him to tears.He has witnessed,and been part of a miracle,but the name of the story is ISRAEL.This is his Father's story, both the earthly father of the Nation of Israel, and Our Heavenly Father, who speaks to us through the miracles in our daily lives,as well as those we study,in His written Word.Praise God !

  3. Israel asks his sons,"Why do you keep looking at each other?",and "Why did you tell him you even had another brother ?".Some of the answers to these questions,we know: they were guilty for the loss of Joseph,and conspiracy,and maintaining the lie among them,and of concealing the truth from their father;greater powers than they could understanding were shaping the destiny of their effort,and of all history that proceeds from it.

    Then,Jacob PRAYS :"May God grant you mercy before the man so that he will let your older brother and Benjamin come back with you." #1: He asks God's help ! #2 He accepts Judah's offer of himself as security for Benjamin,after rejecting Reuben's off of Reuben's sons, and even asks for blessing on Judah and his mission ("...come back with you").Indeed,Jacob (Israel)is struggling,but he is not overcome by the evil of his own house,or that of the world around him and it's famine.(note that the cup bearer is restored,but the baker is executed).Of himself,Israel says: "As for me,If I am bereaved,I am bereaved".This commitment,by duty,and by faith,of one's self into the hands of one's creator, will later be seen in Esther: "If I die,I die".It may even point to something beyond comparison.

  4. Israel's children were careful not to directly speak any words that legally constitute a lie,but they did say (Genesis 37:32)"...this have we found",when they showed him the coat.(Genesis 37:31)"And they took Joseph's coat,and killed a kid of the goats,and dipped the coat in blood".This is not only a LIE,but is legalism,intent to deceive,conspiracy to deceive,and even imperfect speech.Notice the names leading up to this incident: Shechem (the past sin) and Dothan (the future sin).If they truly loved their,they would love what he loves,bless what he blesses (and now,I'm speaking of both their biological and Heavenly Fathers).In Jacob's depression,"...all his sons and daughters rose up to comfort him...".Another act of deception: if any of them,that knew, cared,they would have told him the truth.

    Israel was depressed,but his sense of right and wrong has not been removed.If Joseph had simply been devoured by a wild animal,he would not have felt the presence of evil in his house.We are all part of a much greater battle than we can possibly perceive through our earthly senses.He does not know what lies ahead,but he does know that he can not "go down to the grave" and be with his beloved Rachel, and their son Joseph,yet.He must stay and fight,as his God given name implies.The true enemy remains unseen.

  5. A man can not redeem himself.What can a man give,or do, to buy back his soul ? Does the scripture give us insight into Reuben's evil intent ? Did he intend harm ? to increase his personal power or standing ? was it an act of **** ? willful ignorance ? defiance ? weakness ? In Genesis 4 Cain's children proceed through 6 generations to Lamech,who like his ancestor,murders;only he goes even further, to pronounce protection upon himself: (Genesis 4:24)"If Cain shall be avenged 7 fold,truly Lamech 77 fold".The process of transformation,redemption,salvation,in it's fullness, is beyond man's comprehension.Sometimes sin must ripen to it's full development,before Almighty God destroys it.I ask Y'all to consider: Is the sin of Reuben,involved in usurping what was not his,for his own glory,seen in Reubenites Dothan and Abiram,in their rebellion against God's chosen leader, (Moses: Numbers 16)and finally dealt with when (Numbers 16:33) they, and all that pertained to them, went down alive into the pit ? Sin is death !

  6. Thanks,y'all !

    Like us,Jacob needed help;God's work in progress,with a mind of it's own,constantly led in the wrong direction by self-delusion.His,and our own,desire for spiritual renewal, is essential to the process,and yet,he,and we,need to be told to seek it,to get rid of our "foreign gods",to wash and be clean,and are grateful for that message.Praise God,that he lights the path and gives us encouragement !

  7. In Exodus,Leviticus,and Numbers,the command that there be one Law,both for the children of Israel,and the strangers that travel with them confirms that the purity needed to form a nation unto God, is one of spirit and not some directive of racial purity, for the purpose of genetics.God did not create the universe by applying man's understanding of it's (scientific) nature,nor does he make, for himself a people,by what man would call selective breeding.In Kings and Chronicles,it isn't genetics that poison God's chosen people and turn their hearts form the Truth;it's (sin) infidelity,greed,****,and coveting the apparent "blessings" of the pagan people around them.

  8. Jacob appeared to be stunned into silence and inactivity.The bible does not say that he prayed to God;it does not say that he didn't.He waited for his sons.He sought unity within his own tribe,but did not take his patriarchal role of leadership.Simeon and Levi appear to be more concerned with their own honor than their sister's injury.The incident appears to have been orchestrated by evil,and yet,in the end it served God's plan.The threat that their faith and understanding of the one true God might be compromised by intermarriage with pagan idolaters was abated,for that moment.The threat that the Canaanites might rise up as one against them, has, and will, be managed by God;but the threat of their hearts being invaded by the evil which stalks us all, is ever present,until the time set by our Lord.

  9. Family dynamics: Reuben is the firstborn,Leah is his mother,Reuben has sex with Rachel's handmaid (who is also the mother of two of his brothers).All sin is first,against God.Any sin of Reuben's would dishonor the entire household,but this one seems to imply contempt for Rachel,the love his father has for Rachel,Rachel's children,and Bilhah,herself.

    Reuben makes some attempt at compassion for his father in Genesis 21:"Let us not kill him";and 22:when his intent is to deliver him to his father again,but he does not have the strength of Truth and Righteousness to take Joseph unto him and force his brothers to either kill them both or abandon their evil intentions,and so he must rend his clothes in despair when he finds Joseph is no longer in the pit.He knows he is not the leader he should be,and he knows why.In 42:22 he reminds his brothers of their sin,and is reminded of his own.In 42:37 he offers the lives of his own sons as sureity for Benjamin...Can a father pay for his sins with the lives of his children ? The scepter is not in his hand,but the sin is being removed from his heart.Judah has the leadership,and Joseph will have the firstborn's traditional double share,but Reuben (as in all of Israel) shall be saved.

  10. God summoned Israel to Bethel.Israel obeyed and sought his God."Seek and you will find,knock and the door will be opened...".The ultimate purpose and promise,to draw Israel,and the community of nations that spring from him,unto God;for salvation,renewal;life itself.The promise,as stated in terms Israel can understand: to be his God,to bless him with the blessings given to his father and grandfather,including land, and a future role in God's plan for his creation.

  11. We're on to something here: I'm responding,on my computer,on the internet...TV in the background...this is the Sabbath,and I try to only do bible study and other "sabbath appropriate" things...my wife is calling me...Israel,and his household,the fledgling nation,in the process of becoming God's people (and I) need purity, and to focus their complete attention,first,on the Lord our God,in praise and thanksgiving."Get rid of all your foreign gods,purify yourselves,wash and change your clothes" sounds like good advise to me.

  12. Dilution.The example of Solomon,cited in the text,shows that even the "wisest of men" will have the Truth that is within him diluted,and eventually polluted,by giving attention to the world and it's ways.The temptation would have been too great for the Israelites to maintain purity and focus on their God of Truth and Love amidst the pagan revelry of their material partners.This would not be the "help" that God intended when he said: "It is not right that the man should be alone."

  13. Esau came with 400 men,but upon seeing his brother ran up kissed him and the two wept:Jacob said that seeing his face was "as though [he] had seen the face of God".Was this flattery; an attempt to inflict injury by inducing false pride ? Or, is there more to this statement ? Jacob had indeed seen the face of a manifestation of God,and the struggle through which he overcame his own doubt and fear, is seen in the face of his brother.Is he "playing" his brother,or is this dance orchestrated from above ? The seemingly excessive gestures of servitude may be more the custom of the day than the obvious diversion that they would represent in our culture,as well as clever political strategy.

  14. Precious pain: God's name added to one's own; a struggle, both in this world and beyond; physical,and spiritual triumph,and a battle scar,or trophy;a moment that took all night plus a moment more,and yet the "test" was not more than Jacob's faith could overcome.Prayer,asking for greater revelation of the meaning of this scripture, could possibly amount to asking for a similar understanding of our own experience, through which God may reveal this manifestation.Limping away,overcome with gratitude,Israel may have thought something like this: Thank you Lord for appearing to me as something I could struggle with, and live;...maybe some time, you'll tell me your name...

  15. Jacob's continued struggle is beginning to bear fruit.He may even have the beginning of wisdom (the fear of God).Does he fear his brother ?,or does he fear the repercussions of his own actions,which apparently caused his brother's anger with intent to kill,and may also be the cause of divine justice.He may even be showing signs of repentance,in asking God's help in avoiding the recompense due his deeds of deception,is he asking for salvation? He has faith and humility,and seeks to do God's will.His greatest concerns are that he fulfills his command,and the safety and well being of his family and the other lives entrusted to him.

  16. The two men agree on a boundary.They know they can not trust each other.Jacob knows he can trust God.Laban,by his response to the dream he had,appears to have the beginning of wisdom: he appears to fear God.Jacob uses this as part of the agreement.The pile of stones marks a boundary in several of the known dimensions,including time: from this point on,Trust becomes a matter of Faith,not in each other,not in ourselves,but,in the only one deserving of Trust and Faith.

  17. Thanks,y'all ! Deception ? by omission ?: as in,not revelaing the complete truth to Laban as he understood it,at the point he knew (after God told him to return to the land of his fathers).Could he have simply told Laban: "The Lord appeard to me in a dream an commanded me to take my wives,children,and livestock and go to the land of my fathers." ? : ABSOLUTELY !,but then, we wouldn't have this part of the story, to discuss. All unrighteousness is sin,and all fall short of the Glory of God,but Our Lord,alone,can judge the content of a man's heart.Jesus said of Nathaniel,"Here is a true Israelite,one who has no guile." Certainly,the Lord knew Jacob's heart,but the complete Truth of Jacob's intentions has not yet been revealed to me...I find no deception in anyone but Rachel,who has gone beyond deception to demonstrate her unstable and worldly concerns of the moment,placing all her extended immediate family in harms way for the sake of what appears to be a "backup plan" to assure a claim to her father's household (the household "gods"),should their excursion encounter difficulties.This is not only deception,theft,idolatry,and an extreme lack of concern for the welfare of others,but is,even more, a true lack of faith.

  18. Our Lord reveals himself to us on many levels.Even before this issue of animal husbandry,Jacob angrily answers (as a human husband), his beloved Rachel's impassioned plea ("give me children,or I die" : Gen. 30)with "Am I in God's stead ?".We will be judged by every careless word;apparently we may also be blessed by speaking Truth,beyond our understanding (like prophesy;Jacob may have been receiving more wisdom than he was aware of).In Gen 31:3 the Lord tells Jacob to return to the land of his fathers.In Gen 31:6 Jacob says,"I have served your father with all my power".If he truely believes this,then he is admitting that he has NO POWER to effect changes in livestock's coloring; but is he really speaking from the deapth of his heart,or again,speaking TRUTH,beyond his own understanding.In Genesis 31:7, he speaks correctly,as,"God suffered him not to hurt me".Does he fully believe this,at this point,or would he rather not take credit for his own attempts to do something other than "serve her father with all his power" In Gen 31:10 Jacob has a dream (his accepted means of receiving revelation from God),and in Gen 31:12 God tells him,"For I have seen all that Laban doest unto thee".Jacob has been brought,step by step,into a much greater awareness of the TRUTH within his own words,when he (Gen 30:33) said, "So shall 'my righteousness' answer for me." [The Lord IS: Our Righteousness !].

    Moses (in Deuteronomy 8) starts this discussion,back in verse 10 with: "When thou hast eaten and art full...,then thou shalt bless the Lord thy God..." and adds the warning in verse 11 to "Beware that you don't forget the Lord thy God".This sets up the culmanation of the sin of Deut.8:17:"...And you say in your heart,MY power...".And again he reinforces the point (this is the book of Deuteronomy) in 8:18 :"...for it is HE that giveth...".

    Please pray that this TRUTH be written in our hearts.

    (Thanks for sending the lesson.)

  19. Our Lord has said,"I knew you before you were in your mother's womb".The number 12,and the 12 tribes of Israel (or the twelve tribes of Ishmael)has spirtual significance beyond anything that can be "learned" soley by man's attempts, to study our God.The TRUTH can only be known by revelation.As such,the full reason involved in the establishment of the "Nation of Israel" is yet in the process of revelation, to mankind.Note: Judah,"from whom the scepter shall not depart..." is Leah's son.The Name that God Almighty gives Moses for himself,in Exodus 34:7 includes the (KJV) phrase:"will by no means clear the guilty".The deception serves as part of Jacob's "cleansing".It also serves to reveal our Lord's compassion for Leah,and sets the stage for many aspects we can find in ourselves, that can be revealed through the examples(1Corinthians 10:11)that proceed.

    (I didn't get a lesson,by e-mail, yet,so I navigated here by the index)


  20. Reading all the answers,I get the impression that we're able to infer many of our own feelings and intentions into our generally assumed "mind of Jacob".We,as him,want to preserve the essence of the holy experience.To "hang onto our God";establish and preserve a portal for renewed contact.Jacob,at this early stage in his relationship with our Creator,may have wanted to go a step further,and actually have a formative input to the terms of that relationship,and only learned further truth about it, through the process of "struggling with God",as the name our Lord gave him, implies.Only God knows the complete Truth of worship and it's antithesis: idolatry ! Approaching this vital,but dangerous matter, should always be accompanied by prayer that the Holy Spirit may guide our use of things,and even our own minds,in worship that conforms, to that which glorifys Him alone.(Stay away from idols).

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