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Old Jerry

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Posts posted by Old Jerry

  1. It was important to Paul for Timothy to come before winter because Paul needed his cloak and travel would be more difficult in the winter. If Timothy delayed then he probably wouldn’t be able to get there at all because the shipping lanes would be closed for the winter. I think Timothy did drop everything and came to Paul’s side. Paul was his mentor and respected him very much. I think I would come at once because of love for him.

  2. It is hard when trusted friends desert us because they know all about us and we know all about them. We have probably told them things that we had not told any body else. It is difficult when they move away or die because the two of you are now family. It would be a lonely world if we didn’t trust anybody. Who can we vent frustration on and still keep it a secret. Besides Luke the Lord was with Paul.

  3. Paul had to resort to the command in verses 1-2 because he wanted Timothy to know that he isn’t teaching the world view he is teaching about Jesus who will be judging the living and the dead. That put a great importance on what he is teaching. The Christians were being beat and killed for their religion so it wasn’t always convenient to teach all the time. So, he was telling Timothy that things were going to get rough.

  4. Inspiration of Scripture means that it wasn’t a human that just decided to write down what he was thinking. It was at God’s direction to them to write the words. The doctrine of inspiration of Scripture is important because we know that it was God that had the words written and we can be sure that they are true words. And besides our eternal life depends on the words of the bible. Thanks to these words we have something to look forward to.

  5. It is very important for pastors and church leaders to execute a strategy of mentoring teachers and elders in the congregation so that the word would be carried on correctly. I feel that the time spent in teaching future leaders is a better time spent then on administration and programs. All though administration and programs are important, they are easer taught then preaching. Preaching has to be from the heart.

  6. Some examples that I can think of is when we are with some people who doesn’t believe in Jesus and they will ridicule you when you talk about Him. Or you are in a crowd and you don’t want to be pointed out. The antidote for cowardice and shame is the Holy Spirit. We can combat the cowardice and shame we might recognize in ourselves by praying and depending on the Holy Spirit and get out of that situation.

  7. The advice that I would give to a person who has let the use of a spiritual gift or ministry lapse is to have them recall all the things that God has done for them. Remind them that the body of Christ needs their spiritual gift. It can be rekindled by us praying for them and showing that the body really does needs them. The thing that might be involved in reclaiming use of the gift would be bible study and prayer.

  8. It is very important to stress that our salvation has nothing to do with our righteous acts. If it was our righteous acts that saved us, then what use was the cross. Our righteous acts just shows that we love God but has nothing to do with Him saving us because it was grace that we are saved for eternal life. “Good” works can corrupt us by self-serving motives because we will become all puffed up in thinking that we did it on our own. This is what will keep us from our salvation.

  9. We must respond to civil governments because they are the ones that God has put in charge. So, if we want to praise God in relative peace, then we need to respond to the government. An anti-government stance hurts us because we are always talking bad about the government and not talking good thing about Jesus. The same thing is true about backbiting and gossip.

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