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Old Jerry

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About Old Jerry

  • Birthday 07/18/1941

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  1. It was important to Paul for Timothy to come before winter because Paul needed his cloak and travel would be more difficult in the winter. If Timothy delayed then he probably wouldn’t be able to get there at all because the shipping lanes would be closed for the winter. I think Timothy did drop everything and came to Paul’s side. Paul was his mentor and respected him very much. I think I would come at once because of love for him.
  2. It is hard when trusted friends desert us because they know all about us and we know all about them. We have probably told them things that we had not told any body else. It is difficult when they move away or die because the two of you are now family. It would be a lonely world if we didn’t trust anybody. Who can we vent frustration on and still keep it a secret. Besides Luke the Lord was with Paul.
  3. The “crown of righteousness” represents us followers of Jesus and sticking with it in thick in thin. This crown is given to those who have been waiting for it. The award is based on Jesus forgiving our sins.
  4. To “fight the good fight” means that he has faithfully taught the gospel and he didn’t let the false teacher take over. He was punished for what he taught but he did not waver from his teaching. It takes trusting in God to “finish the race” that God has designed for me.
  5. Paul knew that if Timothy started to listen to the false teachers that he might be swayed to their teaching. So, he needed to attend to the duties of ministering. Timothy is to teach the Word and the word only. He is also to live by the Word. Verse 5 is telling to keep on track and not to wonder from it.
  6. Paul had to resort to the command in verses 1-2 because he wanted Timothy to know that he isn’t teaching the world view he is teaching about Jesus who will be judging the living and the dead. That put a great importance on what he is teaching. The Christians were being beat and killed for their religion so it wasn’t always convenient to teach all the time. So, he was telling Timothy that things were going to get rough.
  7. The way that Scripture equips a Christian for ministry is that it teaches us who God is and what He is like. Therefore, we are able to teach others about God. The Scripture functions in teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
  8. Inspiration of Scripture means that it wasn’t a human that just decided to write down what he was thinking. It was at God’s direction to them to write the words. The doctrine of inspiration of Scripture is important because we know that it was God that had the words written and we can be sure that they are true words. And besides our eternal life depends on the words of the bible. Thanks to these words we have something to look forward to.
  9. If you don’t accept the inevitability of persecution, it will make you weak. You will not be able to spread the word about Jesus Christ. To “take up his cross daily” means that when ever you are persecuted you will be will to take it and speak up. I think that Jesus talking about persecution and following Him.
  10. It is easy to become a hypocrite because we can see others actions but we can’t see ours. We might be doing the same thing that they are, but we don’t see it. We have got to believe what the Bible is telling us. These are God’s words and they are true.
  11. The characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents is to be kind, gentle, clear headed and respectful. If you are able to keep your cool then maybe they will listen to you. If you don’t have one of these attributes then they will stop listening to you and become very argumentative.
  12. I don’t have good plates and silverware but my kids do and they put it out when there is a special day like Christmas. I use my everyday tableware all the time. I think Paul is telling us that we need to be already to help the Lord when ever he calls on us. We “cleanse ourselves” when we stay connect to the word of God.
  13. The analogy with a skilled workman that forms the basis for Paul’s instruction to Timothy is to work hard, be honest and be faithful. This applies to our teaching of scripture also.
  14. To me the experience of a soldier illustrates this well. You have got to obey the orders in order to accomplish the task at hand. If you don’t you could end up dead. The same is true in life, we need to obey what God is telling us or we could end up as good as dead in hell.
  15. Our churches don’t tend to declare the call to endurance and suffering because it would probably chase people away and it wouldn’t bring in any new people. Timothy probably shied away from it because how do tell people that if they joined, they would have to suffer. If we suffer for the gospel, we will get closer to God.
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