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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

joey felipe

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Posts posted by joey felipe

  1.  What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles?

    It says that in the last days,  Gods temple or Jesus temple will stand-out over other gods place. People from all walks of life, from different places will come to Him.


     About God’s plan for the Jews?

    Gentiles and Jews will be one in worshiping the true God.


     About spiritual hunger?

    There will be a true and widespread spiritual hunger from every hearth of men. They will seek what has been missing in their spiritual life which happens to be the personal relationship with the Lord God Almighty.


     About peace?

    At last, there will also be a genuine peace in the hearts and mind of everyone. Hatreds and anger will have no place in man's life.







  2.  In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4?

    Judah was confused about its identity in a sense that they knew they are the chosen people, God's people, created according to Gods image meaning not only physically but most of all psychologically and spiritually yet their lifestyle was opposite with that of God. They live in evil ways and not of God, they live in darkness not in light.


     What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion?

    When Christians today suffer from identity confusion the result is that they will be back-sliding away from God, they will start to conform with the worldly standard, they will start to like and feel the ways and schemes of evil.


     What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? 

    God accuses his people of being a murderer, of committing injustices,  for not safeguarding the widower and for ignoring the fatherless, 


     In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” Why is it  unreasonable? 

    God argues that their behavior is unreasonable because the people wants to continue their rebellious life against God meaning not to live according to Gods will and plan yet they want that God will continue to prosper and bless them. They keep and continue praying and offering sacrifices to God yet they live in sinful life.


     What does God offer as an alternative?

    God told His people that if they will repent and live their life according to His plan, THEY WILL BLESS THEM. But if not....THEY WILL DIE. 

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