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Posts posted by Highohfaith

  1. Q1. (2 Samuel 6:1-10) Why does God strike Uzzah? Why is David so angry?

    Only God knows for sure why He strikes Uzzah. His motives are never to be brought into question.

    That being said, It is my assumption and this is pure conjecture, that it is because the Ark has not been moved in the way God instructed. We are to listen to God's commands and obey them. Sometime we may be ignorant of His will concerning something, that is no excuse. In ALL things we must seek the will of our Father. In this case David was ignorant of the way God wanted His Ark moved, if he had consulted the Holy Spirit, or Holy Scripture, The Torah, he would have known the strict orders God laid out for moving the Ark.Chronicles 15:15 "And the children of the Levites bare the ark of God upon their shoulders with the staves thereon, as Moses commanded according to the word of the Lord There are other references in the Word as to the way the Ark should be handled . There are other references in the Word as to the way the Ark should be handled' . I'd say the instructions are pretty all conclusive, and made very clear by God how the Holiness of Holy, Consecrated Ark should be handled. David did not consult God which is not in true David character, as we previously see, David consulted God in all matters. Perhaps his judgement was so overshadowed by the joy ( of bringing the Ark home to the Israelites ) and his political ploy that he 'forgot' who was in command and forgot to consult the SOVEREIGN true KING of KINGS. As a result an innocent man dies because of David's ignorance. The oxen ( whom were transporting the Ark in ungodly way as the Philistines did, because of David's refusal, or in ignorance, doesn't matter why, to consult God.) stumbled. The word clearly state that is when Urrah touched the Ark. I believe it was a natural reflex and not a deliberate move on Urrah's part. God is just and we don't question His reason; I believed David learned a valuable lesson that day. Not to get so puffed up that you forget GOD REIGNS!

    David is angry because he feels moving the Ark was done in GOOD Faith and he doesn't realize his mistake of not consulting God first. He also feels humiliated as King of Israel, his people look to him for guidance. 30,000 Israelites were at the festival, David feels they may lose heart in him. Possible and probably, and most importantly, David feels they may lose heart in God, perhaps they'll see God as an unjust God. I think part of his anger is caused by guilt. I think he is also fearful that God may deal with him, in the same manner he dealt with Urrah.

  2. David has shown throughout his life that he relies only on God. He trust God in all events of his life thus far. I can't even fathom what could have happen if David had not inquired of the Lord the second time. First, as David has shown us countless times before that he seeks God's will in all things and inquired of God's will always. I feel this occasion would be no different. David seeks to be obedient, and trust God. Secondly, I can only speculate that the outcome for David and his men, and his kingship would have been disastrous,only God knows for sure.

    Oftentimes we are to proud and obstinate to seek God's will

    We think we know what is best for ourselves, nothing could be farther from the truth. Jesus said, "I am the truth, the way and the light."

    John 1 states" ln the beginning was the Word and the Word was God."

    David knew God and he also knew, at the start of ANY endeavor to seek Gods word.

    This tells us that God's is all powerful, omnipresent, and all knowing. He loves us, is patient and a wonderful Father who only wants the best for His children. About us it reminds us that we are all sinners. God created man with free choice, Adam invited sin into the world. Because of this we must constantly struggle against sin and the desire to quench our own will. Seek to discern and keep God's will always. Relinquish our will, submit to God and count your blessings (to numerous to count-as the grains of sand which God formed us, are our blessings) and trust in God's promise.

  3. I think it has been about 15-18 years since David was first chosen as God's elect, till the time he takes kingship of all Israel. During 7.5 of those years he was king of Judah. God is sharpening David's leadership skills and strengthening David's faith and patience during these 15 years. Preparing him to be a great king.

    David shows true patience and reserve . Though all he has been through, David's faith never falters. Through undying deep rooted faith, and endurance, his will to be obedient to God , his desire to fulfil God's plan, his love for God, he has shown great patience.

    I'd like to think that I could be as patient as David. Patience is a trait in which I have desired and struggled, feverishly prayed for . God and I have worked together for a long time to shape me into a patient person. A person able to endure long suffering. A person able to wait and depend on God for everything, good or bad. In order to experience the joy of the Lord, we must be refined through our struggles. The reward is great. God is GOOD all the time, and all the time GOD IS GOD! I trust in Him. God is my rock!

    It has just been recently, that through a very troubling time the Holy Spirit has begun to show me how to become more patient. Still much work to be done, but making significant strides toward patience.

    I believe with all my heart that God is refining and tuning my patience, and testing me through a long struggle with my health. God works in wondrous ways,we must be patient, run the good race, never stop waiting and believe in the awesome POWER of our God.

    David's true love,and patience, his faith and desire to please God is inspiring indeed!!

  4. Q1. (2 Samuel 3:22-39)

    Why does Joab slay Abner?

    It is primarily a revenge killing. Joab is angry and want's to kill Abner because Abner killed his brother. However, I believe there is another 'ulterior motive', he fears losing his superior status in David's army to Abner. He is jealous of Abner, and fears losing rank as David's high general to Abner.

    Is he justified in doing so?

    Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!!!

    How does this affect his king’s unification plans?

    Because God is with David and David consults God in everything, ( If God is for us, who can stand against?) It does not affect the peace treaty,between the Northern and Southern kingdoms of Israel. The people believe David when he says he has no part in the killing of Abner. He backs up his words with actions by renting his clothes and mourning with his men for Abner's death.

    However, there could have been devastating consequences. if David was not a man after God's own heart, Joabs killing of Abner could have resulted in much more war and bloodshed. Even centuries more, And derailed the peace treaty and the handing over of all of Israel to David.

    Why do you think Joab is so blind?

    He is engulfed in hatred and seeks revenge -he is blind-sighted. He can see no further than his own desire to revenge his brothers death. He is power hungry and wants to remain high general to David.. He is most assuredly not a man after God's own heart. He is self willed and self indulgent.

    How can our spiritual blindness get in the way of God working out His plan in our lives?

    Power seeking, going after our own desires, hatred, revenge, and all evil doings block us from receiving God's love, power and grace.. Never seek our own will , stay steadfast, as David, in our resolve and love for God.Seek God first in everything. Walk the the straight path for wide is the road but narrow is the door that leads to the Kingdom of God.. Stay true to God, seek his will, through the power of the Holy Spirit, do not rely on shelf

    Remember these six words God is GOD and I'm not. Give all to Him.

  5. Q3. (2 Samuel 1:19-27; 1 Chronicles 10:13-14) David is gracious in his memorial psalm. How does he remember Saul’s life?

    Even though David seeks the kingship, Saul has always been revered by David as the Lords anointed.He is sorrowful and laments over Saul and Johnathan's deaths. He holds no animosity toward Saul, he recounts his life as Glory for God's people, in his Psalm. Israels Glory!!! He reminds God's chosen people of all the wonderful things Saul provided during his reign. He remember only the good in Saul. And insist that to the Israelites (as his men are also taught Psalm) Saul is to be revered and remembered as a great King..

    How does the Chronicler remember Saul’s life? The chronicler speaks of Saul life and the judgement against him, because of his unfaithfulness.He speaks of God's wrath upon those who do not obey and heed Gods word.

    How do you think God evaluates Saul’s life?

    It is evident that God has removed his spirit from Saul as we have seen previously in this lesson.However, I believe God still loves Saul, Saul is God's child ( perhaps you could liken him to the prodigal son-who fell away from grace - and his father took him back). Just as David is saddened by Saul unfaithfulness and Saul's death, God is too! However, unlike the prodigal son, Saul never returns to the Father. I don't know what Saul's fate is concerning his salvation,ONLY GOD KNOWS, but since the Holy Spirit has been taken from him, I believe his fate lies with the evil one. God, nonetheless, still loves and laments ( as David does) His once anointed child, Saul . God grieves His lost children, we are all his, good or bad. He is our creator.

    What do we learn from this?

    Obey and seek God in everything, strengthen ourselves in the Lord.He is our salvation in times of good, and in times of trouble. He is steadfast. He will never leave us if we seek Him earnestly He is always with us! Forgive those who trespass against us and hold God in the highest esteem, He has authority over EVERYTHING!! He is our Sovereign Creator! In all things obey,forgive, and love. Try to reach those who are lost, by example of living God's will in our own lives, and lament (grieve)for for the lost ones!

  6. Q2. (1 Samuel 30:6) From the Psalms of David, how does David seem to strengthen himself in the Lord when things are going bad?

    He cries out to God in times of trouble. He seeks strength and renewal through God alone.Praises God for his salvation. Holds God in highest esteem to himself and others.Gives God complete control. He waits patiently. He earnestly seeks God (his soul pants) he seeks righteousness. He TRUST GOD in ALL things.God is his rock!

    What devotional exercises does he adopt? What is the focus of his faith?

    Prayer and praise, meditation on GOD.God is the focus of his faith. His heart is with God at all times, good and bad.

  7. Q1. (1 Samuel 30:1-6) Why do the men blame David?

    It's human nature to play the 'blame game'. Anyone of David's men could have consulted with David upon going out to the hills about leaving some men behind to protect the woman and children but they did not. David would have probably agreed. They feel a sense of guilt. They want to blame 'someone' else and since David is their leader he is the first to take the heat.

    Why is the situation so explosive at this point.

    All the soldiers families and children,including David's have been carted away by the enemy ( they do not know if they are alive or dead, or being tortured, raped, or who knows what at the hands of the enemy) they have lost everything near and dear to them.

    What does David do in the situation?

    Relies on God. PRAYS!

    What is David feeling?

    Fear, remorse ,guilt, shame, abandonment,fear.

    Why doesn’t he act immediately?

    He trust God and is waiting patiently on God. In true"David character" ( as we have learned thus far) his allegiance is first and foremost to God, no matter what the situation. David has proven he is a man of God and his faith is true, and steadfast! He trust in God's will, not his own! he relies always on God for all the answers!

  8. Q3. (1 Samuel 25) What do we learn about David’s character in this incident with Nabal and Abigail?

    In this incident we learn that David is human, with a sinful nature. He has moments of weakness. His anger flares in this case, he is quick to judge Nabal. He is dependent upon Nabel(not God)to keep his troops from hunger. He needs provision, when Nabal refuses he become inflamed with judgement, anger, and revenge. We also learn, he is devoted to doing God's will, and after his needs are met ,his anger subsides, he no longer wants revenge.He is a reasonable,Godly, man.

    What do we learn about Abigail’s character?

    Abigail was a person who wanted to save her husband and children, she was a devoted mother and wife. She knew David's troops would want to kill Nabal and his decedents , which were probably her male children. I'm not sure she went out to David from her heart, but more as a way to protect her family by offering David a bribe of sorts. She is devoted, resourceful, strong and independent. We also see most importantly that she is a woman of God, she speaks to Davids spiritual side in hopes David will be empowered to listen to the will of God.

    Nabal’s character?

    Nabal was selfish, he had no respect for God. Certainly not for David, he is thankless and remembers not the times David has spared him, Nabal was mean spirited and later, as we see, God dishes out his own judgement on Nabel.

    Why do you think this story was included in 1 Samuel? What important knowledge does it add to our understanding?

    I think it gives us a view into the character of each of these people and shows how God gets justice which is not up to man. it also shows us that the will of God is stronger than any emotional, inappropriate response we may have in ANY situation. God's voice is the only voice we should listen to., God protects those whom he loves. It is all about the will of God and the people who love and OBEY him and God's love for his children. This story speaks volumes about faith and obedience to God.

  9. Q2. (1 Samuel 24:12) How do we apply the principle of not lifting a hand against the Lord’s anointed in our day?

    What applicability does this have to Christians today? Who is, or are, the Lord’s anointed who should not be touched? Commenter Andrew Price pointed out correctly that the role of the Old Testament kings was fulfilled in Jesus, whose title Christ or Messiah means Anointed One. The same could be said of the role of the Old Testament anointed prophets. However, the New Testament teaches that every Christian believer, everyone in Christ, has an anointing from the Holy Spirit (1 John 2:20), is a potential prophet (1 Corinthians 14:31), and is even now reigning with Christ (Revelation 20:4 and Ephesians 2:6, ( http://www.gentlewis...lords-anointed/ )

    I feel those who are Christians are all God's anointed as they choose to follow God's son. We are ALL God's children. Therefore,I believe we should not speak out against, nor do harm in any way to one another. If there is a situation in which we feel another Christian needs rebuking we should come together ( at least 2 or 3 others) and gently rebuke that person. Not publicly shame nor do any harm in any way to another of God's anointed. We are all ONE ( ALL who have received Christ) in Christ Jesus.

    1 Corinthians 12:18-27 (NIV)

    18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.21 The eye cannot say to the hand, I don’t need you! And the head cannot say to the feet, I don’t need you! 22 On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unrepresentable are treated with special modesty, 24 while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

    27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

  10. Q1. (1 Samuel 24:1-15) Why doesn’t David kill Saul when he has the chance?

    Saul is God's anointed.David has the fear of God.

    He trust God's justice will prevail and has patience to wait upon God for justice. God gave David the will to do with Saul what he pleased. God delivered his enemy (Saul) into his hands. Perhaps this was a test for David from God. David passes the test with flying colors! David did not chose to kill Saul because he was not an evil man. He was righteous, His heart was always with God even when God gave him his own freewill, he did not take it.

    What motive do he and his men have for killing a king who is trying to kill them?

    Obviously, their motive is to get rid of the threat against them. If they kill Saul his army will be rendered leaderless and Saul's army will disperse. Most of the men in David's fleet are running from the law of land and the injustice Saul has opposed on them.

    What is David’s rationale for sparing Saul?

    Waiting and asking for God's will,not relying on his own will, desire to please God. Saul is God's anointed. He tells his troops that God will punish him and his troops if they lift a hand against Saul.

    What does this tell us about David’s character? About his faith? What does it say about David’s leadership ability that he is able to dissuade his men from killing Saul?

    We have already learned a lot about the character of David in previous lessons. He is sincere, passionate, and committed to doing God's will. A man after God's own heart. His faith is unshakable in any circumstance. He is a strong leader. His actions governing his men are always guided by God, David does nothing without first knowing what God wants, his first and only allegiance is to God. He gets his strength from God alone! This makes him very powerful leader. God is for him, who can stand against?

  11. Q4. (Psalms 18, 34, 54, 56, 58, 59, 142) In these ascriptions to these psalms, how many celebrate happy occasions? How many arise from struggles? What does this tell you about David’s relationship with God? What does this tell you about his faith during trials? Which is your favorite among these psalms? Why?

    The songs are bittersweet, they speak of trouble, but also of great joy in the comfort of God. All are a celebration of God's sovereign power and greatness. They all arise from trouble but find their Joy in God's strength. That's amazing!!!

    Whether it be struggle against his enemies, his sin, or his own conscience. David struggles are not merely physical but he also struggles against the evil of sin in his life. As betrayed in his Psalm 51, David clearly is struggling with sin and his conscience. He HUMBLY admits he has sinned SOLELY against God. God has taken his offense with Bathsheba and David's murderous heart in the case of Uriah(Bathsheba husband) to heart and David knows he has hurt God, and ask for God's forgiveness. Repentance and forgiveness and God's faith to those who love him become the theme of Psalm 51. In all these Psalms there is one constant theme of Love and great faith, God clearly loves David, He is a faithful God. And David is faithful and loves God with all his heart, though he is by no means perfect, and has sinned greatly.Through all these particular Psalms, one thing is very evident. Davids faith never falters, and he always runs to God for refuge no matter what the problem is, whether the problem is sin or refuge from his enemies,it is clear that David's heart is with God. Because God knows David's heart, God's faith always forgives and sustains David. It is clearly a heart' issue. David's heart is with God and God's heart is with David.

    I love all the Psalms , if I had to choose a favorite out of these it would be Psalm 51. Because it attest to God's faithfulness to those who love him. David admits his sin and takes full responsibility and tells God he is human and sinful,he humbles himself before God and CRIES OUT from the depth of his heart for forgiveness. He offers God his repentance and trust in God's forgiveness. God sovereign superiority cannot be overcome by mere human sinful nature. David knows God is all powerful, all consuming and all present. To those whose faith does not falter, God offers his forgiveness, He offers His heart. He is a faithful God. He is the strong tower to those who trust in Him..it attest to the both the power and love and forgiveness, faithfulness of both God and David.All the psalms attest to God's all consuming, sovereign power to destroy our enemies, protect us from evil, to guide us into righteousness, to forgive,and to love, and to the POWER of our faith in He who created us!!! God wants our hearts!

  12. Q3. (1 Samuel 23:14-18) Why does Jonathan visit David in the wilderness?

    To give him strength and encouragement through God.

    What risk is there for David? What risk is there for Jonathan?

    The risk for David is that Jonathan could be deceiving him. And by doing so, he would lead Saul and his army to David,or that even, Jonathan was sent to kill David. But, David and Jonathan have a covenant before God, David trust God and David trust in his friend, whom he loves dearly. I think Jonathan's risk were equal to David's. Saul could kill his own son, as Saul has become a very evil man. David could Kill Jonathan for revenge, but both Jonathan and David are led by God, their covenant, sealed by the Lord. Both show their great trust and faith in GOD!

    What do you think it meant to David?

    Both men loved each other dearly, Jonathan's message of hope and God's power meant a great deal to David, especially since Jonathan risk his own life to comfort David.Jonathan visit gave great comfort to David at a time when he really needed it. It also was a great opportunity for Jonathan and David to renew their covenant to each other in front of God, Both are Godly men led by The Spirit of God.Their strength comes from the Lord!

    Have you ever received a visit from a friend when you needed it most? Yes, God provides us with people in our lives for many reason, and especially when we are in great need of encouragement.

  13. Q2. (1 Samuel 22:20-23:12) What did Abiathar and the ephod have to do with “inquiring of the Lord?” Why did David inquire of the Lord? What huge advantage does the person have who seeks God’s will before acting? How can you find God’s will at key points in your life?

    Abiathar was a high priest, the epod is part of the high Priest garments.It is used to determine God's will.

    David inquired of the Lord becasue he had strong faith and desired to do God's will. His trust and faith is in God always.

    The person who seeks God's will is faithful, obedient and trust God with all his heart.God is a faithful God and He will not lead us into darkness. He is with us always, we are His children.

    Finding God's will is not always easy. The first and foremost way to know God's will is to pray fervently for the Holy Spirit to reveal God's word and will. Pray,asking God's to reveal His will for you, listen with your heart, and wait patiently and God's will, will be revealed. God's will isn't always as easy to discern as it was for David, sometimes we hear God's word, He is speaking to us and we hear but don't listen or we are to caught up in earthly matter and the 'troubles' of the day to hear what God is saying. OR our own will seems stronger and wants to take over. But, remember the will of the Holy Spirit is far more POWERFUL than our will and if we seek God's will earnestly we shall receive it. God's will is Sovereign and all POWERFUL!"Those who have ears let them hear!" God will reveal his will if you seek Him. Knock and the door will be opened".

  14. Q1. (1 Samuel 22:2) Why were David’s men attracted to him? What did they have in common? What kind of men were these? What difficulties do you think David probably had in leading them?

    The men were attracted to David,some were his family members, and others were fleeing from Saul as well, some may have even heard of David's previous success and his powerful stance he took again the giant of Gath. Perhaps they even heard the song "David kills tens of thousand ,Saul kills thousands. They felt safe in his presence. They knew that God was with him. Many were on the run, fugitives, who were also fleeing to stay alive.or even, perhaps out of Saul's prison. David was not yet a trained 'foot soldier' ,he was young and inexperience with war, and being a leader. He obviously didn't have many resources. His faith is his greatest weapon against his enemies, David always relies on God for strength and power.


  15. Q4. (1 Samuel 20:35-42) What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan? What does David receive? What does Jonathan receive? Who benefits the most from this covenant? Is it self-serving – or not? What is the significance that God is witness to the covenant?

    God is on both their sides and because of God's infinite love, He teaches them how to love one another. It is a mutual covenant in which neither receives anything material. God has already given to each according to His will, and will continue to do so because of their strong faith! What is most important is they have God's blessing, and because of His blessing, they have love, trust, and respect for each other. It is in no way self-serving, it is quite the opposite. Both David and Jonathan remain true to each other and God, it is a very special, selfless bond that they share!

  16. Q3. (1 Samuel 19:18-24) What does it tell us about Saul’s faith that he pursues David even when he has sought the sanctuary of the prophet Samuel? Why do people prophesy when the Holy Spirit comes upon them? What is the relationship between this incident and the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2)?

    Saul faith is not strong, we have seen this in the past when he disobeyed God. He has no respect or love for God to seek David in the sanctuary of the prophet Samuel. This should not surprise the reader, as I stated, we have seen throughout the recounting of this story, that Saul's love for God does not exist.

    People prophesy because when the Holy Spirit comes over them, the spirit is stronger than their own will. The Spirit is of God and ALL POWERFUL, all CONSUMING!

    The relationship between these two events: the SPIRIT is God's POWER!!! We do not control the Spirit, The Spirit controls us. The Spirit is the 'Breath of God" ! Our Creator is more powerful than man and all consuming! In both events God's all consuming power took complete control and man began too prophesy in the name of the Lord! We have seen this many time throughout the Bible, The Holy Spirit is OF God and IS God, just as the Son,Jesus. God, the Father, God The Son, and God the Holy Spirit! God is all powerful, all consuming ,omnipresent. He is in everything, He IS everything. Nothing was created but by His hands. He is the great I AM, All in All, our Sovereign Creator is far more powerful than His creation.

  17. Q2. (1 Samuel 18:18-22) Which of the following is David’s chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion? Argue for the motivation that makes the most sense to you: (1) pride in his military prowess, (2) obedience to Saul’s desires, (3) love or desire for Michal, or (4) enjoyment in killing Philistines.

    In my opinion it is his love and desire for Michal. David is a man of God, he is in love with Michal. He wants to do the right thing to consecrate his marriage in Gods eyes. David also loves Saul dearly and thinks of himself as Saul's servant. He remembers that Saul was God's first choice to be the first king of Israel, and that Saul was once his mentor. He looks up to Saul. For David to have an ulterior motive other than his love for Michal would be deceitful, but since Saul is offering his daughter, David does indeed take advantage of the offer to also prove his military prowess. However this does not change the fact that his fist motive is still his love for Michal

  18. Q2. (1 Samuel 18:18-22) Which of the following is David’s chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion? Argue for the motivation that makes the most sense to you: (1) pride in his military prowess, (2) obedience to Saul’s desires, (3) love or desire for Michal, or (4) enjoyment in killing Philistines.

    Since we know that David loves Michal , I think his 1st motive is love, and then quickly on the heels of love David see's this as a way to prove himself even more in battle. And receive the reward first promised to the person who killed the giant Goliath!The fact that he brings back not 100 foreskins but 200, speaks something to the nature of David's character here. He is not above pride, even thou he credits God always for his successes! As David feels he is Saul's servant, yes,I think there is a certain element which suggest David wants to obey Saul. However, he will not put obeying Saul, above God.God is David's first and foremost allegiance.

  19. Q1. (1 Samuel 18:13-16). Why does Saul send David into battle? What is the result? To what does the narrator attribute David success?

    Saul is jealous of David's success in battle and he is also jealous that God has taken his favor from Saul because of his disobedience and given it to David. Instead of repentance, Saul makes more and more mistakes i.e. trying to kill David with a spear,( not once but twice, and even more times as we read on in 1 Samuel , 2 Samuel). Yet David holds no animosity towards Saul. He loves Saul and considers himself Saul servant even until the day of Saul's death. Saul longs to be back in Gods favor, but he cannot find his way back. He sends David to the front lines in hopes that he will be killed.Saul's jealousy rages and he wants to be free of David once and for all. BUT GOD HAS a BIG SURPRISE FOR SAUL!! God's power and strength are Davids blessing, because of his deep faith, obedience and love for God,he cannot be defeated. God's love overpowers Saul's hatred and jealousy! David's strong faith and trust in God, and God's love for David keeps him safe from his enemies.

    The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.Psalm 18:2 ( written by David)

    David's heart and trust, his faith, are always with God.

  20. Q3. (1 Samuel 17:47) Why do we so often forget that “the battle is the Lord’s”? What does that phrase actually mean? How can we avoid the arrogance of pulling God into our battles (“God is on my side”), rather than engaging in His battles (“I am on God’s side”)?

    We often forget the battle is the Lords, because we don't give all power to the Lord, God ALMIGHTY! We forget sometimes how powerful the Lord is, EVERYTHING is from Him and of Him..we are mere vessels of His will! God is All powerful,omnipresent! The very first step is relinquishing our own will. We must realize we are not more powerful than our Creator! God is in Charge of ALL! Sometime we allow our own desires and our own pride to think we can do it ourselves! IMPOSSIBLE, everything is POSSIBLE when we let go of our 'puffed up" self and give our will to God ! We must let go of our pride and always humble ourselves as servants of God. We can avoid arrogance in 'battle' by asking God for His will to be done,relying and trusting in Him and HIM alone!

  21. Q2. (1 Samuel 17:34-37) What does David’s explanation to Saul of his combat experience say about David’s faith? How lethal is David as a warrior? Why do you think Saul allows him to go out to battle Goliath? Does Saul have faith? If so, what is the source of it?

    1.) What does David's explanation to Saul of his combat experience say about David's faith? David faith is solid. His faith is strong!

    2.) How lethal is David as a warrior? VERY lethal. Armed with the power of God, he cannot be defeated!

    3.) Why do you think Saul allows him to go out to battle Goliath? Saul believes that David's faith is strong and he is inspired by David's faith.

    4.) Does Saul have faith? If so, what is the source of it? I believe Saul does have faith, he has always had faith,he was as a young man indwelled with the Holy Spirit. But strayed far and wide from God, and God withdrew His blessings from saul. I think the fact that he merely trust David ( a mere 'boy' of deep faith)shows that Saul still has faith. Saul is very disillusioned and disappointed that God has withdrew his favor from him. David's great faith,ignites Saul's faith. David inspires Saul. The fact that he gives David a chance to fight Goliath is proof of Saul's faith.If David loses,a war will certainly ensure.[/font][/color][/size][/font] Saul has a lot to lose.

  22. Q1. (1 Samuel 17:26-30) Why is David so upset about Goliath’s taunt? Why is Eliab, David’s brother, so upset with David? What does this teach us about David’s faith? What does it teach us about Eliab’s character?

    David loves God with all his heart, and he cannot tolorate the taunts to God's chosen people. He had deep faith, so deep that he believes his faith can conquer anything. YES, even a nine foot giant!

    Eliab was jealous of David's faith. He did not have the kind of faith it takes to stand up to a giant! Eliab did not trust in God's power, while David did!

  23. Q4. (1 Samuel 16:14-23)

    1.) From Saul’s perspective, why is David summoned to court?

    David is summons because King Saul is greatly trouble, the Holy Spirit has left him(because of his disobedience) and he is filled with an unrelenting spirit of evil. It has been told to him that music soothes the soul. He is told about a wonderful young musician,David, son of Jesse, who does not only play beautiful music but is also blessed by God. This is the Kings opportunity (as he see it) to get closer to God ( and perhaps back in God's favor) while experiencing relief from the evil spirit that possess him.

    2.) From God’s perspective, what seem to be the reasons for this service in Saul’s court?

    From God's perspective this gives opportunity to David to be in the Kings court. To learn the " ins and outs " of governing the people. To God, this is a fine opportunity for David to learn to lead, an apprenticeship of sorts. From Shepard boy to a God-fearing king!! It also provides David for an outlet to write his beautiful music. As a Shepard,David had very little time to create his music. I can't also help to think that in some way God also wanted to comfort Saul by sending David. God still loves Saul. He love all of His children. God is a compassionate God, though He took his Holy Spirit from Saul due to Saul's disobedient, he still loves Saul. This love for Saul plays out later through David. David loves Saul also, even after Saul tries to kill him on several occasions. David ( after he becomes king) also spares Saul's life on several occasions.

    3.) What things tend to prevent us from learning from God in the midst of the circumstances in which we find ourselves?

    I think some of the things that hold us back from experience and learning God's will is, pride ( we think we know it all, we do not want to surrender our will to God). Another thing which often stands in the way is we don't realize that God is authorship of everything in our lives.The Good and the BAD. Oftentimes we want to know WHY? God has a reason for everything He does. It is NOT for us to QUESTION our Creator we must rely, through faith alone on his will.


    1 Corinthians 13-12

    Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known ***(we as mere sinner, cannot know God's plan for us now,but when we are united, everything will become clear). Faith is sight unseen..we must rely on God's wisdom in good times and bad.

    James 1-2-3 (NIV)

    Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,

    because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance

    Romans 12:2

    Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.**** ( notice this verse says BE transformed, not transform ourselves). We must be transformed by the Holy Spirit in order to experience the renewing of our mind and God perfect will!

    4.) What might make us more teachable?

    We must open ourselves up ( tear down the defensive walls which hold our hearts hostage to sin) to the Holy Spirits teaching. Pray daily for the intervention of the Holy Spirit so we may be able to discern God's will!

  24. Q3. (1 Samuel 1:13) What is the significance of Samuel anointing David?

    Samuel anoints David giving the prophetic gift of the Holy Spirit.This is not a political, earthy ceremony, this is an anointment which come directly through Samuel to David from God.

    What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David?

    The Holy Spirit gives power to David. Power to overcome in the worst off circumstances.The Holy Spirit is a gift from God to David. God's Spirit dwells within his soul and heart forever, providing David with wisdom and revelation.

    How does this explain his success?

    Being anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit gives David power and wisdom to become a great king to God's chosen people. And to overcome his enemies and eventually sin.

    How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples?

    In the same way as it was with David.The Holy Spirit is God as teacher, the Spirit give us power through knowledge and wisdom to overcome worldly ideals and to live by God's will. Our faith cannot survive and thrive without God's Holy Spirit.

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