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Posts posted by Helenmm

  1. In the old days a man brought the blood of an animal to cleanse himself before God from his sin. His sin really demanded his own blood, but God accepted the sacrifice of an animal in his place, or as a picture of the sacrifice that was deserved! The High Priest could go - properly prepared - once a year into the Holy of Holies with a blood sacrifice for the sins of the people, in fear and trembling lest he be found wanting.

    Later, Jesus Christ, Son of Jehovah Himself, came to earth specifically to be the sacrifice for the sins of men (after which there would be no more need of animal sacrifice, seeing that the perfect sacrifice was now completed for all time). Since He was willing to go so far in making the perfect sacrifice for our sins, and took HIs own blood into the heavenly temple to present to His Father on our behalf, then we can know and believe that indeed we are forgiven when we truly repent.

  2. Q5. (Hebrews 9:11-12) What does "redemption" mean? What were we redeemed from? What was the price of our redemption? How long does our redemption last?

    "Redemption" is the price of an article once traded for money (or some other value such as birthright), which the purchaser wishes to reclaim. eg People occasionally sell their business and later buy it back, usually at much higher cost.

    We were originally traded for supposed status with God, the purchaser being satan. However, this trade meant that we died spiritually, leaving us open to evil suggestion and sin and bereft of the breath of life - the Holy Spirit. In order to recover our situation, man had to do business with satan. However, he had traded his power, so there had to be found a man who could step in on our behalf. That's why God sent Jesus in human flesh to trade on our behalf. His life was the price of our redemption. What satan didn't realise was that Jesus, who is the author of life, was able to lay down His life and take it up again, which He did. So the whole price was paid, but eternal life was not defeated.

    In fact, the whole price has been paid for all time and will never be repeated. Our redemption is eternal - for ever. There are no repeats!

  3. Q4. (Hebrews 9:9) Why were external sacrificial regulations unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience? How does a guilty conscience keep us from intimacy with God? What is necessary for us to be able to come "boldly" (4:16)?

    When David became conscious of his sin, he cried out to God things like "Take not your Holy Sppirit from me, Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me". He didn't even begin to think about bulls and goats, knowing that the issue was the state of his heart and his need for God's mercy. Malachi talks constantly about the state of heart as distinct from the value of offerings of animal blood. He wants to see generousity given to the poor, to abused wives, the right temple offerings (not just the injured animals) showing that the people's hearts were right. Even in the Old Testament it was clearly understood that the state of the heart was the real matter before God. Blood of bulls and goats could do nothing if the heart wasn't right! So the new law "I will put my law in their hearts" etc was clearly indicated long before Jesus, possibly right from the beginning where Abraham was called the friend of God and Job pleased the Lord, even right back to Abel whose sacrifice pleased God because it came from a right heart. I think the blood of Jesus covered them too!

    If we have not dealt with a sin that stands between us and God, then we have again closed the veil. Our flesh stands between us and God and to go into the holy of holies in that state is dangerous. We are justified by Jesus' death if we also crucify our flesh as our part of the covenant. It has to be "Not I (carnal nature) who live, but Christ who lives in me".

    If we are to come boldly to the throne of grace we must come with all issues settled between us and our brethren, otherwise we are not entitled to participate in the body and blood of Jesus (represented by the communion). We must have examined our consciences for any sin and done everything possible to put it right with both God and man. Then we may come boldly to the throne of grace as sons and daughters of the living God.

  4. Q3. (Hebrews 9:7) Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God? Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness? What is required for forgiveness to be granted?

    There is no provision for the forgiveness of a deliberately maintained rebellion against God. It is impossible. There are no grounds for unity of the Spirit. While there is forgiveness for misdemeanors that people didn't realise they were doing, forgiveness follows repentance. No repentance means no forgiveness. People can repent of sins committed in ignorance, and, seeking a clean heart, can be forgiven and blessed. Without repentance there is no forgiveness, no grounds at all for communication and reconciliation with God.

    It is a crime of the modern age that men think they can decide the terms upon which they will get to Heaven and be received by the Father. Heaven is not a democracy! It is God's house, and what He says goes! Democratic thinking (and rebellion) is rife in the Christian congregations, but carries no weight with God who is HOLY! HOLY has no compromise! What HOLY has is the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of the Living God. If these are found desirable by a man, then he may safely enter the presence of God. Otherwise it is not safe!

  5. Q2. (Hebrews 8:7-13) Why did the Old Covenant fail? What are the primary promises of the New Covenant as prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31-34?

    I think the old covenant didn't work because the people basically said "You do it for us, Moses. We don't want to hear from God for ourselves". After all God did to get them out of Egypt, they really didn't want to know Him intimately as Moses did. Yet that was what God wanted. God gave them the ten commandments as the bottom line for a community, but that didn't bring them any closer to Him.

    God wanted something that would draw people close to Him, people who would have intimacy and love on their hearts. So He sent the full story - Jesus - and those who recognise Him (as Peter did and was called the 'Rock on Which I will Build my Church') are drawn into close reality of fellowship with the Most High God. They would receive the very Spirit of the living God to live within them. This was indeed a new covenant.

    This would bring about the levels of intimacy that God had planned for - His people appreciating his law to the extent of loving and obeying it, having it as part of the structure of their being just like God, adoring Him just as He adores them. This new law would enable the people to long for and desire God just as He does them. What blessing this is! Lord, I so much thank you that I, through the blood of Jesus, can participate in this new covenant.

  6. Q1. (Hebrews 8:6) In what sense is Jesus the "mediator" of a new covenant? What did he do to mediate this?

    Jesus mediated the new covenant by being here on earth as one of us (seeing that there was not one of us who could negotiate with satan on God's terms!) He was the form of God that we could comprehend. He took the form of Man (human flesh) in order to take back the lost territory that man had given away. He could touch both us and the Father! He was both the promise of God to us, and the response of men to the Father. He was the go-between , taking us with Him if we will. He was the covenant between God and man, and He offered Himself as the one to be cursed, so eager was He to overcome our curse.

    He actually became the unblemished sacrificial lamb for all time. offering His own body in favour of us, because satan could not deal with Him or those He would cover.

  7. Q4. (Hebrews 7:26-28) How is Jesus described in verse 26? How does Jesus differ from human high priests? What about Jesus' role as High Priest gives you special confidence?

    Jesus is described as Holy (without blemish), harmless (no guile or deceit in Him), undefiled (has not submitted to temptation), separate from sinners (in a unique and different class altogether), higher than the heavens (of a different origin and habitat).

    Jesus does not have to make a sacrifice for His own sins, since there weren't any. Unlike any other priest, He became His own sacrifice, and being perfect, satisfied for all time the requirement of blood. He took His own blood into the Holy place, and it was found acceptable as the propitiation of sin for al time.

    I think the completeness of Jesus' offering gives me confidence. God never does anything by halves. It is all done. It is totally complete. My sin is covered for all time in Jesus. All that is now required is for me to finish the race. For that I have Jesus by my side, advocating for me to "our Father". I am in a great position and I wouldn't give it up for anything! I can look forward with great joy to the wedding feast of the Lamb, and for that I'm keeping oil in my lamp! All my eggs in this one basket is just fine with me!

  8. Q3. (Hebrews 7:24-25) Why is Jesus able to save people "completely" -- "to the uttermost" according to verse 25? What is the essential function of a priest? Why is intercession the essence of being a priest?

    Jesus is a complete man. He has not been depleted by any form of sin, inadequacy or shortfall. We all suffer from "Adamitis", or shortfall. The law had a lot to do with the need to offer something to make up for the sin in man's nature. Just fulfilling the law didnot bring us up to standard as sons of God, or the prospective bride of Christ. The law was inadequate to do that, as was the blood of animals to supply the shortfall in man. Jesus came and fulfilled all the law. He was everything the law could possibly have envisioned. Not only did He fulfil the law but He over-flowed it, teaching us to not only not to commit adultery, but not to **** at all but honour one another! And the same for every other law - not ony not to to murder, but to love our enemies, not to covet but to give liberally etc. Jesus' law was a brand new thing! Not one jot or tittle would pass away, but all will be fulfilled - majestically because Jesus is in it. In the same way that He busted open the law, Jesus busted sin for all who would come to Him and embrace His victory. Satan took people away, but Jesus invites them back through the gate He has opened to the brand new world of the Kingdom of Heaven. Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither can the heart of man imagine what God has prepared for those that seek Him. So is the victory that the Son of Man won for us onthe cross, saving us utterly, completely.

    The essential function of a priest is to minister salvation. In the old days it was through the blood of lambs. Today it is through the blood of Jesus who is the high priest of us all (we all have a priesthood in salvation). The old priest's job was to be an intermediary, since the children of Israel, in the desert, didn't want to talk with God but for Moses to do it for them. The High Priest now - Jesus - has the job of demonstrating to the father on our behalf that we are in need of salvation, and that we are under the cover of blood.

    The priest's job is to make a presentation to the Lord, the Father of all, Almighty God, demonstrating that a recompense has been made for sin. lest God's justice arise and turn against us. This presentation is the operative that will hope to win us favour. Intercession is that part of the presentation that communicates to God about our weakness and need of help.

    But we too are priestly intercessors like Jesus, with the responsibility of interceding for others and bringing about salvations. How joyful is that?. We too present our prayers, under the blood of Jesus, for othes.

  9. Q2. (Hebrews 7:22) What is a guarantee or surety? In what sense is Jesus the guarantor of the New Covenant?

    A surety is a promise of payment, should the person who owes money default Parents may go guarantor for their children to make a major purchase. However, should the child not be able to pay, the parent or guarantor will be required to pay, even if it costs their own property.

    Jesus was appointed our guarantor before the beginning of time, and indeed He took us on, knowing full well that He would have to pay. Sin leads to death as it did with Cain and Abel, and death is the spilling of blood. (The spilling of blood is like the logo for all forms of sin.) How much blood has been spilt over the centuries and millenia? Yet Jesus' blood is able to cover all this, should a man repent. So, in due time, He paid for sin, and blood spilt through sin, with His own blood on Calvary, and with His blood He will advocate in the heavenly places for those who repent of sin and submit (actively and passionately) to Him who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Such people can receive through Him their miraculous renewal as sons of Yahweh in the realm of the eternal.

  10. Q1. (Hebrews 6:18b-20) In what sense have we "fled to a place of refuge"? Why are we to "take hold of" this hope actively? How does Christian hope differ from hoping that something is true? In what ways does an anchor illustrate the idea of hope?

    We all need cetainty in our lives, and Jesus is certainty. There is no shadow of doubt or turning with Him. He is from before the foundation of the world and it revolves around Him - even history revolves around His birth! Once we cotton on to Who He Is there is nowhere else to go, for He has the words of eternal life, to imitate Peter. So yes, we have fled there and have no intention of going elsewhere to find uncertainty and the fear and worry that goes with it. It's a clever thing to do!

    Action and Reaction are equal and opposite acording to the old laws of physics. If there is no action, then there is no reaction. That's the way God made the world and he gave man dominion over it, so that man called the tune. Thus it is up to man to initiate in matters of faith as in other matters. If he doesn't, then there'll be no response from God. God has totally completed all His part in the covenants. We, individually, have our parts to play and will get rewarded accordingly. Our parts are active, not passive. Faith without works is dead and of no account. We are to initiate our own approach to God in a manner that searches Him out, then we will find Him.

    The Christian hope knows what is already accomplished, whether or not we play our part. Our hope just locks us into it! It's a bit like a child who hopes to be in his father's business when he grows up. In the old days that was a matter of course, something you just knew! (That hope could fail too, but ours does not!)

    The anchor is a wonderful illustration of our hope. When a fishing boat reaches its traditional spot for fishing it drops anchor so that it stays exactly above the reef where the fishing ground is. It's no good floating off somewhere, because the fish don't follow the boat! In our lives, when we find what we want, we manage to fasten ourselves upon it some way and stay in that fruitful area. That way we achieve something. In Australia we say "When you're on a good thing, stick to it". Perhaps we could say "Down anchor!" on the certainty of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. It's a great place to be!

  11. Q4. (Hebrews 6:12) If we take seriously the writer's exhortation to exercise both faith and patience for the long haul, what effect does that have on our Christian life? On our perspective? How can we resist the subtle temptation to think that our salvation depends upon our endurance rather than Christ's atonement and the grace of God?

    I think it has the healthy effect that we begin to fear God and not take our gift of eternal life so much for granted. It cost a great deal, so our respect for it should be a great deal. Jesus completed His course, for which we all praise Him indeed. We also need to complete our course, growing constantly in the practice of our faith. In our wealthy societies we take so muchfor granted, but it is most dangerous to take our eternal life for granted. We need to be actively obedient to holiness and the call to bring people to Jesus. Either we are actively applying our faith or we are losing it through neglect which is most dangerous at the very least.

    Our perspective in faith is that we want to please The Holy Spirit of God against whom to sin is fatal. This requires constant sensitivity. Faith without works is no faith at all (dead), so we cannot be inactive and complacent. Therefore we are to be on constant watch for opportunity to please the Spirit of the Living God in moves designed by love. Love is the matrix in which it all works. Without great love there is nothing!

    We cannot receive the great blessing of salvatin without wishing that every person born could have the same blessing! We also have a vision of a world in which most people live by the Word of the Living God!.

    All the works in the world will not prove that we believe Jesus - He alone knows what is in our heart of heart. But if our hearts are right with Jesus, and our faith is not dead, then it will surely show in our vigorous activities. All our salvation is through the savage cross of Jesus. That can never change, but it doesn''t exonerate us from our part in the pact. I can save a dog from the pound, but if he turns out to be an unmanageable, intractable beast endangering my family and friends, then he'll probably go right back to the pound. If, on the other hand, he appreciates my family and learns to fit in well, then we have a wonderful addition.

  12. Q2. (Hebrews 6:4-5) What difference, if any, would you find between the description in verses 4-5 and a Spirit-filled Christian today? What is the writer's point in forming this description?

    I think these verses refer very much to the Spirit-filled Christian of today. I was one who knew something of the word, no experience of miracles, but had sampled of the Spirit, (not as in speaking with tongues, but as in enlightenment) and then forgot all about Jesus for twenty years, with just one or two efforts to return to worship in that time. Yet There came a time when I returned vitorously to my faith and repented. God has put me in a place of experiencing the Spirit and hearing of miracles. Oddly, during those years away from God, there was still a certainty of the Absolute, a knowledge of Love. My feeling is that God never left me during those years, but remained faithful, until, like the prodigal son, I returned to Him. I count myself very blessed indeed. Yet I have seen those who, knowing God, have set themselves on paths of immoral behaviour (sexual and financial) while at the same time remaining in attendance at church, who have even an understanding of what they have done and a fear that they cannot get back because of the hardness of their hearts. Hearts can become so hard, it seems, that repentance and renewal is impossible. Part of this process, in my experience, seems to be that understanding of and sensitivity towards others is also diminished as if the lights had gone out. Oh, it is so important to stand in the fear of God.

    Paul is warning the church that this hardening of the heart beyond recall can happen. Perhaps it can even be identified in particular cases. People may have to be told to leave the congregation in certain cases where constant damage is being done. If the people remain on a diet of milk and do not proceed to maturity, then there is a danger. If faith becomes intellectual instead of down to earth obedience the danger is huge. "If you love Me, keep My commandments!" Paul is trying to spell it out clearly so that the blood is not on his head when people take this path. He must have been horrified to discover that the Hebrew church was struggling in this fashion, and doing his best to get them to put on their running shoes (Heb 12: 1,2) again.

  13. Q1. (Hebrews 5:14) How does a person become mature in God's Word according to verse 14? What can you do to grow in maturity?

    We have to use, daily, the word of God to constrain our thinking and practices. We have to study it, and put it into practice. By practicing it, we gain an understanding of its power and reality, its life and its dynamic. Without practicing it we will never learn this. We'll still be sitting there in the same state (except inured to the power of the word of God) as we began. By practicing we will live on an entirely different planet! We will look on earthly things with an entirely different perspectie, realising truth, sensitive to sin and righteousness, abhorrent of that which belies God's truth and loving righteousness. We will realise the life in every written word, and the death involved in its neglect will devastate our spirit. We will be at pains to promote the Truth which sets us free, and to teach the same to anyone who will listen. The Word of God will truly be life to us.

    In order to grow to maturity I need to be hungry for God, hungry for Jesus, and hungry for the reality of the Holy Spirit, feeding myself daily on the Word of life, and incorporating that word into every part of my living. Not to do this is to allow my spirit to weaken and perchance to die, which is unthinkable. David loved Yahweh, and said "Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee", and when he sinned "Father, take not Thy Holy Spirit from me" (this was what he most feared in his life). Jesus is my best friend and I must spend much time with my best friend!

  14. Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence? What are the promises contained in this verse? On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

    I think we are made in the image of God. This was smashed by sin. However Jesus has restored us to and beyond the original Adam to become sons of God with Jesus. We are to have the very characteristics of God. These do not include fawning, cringing and false humility. In God's image we are confident, bold, courageous, and outright, for so is our Father. We are not like satan who wanders about like a roaring lion, having not the power of the Lion of Judah. In the Name of Jesus Christ, the unblemished Son and Lamb of the living God, we have all power, and should so live, reflecting His glory! We are not lights hidden under a bushell, but lights set on a hill to blaze away for all to see and understand. We are the salt of the eart and not to lose our saltiness! We are to give answer wherever required, not in fear but in the confidence that the answers will be given to us! We are to ask what we will and it shall be done for us. We are to rejoice in persecution and constantly praise His Name. This is no insipid person of whom all this is required. This is a person with authority which comes from the very throne room of grace itself. As ambassadors of the Most High God, boldness and courage are expected, beginning in the very throne room.

    The promises are that we will obtain mercy (forgiveness for our shortcomings) and grace (favour and blessings showered upon us as children of the Most High).

    If we submit to (direct all our hidden energy towards) God's justice and terms (true repentance, turning away from our sinful course, faith in the blood of Jesus to cover our sins, and persistence to run the course set before us) then we are deemed perfect, and given a garment of righteousness to wear, which identifies us as residents of the Kingdom of Heaven which Jesus preached. It's like - if we will approach the throne of God with the required attitudes, God, who has been setting this up (waiting for this) can do something with us because our attitudes are corrected. When the first blood spilt by sin (murder of Abel) cried out to God, He immediately made the purification of the earth possible through the blood of Jesus. We must come in through those purification channels which have been set up. Justice is served because the whole price of death (not only of Abel, but of milions who would later die violently or suffer the damaging consequence of sin), introduced as a direct consequence of sin, has been handsomely paid. The tree that was set in the midst of the garden, which was violated by Adam and Eve, has taken its vengeance by the nailing of Jesus to the Cross, and Jesus has RISEN! We, who agree wholeheartedly with Him, shall also rise with Him. Hallelujah!

    Praise you Father, for your inexhaustable love for us! The world and sin will be exhausted, even prophecy and tongues shall cease, but God's love will never be exhausted!

  15. Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus' tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses?

    Jesus was fully human, meaning that

    1. Pain was a terrible prospect to Him to be avoided, but not at all costs.

    2. He was well able (as are we all in our weakness) to perceive the temptations to evil, although He recognised them immediately for the disgusting things they were and would have no part of them.

    He was tempted to:

    (1) use miraculous powers for His own benefit (turn stones into bread),

    (2) perform miraculous feats to gain people's attention (jump off the tower),

    (3) satisfy Himself with ownership of territory by deferring to satan (it was His territory anyway!).

    (4) Avoid the essential and terrifying physical pain involved in completing His Father's plan by calling down armies of angels to His aid before the crucifixion.

    3. His temptations were more difficult than ours because his understanding of what He faced was much more complete, and His ability to take an alternate path was very much greater.

    4. He lived a normal human life in which he faced all the temptations common to man, with victory. He may not have personally faced, for example, the temptation to have an abortion, but He certainly faced the temptation to abort the Father's purpose for his life, namely crucifixion, so He has overcome the abortion principle!

    5. For this reason we can be comforted that He perceives and understands all we go through, and also that we can be victorious! We have not a Judge without mercy, but rather a Hero Who has conquered, and builds us up to do likewise!

  16. Q1. (Hebrews 4:14) What is so important about "holding fast to our confession." What is our confession or profession of faith? Why is maintaining this confession so vital?

    If we don't clearly know what we believe it is very hard to sustain it! We need to know exactly what we believe and be able to answer for it, state it, present it at any given time. This is one reason why learning Bible texts is so important - they form the body of what we believe and can use in defending our faith. It is also a very good reason for putting the main tennets of our faith in a nutshell (a creed) so that we can easily restate the essence of our faith. Speaking things out is a major part of learning. It's hard to learn anything without speaking it out in some way - especially to someone who is listening. For example, if we are learning a part for a play, it is more quickly learned by speaking it out than by just listening to it. The speaking seems to give us ownership! Likewise with our faith - it is intended to be spoken out, not hidden (under a bushell). Hence the teachings about speaking about the things of God to each other during daily tasks, not only in a church service. We are to teach them to our children (only by speaking them aloud!) The Word of God creates when it is spoken, not when it is kept silent!

    Our confession of faith is a statement of the things that we believe and trust. It may come in the form of a creed, or it may be the statement of a scripture that has meaning for us at a given particular time. A testimony is a statement of faith as it has worked out in our particular situation. This is a very powerful confession. At baptism we make a public statement of our faith in Jesus (in greater or lesser detail) We are assigning our lives to Jesus with this statement, and announcing to anyone who might be listening that we are going to follow Christ. Joshua made a simple but dynamic confession when he said "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord".

    The prizes in Heaven are for those who "finish the race" There are no prizes for dropouts! Jesus said it's no good turning back once you have put your hand to the plough, ie you have to keep up the pace! Therefore maintaining our confession is vital. We can't state it and then forget about it. It has to be forefront in our minds all the time. We can't afford to lose our first love! Therefore I submit that our "confession" has to constantly develop as we study the Word and implement it in our lives. Not to grow would be to die, but the growth of our confession along with our experienceof Life in the Spirit is very powerful indeed.

    Practice makes perfect applies here! Imagine telling your fiance once that you love him/her and expecting that to be sufficient for the rest of his/her life! It wouldn't wash! They like you to keep telling them as life develops. Even in old age it still works a treat!!

  17. . (Hebrews 4:12-13) What do these two verses have to do with what precedes them? How is the Word described? What effect does the Word have on us? Why do we need to continually expose ourselves to the Word of God?

    Preceeding verses teach us to be diligent and to make sure we enter that rest. The Word is described as alive and discerning us! If the Word is alive and discerning us,then we need to know that we are aligned and complying with it, because it is from the beginning, and much greater than we are, eternal, permanent, of the very, creating life force of God Himself. If we have LIFE within us we'll be throbbing with it, vibrant and unstoppable because it lives! If we haven't that dynamic (life force, Holy Spirit,) then we are out of sync with God, restive and agitated and needing to due diligence on our lifestyle! These verses are exhorting us to examine ourselves for LIFE!

    The Word of God has life in its own right and is both our teacher and examiner. Its accuracy is the ultimate clean, sharp laser tool for cutting through the soul and spirit to the real matter in hand and isolating our functions that are not in order. There is nothing exempt, nothing unsearchable, nothing that can escape into hiding from the zeal of the Word of God. It can see even the thoughts, and more than that, the motivations of our hearts, and is inclined to bring everything to the surface for examination, bar none! Effectively we have naked minds and hearts!

    The Word of God reads us!. It actually brings our being to life by quickening our spirit at the reading of certain verses that convict us of sin and need, and of promise and vital truth. As we present ourselves to it, we are the ones under scrutiny when all said and done. We are the ones who need to absorb its life-giving truth, not the other way around. It is our food and drink, nutruition and sustenance, without which our spirit would sicken and die. It is strength to our bones, and our connection with Father.

    For this reason we continually feed ourselves upon it, knowing that whatever we feed our spirit determines the strength of our eternal connection. Without this food we are dead, unresponsive to God's Spirit (unresponsive = dead!). It is the very body and blood of the Son of God incarnate which He told us to feed on in the Last Supper, for He was the walking Word of God. As food is to the body, so is the Word of God to our soul.

    As Elijah spoke to the dead bones, commanding them to put on flesh and rise up as warriors, so the Word of God empowers us to rise up and LIVE as fully fleshed warriors in His army.

  18. . (Hebrews 4:12-13) What do these two verses have to do with what precedes them? How is the Word described? What effect does the Word have on us? Why do we need to continually expose ourselves to the Word of God?

    Preceeding verses teach us to be diligent and to make sure we enter that rest. The Word is described as alive and discerning us! If the Word is alive and discerning us,then we need to know that we are aligned and complying with it, because it is from the beginning, and much greater than we are, eternal, permanent, of the very, creating life force of God Himself. If we have LIFE within us we'll be throbbing with it, vibrant and unstoppable because it lives! If we haven't that dynamic (life force, Holy Spirit,) then we are out of sync with God, restive and agitated and needing to due diligence on our lifestyle! These verses are exhorting us to examine ourselves for LIFE!

    The Word of God has life in its own right and is both our teacher and examiner. Its accuracy is the ultimate clean, sharp laser tool for cutting through the soul and spirit to the real matter in hand and isolating our functions that are not in order. There is nothing exempt, nothing unsearchable, nothing that can escape into hiding from the zeal of the Word of God. It can see even the thoughts, and more than that, the motivations of our hearts, and is inclined to bring everything to the surface for examination, bar none! Effectively we have naked minds and hearts!

    Just as Elijah spoke to the dry bones and commanded them to put on flesh and live, so the Word of God speaks life to our dried up being and commands our spirit to live diligenty, wonderfully, and with true creativity in the likeness of God, and as a trained warrior in His armies..

    The Word of God reads us!. It actually brings our being to life by quickening our spirit at the reading of certain verses that convict us of sin and need, and of promise and vital truth. As we present ourselves to it, we are the ones under scrutiny when all said and done. We are the ones who need to absorb its life-giving truth, not the other way around. It is our food and drink, nutruition and sustenance, without which our spirit would sicken and die. It is strength to our bones, and our connection with Father.

    For this reason we continually feed ourselves upon it, knowing that whatever we feed our spirit determines the strength of our eternal connection. Without this food we are dead, unresponsive to God's Spirit (unresponsive = dead!). It is the very body and blood of the Son of God incarnate which He told us to feed on in the Last Supper, for He was the walking Word of God. As food is to the body, so is the Word of God to our soul.

  19. Q3. (Hebrews 4:8-11) What do you think the writer of Hebrews means by this promise of "rest" for the believer? Why does the writer urge us: "Make every effort to enter that rest"? What is the difference between apostasy from Christ and the kind of falling into sin that all Christians experience from time to time?

    I think this is the rest of the spirit very much related to lacking a fear of death. One of the amazing things about Christians is that they don't fear death, Rather it becomes a sort of graduation ceremony in which we say - and mean quite literally - "See you later!" More than any other person a Christian is confident about what s/he does because it is Spirit directed. There simply isn't the same fear, worry or concern that other people experience, because Jesus is Lord and ajeverything is in His hands! If they chop off our head for our faith, it doesn't faze us that much for we have eternal life. We know the Father, The Saviour and the Spirit of Truth, and that is not only at this moment in time, but it is eternal knowledge. Nothing can interfere with our wonderful relationship with Jesus Christ (unless we decide it can). If we can't handle a situation, we do our best, then give it to God with great confidence. We are at peace. We are at rest! We might be busy doing many things, but even that can't take our peace, joy and rest from us. We have knowledge that the world can't have, so they'll never understand our peace until they submit to Jesus. Our relationship with Him is rest, is Heaven, is peace.

    We are to see that we enter into His rest because it is life. Not to have it is not to have life in the Spirit. We are to live in dynamically restful relationship with Jesus right up until we finish the race and go to be with Him. Not to enter His rest is to miss out on eternal life.

    Apostasy is unbelief in the Word of God, in Jesus as the resurrected son of a virgin, and in the saving power of the blood of Jesus. It's the one hurdle God can't get over, and the one sin He can do nothing about. It brings repentance to a halt and makes relationship (and God's rest) impossible! Christians may fall into other sins, repent and be forgiven, but repentance will not take place if a person doesn't believe in Dhrist. It's the ultimate, thick-headed, rebellious act of arrogance and separation.(They like to call it independence!). Jesus can do nothing about it, unless they change their mind and submit! The sinner who ocasionally falls still believes in Jesus and is quick to keep short accounts - to repent. But unbelief separates.

  20. Q2. (Hebrews 3:12-14) What is the importance of faith in our relationship to Christ? How does sin trick us? How does it harden us? What is the value of Christian fellowship to keep our faith strong?

    Faith is the evidence of things not seen, the reality that is behind creation. It is the antithesis of unbelief. It is supernatural knowledge! As He did in the wilderness, God today gives us plenty of supernatural knowledge to feed our faith - answers to prayer, instructions, compassion and constant love, insight into biblical truth, revelation at a personal level. Armed with this supernatural knowledge we are able to fight in a supernatural battle, but if we choose to ignore what is given to us then how can relationship flourish? Faith

    is our knowledge of Christ.

    Sin is initially seductive - attractive with a "No, no," feel to it! It appears harmless at first, but once the habit is established it grows stronger, entrenches deeper, and gets nastier by the minute, but you are hooked and it's difficult to break such a habit.

    If the habit is one we like for some reason, we can not wish to be disturbed, and even call those who suggest such a thing "judgemental". We are now preferring sin to holiness and truth ie we are gaining and feeding hardness of heart. Our own knowledgeable choice to move away from God has become involved

    One of the major values of Christian fellowship (having close Christian friends) is that they point out things that indicate you are on the wrong track, as well as offering encouragement. They keep you accountable so that you don't go too far wrong and get into big trouble. Christian fellowship loves to discuss the Word and extricate its Truth. This helps all participants keep on track, motivated, and encouraged.

  21. Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't?

    Rev 2,3,4 proclaims that those who overcome will receive crowns. Victory is not an empty thing, but something to be fought for and won. The trained athlete wins the prize. We have to finish the race. We can't flip out to some former state of comfort, but must maintain the pace with Jesus. The writer sees the Hebrews wanting to return to the old Jewish faith, butJesus brings a new dimension and we can't go backwards. The promised land is ahead, not behind!

    We must continue our faith until we reach the goal which is Christ Jesus. We cant stop short of Him.

    If we don't follow Jesus to the end, according to the writer to the Hebrews, then we shall not enter into His rest. Full stop. People who harden their hearts against Him do not then enter His rest. That simple!

  22. Q5. (Hebrews 2:16-18) Why in God's plan did Jesus have to become human like us? How does his humanity provide encouragement and help to us when we are in trouble?

    Satan actually perpetrated death on mankind when he convinced Adam to believe him instead of God. Effectively, like Jacob and Esau, our birthright was given away by man. It had to be re-purchased by man, because God gave man dominion over the earth and won't take it back again, because he sets His Word above Himself! That is why Jesus came. Sin had brought death into the world (eg Abel's blood which cried out to God, and all the blood since then!) A man had to go through the doorway of death victorious, and take again that which had been given away. He was without sin, tempted but un-blemished by satan, the only man who could do this work. That is why we can have Life through Jesus and no other way.

    It is amazing that Jesus suffered temptation which was abhorrent to Him so he did not sin. However, He completed a lifetime on this earth and knows everything temptation can throw at us, because he experienced it in the flesh Himself. So we know that He understands temptation, but also that it can be defeated. He is our example and encourager. When we look to Jesus and are in a highly valued and loving relationship with Him, we will feel like Him about sin, and avoid it like the plague.

  23. Q4. (Hebrews 2:14-15) What was the purpose of Christ's death according to verses 14 and 15? In what sense is this mission accomplished? In what sense will it see its final completion in the future? What is the result in our lives from Christ's accomplishment

    Christ's purpose was to destroy satan (who holds people in bondage to death).

    JEsus has broken the power of satan over His children. We can no longer be held in fear (deference to the powers) of death, but live in the freedom of Life in the Spirit of the living God.

    It is in part still a hidden mystery (Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known! 1Cor 13), but all will be revealed at the wedding feast of the Lamb, when Jesus is united with the Bride He has saved.

    Because of Christ's accomplishment we, filled with the Spirit of the Living God and abundantly alive (switched on) to His purpose and calling, can live in the Light of His being even now, participating presently in our Heavenly heritage (of regained dominion), in anticipation of its full revelation at the wedding feast.

  24. Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives?

    I think Jesus was given the responsibility of the earth and its purpose - that of producing sons and daughters for the Kingdom of Heaven. Since the fall of Adam, they had actuallyto be reclaimed, as their inheritance had been handed over to the evil one whom Adam had believed more than God. To make this situation right again (retrieve the ineritance for men) Jesus had to touch base with satan and reclaim the lost heritage. Seeing satan had dominion over the earth, the battle had to be fought on that ground, so Jesus had to take human flesh, let satan do his worst, and then rise up in victory for the claiming of every man who so wished. These, covered by His blood, could then be brought into the very presence of God as his bride whom He loves and for whom He died and rose again victorious. They would receive eterna life and live with God the Father, God the Son andGod the HolySpirit for ever one.

    When this project was complete (or will be complete!) Jesus willbe united with His bride at the wedding feast and will thenbe complete, for like Adam, His side was opened up to produce His bride, and He is only complete with her at His side. This is the perfection HIs suffering produced!

    The implications for our lives are amazing. We are the bride if we will enter into crucifixion with Him (it was on the cross that He was pierced for us) - if we, like Him, will give everything for our bridegroom, we can be one with Him.

    There is a cross, and it's the cross of persecution for the faith. We will not always be understood or given all we want by a society who are not believers. They want all we have, but without believing Jesus. They will not receive. The bride will be faithful to Jesus. She'll be single minded and totally one-eyed about what she wants, namely her beloved, and she will not be moved! Nothing else will matter but that she become one with her love - Jesus. She wil long for Him and prepare carefully for His coming. She will be ready.

  25. Q2. (Hebrews 2:9) In what way did Christ "taste death for everyone"? Why is this so dependent upon God's grace? If Christ died for your blackest and most stubborn sins, what are the implications for you?

    Adam "tasted" the fruit that brought death with it. It would take another man to taste death and not be defeated by it. Holy Jesus could not be compromised on this earth Holiness is all about lack of compromise! The verses here tell a story, namely: I should have been on that cross, nailed to it. I'm not. Jesus has taken my place. He cannot be bought by satan, and he is offering me His freedom from compromise, from sin. I can have it through Him and Him alone. there is only one reason. He loves me unreasonably! He overlooks my sin and offers me His rights. This is mercy indeed. God could have done many things to compensate for our having become sinful men. he didn't. His focus is on us, and on rescuing us, his creation, Life.

    The implications of my blackest sins is that I am not worthy of life and ought to die. When I consider my sins, I can see this is a clear cut, open and shut case! I am worthy of death and justice says I must die. In order to escape the death sentence I am dependent on the mercy of the totally just judge. But Jesus has offered His blood so that if I become "His" by offering my life to Him in return for His, then I may get through on His ticket. He becomes my BLOOD BROTHER! There is no other way!

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