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Posts posted by parkerslope

  1. Q2. Why is it so difficult for some church leaders to confront people? What fears in this regard does a leader face? How can confrontation and rebuke be a good thing? What happens when we refuse to confront when we should?

    Every church leader does not have all the abilities that "Great Leaders" have. Some of us seem to fear what the result of the confrontation will climax with. As we put more and more trust in God, we will be able to confront people who need discipline. I can look back over my life and see many times that I should have confronted someone and didn't because either I did not recognize the situation or fear what it may do to the congregation.

    We fear what the one who is confronted will say or do and what the congregation will hear about it. I believe that we have a strong feeling for our own reputation that might be smeared.

    Paul the apostle, told Timothy that he should rebuke those who were working contrary to the scriptures. We must keep the faith pure, as the Bible tells us. Too many times I have heard people mis-quote the Bible for their own good. We must follow the Bible, not have the "Bible" follow us.

    When we do not confront a problem, it will get bigger and polute the congregation. Evil does not "just go away". We have to face it and work at destroying it for the sake of truth. All people have tendencies to want their own way and not follow what the Bible says. Therefore we need to help each other to keep on the "right road" of everlasting truth.

  2. Q1. (Exodus 7:6-7) Why did Moses blame God for his troubles? Why are Moses and Aaron so stubborn, do you think? Was it fear? Was it unbelief? Or both, perhaps? Why does God have to command Moses and Aaron?

    We do not like to take the blame for anything. Moses was no different in blaming God, because God had told him to go talk to Pharoh. We know that when we are blamed for something that punishment is not far behind. Moses did not like it when the leaders of the people blamed him for their harder work.

    Moses and Aaron were stubborn because they did not like being on the end of the problem and no one liked them. They were wishing that someone would turn the situation around so that they would not have to give in.

    I believe it was a little fear of not getting the "right" answer from Phoraoh and then not being respected by their own people. In our own stubbornness, we will not do something we do not want to do unless it is demanded or commanded for us to do it.

  3. Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples?

    1. I believe that fear of what people will say or do to us, keeps us from fully trusting in God's commands.

    2. Pray and read the Bible. Closeness to God will take away fear. And if we will just add to our memory that we have already died with Jesus, we can be more courageous.

    3. Fear is respect and can be good or bad. Courage is taking fear and acting on it in trust.

    4. Leaders and disciples must lead into good "waters" and bad "waters" and then decide what to do about it.

  4. 1. God is angry with Moses, because Moses sounds like he does want to go to Egypt. Nothing is going to convince him to go. Moses pours out many excuses, poor ones.

    2. Moses is afraid! He still thinks that he will be alone and the people will not believe him.

    3. Not that I have felt. I know He is angry when I sin.

    4. Moses was able to please God by actually going to Egypt. When Aaron joined him, he felt better.

  5. 1. I believe that Moses had learned to be humble by living in the wilderness, that he wasn't in control all of the time.

    2. God told him that he was not alone now, He, God, would be with him. By seeing the burning bush that was not burned up, I believe that God convinced that God had great power

    3. By prayer, we can have assurance of God's presence with us. There is great power in personal prayer.

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