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Posts posted by InHisHands

  1. :o Gideon was surprised of God declaration, because he consider himself to be weak and to come from a not to honorable family line being himself the weakest of his family. But God saw in Gideon what he really had strengts, and for what he really was a warrior. That potential was inside of him, but like us, we can't believe that we have such great gifts. Jesus said that we will do greatest thing than him, but we can't believe it. The truth is that alone we can't, but God is giving un the security, just like to Gideon, that He will be with us. In my opinio it was like this: "Gideon you go and use all those great gifts and talents that I have given to you and don't be afraid, because I will be with you making sure the every thing is OK. "

    Today is the same with us, we have being called as a group to be God's people, but also individually to accomplish our own mission based on the gifts and talents that God gave us. We need to obey our calling by acting on the faith that God is with us as He was with Gideon. But sometime our perceptions are too distorted and too strong that we don't dare to believe what God think about us.

    I pray to you Father that I may always see myself as you see me, that I may acomplish my mission on the time that you have appointed for me, relaying on your power and strengths, in Jesus Christ name I pray, Amen. ;)

  2. #1. In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in 6:13?. Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

    Gideon was measuring God' faitfulness and love with God's manifestations of power and/or miracles. When the israelites started to reap what they sow because of their sins they started to acussed God of leaving them and rejected their responsability. Like Adam and Eve they disobey God and then they acused God of being responsable for their circunstances.

    Gideon blames God in same way that we do. Why Lord? Why this happened to us God? Why you abandoned us God? We do the same... in some point of our life. We certainly blame God because of evil. We are selfish. We think that God have to do for us. We are rebelious. We think that free will is to do what ever we want to do, and, we do not want to accept resposability for our desicions and actions. We are full of pride, and to repent and/or accept responsability of our wrong doings we need to humble ourself, correct, and change directions toward God. Instead we want God to do miracles. We want a quick fix for our problems. Our problems have a solution obedience to God, but the consequences of our disobedience may take us some time. Because God's purpose is to teach us and transform us into Christ likeness. Cool ah !B)

  3. The Isralites forgot to love God the first and most important commandment: You shall love your God with all... by not loving God which mean not putting him first, they rejected him, as a result they do not listened to him. They walk their own way. They separete themselves from God and evil became a way of life. Evil/sin to God's people always bring alienation/separation from God.

    I think how when we do not listen to God, we fall into worshiping others things that are harmful to us, thus, sining. By worshiping these other gods: money, sex, people, religion among others, we alienate ourselves. God is our Father, He loves us, He listen...but He also corrects us.

    We have a tendency to forget. We forget how God have being walking with us, and how He has rescue us again and again. And we also forget that God is a person, not human, perfect, yes, but a person that wants honor, and intimacy with us through a relationship with us. I imagen that I will be very hurt and dissapointed of people so unloyal. But we think Oh He is God! Out there to faraway from us but the reality is that He is very near, and we ignore him.

    I find myself continually fighting with these contradictions in my flesh, on my circunstances, with my relationships with others and with God. I know I have a calling. I know that He rescued me. I know that He loves me... But I also know that He wants me to obey him and follow him praising his name, by honoring him with my life and my personal relationship with him. I also desire that, but how difficult is not to get involved with all the gods of this world.

    I pray to you God your kingdom come your will be done in my life and protect me from walking into temptation faraway from you, and deliver me from evil/sin. Please forgive me when I fall apart from you, and show me how to forgive those who had hurt me. That I may all ways worship you and only you Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. :rolleyes:

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