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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

pastor neal

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Posts posted by pastor neal

  1. Q2. (Genesis 30:25-43) At what point do you think Jacob realizes that his breeding techniques are not the cause of his growing wealth? According to Deuteronomy 8:17-18, what danger are we in when our income and assets begin to increase?

    When our income and assets begin to to increase and multiply we believe that it is of our own doing and that we no longer need God in our lives.

  2. Q2. (3:15-16) Why is it so hard for us to be a witness when we're persecuted? Why is it easy in tough places to be the wrong kind of witness? Which one of Peter's four instructions do you find most needed in your particular situation?

    Witnessing when we are being persecuted or find ourselves under duress becomes difficult as it is man's nature to want to argue (negatively) and tell the individual(s) off in no uncertain terms. This, we believe is a better way of handling ourselves than offering kind words and blessings.

    I believe that in my situation there are times when I need to focus on Christ rather than my fears. Although my fears are few there are still times, in certain situations where I allow my fears to dictate my response. This is something that I am addressing and I am working diligently to repair.

  3. Q2. (3:3) Why should women try to look their best? How can trying to look their best divert women from what is more important? What is the balance?

    If I understand this question it is actually a contradiction of 1 Peter 3:2,4. The expensive clothes, fancy hairdos and outrageous jewelry has nothing to do with a woman's beauty...she should strive for her inner-beauty.

    Try to look their best, a woman will focus all of her energy on her outward appearance with disregard of her inner-beauty...giving no thought to God.

    The balance? Keep God at the top of the list while preparing themselves in a modest, non-seductive, "look at me" attitude. You know...nice dress (not extravagant!!!!) neat hair and maybe a colorful set of earrings and a wedding band if applicable.

  4. Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? What did anointing the stone mean to him? Why does he do these things? What does he promise God in his vow?

    The standing of the stone shows honor to God and remembers His revelation of Himself in that particular spot.

    Jacob was cleansing and consecrating the stone to God.

    The reason that he does these things is that he is setting the rock and himself apart from God.

    Jacob promises God:

    *Then Yahweh will be my God...

    *Then this pillar will be God's house...

    *Then I will give God a tenth of all God gives me...

  5. Q3. (2:18-20) How does being an employee "conscious of God" affect the way we act and react to injustice in the workplace? Can a conscientious Christian be a complainer? Why or why not? How do you usually react to prolonged, unfair treatment at your work?

    Being an employee "conscious of God" helps to make the work-place more enjoyable since God will bless us with the strength to endure "thrashings" yet to do so with positive actions. Being conscious of God also sets parameters to which we will and will not take part in...ie. steal, lie, etc.

    Can a conscious Christian be a complainer? No, it is contradictory of 1 Peter 2:18.

    Prolongs and unfair treatment is best handled through prayer and if needed with a face-to-face with the employer. It is so easy to mallow negative emotions to rise to an explosive situation, thus jeopardizing and job and relationship with our employer.

  6. Q2. (2:18) If we are to submit to our employers and respect them, what is that saying about God's expectation that we do a good job? In what sense do we dishonor God when we don't give our full effort to our jobs?

    God expects us to fulfill our obligation as to the best of our abilities despite the disposition of our employer; offering him respect at all times UNLESS he is doing that which is unlawful or against out Christian beliefs.

    God has worked on our behalf to give us what we need. When He gives us a job suitable for our survival we totally dishonor Him, as our God, if we become rebellious, work insufficiently or give our employer little respect.

  7. Q3. (Genesis 27:6-29) God had told Rebekah that Jacob is supposed to rule over Esau (Genesis 25:23). To what extent does this excuse her plan to deceive her husband Isaac?

    I don't believe that there is any excusing her scheme. When the time came that the older was to serve the younger brother she could have reminded Isaac of what the Lord had said and most likely Isaac would have complied since he is a highly spiritual man. The question that I ponder is why she chose this unethical route to fulfill the Lord's prophecy.

    I would like to say that Jacob was responsible for 50% of this scheme. I am not even sure this idea would had crossed his mind if it not for his mother pushing him onward. However, he did have plenty of time to back out and do what what right.

  8. Q3. (Romans 8:31-32) What is the significance of the statement: "If God is for us, who can be against us?" Who might our enemies be? What is the evidence presented that God is for us? How does this statement make you feel? How does it affect hope? How does it allow you to act? What might: "...graciously give us all things" refer to?

    The significance of this statement is that regardless of whom we encounter in our lives NO ONE is more powerful or has a higher position than GOD!

    Is God for us? The evidence presented says so very clearly and concise...He has GIVEN His only Son for our salvation...need I say more?

    I feel so loved that words cannot express my feelings. To think God would do this for me is overwhelming. This does not stop here when we consider that He has taken our sides against all foes!

    I believe it affects hope in a positive sense as it reinforces the fact that despite the challenges we face here on earth we are never tragically lost nor alone to endure our challenges and trials.

    What might: "...graciously give us all things" refer to?

    I believe that this sentence says that he graciously gave us His only Son, salvation, and all the love that we need. I also believe that this prepares us for the Second Coming of Christ and what we will receive at this time.

  9. Q2. (Romans 8:29) What does it mean to "be conformed to the likeness of his Son"? In practical terms, what does that involve in our lives? Why does Paul support this statement with ideas of our destiny? Why does he support this with ideas of brotherhood with Jesus?

    To conform to the likeness of His Son means that we need to allow God to "save us and then shape us into Christ's very image and character." This is vital so that we can take on the family resemblance showing others that we indeed are brothers and sisters.

    In practical terms? We must strive to be Christ-like and obey the Lord as we work through each day here on Earth. We must not rebel, but maintain our faith that God IS shaping us into the image of Jesus Christ.

    Paul supports his statement with the ideas of our destiny because he believes that God chooses us in Him before the the creation of the world; that we are not alone in the cosmos and that God is working out his purpose on us.

    Romans 8:29 (GW)

    29 This is true because he already knew his people and had already appointed them to have the same form as the image of his Son. Therefore, his Son is the firstborn among many children.

  10. Q4. (Romans 8:24-25) What are the characteristics of a person who has lost hope? How does this person typically conduct his life? How does this differ from a person who holds an eager expectation of a better future? What is the "Christian hope"? How should it motivate us and affect our lives now?

    When an individual loses hope they are filled with negative thoughts and energy. Although there are many I have listed but a few:

    . Cynical

    . Desperate

    . Given-up

    . Despondent

    These "symptoms" can lead to more serious Spiritual and physical challenges. He will go through life either in a stupor; seeing little good in anything or he sins like the end shall never come. Unlike our hurting brother, those of us eager to see our better future strive to see the best in all; we trust God, we have unshakable faith and we are expensively hopeful; knowing that something bigger and better is coming.

  11. Q1. (Romans 8:28) What is the actual promise contained in verse 28? What does this promise mean? Put it in your own words. What are the two qualifications to the recipients of this promise? How does verse 28 give you hope?

    The exact promises of Vs. 28: God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.

    The promise means that God is working on the behalf of us who love Him and are devoted; those of us who accepted His invitation when called.

    The two qualifications to the recipients of this promise are those who love God and those who are called according to his purpose.

    How does vs. 28 give me hope? I know that God is always working on my behalf. Giving me what I need in the way of spiritual growth, protection, love and His grace.

  12. Q3. (Romans 8:26-27) How does the Holy Spirit act as a Helper or Mediator or Intercessor in verses 26-27? What similarities do you see between the Holy Spirit's ministry here with Jesus' teaching of the Spirit's ministry as Counselor/Comforter/Paraclete in John 14:16 and 15:26)? Why do you think we tend to take the Holy Spirit for granted or fail to understand His ministry to and through us?

    The Holy Spirit acts as a Mediator for us because of our inability to know what we want when we pray. Hence, the Holy Spirit intercedes with groans.

    The similarities that are seen between the two are that both speak of the coming of a new counselor (NIV) given by God.

    The reason we take the Holy Spirit for granted? Because the world neither sees Him nor knows Him.

  13. Q2. (Romans 8:17-22) In what ways was suffering Jesus' lot in life? Why do we suffer? Why does all creation seem to be suffering? What will signal the end of that downward cycle of suffering, decay, and death? Is there anything good to look forward to in this present life?

    . Earnest expectations of creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the Sons of god.

    . For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who suffered "it" in hope.

    . We suffer so that we, too, may share in His glory.

    . The entire creation seems to be suffering because the world fell following the sinning of Adam and Eve.

    . The creation will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of children of God.

  14. Q5. (2:12) How can the good deeds we commit by living openly as Christians increase God's praise. How does our "blending in" detract from God's praise?

    The good deeds that we commit by living openly as Christians increases God's praise as others see that we need not fleshy lifestyles to find happiness, joy and contentment.

    When "blending-in" we basically show that the Christian lifestyle has nothing to offer and it is the cultural habits that bring us joy, peace and love.

  15. Q4. (2:11) Read 1 Peter 2:11 carefully. The world tells us (1) to conform and (2) that sin won't hurt us. What does Peter tell us to combat these lies? How can this reminder help us?

    Peter tells us that we must abstain from fleshy lusts (NKJV) which war against our souls. This reminder is helpful in that A) we guage any of our endeavors by this rule and B ) we immediately cease any activity that falls within this realm of advice.

  16. Q1. In Romans 8:14-21, 28, how many times is the idea of being sons and daughters of God alluded to? What are the promises made to these sons and daughters? What do we learn about our future and our role in the future of all creation?

    Romans 8:14-28 List sons 4 times and children 3 times.

    Promises: (A)Creation liberated from bondage of decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.

    (B)Glory will be revealed to us. © Adopted as God's sons, redemption of out bodies. (D) Receiving of our inheritance.

    Creation waits for son of God to be revealed; we eagerly await our adoption; that we too, will inherit what Jesus has,

  17. Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us?

    To mortify or put to death the deeds of the body by the spirits refers to the conquering of sin through the Spirit, thus giving us life.

    To watch a person do this I believe that we would notice a change coming over the individual as he strives to be more Christ-like by replacing hid sinful way of life with a more positive one. In turn, we would see a happier person demonstrating his love and faith in God.

    To be led by the Spirit is to no longer-fight God but to lay aside our rebellious attitude and allow ourselves to be lead in a peaceful and gentler journey.

    Putting to death and being led by the Spirit fit together as we must first lay to rest our old ways making room for the new.

  18. Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon?

    That we should live our lives in holiness and serious purpose.

    We should "set our hope" on the second coming of Jesus for there will be great grace accompanying His arrival.

    We need to practice self-control and soberness so that our minds remain clear and well-balanced, thus avoiding any pit-falls which would jeopardize our mental and spiritual being.

    When we truly do not expect Christ to arrive we allow ourselves to slip into an undisciplined life-style where we take advantage of all sins of the flesh ( mental and spiritual drunkenness.

  19. Q4. (Romans 8:12) Do we have to sin? Are we compelled to sin? Is it possible to live for two hours of wakefulness without sinning? Four hours? One day? Two days? Where do we Christians get such a defeatist attitude toward sin? From Scripture?

    No, we neither have to, nor are we compelled to sin. HOWEVER, we do occasionally fall into sin.

    Is it possible to go several hours or days without sinning? Although we have been set free by Christ, we are no longer slaves to sin. However, we will still find times when we fall short of the grace of god and need His forgiveness for our slip-ups.

  20. Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional? How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit?

    Although we have not seen God we love Him, even though we don;t presently see Him we believe in Him.

    It is a true joy inspired by a vision executed by faith of god.

    Not emotionalism for we don't work ourselves up in order to impress others with our visions.

    This is receiving the goal of our faith , the salvation of our souls (Romans 1:8,9).

    Extra Credit: Counterfeit people will work themselves into a frenzy in order to "appear" joyous with a vision from God.

  21. Q2. (Romans 8:5-6) Exactly what does it mean to set your mind on the things of the Spirit? How do you do this? How can you recognize when the things you're setting your mind on relate to your sinful nature? How much of this is deliberate? How much is habit? What part does the Holy Spirit have it this? Or is this primarily right living by force of will?

    To set ones mind on the things of the Spirit is to follow the Lord at all times and in all circumstances. This can be done by avoiding all ungodly and immature activities and endeavors of the flesh.

    Recognizing these as sinful is when they go against the teachings of Christ. I believe that when we are involved in activities of the flesh we experience the "shame factor" which is the Holy Spirit letting us know that we are working against the pure and godly.

    Setting our minds on the sinful, in my opinion is not always deliberate unless we partake in a known sinful activity: ***********, drugs, adultery, etc. We are constantly exposed to, and inherit many sinful experiences throughout our day...some are hard to avoid (but does not mean that we need to allow them to influence us.) such as the media, immoral people, INTERNET, etc.

    The Holy Spirit wants us to live a life void of this sinful nature. We should live as God-fearing Christians, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us unto the best, godly life.

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