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Posts posted by randi

  1. The two cities let fear win out over compassion for their brothers. They were afraid of the Midianites, instead of trusting God and helping His people.

    Gideon finished his task with the Midianites first because that was his assignment from God and also to protect his people from future trouble with the Midianites.

    The cities commited two sins, first to God because they didn't keep their covenant responsibility and they sinned against their brothers in not meeting their needs.

    Punishment yes, if led by God but Gideon did it with avengence. Gideon used no restraint and mercy in the face of his own anger.

    When we as Christians don't help others because of fear of something or someone we are following the same kind of thinking.

  2. Three division into three companies was for the purpose of making the enemy think that they were being attacked on all sides of the camp.

    This gave the appearance of it being a much larger army.

    Blowing three hundred trumpets instead of one was for the same affect, to appear larger than they were.

    The jars was to hide the light until the right time and than the breaking of them to cause such a noise all over that it would cause much confusion.

    Three hundred men shouting from different directions causes more fear and panic.

    The strategy was to strike at night, unexpected, and to make a appearance of being many more than what they were.

    Yes it worked - 2 reasons 1) it was God's plan 2) causes much confusion for the Midianite army and in the dark they began to strike out at each other.

  3. I believe we do this because we tend to look at the small picture and not the big picture. We want God to come down to our way of thinking, instead of stepping out in faith. It doesn't take much faith if we can see the outcome and the reason, but God wants us to walk by faith.

    The Spiritual danger here is that we may miss a great blessing because we want it the way we want.

    I think it is alright to ask others to pray but we must always listen to God ourselves and pray for discernment.

  4. God felt Gideon's army was too large because Israel would have boasted it was their strength that had won the battle, not God's strenght.

    God did not want Israel to be dependant upon themselves because than they would not rely on God.

    Gideon was a new leader so his men would have been watching him and by following what God wanted him to do these men would have wondered about his leadership.

    God told Gideon He would give the battle into his hands and even let him see what the enemy was thinking.

  5. The altar and pole was used for worship of a false god and therefore had to be taken down. Gideon knew the one true God and that He was a jealous God. God had said "do not put any other gods before me.

    Gideon was to put an altar up for the one true God and to offer up a sacrifice.

    The fear of man did enter into Gideon's mind, this is why he did it at night. Gideon was afraid of how his dad and the town people would respnd to what he had done. Yes, Gideon did have the faith to step out and obey God but he still had somewhat a fear of man.

  6. Hi my name is Randi I have a bachelor's degree in theology from Cathedral Bible College in S. C. I taught 3rd and 4th grade for two years at Cathedral Hall Academy. At the present time I am not teaching but I do miss it. I am very anxious to start this Bible Study as I really enjoy studying God's Word.

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