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Posts posted by RonS

  1. Q3. (5:14-16) In the healing prayer, what is the role of oil?

    Oil is like the medium for the transfer on the power of God. It is the anointing of God. In Matthew 25 the parable of the ten virgins the oil meant life or death. Five have jars of oil and five did not. The five with the jars of oil when with Jesus the other did not go.

    What is the role of the prayer of faith?

    If a prayer is the have any value it must be spoken with a belief that it will be done

    What is the role of faith?

    The person believed is Christ and confesses all sin. He then goes and lives a holly life. He is then given faith from God

    What is the role of confession of sins?

    If we want to see God's power we must have a pure heart

  2. The elders need to be persons of faith.

    To have faith all persons need to have a pure heart and be living a holly life. Faith does not come from people it come from God. But it only come when the person is clean and holly.

    The elders of the bible were mature Christians. This means that they would be living holly lives and there deeds would show that they have a pure heart.

    The elected elders of the church of today, are there because they won a popularity contest. This is so wrong. We wonder why we don't see Gods power manifested in our churches. If we want to see a change all sinner need to repent and on their knees crawl to the cross and ask for forgiveness. Then start living Holly lives.

  3. Q4. (5:9) What does our grumbling and complaining say about us? About our faith? About our patience?

    Grumbling and complaining are of the flesh and if we do this it says we are not living in the Spirit. We need to die to flesh ever day. Go to the cross as a reched sinner and ask for forgiveness from Christ. Then we need to draw close to Christ so we can have faith to live in him for another day.

    I pray you all have a great day in the Lord today and every day there after till his return.

  4. Q3. (5:7-8) What can happen to us Christians if we lack the patience to eagerly expect Christ's return? Why is patience so vital?

    The date of Christ return was set before the creation of the world. Paul in his writings expected to see the Lord return in his life time. Well it has been about 2000 years and he has not returned YET. We still need to be like Paul, Eagerly expecting the Lord return. We need to live each day as if today is the day of his return. But we don't want to be inpatient and be looking to a furture date for his return.

    Impatients leads to worry to stress to dout to unbelief

  5. Q1. (4:13-16) What danger is James warning us about in verses 13-16? How can we be humble in our planning without being indecisive and wishy-washy?

    James is warning us not to do thing our way but to be in the will of God in all things we do. To often we do what we think is right with out prayer and seeking to know the heart of our Lord. If we know the heart of the Lord we will be doing thing in his will.

    The Lord has many blessing for us but we need to be in his will to recieve those blessings.

  6. In America we have the pronouns wrong. It is not about I or me. Our focus should be about him (Jesus) he (God). May be if we would take your eyes off your selves and look to Jesus we might see revival in America.

    When we are seekig pleasure we are looking to ourselves not to God.

    God wants us to have joy. Joy come when we are dead to ourselves and alive in Christ

  7. Q3. (3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?

    Bitter envy and self ambition are putting other down to elevate yourself. Humility is putting other before your self.

    For Jesus to work in your life you need to have a pure heart. If you want the power, that Jesus said he would give to us when he ascened you need to have a pure heart. If you want a pure heart ask the Holy Spirit to show you impurities of your heart. Then when he shows the problems to you ,they must be cleaned up. I think the impure heart is the main reason that we in America don't see the power of Christ in our lives.

  8. Q4. (2:20-26) How does James' point about the necessity of works jive with Paul's emphasis on salvation by grace without works (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

    Salvation is a free gift to any one who accepts Jesus as his Lord and savior. It is an exchanged life; we give Jesus our sinful life in exchange for his sinless life. Through his life in us we do the work that Jesus done when he lived on this earth. A life with out the works that James talks about is a life with out Christ. The society of today is not to offend anyone. Well I an sorry but if your life does not have works you are most likely not a Christian and you may be going to hell.

    If you say you are an artist but have never drawn or painted a picture you are not an artist. You may wish you were an artist but wishing will never make you an artist. Your works will show if you are a artist or not.

    Today is the first day of the rest of your life make a difference for Christ.

  9. I think God allows evil to exist to give us a choice. If there was no evil then to worship God would be like a programed responce. He wants us to whorship him with desire that is borned deep in our hearts. When we see how destructive sin is our love for God is taken to a deep leveal of love. If you want to grow closer to God ask him to show you what hell is like

    With out Jesus in our lives we would just be dead men walking around on our way to hell

  10. I had very hard trial in 2004. It almost destroyed me. But I finally cried out to the Lord and he sent a very Godly couple to help rescue me. They lead me through deliverance. After deliverance I saw that it was an unconfused sin in my life that let Satan have a foothold in my life. Through this foot hold he created a evil desire this evil desire let to the and the trial. But now thanks to the Lord and the trial he let happen that sin is rooted out of my life. Through this I have grown much closer to the Lord. Today my love for and my commitment to Jesus is much stronger then it was one year ago.

    In 1John 5:4 it says that we are overcomers of the world. It does not say we can overcome the world it says we are overcommers of the world. Praise GOD

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