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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Tom Gilbert

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Posts posted by Tom Gilbert

  1. The prophet pointed out that not only had the Israelites committed idolatry by worshipping the gods of the Amorites, he also reminded them of how God had previously rescued them from slavery and given them a new land to live in. That rebuke should doubly sting, because it wasn't just breaking the commandment to not worship other gods. God had been good beyond measure and all that seemed to be forgotten. Ouch!

    As a Christian this should be a reminder to be constantly grateful. I'm really glad that God doesn't give me what I deserve (condemnation, punishment, damnation), but rather what I need (forgiveness, love, salvation). It's important to be conscious of this and to show my thanks by living my faith (not just lip service).

    peace be with you,



    Living the Solution

  2. There have been many excellent postings on this first question. Much of it has helped me. Particularly because it reinforces what we so rarely want to admit...that most of our troubles are of our own making.

    One of the earlier posts I found especially poignant pointed out that the Israelites probably weren't going around consciously blaspheming God. Many of them probably took for granted that God was their God and would always take care of them. Hence, Gideon's concern why they weren't being "protected" like the days of old. Is there a lesson there for us? I think it points out that we can't be halfway committed to God. I, know for myself, that it's easy to become a victim and it's harder to stay faithful...but God has always shown that He is indeed faithful.

    We must not blame God, or even other people, for our troubles (even if other people are to blame). Instead, we must take up our cross and strive to be "response-able"


    Living The Solution

  3. Greetings cyberfellows!

    My name is Tom, and this is my first online Bible study. I'm really looking forward to

    growing and learning with all of you.

    I'm based in Albuquerque, New Mexico and I'm blessed to currently have a job as

    the fulltime webservant for Living The Solution.

    blessings to all.

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