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Elwood C O'Dell

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Posts posted by Elwood C O'Dell

  1. Q1. (Genesis 32:1-2) Why does God reveal the angel army to Jacob?

    God reveals the angel army to him because God had promised in Bethel to watch over him wherever he went.

    What is the significance of the presence of this army?

    It is a visible sign to Jacob that God was with him.

    Why do you think he calls the place Mahanaim ("two camps")?

    Perhaps because Jacob has his camp there and now God has his angels camped there.

  2. Q5. Why do we often fail to see God's blessings during the everyday conflicts of our lives?

    Because we are concentrating on the situation of the moment rather that looking at the overall situation or the big picture. Too often we cant see the forest for the trees.

    Why do blessings and conflicts so often come at the same time?

    The blessings are often concealed in the conflict.

    What hope do we have in the midst of our struggles?

    Jesus knows where we are and what is going on. He told us we would have trouble in this old world but he also told us he has overcome the world, so we can have hope, for all things do work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose. Christ has been there, experience what we are experiencing, was and is victorious, and we can put our hope and trust in Him knowing that we too shall overcome.

  3. Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55) What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant?

    Here are some of the elements of the covenant described in this passage:

    A stone pillar (31:45), such as Jacob had set up in Bethel.

    A heap of stones (31:46-49a) which they named Mizpah (watchtower) and Galeed or Gilead (witness heap).

    Calling on Yahweh as witness and guarantor of the covenant: "May the LORD keep watch between you and me...." (31:49b).

    A promise from Jacob not to mistreat his wives, nor to take rival wives to displace them from their status (31:50).

    A non-aggression pact: "I will not go past this heap to your side to harm you...." (31:51-52).

    An oath in the name of God (31:53).

    A sacrifice and fellowship/covenant meal together (31:54).

    If you break this covenant when I can't see you, may God watch you and punish you.

    Of what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban?

    Of the seriousness of the covenant that they made with each other. Jacob was not to mistreat his wives, nor to take rival wives, and neither of them were to go past the monument to the other persons side to harm them.

  4. Q3. (Genesis 31:17-36) Why did Jacob and his family leave without saying good-bye to Laban?

    They knew that Laban would in no way sanction their leaving. He had to much to lose.

    In what sense did they "deceive" Laban? (31:20, 27).

    They left behind his back at a time when he was busy with business.

    Was anything they did unjust or unrighteous? If so, how?

    This could probably be argued from each point of view, yes or no. But one must remember they were doing what God had told Jacob: "I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed a pillar and where you made a vow to me. Now leave this land at once and go back to your native land." (31:13)

  5. Q2. (Genesis 30:25-43) At what point do you think Jacob realizes that his breeding techniques are not the cause of his growing wealth?

    Perhaps it would be as he sees Laban change the terms of the agreement as to which animals can be his and each time Laban does this the marking on the animals change so that the flock becomes Jacobs. Perhaps Jacobs sees the hand of God controlling this situation.

    According to Deuteronomy 8:17-18, what danger are we in when our income and assets begin to increase?

    If you start thinking to yourselves, "I did all this. And all by myself. I'm rich. It's all mine!"-- well, think again. Remember that GOD, your God, gave you the strength to produce all this wealth so as to confirm the covenant that he promised to your ancestors--as it is today. (The Message) We are in the danger of thinking that we are responsible for the increase rather than God.

  6. Q4. (Genesis 28:22) What does Jacob's promise to tithe indicate about his commitment?

    He knows that God will supply all his need. This shows a vow of loyalty and submission to the Lord as his King and God.

    Presumably, Jacob has been a believer in Yahweh all his life. In what sense is this incident at Bethel a conversion experience for him?

    It changed him inwardly which changed the way he saw and did things outwardly. He had a face to face encounter with the Living God.

    What is the relationship of tithing to conversion?

    Tithing is a powerful indicator to us that we trust God and have committed our lives to him.

  7. Jacob sets up the stone as an act of dedication of himself in worship, a way of remembering God's presence in this place.

    What did anointing the stone mean to him?

    He anoints it as an act of cleansing and consecration, setting it -- and himself -- apart for God.

    Why does he do these things?

    He does them as a way of showing his total surrender to Gods will for his life.

    What does he promise God in his vow?

    That Yahweh will be my God...

    That this pillar will be God's house...

    That he will give God a tenth of all God gives to him

  8. Children are well aware of how they are loved. If one child is loved more than another it can and often does cause serious problems in the home. Thank God this was not the case in our home. We were loved for who we were. This is the secret as to how parents should love their children. They are equally created by the Father in the womb and should be loved as He loves them with unconditional love.

  9. Rebekah had no right to deceive her husband by trying to help God with the situation. She was deceitful and acting in a selfish, sinful manner. She is taking the issue into her own hands to make sure that what she wants is accomplished even though God has already said the older will serve the younger.

    Jacob has responsibility in this matter in that he made the choice to go along with what his mother suggested. He was a willing participant in this deception. He willingly let someone else dictate what he should do with his life.

  10. What are the two conditions to answered prayer in 1 John? (See also 3:22.)

    Our obedience (3:22) God's will (5:14)

    How do we determine God's will so that we can pray boldly, confidently?

    First we need to search the scripture, for His will is made plain there on many things. Secondly, when we need to pray as Christ did in the garden, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." (Luke 22:42)

    How often will our prayers be answered when our main motive is to achieve our will?

    Never. Prayer is never intended to cajole God into giving in to our desires. Rather, prayer is about seeking him and his will with the intent of seeing his will come to pass in our lives.

  11. Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"?

    The church cannot give life. Only the Son can give life. It is through our relationship with the Son that we can know, be assured that we have true life.

    What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion?

    We need to urge people to spend time getting to know Christ rather than putting their trust in religiously doing things. It

  12. fHow does a defeatist mentality differ from a belief that in Christ we have overcome the world?

    A defeatist mentality sees one already losing the battle while a firm belief in Christ knows that victory is ours and already assured because of what He has done through His death and resurrection.

    What part does faith have in this overcoming?

    It is by faith in Christ that we overcome this world and the situations that it presents. Our Faith, in the fact that He has been and is victorious over satan, death and hell, gives us the assurance that we can trust in HIS promises for us.

    What part does unbelief have in a defeatist mentality?

    Unbelief is the bed rock upon which a defeatist mentality is built. It simply makes it so that one has nothing to anchor hope in.

  13. To lay down your life for others is to set self aside and become concerned regarding the interest and needs of others. It involves getting involved in meeting and supplying the needs of others. Those who get involved to various ministries to those in need physically, spiritually, and emotionally provide various examples of this kind of love in action. Those who are willing to set aside their own ambitions, plans and wishes to help others succeed or grow in their lives spiritually and physically. In a large congregation small group ministries like ladies or men

  14. I like what Dr. Wilson says: "The idea is that since God's seed, the Holy Spirit, dwells within you, you are prevented from continuing habitually in sin. The Holy Spirit strives against your sinful nature (Galatians 5:16-17), so that your sinful nature doesn't have full sway any longer." This made me think about the following verse. "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,..." Jude 1:24 (KJV)

  15. Q2. (1 John 2:28; 3:2-3) In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin?

    We need to make sure we are ready for His return which could happen at any moment. Making sure we are pure is the only way one will get into heaven when Jesus comes.

    How does purifying ourselves from sin relate to God's grace?


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