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Posts posted by winevine03

  1. Abraham shows persistence by continuing to intercede for the possible righteous living in Sodom, though he knew there were few. He felt with each positive reaction from God, the courage to persist in prayer for the few, if not just his nephew and his family. It was in Abrahams heart to take a risk on behalf of savable lives, like Esther.

    Jesus shows us it is to our benefit to be persistent in prayer. It brings us closer to our Creator, and allows Him the great pleasure to reward our faithful persistence.

    I have experienced a praying through answer to prayer, and I also knew in my heart that my families faithfulness and faith in that prayer being answered would indeed find an answer. It was relatively swift, within 2 months I think, and it was on behalf of a friend, and past neighbor. It was wonderful for me and my son to experience the joy of persistent daily intercession on behalf of a friend. God is sooooo good.

  2. Yes, I think God was very pleased with Abraham, for his willingness to intercede for the righteous, and for his faith.

    I often wonder what God thinks of me and my prayers! I feel so inadequate, and unnefective as both an intercessor, and a child of God, my confidence is low going into prayer. If I could just grasp the fact that I am a holy priesthood, I might be take being His, more seriously. I do think however, that God is all knowing, and definitely knows me better than I know me, and He knows my heart, even when I question my own motives. I think God takes delight in my prayers when I come first just desiring to know Him and His heart; and any faith that I may have that He will indeed answer my requests according to His will.

  3. Abraham was well aware of who God was. He knew, and believed in the destruction that faced Sodom, and ultimately Lot, because God told him so. Abraham was also aware of his place in the scheme of things. He had such an awe and respect for God, that even speaking to the King of Heaven, he knew he himself was the created, speaking to the Creator.

    God desires us to be like Abraham, humble, yet desiring to interact and be willing to intercede for others, to the point of boldness. Abraham had much to lose bargaining with God for the righteous of Sodom. Certainly God could have taken him out just as easily, but the passage, and lesson is that God is approachable, when approached with the right motives. He desires us to be like HIM, to care about human life, and intercede for the lost.

  4. I think His will can be a broader sense than we at first recognize as God's charachter allowing. What I mean is, God is all-encompassing, massive in the most massive definition, nothing is impossible for Him, and He always knows what is best. His views are so much more higher than ours, and so He must have a greater grasp on flexibility, and how something will work for His purposes. We, on the other hand tend to be so cut-and-dry about things, not knowing anything, let alone Everything! I think God is immutable and flexible, and ultimately knows our intentions and wether or not our prayers have validity to His purposes. Like the saying goes, "don't put God in a box"!

    I think no.

  5. If we choose to think that our prayers don't really count, because God has already wrapped everything up since before the world was made, then we also think our prayers are futile, senseless.

    I call it unbelief! I call it apathy. I call it un-biblical. The bible calls us to pray without ceasing. Jesus tells us to pray, why would he do this if our prayers are not heard? Jesus tells us our Father in Heaven hears our prayers, and will answer.

    I think in some cases there may be a level of misunderstanding of God and His Word, perhaps conveniently to avoid the reality of God's command for us to pray for other's.

    I know I have many reasons for not praying, for believing my prayers won't be heard. And that is that I buy into the deception that I am unworthy, that God would not listen to my prayers because I am not a righteous man. I am easily condemned by my sin, and shortcomings, and have no confidence in my prayers to God. Even though I have had many answered prayers.

  6. To regard others as more important than ourselves. That we are all wretched in need of grace and mercy, and acknowledging that God is the only person capable of giving us what we need; be it grace or mercy.

    By God's own plan. By God's own promises. Almost to remind God that He has so much invested already into this stubborn nation, and that everyone is watching their every move. What would be the point of destroying them now, what kind of message would that send other nations?

    God's own promises are the only true and dependable aspect of life. Knowing God's promises, are knowing His will for us. Knowing and praying His will be done on Earth, as in Heaven can only bring positive results.

    Knowing the Bible assures that we know His will and His promises, and His charachter, and the Word tells us we can go boldly before His throne and ask these things and be assured of an answer.

  7. The people had grown impatient, and were willing to accept even a man-made statue to bow down to, instead of waiting on the God who showed them great miracles, and led them out of slavery in Egypt.

    How could He not? I can hardly blame Him! What if we were those Israelites, and personally experienced those miracles of God first-hand, would our faith be stronger? I often think so, but I am that Israelite in so many ways, in spite of being a miracle myself.

    Anything God wants to do is justified, He need not ask permission. To have a reputation for keeping His word on the other hand, would require patience on his part, and unrelenting forgivness, just as Moses has conveyed in his plea.

  8. We are too proud to ask for help, or ashamed and too worried of what man may think of us if we admit to being unable to help ourselves.

    We forget that God knows us better than we know ourselves, and can be in denial that we even need help, we are prideful.

    To acknowledge God as ruler of our lives, without whom we can do nothing.

  9. To be in His presence in Heaven as soon as possible.

    We ask for the Father's will to be done here on earth because His will is perfect, and to always want foremost what He wants, and be ready to conform to those things.

    This prayer should affect our living by us realizing the Father's will, and the Father's kingdom should be our every aspiration; would it not be wonderful for the whole world to want the Father's will to be done here on earth?

  10. My name is Jill, and I am a week late getting started to this bible study on the great prayers of the bible. My son had an emergency appendectomy last Saturday, and then had to go back into the hospital on Monday night due to some complications. Anyway, I am very happy to be here, I am a new Christian, and struggling in the area of dedicating time and sincere interest in knowing my heavenly Father. I want this relationship with Him, but I don't invest in spending any time getting to know him. I am in church every week, and bible reading, but I know my heart is just not right with Him. It is my desire to get to know him more through in depth studies, and just asking for prayer, and being sincere. I know after all, He knows exactly where my head is at.

    Thank you,


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