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Posts posted by heavenlymann

  1. Again...very good questions. I have long considered myself an ecumenist. I preach and teach Ephesians 4:2-6 often. When others find common ground with me at the foot of the cross of Calvary I can call them "brother". The evil one loves to use each of us in the Body of Christ to persecute the church from within. How long should we allow him to use us personally to this end? It really does begin and end with the man, or woman, in the mirror.

  2. I have never been a part of a congregation that didn't resemble the Corinthian church...including the present. In meetings our chief Elder is always reminding us elders of this and our need to guide the "Corinthians"(our congregation) through Christ's love and forgiveness. The church, being a living organism, is always in need of adjusting course toward unity. Where there is division there is persecution. "Can bickering congregations partake of the Lord's Supper without sin?" No. But we all do. "I thank God--through Jesus Christ our Lord" for His forgiveness (which is in no way license). For even on my best day I'm not worthy of what the Lord's Supper represents.

  3. Q4. Why is the Lord's Table such a time of intimate fellowship with Jesus? In your experience with having meals with friends, what makes the difference between a casual, forgettable meal, and one which is rich with memories? How can this insight make your experience of the Lord's Table more meaningful?

    Jesus, The Almighty God, inviting me to an intimate fellowship with Him?? Who am I?? that He would even consider me? But to an intimate closeness such as this?? It boggles my mind!

  4. Q3. What is the significance of the 12 Apostles drinking the Cup of the Covenant? To whom would they correspond under the ratification of the Old Covenant? (Hint: Exodus 24:11.) What is the significance of us drinking the Cup of the Covenant?

    The significance of the 12 is the establishment of the New Covenant. They represented us in the beginning much as the 70 Elders represented Israel in Exodus. The significance of us drinking the cup is our own personal ratification of the New Covenant. A personal relationship with Almighty God. We are saying "I accept Your gift. I accept my responsibility before You. And I reaffirm this covenant between me and You.

  5. Q2. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant?

    The old covenant was external and depended on human will. The new covenant is internal and depends on the Holy Spirit to keep us connected to the Lord and in constant fellowship with Him.

    His promises in the New are: salvation, eternal life, forgiveness of sins, and the provision of the Holy Spirit which enables us to follow Christ the Lord.

    Our responsibilities are: faith in God; belief into His Son, Jesus Christ; trust in Him and to follow only Him.

    Easy in written words, right? Then why is it so hard to do? Ah! The power of wretched sin! But still...God has done the hard part. The impossible(for us) part.

  6. Q1. (Exodus 24:3-11) How was the covenant with Israel ratified? What promise did the people make twice in this passage? What was sacrificed? What was sprinkled? What was eaten?

    It was ratified by the 12 pillars of stone being erected, the people promising obedience, the sacrifice of fellowship offerings, the sprinkling of blood on the alter and the people, and eating of the the sacrifice, which was the fellowship meal, in God's presence. Sounds familiar in todays taking of Communion. The church, the prayers of obedience, and the partaking of the elements.

  7. Q3. In what way did the priests participate in the altar by eating of the Old Testament sacrifices? How does Paul connect this observation with our participation with Christ's sacrifice?

    The priests shared in the sin offering by eating a portion of it. A picture of Christ taking our sin upon Himself.

    Christ shares Himself with us intimately my taking our sin upon Himself. In doing this we become one with Him(indwelling of Holy Spirit). our participation with His sacrifice through Communion represents us in Him. He in us--us in Him. He participates in our sin that we may participate in His Holiness.

  8. Q2. What does koinōnia mean? What does it mean to "participate" or "share" in the blood of Christ?

    In that Christ died in my place I share in His blood poured out for me. I receive the benifit of that sacrifice--eternal life. My life has been bought at such a high price it no longer belongs to me. it belongs to Him. His blood is the price He payed for my life. I no longer have a right to live other than for Him. But will I?

    "He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it." Matt.10:39

  9. Q1. Why was Paul exhorting the Corinthians about the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons? What was going on in the church? What was the danger to the believers?

    Paul was trying to set the Corinthian church free from the demon worship that was involved in idolotry.

    He let them know Christ is thier all in all. Worldliness has the same effect on the church today. We think we are free from idolotry and demon worship but it rears it's head in how we are seduced by Power, Posessions and Pleasure. The unholy trinity of this world (Pride is the root of these).

    The danger is to lose sight of our first Love and our identity in Christ.

  10. Q2. What was the purpose of the Passover meal for future generations? Why was it to be repeated? What was to be remembered? What would have happened if the Jews had stopped remembering the Exodus?

    It was for all generatns to be aware of God's faithfulness to them.

    It was to be repeated to etch it in all generations memory.

    God's wrath passed over them to deliver them from bondage.

    They would forget and once again live as if it never happened.

  11. His whole life was sacrificed for us. How many Christians begin viewing that immense fact as "a given" in thier daily lives? Sure it can become mundane. Isn't it up to us to see it doesn't? How do we do this? I think it's up to each of us individually. I don't think practicing different ways of receiving the Lord's supper is necessarily going to have that result if the individual isn't maintaining a closeness with the Savior.

  12. Q4. Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable for you at this point in your spiritual journey when you partake of and meditate on the Lord's Supper?

    His unsearchable Grace. How He should accept a rebellious wretch like me and tell me I am now a child of God is too wonderful for me to understand! I owe Him everything. All He wants is my wretched life which He is in the process of transforming. Praise My God and Savior forever!

  13. Q2. How can an extreme symbolic interpretation cause a person to have too little respect for the Lord's Supper and its elements? Where is the balance, do you think?

    I think the key word is "extreme". We can lose the true meaning completely if we diminish that meaning by extreme symbolism. I saw one pastor drop a wafer on the floor one time to make his point that salvation does not come thru partaking of the Lord's Supper but by personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Which is true. However I think we should never lose sight of the spiritual importance of His presence in a special way when we join together and partake together to "do this remembrence of Me". I agree with one other post that said we, as humans, are too prone to forget in our daily lives...let us never forget! His presence with us now is very real but He is also our future and eternal Glory! Our very identity is in Christ Jesus!

  14. Remember, we have agreed to respectfully and lovingly disagree with one another. What do you know? Perhaps we can learn from and be enriched by each other's understanding. (Note: I will exclude from the online discussion any who, in my opinion, are sarcastic and unloving in their manner.)

    Q1. How does your particular understanding of the bread and the wine (literal or figurative) help you grow closer to Christ when partaking of the Lord's Supper? (Note: This question is not your excuse to argue, but to learn from one another's personal experience of partaking.)

    I'm sorry to admit that since I help coordinate this part of the service I'm often concentrating on making sure all of the congregation has received the elements and concentrating on praying properly before the congrgation partakes. However I do strive to keep close accounts between me and the Savior on a daily basis and practicing His presence. Having said this I am very aware of His immediate presence in very special way during partaking of the Lord's Supper. I know by faith in what the scriptures say.

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