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Posts posted by antonate

  1. People are gullible to antichrist's deceptions because they do not want to accept Jesus as Lord and master of their lives. The door to eternal life is narrow and hence people do not want to lead by the narrow ways that is live their lives based on the Word of God - rather the ways and teachings and ways of the world look easy and attractive to follow.

    God gives them over to deception because of the refusal to accept Jesus as the way the truth and life and also because they desire and long to follow the pattern of the world and not the Word of God.

    Fearless seeking of God's truth is so important because we need to get the reward of eternal life with Jesus and also keep us from the deceptions of the evil one.

    The preaching of the truth will rescue people from the deceptions of antichrist and save themselves from being shut from God's glory forever and all the destrutctions that have been laid up for those who follow antichrist.

  2. The characteristics of antichrist are

    He is lawless, a rebel, opposes God and exalts himself so that he can worshipped in the place of God.

    The book of revelation in Chapter 13: 5-8 states that antichrist blasphemes the name of our God with proud words and he slanders the name of God , his dwelling place and those who live in heaven.

    He is given power to make war with the saints and he has authority over every tribe and nation and those whose names are not written in the book of life worship him.

  3. Christ's glory can be described to bright shining sun. As we are not able to see directly at the sun because of its brilliance and heat with our eyes in the same way Christ's glory is so bright and shining we are not able to withstand it.

    Christ's glory will only create fear in sinners and there is boldness and courage left to gaze at his glory.

    It is unimaginable to be excluded from God's glory and it only brings thoughts of sorrow, fear , sadness and helplessness.

    Outer darkness would be a place of seperation. A place of no hope, groping in dark forever.

  4. Unbelievers will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from God's presence and from the majesty of his power.

    It is confirmed with the word- eternal destruction.

    The verse 2 Thessolonians verse 9 itself creates trouble in the mind. It is fearing to think to shut from God's presence and destruction forever with no remedy at all. it makes me pray for all my loved ones that may be saved from these things and will be able to enjoy God's presence forever. It also warns me to live a holy and blameless life till the return of Christ and be worthy of His eternal life and eternal Kingdom. This verse makes me to keep my life committed to Christ and to His Word and reach out to many and bring them to the Knowledge of Christ so that none be lost especially my own family members.

  5. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Our God is a God of justice and he is true to His word. As our loving heavenly Father is compassionate and kind , in the same way He is a God justice and just in His ways. It is not that God is just or unjust but our good God is a God who keeps to his word and rewards each man according to his conduct. The word of God tells us in Jeremiah 17:10- I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve.

    Rehabilitation is enabling a person to recover from wrong ways and restore back to a rightful place imbibing in the person the right values and right character.

    retribution is paying back for the wrong done with no mercy.

    A christian's rehabilitation takes place at the feet of Christ. when a christian repents from all sinful ways and accepts the ways Jesus the Saviour , the Lord restores back the person into his fullness and abundant life.

    Sinner's retribution will take place at the judgement day.

    we are called to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit and one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit is love. In love we are able to pray for others and we can win others to Christ by getting filled with his love and then sharing the same love to others in their point of need. However we need to in love correct others from their wrong ways basing ourselves on the word of God. God is just and true and so his Word. With love in our hearts we need to also gently make known the justice of God and his ways to turn a sinner to follow God's ways.

  6. persecution, pressure and stress brings us much closer to Christ because in situations like these we cling to Jesus as our help , our hope and our comfort. The word of God says in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4-- Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have recevied from God.

    when we face these situations with right attitude with Christ as our strength we will be able to overcome these situations and we will be able to comfort other believers in their troubles and enable them love and serve Christ in a effective way. Persecutions enable us put all our trust in God and enable us to grow stronger in Christ and hold fast to the Word of God as weapon of victory. It is through situations like these we are also able to give up all those things which do not please our God and these situations make us pure and holy and in turn we will be used by God in a powerful way. we will be filled with the overflowing grace of Jesus Christ and He is able to pour his mighty Holy Spirit on us to do great works for Him. As we keep our focus on Jesus, thank him and praise him continually we will come out as refined gold and we will be valuable instruments in the hands of God to fulfil his mighty purposes.

    we will not be able to continue a strong walk with our Saviour if not circumstances which come to test are faith. the weakeness in us cannot be turned into strengths. If not for testing circumstances we may not be able to value the love of Christ for us or the blessings he gives us. Testings produces perseverance and in turn this will cleanse our character too and fill us with the love and knowledge of Jesus.

  7. we require God's divine wisdom to speak to the once who have no assurance of their salvation. when we seek the Holy Spirit's guidance and depend on Him totally to guide us , the Holy Spirit will teach us from the word of God and then we can highlight the same to the once who have no assurance of God's salvation and then pray for them and encourage from the word of God to lead lives that are pleasing to God which will give the assurance of God's salvation.

    when a person is not able to trust and commit completely to Jesus Christ that person has no assurance of salvation and lives a life without hope and a purpose here on earth.

  8. chruches despise or prohibit prophecy if it does not flow from from the Spirit of God. every prophecy should be in accordance to the word of God and prompted by the Holy Spirit and not by human spirit or evil spirit than can bring discord and division in the church.

    Paul encourages to prophecy led by God's spirit which can build edify and guide the congregation. also a unbeliver can truly repent for his sin and begin to worship God.

  9. Our focus should be the Lord Jesus and we need to spend time in His Presence. As we spend time with Him we examine ourselves in the light of his word and make an efffort to live by Christ's teachings. when we do this it becomes easy to sing songs of praise and thanksgiving and worship Him. we are filled with joy when we spend time in His presence and this gives us the strength to rejoice in Him at all times. we are able to praise God continually with songs or declaring His promises over our lives when our when we love him and give him the first place above all things and anyone.

    The word of God encourages to give thanks in all circumstances and this becomes possible only when we surrender the circumstance to God and draw strength from him and then it becomes easy to thank Him fully assured that God works all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to His purposes.

  10. when people seek revenge on those who hurt them it gives an open door for the enemy to kill steal and destroy God's holy presence . Also the person himself or herself becomes miserable than the one who hurt the other. God will no longer be able to fill the person with his glorious presence and the person will lose guidance and blessings from the Lord and christian life becomes ineffective. These same things hold good when people neglect to forgive others who have wronged them.

    The word of God encourages us to consider others better than us. when a congregation carries a attitude of superiority and disregards others - spiritual pride enters in and thus becomes the cause to destruction and block God's plans and purposes for that congregation.

    These attitudes are against the teachings of Christ.

    A congregation can become healthy from unfogiveness and vengeance by true repentance and asking the Lord Jesus to cleanse and pardon by His precious Blood and never turn to commit those same mistakes. the person or church can turn healthy by praying for the once to whom revenge was shown and becoming a blessing into their lives by the grace of the Lord Jesus.

  11. when respect is not shown to the leaders people disobey the word of God , greive his Holy Spirit and lose the blessings of the Almighty. when people spread disrepect they fall under the judgement of God for the Lord says- Judge not . Also it gives room for the enemy to create strife, disunity and destroy the holy purposes of God for a church as whole.

    getting rid of the leader does not solve the problem. coming into God's presence and praying for the leaders will make way for God almighty to bring the desired changed in the leaders who can be used as God's mighty instruments to make His glory known.

  12. The return of Christ makes me aware that i need seek God's Kingdom and righteousness first and also create treasures in heaven rather than living a life seeking and storing treasures here on earth. Moreover it becomes our responsibility to pray for the salvation of our loved ones , make them aware of Christ return and prepare them too for his return. we need to prayerfully seek opportunities make Christ known to those who are unaware of Him and his great salvation for mankind.

    To be sober -- is to fully keep ourselves committed to obey the word of God and live it. By the grace of the Lord Jesus we need control ourselves detached from the world and all its sinful passions and be under the control of the Holy Spirit of God.

    To be alert or watchful is keep a constant check on us to live by the word of God and keeping the signs of end age mentioned in the word of God we need to proclaim Christ to all who come in contact with us.

  13. we should always keep ourselves sanctified and each day we have to live in holiness and keep ourselves prepared for Christ return because we do not know the dates and times of his return.

    The thief never makes his strategy known when he steals and how he steals. we keep ourselves protected everyday by using our safety measures. In the same way the Lord's return will be an unxepected time and we need keep ourselves safe by living by the Word of God.

  14. Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit and God's Holy Spirit dwells in our bodies. Paul mentions severe punishments for sexual immorality because it leads to destroying God's temple itself.

    It gives us awareness to lead a holy life because the consequence of sexual immorality is dangerous and it becomes a warning not to destroy God's own temple created for his holy purposes.

  15. when we commit our lives completely to live for the glory of God and do this by living a life of prayer, meditating and applying God's word in our lives we overcome every sin and specially sexual impurities. God's Holy Spirit gives us the grace to overcome sexual urges and the Blood of Jesus Christ - so strong and pure rescues us from wrong sinful behaviours.

    People are out of control, marriages break because each person commited to Jesus Christ has a choice to make-- either to follow the word of God or the ways of the world. when people want to live both ways then life goes our of control. when people desire the world and also try to follow Jesus it does not work.

    God has ordained marraige and we need to maintain holiness in marriage according the Word of God. God has made marriage holy and it becomes important not to disobey the word of God concerning God's principles on marriage.

    A family that lives honoring God and his holy word live in peace and joy of the Holy Spirit and blessings from the Lord. our bodies are the temples of the holy Spirit and the parents and chlidren give room for the Holy Spirit to live in their bodies. when sexuality has no boundaries- the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy the family the children the bodies and as result there is disorder, confusion, sickness and it gives space for the enemy to bring ruin and destruction of the family.

  16. "Sanctified" means made pure completely and set apart for Christ and His purposes.

    we are holy because the Blood of Jesus continually cleanses us from all sin and keeps us pure and holy.

    when we have set apart our lives to live for God each day becomes a process of sanctification or holiness. we makes choices that say no to sin and yes to His will. Each day we make choices in the given situations to obey the Word of God than the ways of the world. moment to moment we keep ourselves in communion with God's presence and by the power of his Holy Spirit lead sanctified lives based on His holy word. In this sense we are in the process of becoming holy.

  17. Therefore, there in now condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life has set me free from the law of sin and death. (Rom8:1-2)

    Christ has offered his life as a sacrifice for us and redeemed us from the curse of the law. Now we no longer live by rules but because lives in us we live our lives led by His Holy Spirit.

    when we live by rules rather than the love of Christ in us life becomes difficult to live. There is no real joy in living if we follow the rules. when we love Christ we will try to live a life pleasing to God and through the leading of His gentle Holy Spirit we are able to give our fullest to the Lord and also live our lives joyfully surrendering to Him because his love for us and our love for Him helps us live our lives pleasing Him.

    Love is stronger than rule keeping. Paul brings these commands by the authority of Lord Jesus Christ.

  18. Timothy a young person was trained under Paul. Now he is being sent on a mission to the thessolonians to the new believers to encourage them to live in the faith that has been preached to them. Timothy's role of being an encourager becomes very very necesaary for the new christians in thessolania to remain in Jesus and not fall back to their false religion. encouraging words from timothy becomes a great source of comfort for these new christians not to give up their faith in Christ instead stand firm for Christ and not yield to the opposition they have to face from the jews around them.

    It's a very sensitive role and especially for timothy because he approached just new born christians. every word that he speaks to them has to come from the Spirit of God which will build them up further. Its sensitive role because these people have just turned away from serving idols and accepted Jesus as Lord and Timothy needs to be careful to build them up with all kindness and gentleness so that do not turn back.

    Its becomes a training ground for timothy to take care of new christians and also it must have been a joy for timothy to be a blessing to paul and also the new christians and thus bring glory to the name of Jesus.

    delegation of work in the ministry builds the body of Christ. when all work together according their gifts and abilities each one grows as an individual and thier talents and used to to the fullest extent, the work of the Lord does not become burdensome , there is accountability to each other and together greater things are acheived for the Kingdom of God.

  19. Every christian in the Kingdom of God has a plan and purpose of God . Morever God has blessed each one with different gifts and abilities and altogether build the body of Chirst. A special speaker to the church can be of immense blessing sent by God to build the church and make that church grow strong and powerful through the gifting of the Holy spirit that he imparts to the church he visits.

    Through the teachings of the special speaker the whole church will be encouraged and cause the church to a rise up to a new level, increase their level of commitment to jesus and also welcoming an anointed servant of God into our church not only blesses us but also the special speaker.

    The visting speaker can be a great source of encouragement for the existing pastor to continue his ministry for Christ and grow to a higher level and serve God in a much better through prayer, support and spirit filled teachings of the visiting speaker that is being welcomed to the Church.

    itinerant preaching is not difficult if strength is derived by God through prayer for this ministry. It can be someitmes a call of God upon a person to do a ministry like this where one has to adopt to all conditions in the new place called to serve God's people. But God gives the strength and a special grace to do this ministry if we continually focus on Jesus and be led by His Spirit. in all hard conditions he blesses with immense grace to do his work-- that is make Jesus known as the only true and living God!

  20. Persecutions first of all makes us withdraw from all that we desire to do for Christ. The enemy at times can use this as a weapon from we going forth do serve the Lord and establish his purposes that he has willed through us. sometimes when we examine these circumstances in the presence of God in true worship at his feet -- these persecutions may be allowed to melt and mold our character, remove all the impurities witthin us to serve a Holy God in all holiness of heart and mind.

    Greater is He is that in us than He that is in the world-- The Holy Spirit within us greater than the tempter and soemtimes God allows makes us stronger and teaches us to overcome the temptations by trusting in Him and conquering the viles of the enemy by His holy and precious Word.

  21. Therefore, my dear brother , stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord. because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. ( 1 Cor 15: 58)

    i am always inspired by the above verse from the Word of God to do serve Him joyfully. our love for Christ motivates us to serve Him and when we serve Him wholeheartedly the fruit that comes out of that labor soemtimes becomes enough a reward for our work!!!!

    The sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross for me,his shed blood that has redeemed me and brought me into His marvelous light itself is a reward for the service i give him in return. Yet he never leaves us there. when we do everything according to His will He rewards us by meeting all our needs and filling us with both spiritual and material blessings!

    Anything that is done which does not glorify the Name of Jesus, not done in his Name, the work that is done without consulting Christ himself and not based on His Word has no reward.

    It gives us immense joy to report back or tell our good Lord all that we do for him and for His Kingdom because the greatest joy we get is we did it for Jesus and tell him back that He is the Lord of all the service we did for Him. we get immense joy when we know we have done just as what the master told us to and did just the way he told us to do by the guidance of His Holy Spirit.

    when we hear his gentle voice in prayer -- that comforts us, guides us, corrects us and fills us with more joy and peace and also his wonderful blessings it motivates us to love Him and serve Him more!

  22. For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double- edged sword , it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit , joints and marrow ; it judges the thoughts and attitude of the heart. ( heb4:12)

    How powerful is the Word of God! it gives life to the one who reads it and meditates it by the power of the Holy Spirit. The word of God molds and melts not only the new believers but all of us who are grow in Christ daily by His grace.

    For the new christian and already the one who lives and walks in the knowledge of Christ the Word of God becomes as strong indicator to show us our walk with C hrist. when we meditate, memorise the Word of God it comforts us , cleanses us ahd heals us. we get encouragement and strength to shape our character as that of Christ Jesus and it gives us strength to establish the Kingdom of God.

    The Word of God is all powerful and when we read the Word of God with the help of the Holy Spirit we the Holy Spirit gives us fresh revelations from the Word of God which can have tremndous effect on our character and helps us serve Christ joyfully.

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