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Posts posted by HisSong

  1. How should the knowledge that the battle is the Lord's affect the way we approach life? In what way do both timidity and brashness get it wrong? Are there any instances in which the Lord will not fight our battles?

    The knowledge of the battle being the Lord's builds my faith and reminds me that His power alone leads me through this life. Timidity is based in fear and fear is not of the Lord (He gives us a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind) and removes our eyes from Him and keeps us from doing His will. Brashness is based in pride and also removes our eyes from Him and drives us to do our own will and not the Lord's.

    The Lord will not fight the battle of a prideful person; He resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Therefore it is in humility that we have true power for it is on our knees and in our admitted weakness that He is strong. The Lord does not force Himself on us, but waits for us to give ourselves to Him.

  2. Exodus 17:9-16) In what sense was Moses' rod like a signal pole in this battle? In what sense is the LORD our banner in the battles we face?

    The rod was the tool God had instructed Aaron and Moses to use as a means to show Pharoah that he should let the Israelites go. The Lord used the rod to perform miracles and possibly the rod caused them to remember the Lord's power and promise to them to lead them from captivity. Perhaps if the Israeli soldiers could look up on the hill and see the rod of God lifted hig, it lifted their spirits by reminding them of the Lord's protection.

    The Lord is my banner in that when I come under attack from the enemy, I can claim God's promises, resist the devil by praying, reading His Word, and His power drives satan away.

    Whenever I have read this passage, it always struck me a certain way. When Moses lifted his arms with the rod of God in his hands, then the Israelites prevailed, but when he lowered his arms, then the enemy prevailed. In our own lives, if we maintain our praise and worship of the Lord (in effect, keep our arms lifted to Him) and our banner held high (statement of our following Him) then we shall prevail against the enemy. But if we tire, or become apathetic, and forget that He is God and worthy of praise, then our enemy shall prevail in our lives and sin can take hold.

  3. (Matthew 26:53) Why did Jesus not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane? What happens when does he does call on the heavenly hosts? (Revelation 19:11-16)

    Jesus did not call on the heavenly host in the Garden because if He had, the Scriptures and the promise of a Redeemer would not be fulfilled. When He does call on the heavenly host in Revelation, the "armies in heaven" are at His disposal, following Him "on white horses." He wil judge and make war and strike the nations, ruling them with a rod of iron. What a Mighty God we serve!

  4. 2 Kings 6:13-17) Why was Elisha's servant afraid? What was the difference between Elisha and his servant? What does it take for our eyes to be opened? How can 1 John 4:4 strengthen you in your spiritual battle?

    Elisha's servant was afraid because he only saw the enemy surrounding the city. The difference between Elisha and his servant is that Elisha stood with the Lord and knew that the Lord was his Protector; he was seeing with spiritual eyes. Our eyes may be opened by staying in the Word and prayer so that we see things as God sees them: spiritually. I love 1 John 4:4!

    "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."

    John is speaking of ungodly spirits and false prophets and how we may discern and know the Spirit of God. His usage of "little children (John must have been very fatherly)" makes me think of the Lord as our Strong Heavenly Father whose might protects us and gives us victory against the spirits of the evil one. A picture that comes to mind is a little child boldly encountering his enemy with this huge, beautiful, powerful Dad coming right up behind him and the enemy dropping his sword and running! Of course, the power is not in the hands of the child, but in his protective father. That's what the Lord is to me when I encounter satan in my life. Unfortunately, I, all of us, forget that He is with us and we try and fight evil in our own strength. How ridiculous!

  5. (Joshua 5:13-15) Why did the Commander say he was on neither side? What is the significance of this? What did Joshua feel like during this encounter? How did he feel after this encounter?

    The Commander said He was on neither side because He was there to be in control of the army and defeat HIS enemies. The significance of this is that evil is an affront to GOD and is HIS enemy. HIS laws have been broken and the battle is HIS. Joshua appeared to be in awe of the Lord Commander since he fell down and worshipped. Further in the text, Joshua appears assured as he instructs the army of what the Lord had commanded to be done.

  6. The title "King of Glory" in the Psalm passage denotes strength and victory and royal demeanor. The title "Father of glory" in the Ephesians passage is used to describe the Lord as a Giver of "the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,..." and in the next in verses 18 & 19, "the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, (vs. 19) and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power...". My first thoughts about this are that being the "Father of glory" and as the Father, gives His children good things; the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, are gifts that He gives us so we can know what is the hope, the riches, and the exceeding greatness of His power.

    He is a mighty King, royal, strong, and victorious, yet a gracious and giving Father. As King, I want to fall on my face; as Father, I want to be held in His arms and rest in His love and express my love for Him. Both leave me in awe; if I live in awe of Him, then I'm convinced that my life will please Him.

  7. What a beautiful passage!

    I learn from this that He is beyond our scope of imagination, dwelling outside of time and space, and all that we know, yet dwells with those who are humble and contrite! What other god that has ever been conjured has ever desired a relationship with a human? He states that He will "dwell" with him who has a contrite and humble spirit. To dwell with someone means to live with them! We get to live with God, THE God! When I think of it, I want to please Him, like my children desire to please me and make me happy with good behavior, creating a nice picture for me, etc.

    That's how I feel towards the Most High; like He's my Daddy whom I want to please. Do you realize we're children of the King, adopted sons and daughters of the Most High God? Wow.

  8. What "Most High" means to me is difficult to put into words. The Lord is highest in all things: love, truth, justice, mercy, every good and honorable attribute our limited human minds can think of or aspire to. There is nothing or no one that can compete with His holiness. My spirit swells with praise just thinking of the Lord in this way - how good He is!

    There is also the more tangible, if we can think of spirit as "tangible," since we have such a limited view on these deeper mysteries. We live in flesh and time and are limited so much by these bodies and this "dimension." The Lord is Spirit, in essence exists in a different dimension than we do, and is not limited to time or flesh as we are, and in this sense is High. We can not attain to be like Him or reach Him. It is only by His grace and love toward us that when we die, we will be transformed and exist with Him where we will have the honor to bow at His throne!

    I believe that, with God's help, if I can slow my mind down and think on His greatness, become more aware of His Presence, then I will be more likely to remember that I am not battling "flesh and blood," but satan. By God's grace, He will give me victory over sins, which strengthens me spiritually, and pleases the Lord.

  9. Abram and Melchizedek both believed that God Most High is the Possessor of heaven and earth, the true Victor and Bestower of blessing, and is worthy of their honor and loyalty. I say Amen!

    The NKJV says "Possessor" in place of "Creator" in this passage. I don't know the original Hebrew word that is used here, but it's an interesting difference! Both these words are descriptive of His standing as Sovereign though!

  10. Hi, my name is Joanna. I live in a small, rural town in Oregon. I desire to know the Lord better and to serve Him! I am not a "studier" and learn visually, so this will be a challenge, but I am determined to learn more about the Lord God.

    It appears that I may be the only one taking this study at this time, but if anyone is out there, may the Lord bless you!

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