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Emy Oliveros

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Posts posted by Emy Oliveros

  1. :) Many churches are a "hotbed of apathy" because they tolerated the attitudes of their members. As if everything is alright, they were not able to face the reality of their spiritual conditions and so asked God for His grace and mercy. They were so engrossed with their own program that they were not able to hear from God and so ministered through their own might and power but not by the Spirit of the Lord. Pride had got in the way in their service and commitment to the Lord.

    We can combat spiritual apathy and an insipid witness in ourselves by recognizing or monitoring our progress spiritually. We have to be honest with our condition, if we have lost our first love, let us admit it and then renew our vow to the Lord. We need to grow deeper in love for our Lord Jesus. Let us check our hearts' condition, loving God with all our heart and mind and strength. Let us be our brother's keeper. As we have ministered to the Lord, let us minister to man with the joy of the Lord. Share the love of the Lord especially to the lost. The reason why God prefers us to be hot or cold and not lukewarm is that like when you gargle with a lukewarm water, you spew this out. A lukewarm Christian is a sick Christian and God wants healthy Christians that are of use for His glory. :)

  2. :) The religious compromise required by participating in heathen religious practices in the trade guilds was so spiritually destructive because Christians were tempted to accomodate to these heathen practices since the refusal to conform to the guild practices could mean social isolation and economic hardship.

    The compromises Christians of the twenty-first century struggle with are: sexual immorality, fornication, adultery, idolatry, work, family, money and beliefs. :)

  3. :) Loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture would be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness because on one hand Christians will be compromising their own godly standards and so with their duty to share the gospel to these people who are lost and in need of a Savior. On the other hand, I would say it's not really loosening of one's standards or compromising but rather they just don't know how to approach them. Here, one really needs God's wisdom and strategy to share God's love and forgiveness to people like them.

    Being overseas and introduced to another culture other than mine, it's hard since I don't speak their language. I know they already approved same sex marriages. They hold gay and lesbian parades every year. Teenagers are very liberal, they dressed so wild. But with people I know, I go to God in prayer and ask for wisdom. I personally rebuke my friends who are unequally yoked with unbelievers and tell them what the Lord says in His Word. They often have problems with their partners when it comes to coming to church or anything that has to do with church and I tell them that's the consequence of their relationship with an unbeliever. It is either them be pulled out from their fellowship with God or their partner be brought into the family of God. It's their choice to make but they have to make a stand for the Lord. And glory be to God because of prayer they were able to bring their husbands to the church.

    I overheard somebody telling me that I tolerate fornication with a member in the church. It's not that I tolerate it, what else can you do if the pastor said: "She already had gone very far that there's no more hope of restoration"? What I believe is that Jesus is the Restorer of broken relationships and with Him all things are possible. I don't condemn people who have lost their way but rather help them find their way back to the Father. A rebuke done with love is different from condemnation. :)

  4. :) A local congregation loses its "first love" for Jesus by what we often say, 'we have become busy with the kingdom and no longer with our King'. When they lost their fellowship with Him through quiet time and prayer. By not doing anymore the things that they used to do the time they were so in love with Jesus doing His will in their ministry. There's no more joy in fellowshipping, love for others had gone cold, service to the Lord is already considered a burden not a privilege and by being complacent to their progress spiritually.

    The signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry: there is joy worshipping the Lord with fellow believers, love is overflowing that it satisfies the needs of each member with contentment and become more committed to the vision of the church, spiritual growth is encouraged and giftings are recognized to be used for God's glory, and dependence on the Holy Spirit to move in their midst.

    Lack of love show up by the leaders' and members' indifferent attitude with one another, the declining number of attendance, by their shallow commitment and service to the Lord, diminished concern for one another. neglecting the needs of the members, pride, etc.

    A congregation can regain this love by repenting and acknowledging once again their need of Jesus. Rededicate one self unto the Lord. Personally experience the great love and salvation that Jesus had done for us. Enjoy the love of Jesus and what you get from Him will just overflow from you to others. :)

  5. :) The significance of the exalted Jesus walking among the lampstands is that Jesus is the Light who will give light to the lampstands. What's the use of a lampstand or a candlestick without the light? Lampstands will fulfill their purpose by bearing light.

    :) The church can only serve its purpose if Jesus is exalted in their midst. If Jesus is the center in the life of the church, they will let their light so shine before men, that they may see their good works and glorify their Father which is in heaven. Praise the Lord!!!

    :) Apart from Jesus we are nothing. But with Jesus at the center of our lives, we can do great and mighty things for God.

  6. :) The vision of Christ among the lampstands (1:12-20) is much different than the Carpenter-Teacher who walked the roads of Galilee and Judea because John's vision was symbolic representation of Christ which describes His divine attributes and of His being God, the Son - the Exalted Christ! While that of Jesus being the Carpenter-Teacher, came to earth in the flesh as the Son of man, a human being - sought and saved the lost and destroyed the works of the enemy.

    The overall emotions this vision of Jesus among the lampstands designed to evoke in the reader is really awesome and splendid, seeing and knowing the strength and power of Jesus through this descriptions. I wish I can have the same experience like John had, he was so privileged. Truly He was the disciple whom Jesus' loved.

    This understanding of Jesus is important to a balanced faith because we will recognize Him as though He came to live as man and did the will of His Father here on earth, He was and is and will always be in truth the Son of God who reigns now and forever. Amen!!! Glory to God!!!

  7. :) Christians are experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith in countries like China, India, in some Arab nations and in other countries that do not believe in Jesus. It could even be as near as our loved ones and even friends who have not received Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and those who do not know the message of hope that the gospel brings.

    The book of Revelation can be a comfort and encouragement to them and to us by understanding that Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the One who knows the ending from the very beginning. No matter what is going on right now in their lives and in ours, God is not surprised, He knows everything that is happening to each one of us. He asks us only to be faithful and overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony and not to love our lives even unto death. And He is coming back to take us to Himself into the Father's house. As Jesus reigns, we will reign with Him forever. Hallelujah!!! :)

  8. :) Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. The theme of testimony and witness is so important to that purpose because this will confirm or attest something that we believe on the basis of personal knowledge or belief. It means that we will be able to bear witness on something we value and we can truly defend through the words of our testimony. :)

    Jesus as the faithful witness, is an encouragement and a model for persecuted Christians to follow. Jesus testified for what He has seen and heard although no one received His testimony. And He bore witness only to the TRUTH. As His followers and disciples, we should only bear witness to what is true.

    We are afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted because we don't want to offend others and to be offended as well. Or might be we don't know what we believe and can't be a good witness to what we stand for in life. We don't have much testimony to share, not having gone through testings and overcome them through Jesus Christ who strengthens us.

    "What is a testimony without the TEST!" Let us be victors in Christ!!!

    God bless you Dr. Ralph! :)

  9. :) First, I would like to apologize for not actively participating in the forum but be assured that I did not take the lessons for granted. The reason why I joined in this study is to be enlightened more on my present understanding of the Church in which I am also one of the leaders. God knows how much I lack in this so now I wanted to learn more to be an effective leader knowing His will and plan for the Church and His perspective of every individual believer that belongs to His Body. And I thank you once again Pastor Ralph for the great effort you've given to us. May God's manifold blessings abound in you more!

    And now, the convictions that God has formed in me through this "Vision for the Church" Bible study that will make a big difference on how I think about, value and act toward my own local congregation is that God has a plan and purpose for the Church and that He is going to fulfill this through His willing ministers, not of their own might nor power but only by the Spirit of God and with the cooperation of every individual believer being washed with water through the word. We are the Body of Christ with differences in nature and with different functions but we have to make an effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace except for those false teachers trying to tear down and distort the basics of our faith. We are all living stones built together to become the dwelling place of God by His Spirit - fulfilling God's program and not ours and so let us allow the presence of God be experienced in the Church.

    The purpose of the ministry is to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. All of us are there for a divine purpose so let us be a part either to equip or to be equipped for His glory. And let us submit to one another out of reverence for Christ as the Head of the Body of believers.

    Thank you once again and my gift of appreciation is on its way. God bless you.

  10. :) We love the Church because it is our own body. Since it is our own body, we will love it for no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the Church. We love the Church because we are a part of it, too.

    That kind of love will produce great transformations in our ways, renewed and enlightened mind or thinking, and breakthroughs in life.

    We need to repent if we despised the Church but I must say that I always have a deep reverence to the Church which is the Body of Christ. I always look forward to see what God can do to His body in the power of the Holy Spirit through the submission and obedience of all the believers. I love the Church because this is where the family of God is, and she is the bride waiting for the return of her groom.

    God bless you Pastor Ralph for all the things that you are doing for the brethren all over the world. My our richly supply all your needs and your ways in Jesus name!

  11. :) The Church is "glorious" or "resplendent" when it is said to be without stain, without wrinkle, it is holy, blameless and washed by the blood of the Lamb.

    Paul is taking about the present era in a way to prepare the Church as the Bride of Christ whom He is returning for. This is the purpose of Jesus' giving Himself up for us - to live what Christ has meant us to be - a radiant and glorious Church. Paul is talking also about the time when Christ comes because this is what He is coming back for - a glorious Church. This is our position, who we are, in Christ and so our practice must go with it in this life now to be ready for His coming. Maranatha!

  12. :) The Word of God works in the cleansing, purifying process by believing and living or applying them in our lives as believers in Christ.

    The Word of God should be implemented with reverence in a congregation to achieve these purposes. And each one should walk worthy of our calling: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers in preparing God's people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fulness of Christ - in which we are meant to be in Jesus name. Praise the Lord!

    The word of God can be used for purification without relying upon threats of hellfire to scare people into repentance by sharing it to people with love and compassion. Giving understanding to them about the grace of God that is available to them and even with what Jesus can do with their situation only if they believe - they can be washed, sanctified, and justified as we are in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  13. :) "Holiness" of a Church constitutes of cleansing her by the washing with the water through the word.

    The Church is holy because of Christ's sacrifice for her and also because of her own actions - submitting herself to the Headship of Jesus Christ therefore obeying the command to be separate and be sanctified and to be holy for God is holy.

    We can be holy without being legalistic and judgmental toward one another only by the word of God as our basis - living through God's standard not ours. Checking ourselves before we try to see and judge what others are doing or not doing, saying or not saying. We should always have the right and godly motive in everything we do - that is to give glory to His name.

  14. :) Christ "gave Himself up" for the Church means that He gave Himself as a sacrifice because of His great agape love for us. A love that gives over oneself so that the prize may be won and for the Church to be saved and formed, prepared to be His bride, unblemished, without stain... the bride in whom Jesus is returning for.

    He is committed for life to transform us - the Church, into all that we can be in Him, a holy, radiant and glorious Church. Praise the Lord!

    I am not so sure about this but I think the sacrifice was both self-serving and altruistic in nature.

  15. :) "Submission" in regards to the Church's relationship to Christ is subjecting the Church to what Christ would have wanted it be like - holy, victorious and radiant Church. It is obeying His voice and doing His will rather than ours in the Church wherein He is the Head of the Body.

    :) My own submission to Christ means that I have to put myself under His authority. While it is true that sometimes things are easier said than done, I still pray that God will help me do His will in my life. I have to put Him first among my priorities knowing that He has the uttermost importance in my life as a believer in Him and using all the gifts and talents given me for His glory.

    :) A congregation would be the most progressive and anointed one, having matured believers in which the Holy Spirit of God can freely move mightily in their midst - if they take seriously in submitting its corporate life to Christ. Surely, signs and wonders will follow their ministry. Hallelujah!

    :) Christ being the Head of the Church means that we are to submit to Him so that there will be order in the Church. We ought to love one another and care for one another, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

  16. :rolleyes: The Lamb that is worshipped alongside "Him who sits on the throne" tells us that the Lamb is no creature. He is God - the Son of God - who is worthy to be praised and worshipped. He is Jesus, the Lamb of God who took away the sin of the world... our Savior... our Redeemer. He is the One in which every knee will bow and tongue confess... Jesus is Lord!!!



  17. :) The significance of Christians "reigning on the earth" is to exercise authority in administering His will here on earth through the ministry where He had put us. To carry out His policies and to bear in mind that we are under a greater authority serving the King of kings and the Lord of lords. And to remember that truly "He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world".

    Of being priests....we are God's people who can already approach God directly and do not need to go through a human intermediary as the Jews had to in their worship in the temple. As priests we can now enter boldly unto the throne of grace of God through Jesus Christ, the Lamb who was slain.

    I think we are to reign now!!!!!!

  18. :) The significance of Christians "reigning on the earth" is to exercise authority in administering His will here on earth through the ministries where He had put us. To carry out His policies and to bear in mind that we are under a greater authority serving the King of kings and the Lord of lords. To remember fully that truly "He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world". ;)
  19. :) The Lamb itself represents Jesus Christ whom John the Baptist had proclaimed, "The Lamb of god, who takes away the sin of the world. And He is not just an ordinary Lamb.

    Standing after being slain indicates that the Lamb who has been slain has triumphed and now lives because He had resurrected from the dead.

    Horns represent power. Eyes represent that the Lamb sees fully and completely.

    The number seven carries the idea of completeness or perfection.

    The Lamb has the qualities of being all powerful and all knowing. He is our Omnipotent and Omniscient God.

  20. :) Each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal by remembering what Jesus had said that He will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when He drink it anew with us in the Father's kingdom. As Jesus looks forward to the ultimate Passover in the Kingdom of God and so are we. What a glorious day would that be!

    "Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!"

    (Revelation 19:9) :rolleyes:

  21. :) The words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" fill us with sorrow because Jesus has to offer His life for our redemption. He shed His blood for many for the remissions of sins. Just to think of the things He had gone through, it gives me additional sorrow by taking it for granted, with the eternal life and privileges given me as a child of God I feel so ungrateful not living my life just for Him - doing His will rather than my will. May God forgive me and renew a right spirit within me.

    It fills me with joy when through His sacrifice, I was forgiven and have peace with God. I was born-again and had a restored relationship and fellowship with my Abba Father. And enjoy the benefits that resulted with His sacrifice, the fulness and the abundance of life in Him. Hallelujah! :rolleyes:

  22. :) It is important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking of the Lord's Supper because we will by unforgiveness forfeit the reason why Jesus has to die for us, it is for the forgiveness of our sins. If we will not forgive others, the Father will not also forgive us. The Bible says: "For whoever eats the bread or drink the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord." By doing so, we bring judgment to ourselves.
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