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Thanking Joan

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Posts posted by Thanking Joan

  1. Joy is fruit of the spirit. I develop this fruit by prayer and spending time in the presence of the Lord daily. I can rejoice only and only when I abide in Christ and without Him i can do nothing. When i am deep rooted in Christ ,I know He is my All in all. I give all to him and then I will rejoice always no matter what I am going through because I know my God will not fail me or forsake me. Praying continually means I constantly commune with the Lord ,take all matters to Him and I am trusting his word and secure in his promises for me. In my prayers I can even remember and pray for people who are less fortnate than me and I rejoice and count my blessings .

    NO cirmumstance should keep me from thanking God. God does not permit evil to come,but I know He can work everything for my good as I trust and obey HIM.

  2. Forgiveness becomes the character of the one who is born of Christ. If they seek to take revenge on who hurt them,then they are causing great harm to themsleves and the church. Vengence is mine says the Lord. If you seek to take revenge you are disobedient and will fall under the wrath of God.

    When you neglect the forgive the ones who have wronged them then you fall in the hands of the tormentor the devil. Unforgiveness is a sin and it brings a person into utter misery.

    If a congregation has a superior and a unloving attitude towards outsiders then they will not please the Lord Jesus and such congregation will not grow and will not spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    These attitudes go against the attitude of Christ. He offered himself as a sacrifice and laid down his life for us. Such should be the nature of believers. I become the less among the least as St.Pauls says.

    Congregations can become healthy by going back to the Lord in repentance and humility and making peace with one another.

  3. Jesus is the model of a true leader. A leader is one who with all humility to God ,trusting not in his own strength but the power of God,leads the people under his care. Now firstly it depends how the character of the leader is. Jesus rightly said if anyone wants to be great he must be the servant of all. The servant attitude in a leader is leading with humility but effectively. There has to be a strength of character and the leader has to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit in his life. As Jesus says,we are recognised by our fruit. A humble servant of God will surely be a good leader.

    When people disrespect the leader ,the question arises why he is not respected. If he is under the control of the Spirit of God,and not respected the congregation will fall apart.

    When disrespectful spread disrespect,there will breakdowns and divisions and Satan gets an entry into the church.

    Getting rid of the leader is not the solution. A good discussion should be held with the leader and identify the problems and whoever is the reason for the problem should acknowledge it and change. This works through prayer and humility before God.

  4. The Day of the Lord's coming will come with no warning. When the world is still in deep sin, rebellious and enjoying doing evil saying peace and safety suddenly destruction will come.

    He will come like a thief means there will be no previous knowledge that He is coming. No one will know the Day or the hour. Suddenly he will come and take us by surprise. All of us believers have to remain faithful to Him and expectant that the Lord will return. We need to take heed of Pauls teaching and grow in holiness and lead a blameless walk before the Lord so that when He comes we will taken in glory.

  5. Once we are born again we become the children of the Most High God. The Holy spirit dwells in us and our bodies become the temples of the Holy spirit. Therefore indulging in sexual immorality is grieving the spirit of God and puunishments are obviously severe.

    Any sin small or big is a sin and punishments is a consequence you have to face whether it is less severe or more.

    As Christians we have to take a serious note of this teachings and warnings and continually renew our mind and heart from any sinful desires by reading the word of God, spending time with the Lord and having fellowship with the right people in Christ.

  6. All things are possible to those who trust God. Therefore humans are capable of controlling their sexual urges if they are deeply rooted in God. In our strength we can fail.

    People are seemingly falling out of control because they do not know the Lord or if they know they are disobeying the Lord. They are indulging in evil and under the trap of the evil one.

    It is very very important to control oursleves ssexually in our marraige as we remain commited to our spouse and our God to whom we stay committed to.

    When sexuality does not have any boundaries there is only destruction in every way.

    Marraiges are totally broken, families are seperated,children suffer without a father or a mother or even become illegitimate and becoming rebels in the society,our spirits are in guilt and bodies diseased and damaged.

  7. To be sanctified means becoming pure and holy in by the renewal of our minds by the word of God and cleansed by his blood. Leaving the former ways of life and putting on the new self dying to the flesh and living a holy life before god.

    We are holy because the Spirit of God is dwelling in us and our bodies have become the temples of the Holy spirit when we are born again in Him.

    We are in the process of becoming holy because day by day we are growing and constantly renewing our lives by His word.

    Holiness keeps us from impure motives and desires.. Keeps us from the sin of **** and every other sin relating to our sexuality.

  8. If we conduct our lives by rules we are only trying to please the one who has made the rules. It brings about dread and fear.

    If we conduct our lives to please the Lord it will be full of joy and peace. If we love our Lord we will do anything to please Him and we will do it happily and cheerfully. We know He is in perfect control of our lives and we have no fear come what may.

    Love is stronger than rule keeping.

    Paul brings these commands under the authority of Jesus Christ

  9. Each person or Pastor has his or her unique and special gift. When we have Pastors visiting us, they impart to us new things make us strong and their faith encourages us. We are used to have our Pastors and visiting Pastors motivate us diffrently.

    Itinerant preaching is difficult beacuse it requires hardwork and travel and one has to encounter different hardships. Yet it is important because we need someone to go around and preach the Gospel.

  10. No one likes suffering or persecution . Persecution for the Gospel is rewarding. Yet it can be very discouraging and leave a believer to quit.

    Persecutions mature a believer. When persecuted, you go to the Lord and cry out for help. At such times we realise the power and strength that comes from God. We hold on to the Lord in prayer,his word and worship. We mature in our walk with the Lord

    At the face of persecution are motives are tested. Those who love the Lord totally will endure anything and those who dont quit.

    God allows Satan to tempt us to test our strength and faith in Him. Jesus was tested but he sttod firm in prayer fasting and relying on his Father. We are required to put on the full armour of God as given in Ephesians 6 and stand against Satan and hsi temptations.

    God has his appointed time of doing away with Satan,but we will prevail against him when we are abiding in Christ. We shall not be defeated!

  11. The Thessolonians were undergoing persecution and trial. They definetley needed someone to encourage ,motivate help and guide them through this time. Therefore Timothy's role as a strengthener and encourager very important.

    Timothy's role was sensitive because he had to go and encourage the new Christians. He had to be bold and full of courage at the face of opposition and persecution. He had to be strong in his faith and go and help these Christians in need.

    Each one in the ministry has been equipped with a special gift. These gifts can be used by delegating work in the Ministry according to their gifts and potential. This helps the leader to concentrate more his work of pastoring to the congregation. While all work together for the Lord .yes it helps the Kingdom of God.

  12. God is a rewarder of those who fear and diligently seek Him. Whatever I do for the Lord shall not go in vain. The word of God assures us of a crown while laboring for Christ.

    The reward Christ assures us is eternal salvation and inheritance as his children. Being offered salvation and love is more more precious than any thing of this world. It is such a joy to have Jesus in my life. I love and adore Him. He is the King of Kings and I know this KIng.

    Christ doesnt reward diobedience and unfaithfulness.

    When we show accountability to our Master we know that we are doing exactly what He wants us to do. When we obey Him his word and we show that we are doing so, we please Him and give Him pleasure. We prove to Him that we can be trusted with !

    It motivates us because we know God is with us and He will always give us what we need and hear us.

  13. The word of God is the truth which sets us free. It is Jesus ,it is the Bread of Life. Man cannot live by bread alobe but every word that comes from the mouth of God. It is the light and lamp to my path. It is a guideline by which the disciples' are taught to live .

    It is the word of God and yes it has power when spoken and believed and acted upon.

    It seems to operate through our faith and the Spirit of God dwelling in us.

    This powerful action of the Word of God can change and transform the life of the disciple, ultimately leading many souls to Jesus Christ.It is powerful and can do wonders in the life of the disciple.

  14. When I think of the word Father it reminds me of my God the Father, who has lavished his love upon me by sending his son Jesus to die for me. How great is my Father who loves me.

    I think of my earthly Father who passed away in 2007. I had a wonderful Father, and what I am today is all because of his love for me.

    In the same way we need Fatherly roles in making disciples because He is there with love, care , support, encouragement, provision and everything you need to grow into a mature person in Jesus Christ. When we are lost, we can run to him for support and guidance.

    Women have the nature in them to love and care, and can adopt these fatherly traits by prayer and help of the Holy spirit.

  15. Mother is a symobol of unconditional love. No matter what she is loving, caring giving , sacrificing. There is no limit to her love and forgiveness to her children. Like wise, we must treat the growing disciples under our care with lot of love , care and nurture them and see them grow. Our end should to see them grow to be a full fledged disciple of Jesus Christ. They will feel the love and warmth through us and would be strong men and women of Jesus.

    Even our male members can acquire ever motherly trait by prayer and help of the Holy Spirit.

  16. The character flaws mentioned in Vs 3 -6 are

    Impure motives,

    Pleasing men,



    Praise from men.

    I personally think any of these flaws can create problem in the church. If you have one of these flaws you have all of them in you. But the most dangerous could be pleasing men and not God. Then you are not doing any good work at all!

    To prevent such things happening to me or overtaking me,I have to remember I was once lost and now am found! I have to remember that I am saved by his grace alone and I cannot boast of any good thing I have done to earn his grace. Constant prayer and submission to the Holy spirit and obedience to the word of God will keep me from pride!

  17. One of the gift we receive from the Holy spirit is courage and boldness. For the word of God says we are given a spirit of love and not fear. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is ultimate truth and the truth which sets us free. To preach this truth which has set us free we need courage because people out there are not going to believe you. YOU have to be bold enough to stand and speak the truth despite opposition,riducule persecutiion etc. Its the cost of being the disciple of Jesus Christ.

    Lack of courage will definetley not help you to evangelise.

    Lack of courage will not keep a congregation healthy because you cannot preach the Gospels truth in totality, When you fear to speak out the truth in love,or fear what the congregation has to think of you,or you give the truth diluting it fearing opposistion from the congregation, the congregation will not grow and remain healthy.

    God is calling me to be bold courageous loving and share the Gospel without fear even though I may have to see opposition,impossibilites.ridicule etc.

  18. Vs 10 teaches us that Jesus is the Son of God who will come down form Heaven,He is raised from dead,and He will rescue us from the coming wrath.

    All these facts are important.

    What is under emphasised is sin and its consequences and the wrath of God coming upon the sinners. Its is important once we are saved , not to continue sinning but remain humble and repentant day after day. The fact that we are saved does not mean that we can be in sin and wait for the Lord to rescue us. We are now called to live a pure and holy life pleasing and acceptable to the Lord. This is not given importance most of the time.

  19. It is very very important to be imitators of Jesus Christ. Someone rightly said, The unbelievers willl not see Christ but will see the Christ in me and go towards Christ.

    The Ministry which follows the command of Christ to Love God and love the neighbor as thyself is conducive to imitation. The Ministry which can be recognised by its fruit is worthy of imitation.

    The leaders have more accountability than anybody else. They become role models like Paul while serving the believers. A life deep rooted in Jesus Christ , with no compromise and a leader who is a doer of the Word of God is the one required to lead others.

    People who are not a part of Christian community cannot grow well. We draw strength from our fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord. Without a good fellowship we cannot go on walking a good Christian walk.

    My character reflects of who I am .what i am and how I am in Christ. As a mother , i honor Christ and his commands and I teach them to my children. I have to be an example in my day to day life reflecting the nature of Christ to them.

  20. The Holy Spirit is given to us as our Teacher and Counsellor who leads us into all truth. Without the Holy Ghost there is no power to bear witness to and preach the Gospel. It is the Spirit which dwells in us which gives us grace and strength to do what God wants us to do.

    If we rely on our will power we are going to fail. Without Him we can do nothing. In our own strength we cannot go on. We need the power of the Holy spirit always.

    Miracles when Paul evangelised showed the truth of God and what he was talking about the Lord.

    We need to see miracles today which gives glory to God the Father. Miracles are the manifestation of Gods glory and power in our lives. When we have unbelief we cannot see miracles. If we only believe ... we will see the glory of God.

  21. The Jews were upset because Paul was attracting a large number of Jews as well as a non Jews and it would also mean less finanaces in their synagogues. Therefore they strongly opposed Paul's ministry in Thessalonica.

    Paul has experienced the love of the Lord strongly and Christ has been the centre of his life. For him to live is Christ. Therefore he is a brave soldier for Christ and continues to preach the Gospel at the face of fierce opposition.

    We should not stop when we face a violent reaction to our Ministry. If our goal is Christ and his Gospel we will gladly endure and move on with faith and trust as we know If God be with us none can be against us!

  22. The men blame David because he took them to the north to fight the Philistines without leaving anyone take care of their famiilies.

    The situation is so explosive beacuse they never expected such a tragedy to happen.

    David strengthens himself in the Lord and choses to trust Him.

    David is alarmed and worried as well.

    He always inquires of the Lord. He waits upon the Lord now to reveal His will to him in prayer.

  23. We are given the commandment to worship one true God and not to have any other gods. Chosing any other source is violating the commandment of God. When we resort to occult practices,we turn away from God and put our faith in other mediums. God's wrath will definetley fall upon us. It is dishonoring the living God and therefore God codemns such pratices.

    If we have involved oursleves in such forbidable practices repent before the Lord and ask the Lord to deliver us from trouble and sin and sin no more.

    Occult pracitces open the door to Satan and his agents to enter our life. He is like a roaring lion about to devour anyone. When an open invitation is given to him through such pracitces we are open to oppression and he will kill and destroy us.

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