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Jean @ Rosehill

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Posts posted by Jean @ Rosehill

  1. I have not read all of the entries as of yet but I do thank those I have read. Also, I am behind in my study so this response is late but I am right where I need to be in this study and I thank GOD for all of you and for this tool!

    Sexual **** is a sin and that is all it is. I as a woman have struggled with it, before I knew the loving grace and mercy of our LORD JESUS CHRIST and even so afterwords - which was (is) very difficult for me because I now walk in the truth but yet I am still tempted in this way. No matter though, GOD has and is working in me to look to HIM for all my fulfillment - to treat others as I would have them treat me.....in humility, considering others better than my self - looking not only after my own interest but after the interest of others.......being of the same mind as CHRIST who humbled HIMSELF even to death - death on the cross............

    The repercussions of these lusts are found in proverbs and many other places in the WORD of LIFE - put on CHRIST - what beauty is there in that statement alone. In James 1:14 - 15, it says, " But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own ****, and enticed. Then when his **** hath conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth for death."

    We are going to be tempted - but it is through CHRIST, HIS SPIRIT in us, HIS WORD which dwells in us, that we may stand firm against the temptations which come our way - HE, HIS word will guide us into all righteousness - but we must stand fast in the LORD - abide in HIM and HIM alone...........only by considering the temptation before us has the battle been lost but through HIM we can at any time ask our GOD for help and mercy and grace......PRAISE HIM!

    This is my personal experience of GOD's love toward me - yes I am always tempted but HE, through HIS wonderful SPIRIT is teaching me to not enter into the way of the wicked - not even a step through HIS WORD!


    Your post is a blessing! Thanks!

  2. I think sexual **** is difficult to people for many different reasons. First, we all have a God given sexual drive that is very strong by God's design. Men for the most part are visual beings and are tempted outside of marriage to **** after what they "see". If women do not feel loved and cared for, they act out "perceived" love in sexual misbehavior to satisfy an emotion. Many sexual addictions grow out of other areas. Sexual abuse in formative years contributes to confusion about love and sex. Unhealthy decisions to view *********** "just once" can set anyone on a journey battling **** and sexual sin for years. Going to see sexually charged movies, though rated acceptable by society or listening to sexually explicit music can all affect our willingness to give in to temptation when confronted with the real opportunity. Our society bombards us with everything sexual in magazines, on TV and anywhere advertisement is seen!

    So...in the midst of all these circumstances....how can we keep sexual desire from controlling us? From one who suffered from sexual molestation as a young teen from persons in authority, I took a plunge down into the darkness of immorality and all the "stuff" that came with it. I first had to learn who I was in Christ. That He loved me and never left me through those times and that He had plans for me to take me from that way of life and give me wholeness and a new life. I took His hand and began my journey, first overcoming bitterness and forgiving those who abused me. As the heaviness and darkness fell away, I began to see who God had created me to be and that I was worth more than what I had experienced and had begun to treat myself like. He loved me so much...through so much....I fell in love with Him....and I've never been the same! The journey was long and hard.....but believing in His love gave me the courage to get back up after every slip and fall. I was consumed with knowing Him more and more and the Bible became my constant companion. It became life to me. I learned ways to overcome from the Word and through Bible studies that I'm never without. One was on "Pulling the window shade of your mind" when faced with temptations or images. I literally learned to bring one down on my thoughts when anything tried to enter in. I prayed and prayed and prayed for help and cried and cried and cried when I failed. In it, God was faithful....but I had to choose....to believe....to follow....and to live.....accepting His goodness and promises to me.

    What a powerful testimony! God bless you!

  3. Q2. (Colossians 3:5) Why is sexual l u s t so difficult for people, especially males? Though we cannot deny that we are sexual beings, how can we keep sexual desire from controlling us and causing us to sin?

    Sexual **** is difficult because we are created sexual beings. With sin entering the world, sexual things became perverted and impure. We must continually allow God to renew our minds and thoughts by meditating on His Word and through prayer. We must also repent and allow the Holy Spirit to live and breathe in us.

  4. Q1. (Colossians 3:1-2) What does it mean to "set your heart/mind" on the things above? Does this mean that we're "too heavenly minded to be any earthly good"? If not, what does it mean? What happens when we don't take control and direct our thinking and meditating?

    This means that every day we have the choice to focus our mind and thoughts on God. We do this by reading His Word and taking time to talk to Him and then listen to Him speak to us. We also can praise Him in song and with thankfulness throughout the day. The opposite of setting our minds on things above is to set our minds on things of the world. Satan wants to use the things of the world to take our focus off God and to lead us into sin and away from God's will for us. It is important to guard our hearts each day, for "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

  5. Sorry to hear of your discouragement, Jean. The love among us sometimes seems to ebb and flow, doesn't it? When a congregation is in harmony, our enemy is always ready to stir up something, I think. May the LORD bless and strengthen you with His joy and peace, and with faithful LOVING co-laborers in Christ!

    Thanks, Sweetie!

  6. AMEN! I really like this. We need each other in the body - the church.smile.gif

    "For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." (1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 NIV)

    Thanks, Rod. I am really not "feeling the love" in my church body right now. It is very discouraging. sad.gif

  7. Q4. (Colossians 2:2-3) In what sense are "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" hidden in Christ? What does that mean?

    In Jesus, we can find all wisdom and knowledge. It is available to everyone. It is not a secret that only a few privileged can have. Anyone that accepts Jesus' blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of their sins can start on a journey to get to know Jesus. It is a day-by-day process. We can never quit learning about Jesus. His wisdom and ways are beyond understand in the human flesh. We need the Holy Spirit to quicken the Word of God to us and to assist us in hearing what the Spirit speaks to us. The Spirit will lead us into all Truth. This truth will always agree with the Word of God. As we study the Word and spend time in prayer and listening to the Spirit speak, we become more intimately aquainted with Jesus. He literally becomes our Best Friend. We find we can't survive a day without His wisdom and strength.

    I also liked this topic because it describes how a healthy church body functions. The Body should be "encouraging" and "united." I have personally found this to be very true. This is how we will grow. We MUST have the preaching, admonishing and teaching, but we also need the fellowship, love and encouragement to live for Jesus.

  8. Q3. (Colossians 1:28-2:1) What is the purpose of Paul's labors according to verse 28? What does "perfect in Christ" mean? How does Paul accomplish this goal? In what way is he "struggling" for them?

    As we grow in our Christian walk we are becoming more and more like Jesus. Paul's purpose is to bring believers to a level of maturity in their Christian walk to which they will no longer be tossed about with doubts and uncertainties. He wants them to stand strong in their salvation of Jesus and not be led astray by strange doctrines. We won't be completely perfect until heaven, but we can reach a place of maturity in Christ. That is exciting to me!! I want to get there. I struggle, not with WHAT I believe, but in living it out. I cave under pressure so many times and just feel like quitting my work for the Lord.

    Paul's methods for helping believers achieve maturity included three levels: preaching, admonishing, and teaching. Paul was also an intercessor in prayer, which involves struggling in the spirit for the believers, persistence, and deep concern through prayer. It is a gift.

  9. Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? In what sense was, "Christ in you, the hope of glory," hidden prior to this? In what sense is "glory" used here? What does "the hope of glory" mean in this context?

    The mystery Paul is talking about is that salvation is provided through Jesus for the Gentiles, and not only to the Jews. The hope of glory refers to the presence of God which is so magnificient that it is really beyond description. Someday we will live continuously in God's presence, after we have suffered here on this earth for "a short time." When we finally live eternally in His wonderful presence our suffering will be only a distant memory, and it will all be worth it. Whenever we are in deep trials, when we seek God desperately with our whole being, He will meet us by sending the Holy Spirit to comfort us and give us a glimpse into what is in store for us someday. Right now we are "looking through a glass dimly", but someday all things will be made clear. Even here on earth, if we seek God's face, He will give us a magnificent glimpse of what is to come, and it brings us great comfort and joy to help bear us up and sustain us through our trials and temptations.

  10. 2 Corinthians 4:17 (Amplified Bible)

    17For our light, momentary affliction (this slight distress of the passing hour) is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of glory [beyond all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all calculations, a vast and transcendent glory and blessedness never to cease!],

    I am so glad for your post. This is exactly the lesson the Holy Spirit has been trying to teach me the past several months. I am going to print your reply to meditate on. PTL.

  11. Q1. (Colossians 1:24) How could Paul's sufferings in prison complete what is lacking in Christ's afflictions? Is Paul referring to Christ's sufferings on the cross? Or is he seeing suffering in some kind of cosmic sense? If so, in what sense are your sufferings for Christ of value to the church?

    Jesus' suffering on the cross completed our salvation. However, we are also called to "share in his sufferings." This means we will also suffer for the sake of the gospel. It is our turn now to face persecution of some sort for our faith. As we suffer, we become an inspiration to fellow believers to endure suffering, to persevere, and to accomplish much for the Kingdom.

  12. Q4. (Colossians 1:23) If our salvation depends upon the grace of God, not us, why is it necessary for us to "continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved"? What happens if we don't? What is the nature of the security we have in Jesus according to this text (and this text only)? (Please don't use proof texts from other verses in the New Testament, but interpret Colossians 1:23 in its appropriate context.)

    Satan tempts us to turn away from faith in Jesus. He will try whatever avenue he can get a foot it. His goal is to get us to lose our hope, confidence and trust in the goodness of Jesus. Just like with Eve, he tells us there is something else that God is holding back from us. He tempts us to look in other places for satisfaction through our earthly lusts which he capitalizes on. We must put on the whole armor of God to withstand him, including taking up the shield of faith. If we believe the lies of Satan, we bring misery and harm upon ourselves and others around us. The Holy Spirit calls us to repentence, and we must respond to that. If we don't, we continually harden our hearts.

    In Colossians, the context of this Scripture is that the believers were being tempted to turn back to Judaism for their salvation.

  13. Q4. (Colossians 1:23) If our salvation depends upon the grace of God, not us, why is it necessary for us to "continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved"? What happens if we don't? What is the nature of the security we have in Jesus according to this text (and this text only)? (Please don't use proof texts from other verses in the New Testament, but interpret Colossians 1:23 in its appropriate context.)

    It is totally necessary for us to read the word every day, and talk to the Father through Jesus many times a day. If we don't, we'll just fall away. We have to know what the Bible says in order to stand firm, and not be turned away to false doctrines-doctrines of devils.

    Just like I said-If we read and know what the word says, and believe that what we read is real, and stand on it-don't be moved away from it-we can be secure in Jesus. Perseverance undeer pressure is the test. No matter what happens-lost job, death of a loved one-these things are difficult. Many difficult things will come. The important thing is to cry out to God when things get bad. Rely on God for comfort and courage-stand firm through Him who died for us. If we rely on Jesus, and stand on the word-there is nothing we can't get through! I hope I didn't leave the bounds of this question-I got excited!


  14. Q3. (Colossians 1:22) How can we be presented "holy," "without blemish," and "free from accusation" since we are not perfect? How is this possible?

    Jesus took the punishment for our sins on the cross. His sacrificial blood cleanses away our sins so that we can stand before God in the righteousness of Jesus. He was bruised for our iniquities.

  15. Q2. (Colossians 1:20-22) By what means did Jesus accomplish this reconciliation? What does "the blood of his cross" have to do with it? What is the purpose of this reconciliation? (verse 22) To whom are we "presented?" (verse 22)

    Jesus reconciled us to God by taking the punishment for our sins on the Cross. His blood was innocent because He had never sinned. So His blood is the accepted payment for our sins. This reconciliation makes us now friends of God. We are presented before God now as righteous, without accusation and holy. We don't see ourselves this way, but God sees us this way if we have confessed our sins and accepted His Son's blood as the atonement for our sins. We must continually come before God in repentence to make sure we are walking in the light and not falling into error or sin, allowing Him to shed His light on our lives by the washing of the Word. The Word is a mirror that shows us what we lack and corrects us. It is our responsibility to humble ourselves, repent, and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. Without the New Birth we are powerless to do this, or to even desire it. But once we have been born-again, we then have the power and the desire to follow after God's heart.

  16. Q1. (Colossians 1:20-22). What does "reconcile" mean? What was our state before reconciliation? (verse 21)

    We are reconciled to God by the shedding of Jesus' blood on the cross. We have been declared innocent and without accusation as we have asked forgiveness of our sins and allowed the Holy Spirit to create in us a clean heart at our new birth. Also, we are continually being cleansed as we continue to strive to live in the light of God's truth. God sees us as righteous if we have the righteousness of Jesus covering us (if we are walking in the light and allowing the Holy Spirit to continue working in our hearts through faith and obedience) Before reconciliation, we lived as enemies of the cross (God's salvation) and were slaves to our our own sinful state and way of thinking, living, and acting.

  17. Q4. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the "head of the body, the church" affect the way we conceive of the church?

    The church is under the lordship of Jesus. We should realize that we are serving Him, and not man. We should strive to be in unity with his teachings and with one another, provided we are not falling into error.

    Is he talking about the universal church or a local congregation, or both?

    This passage is talking about the universal church.

    If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church?

    We should conduct our life and ministry as an example of Jesus to the world.

    In what ways does the visible church represent the "head"?

    The church represents (Jesus) visibly by showing love to the world, by standing against sin, by reaching out to the poor and needy, and be evangelizing the world with the Good News.

    How well do we as the body follow his leadership?

    We fall short, but we should keep striving to attain perfection.

  18. What does "firstborn of all creation/every creature" mean?

    Jesus created all things, and they were created to serve Him. This includes spiritual beings also.

    Is Jesus a created being? If not, what does "firstborn" mean here?

    Jesus was not created. In this culture, firstborn can suggest "birth order" and the special status accorded the firstborn son. It is used here to show the preiminence Jesus has over all created beings.

    What do verses 16-17 teach about Jesus' pre-existence?

    They teach us that Jesus existed before anything else was created and that Jesus is God.

    What does verse 16b teach about the purpose of creation?

    That everything was created FOR God.

    According to verse 17, what is Jesus' past role in creation?

    Jesus created everything and they exist to serve Him. He set the world in motion.

    What is his present role in creation?

    Jesus hold all things together and keeps creation continuing.

  19. Q1. (Colossians 1:15a, 19) The great understanding of Judaism was that God is spirit, not physical. That he is invisible. Any idol that tries to depict him is blasphemous. So what is the significance of the statement that Jesus is "the image of the invisible God"? According to verse 19, to what degree does this image accurately represent God? Is Jesus actually God in the flesh, or only a manifestation of God, a kind of holograph? (A holograph might be like Princess Leia in Star Wars sending a message through R2-D2: "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope....")

    This was hard for me to answer. I have been helped by reading another's reply.

  20. Q5. (Colossians 1:13-14) What are the two qualities mentioned in verse 14 that characterize the "kingdom of his beloved Son"? What did the idea of redemption mean in the Greek? In what way did Christ "redeem" us? What is the significance of the fact that our sins are forgiven in this kingdom?

    a. The two qualities mentioned here are: redemption and forgiveness

    b. Redemption here meant release from bondage or a captive condition.

    c. Jesus has redeemed us from bondage to sin by shedding His innoncent blood as payment for our sin.

    d. Because our sins are forgiven, we completely free of guilt and punishment. We have been pardoned, and the debt of our sin has been cancelled by Jesus' death on the cross!

  21. Q4. (Colossians 1:12-13) What are the three or four action verbs in verses 12 and 13 that paint a picture of salvation? Who performs the action? Who is it performed on? In what way were we "qualified/enabled/made meet"? In what way were we "rescued" or "delivered"?

    a. The action verbs regarding salvation in these verses are: qualified, rescued, brought, redeemed, and forgiven.

    b. God is the one Who does all of this for us.

    c. These actions are performed on those who respond to the Holy Spirit and accept the gift of salvation through Jesus' blood.

    d. We are only qualified for Salvation through God drawing us to Himself by the Holy Spirit, and then we are forgiven by accepting what Jesus did for us by paying the price for our sins. By accepting His gift, we are qualified to come before God.

    e. We are rescued from the power of Darkness, which is Satan's power and grasp. We are rescued from being bound by our sins and lusts. We can have victory over them all through the power of Jesus Name.

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