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Posts posted by nancychua

  1. Q1. (1:1-6) Why does Nehemiah pray day and night for four months? Why does he fast and weep? Isn't that excessive?

    1). Nehemiah thinks his burden and grief about the state of Jerusalem was so deep and profound that everyday must have been affected by it. His heart must have been total broken and crushed with anguish. He is serious about his desire to see Jerusalem restored. He loves his people and he loves God. He wants his people back in Jerusalem where they can worship God.

    2). Nehemiah continue to fast and weep, for God to hear and forgive their sins which they have sinned against God. He remained in an intensive state of grief, humiliy, repentance and petition over this shameful situation as he waited on the Lord for direction and vision.

    3). It`s not excessive as fasting and praying has been God`s intention to shape and mold us to repentancy. Nehemiah believes that his people have really sinned against the awesome God and knowing that He has forgiven them and is ready to restore them

  2. Q4. (9:15-19) What was Daniel's essential prayer? What are the various grounds of Daniel's appeal? How did God answer the prayer (see Daniel 9:20-23)?

    1). Daniel`s essential prayer was prayer of intercession for mercy and forgiveness. He has a heart for the people and wanted God`s mercy to save the people of Israel.

    2). In Verse 19, `O Lord, Listen! O Lord, Forgive! O Lord, Hear and Act! For your sake O My God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear Your name. ``For his honor to show his power and mercy to all.

    Daniel plead for mercy and forgiveness.

    3). God send Gabriel to tell Daniel that his vision were to give him understanding and insight. The angel tell him what they must do to receive God`s mercy. Daniel was highly favour by God for His righteousness and faithfulness. His request was granted as God honors his intercession for his people.

  3. Q3. (9:5) Since Daniel is such a righteous man in his generation, why does he identify himself with the sins of his people? He didn't commit them. How does this compare to how Jesus sought forgiveness for his people?

    1). Daniel is righteous because of his love for Israel made him willing to take on the sin of the nation. He intercede for all the people , for every sin committed and baring the soul of Israel. he became a foreshadowing of Christ as our intercessor. Seeing that all people did not humble themselves, he did it for them to show the need for a mediator, and to fulfill the requirements of God's mercy.

    2). Daniel is like all human eing born of sin and Jesus was conceived by the HS without sin. Jesus sought the ultimate sacrifice for the people so that mankind might be saved by offering his own life. He died on the cross and rose again in fulfillment for all of us.

  4. Q2. (9:3-4a) What is Daniel's demeanor as he prays? How does he prepare? Why is this so important in this case? In what ways might you and I prepare for intercession?

    1). Daniel prayed in total humility before God, knowing that Israel deserved divine mercy that could bring them through.

    He humbles himself through fasting, pleading, interceding, and confessing.

    2). He prepared by investing time in prayer, fasting and clothing himself in sackcloth and adorning himself with ashes.

    He was willing to take responsibility for the sin of his nation and represent them with humble, grieving, repentant intercession before God.

    3). It is so important to approach God in a humble manner because He was showing God that he wasn

  5. Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?

    1). Daniel read the book of Jeremiah and studied the wcriptures that the 70 years of exile for the Isralies is almost finished and the prophecy of destruction of Babylon is near at hand. He know of God`s faithfulness and he stoond on the word of God1s prophet to believe it was the time for this to happen.

    2). Daniel was a prayer warrior. He prayed to God three times a day and he was not afraid to stand his ground for his belief. He believed the Scriptures and God`s promises and found him faithful and true.

  6. Q3. (139:13-16) How is an awareness of God's involvement in your prenatal development meant to encourage you? What might this mean to a young woman carrying a child? A young father-to-be? Why is such knowledge overwhelming to us?

    1). It is encouraging because God has ordained me to be here on earth as He has great plan and purpose for my future. He mold me in His perfect image.

    2)., It is a life in the womb of a mother that God has planned for. The mother could trust God to influence her in good way and prepare her for motherhood.

    3). A new life will be given in his family to raise, love and train up in a godly perspective way.

    4). Such knowledge overewhelming us that eventhough I was borned out from my mother`s womb, I`m still loved by my Heavenly Father. therefore I must appreciate His love and His presence in my life. I thank the Lord for the victory thru Jesus Christ who strengthen me everyday of my life with joy, peace and love.

  7. Q2. (139:5, 10). In verses 5 and 10, how does God's hand touch the psalmist? Have you ever felt God's hand on you in a special way? Was it for your good? What was it like?

    1). God`s hand is always leading and guiding David along the right path. No matter which way he drives, His mighty hand will be there directing, leading and guiding him under His protection.

    2). Yes, God`s hand is upon me always as He is in control of my life.

    3). Yes, it is always pleasing to have the hand of God leading and guiding me, knowing that He is protecting me with His unfailing love.

    4). God`s hand has always lead me through in many ways. He guided me through the darkness leading me to the light. He is a Mighty God, Faithful and Awesome and is always there to meet all our needs.

  8. Q1. (139:7) Why do people sometimes want to flee from God? Why do people imagine that God doesn't know what they do? Have you ever felt this way?

    1). People sometimes want to flee from God because they want to acknowledge their sins and trying to run what is best for their lives. They flee because they can`t bear to see themselves honestly or when His correction is hard to take. They flee to avoid guilts and punishment. They flee because of their unbelief and disobedience.

    2). People imagine that God doesn`t know what they do because they can`t see God as He is a loving and forgiving God. They don not have the conviction of the Holy Spirit because they do not know who God is. We, human can only conceal things among each others. It is frightenning to know that God knows everything we do. Nothing can be concealed from God.

    3). I have never felt that God didn`t see but I felt shame that I have left Him out.

  9. Q4. (20:3) What is the basis on which Hezekiah asks for healing? Why is personal righteousness and holiness important in getting your prayers answered? How can unrighteousness prevent answered prayer if all gifts from God are by grace anyway?

    1). The basis on which Hezekiah asks for healing was his sincere devotion, true obedience and faith.

    2). Personal righteousness and holiness is important in getting our prayers answered because they are the by-products of our intimate relationship with God. It`s Jesus`s righteousness that imputed us that God recognizes and our hope is in Him.

    3). God bless us according to His will. It`s His jurisdiction to answer our prayer. Sins and unrighteousness hinder us from the best that God has for us. We don`t receive answers to our prayers because of unconfessed sins.

  10. Q3. Why is Hezekiah's healing important for his nation? How did it relate to God's promises to David?

    1). If Hezekiah had died at the time foretold he would have died without seed and the covenant could not be kept. Israel would have been left without any strong godly leadership in this severe crisis.

    2). Because God promised an unbroken line of David`s son upon the throne.

  11. Q2. (19:15) How do the first two sentences of Hezekiah's prayer (verse 15) correspond to the first sentence of the Lord's Prayer? How are they important to faith? How are they important to God answering the prayer?

    1). Both prayer show the awesome majesty of God`s sovereignty above all things that need to bow down in humble submission to Him alone. Hezekiah magnify God making Him appear bigger than his problem and seek the Lord for help. He praise Him, adore Him and all honor and glory be to Him alone.

    2). It`s a confession of faith that we declare to His Holiness above all, thanksgiving and the living God as a confirmation. God is enthroned above all the earth, the Creator and Lord of all.

    3). Our prayer must be directed to the one True God who is able to answer our prayer. It acknowledges that we know who is in control and we are in total dependency on Him in our life.

  12. Q1. (19:14) What is the significance of Hezekiah spreading out the enemy's message before the Lord? What is the underlying principle illustrated here? How can we apply this principle to our own lives? What happens when we don't apply this principle?

    1). Hezekiah is revealing his total dependency for help in a tangible way. He can do nothing but give it to the Lord the problem so gigantic rather than trying to solve by himself..

    2). The underlying principle is `The battle is for the Lord` Hezekiah put it in God`s hand and trust Him to defend him. We need to cast all our cares on Him because He knows our need and will never forsake those who love Him.

    3). Bring everything to God in prayer and He will speak to us thru the HS. We must turn to God first with all our situation we are facing because He knows all our problems and will able to defect them for us.

    4). If we don`t apply the principle we are always the loser because we have shut God out of our trust and we don`t follow God`s will and will result to perish. We are nothing in His eyes but with God nothing is too difficult for Him to handle and everything is possible. Hallelujah!

  13. Q3. Verses 11 and 12 both attribute various characteristics to God, such as glory, honor, and might. How might you begin to mention God's greatness in your own prayers? Where is this kind of praise found by example in the Lord's Prayer? What are your favorite songs that point to God's greatness?

    1). I always start my prayer with praise, thankfulness and asking for forgiviness of my sin. By attributing to Him, the characteristics of power, strength, spirit-filled awesomeness and glory rises up in faith. That He is Awesome, Faithful, Lovingkindness, Everlasting God and Unchanging God that always keeps His promise.

    2). It is found in the line `Hallowed Be Thy Name` - giving Him reverence, honor and awe of Holiness.

    3). Songs that point God`s Greatness are:

    Holy is the Lord, It is well with my soul, How Great Thou Art, Blessed be the Name, Great is Thy Faithfulness.

  14. Q2. In what way does praise exalt God? Why should we exalt God? What does this exaltation do in us? What does it say about us?

    1). Praise exalt God when we put Him on the throne with our songs, words, voices and heart feeling lifted up to Him to express how deep and wide is our love for Him. When we exalt Him high above all the earth and far above all gods.

    2). We exalt God because He is our Savior, our Creator, Our Provider, Our Rock & Our Fortress in whom we trust. He is worthy of our praise for He is our Yahweh.

    3). It humble ourselves to bring closer in our relationship with Him. It strengthen our faith and help us to grow spiritually. It makes us aligned with God.

    4). It says that He is the light of our life, our being and eternal glory. He has wonderfully and fearfully made us for His purpose, for His glory and to be a witness to all the earth.

  15. Q1. In what way do our prayers of praise "bless" God? What do we mere humans have that God desires in a blessing? What are prayers like, that don't include blessing God?

    1). When we praised Him for who He is and give thanks with our grateful heart declaring His goodness , His Holiness, His Greatness, His Generosity, His Mighty Power, His Divine Glory & His unfailing love , we are expressing our adoration from our inner being to bless Him.

    2). He desires our willingness to worship Him in an intimate relationship and freely giving ourselves before Him in total surrender so that He can use us. Our prayer reflect our delight in Him, His power and His presence. We can sing praises to extol His Name, to give thanks with all our heart, soul and spirit. To acknowledge that every good things comes from above and without Him we are nothing in His sight.

    3). Selfish greed prayer concerning our own needs, family and friends. Prayer that do not bless His name shows that we are not giving honor and respect to our Almighty God who is high above all heaven and earth.

  16. Q4. What does it mean to have a broken heart and spirit? Why is this essential in the prayer for pardon? In what sense is this a "sacrifice"? Why do we tend to resist a "broken and contrite heart" in ourselves?

    1). To bend on our knees and ask the HS to show us our sins so that it won`t separates us from God. We are aware of God`s presence and our heart are broken because of our sins, making us want more than to ask forgiveness. Having genuine desire to change and avoid sins.

    2). God see through our hearts and he knows when we are broken in Spirit and he knows how to mend our brokenness. We know that our sins hurt God who loves us and by our sins we ar injuring God`s reputation. God is quick to forgive and wants nothing more than our relationship restored back to Him. By His grace and mercy of God the Father that we are made whole and fullness back to HIm.

    3). Sacrifice is to put our flesh to die by laying down our pride and arrogance before God. Be obedient to do His will by reading His Word and to stay still in His will.

    4). Pride and rebellion are sins that hold us to ask forgiveness of God because we don`t want to accept that we are not perfect and sinners.

  17. Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this?

    1). Yes, when we asked God to forgive our sins and take faith in His word, we can have a pure heart ready to serve Him.

    2). To ask Jesus to be the Lord of our lives and willingly to serve him in spirit and in truth.

    3). Dying to self and purity in God`s way by seek Him in prayer and prioritize to Him in all the ways that we do.

  18. Q2. In his prayer does David seek to minimize his sins? To maximize them? Why does an authentic prayer for pardon require clear, unvarnished acknowledgement of sin to be effective?

    1). David acknowledges all his sins before God. He didn`t try to make up excuses for his sins. For it is a breach that must healed at all costs.

    2). David is honest about his sins truly sorry and wanted to be right with God again. He shows true repentance and acknowleges that he is sinful by birth, but also shows that the sin is against God as well as against his human counter parts. God is a forgiving merciful God that when we confess our sins with truthful and sorrowful heart.

    3). All sins must be confessed to God with a grieving spirit before He will hear our prayer. Sin blocken between God and sinners. Effective prayer demands the state of clear mind to petition the Holy One, who is a discerner of our hearts and intents. There is no way that we can be humble in His presence if we cannot be honest about our sin and He certainly will not pardon if we are not unerringly accurate in the sincerity of our request.

  19. Q1. In what way does a prayer for pardon require faith? What is that faith based on? How does a person gain the faith to pray this prayer in confidence?

    1). Prayer for pardon requires faith to believe that God will do what he says and He will do in His word. It is only through His mercy and grace that we are pardoned.

    2). Faith requires a confidence in the heart that someone will do something that you go on and believing that He said will be accomplished. With faith all things are possible for God to open doors to become real and be able to pardon our sins. It is only thru the power of the indwelling Spirit who will leads us into all truth and convicts us of our sin, that we will hear the word of God and receive the faith we need.3).

    3). By studying the word of God and persistence prayer will draw us to know Him deeper and seeing that He is reliable and true to His word. Reading the word builds faith, hearing the testimony builds our faith. The more we trust in God by what we see come to pass as we pray the more confidence we will have that God is powerful enough to do all things.

  20. Q4. In what way does Abraham show persistence? Why is persistence necessary in prayer? Have you ever experienced "praying through"? What was it like?

    We must be persistence in our prayer life in order to hear God response to our petition. Abraham asked God until he felt at peace with his request. He continues to ask God to be forgiving for the sake of those wicked people but in his own mind his prayer is really for his nephew , Lot and protection to the other righteous people.

    God always hear us when we pray. Persistence is required in prayer to show that we believe in what we are praying about and God will move in His mighty way when we diligently seek Him with sincere heart praying through until assurance of an answer comes. God works in way that we can`t understand but in His own timing He will make everything comes to pass.

  21. Q3. Do you think Abraham's boldness pleased God? Why or why not? What might cause God to take delight in your prayers to him?

    Yes, it is evidence that Abraham`s faith used him to access to God with boldness. God wants His children to come to Him under all circumstances. God loves to talk with us and have us talk with Him. Abraham wasn`t looking for something for himself but for righteous one. Yahweh delights in our prayer when we acknowledge Him as our Heavenly Father and He long to answer us according to His will.

    When we approached Him with humility and respect for His Holy Character, our boldness of faith filled our prayers with peace and joy for Him. Praying gives God the opportunity to glorify His name as we speak His word back to Him we exalt Him and magnify His righteousness.

  22. Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

    1). Abraham speaks of his boldness in pleading with the Lord. He knows he is nothing but dust and ashes with no value at all. He demonstrate his humility before God by acknowledging his own weaknesses as God knows his heart and thoughts .

    2). Boldness must be tempered with humility to keep us from being arrogant and pride, to let us know who we are in God and to whom we are speaking with. Abraham took the opportunity to become intimate with God. We must humble ourselves that we are what we are by God`s grace and not because of our birth right. We come to His throne of mercy and grace because He has given us the right to be His child so that we can have the joy of having God as our Father to maintain the realization of His awesomeness and holiness.

  23. Q1. What is the basis of Abraham's argument that God should spare Sodom? How does it relate to God's character?

    Abraham`s boldness and confidence to face with God in intercession for the righteous. He knows God is just, merficful and fair in judgment. He prayed on the knowledge that God is mighty and will surely act in line with God`s perspective principles. God will not allow the righteous one to suffer together with those wicked one.

    Surely the Lord is rich in mercy and loving kindness, who had bees so good and patient with Abraham. He will not allow injustice to prevail in His kingdom.

  24. Q4. How can prayer change God's mind without conflicting with the doctrine of the Immutability of God? Can God answer a prayer for something outside of the scope of his will?

    1). When we pray, we must conform with God`s will in faith and fervency. With our sincere desire, we can be assured that we will get that we need, even when we do not know how to ask for it. We will get in accordance with God`s will because the Holy Spirit causes us to pray. No matter what is to happen, God already knows the outcome. God is in control and has the final authority. God answers prayers just not always the way we want, but in His own timing, He will surely act upon His word. :P

    2). No, God will not answer in a way that contradicts to His word. God does not alter His characteristic for the sake of man. :angry:

  25. Q3. How can a wrong understanding of determinism and predestination keep us from the kind of gutsy prayer that Moses prayed? What do you call a belief that our prayers make no difference to God's response?

    God is all knowing. His word is life and we can talk to the Father by praying and whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him because He always keeps His promises and will answer our prayer when we ask in faith. God is greater than our heart.

    God will not ask us to pray fervently, if it made no difference. Prayer shows that we believe in Him and the effectual fervant prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

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