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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Helen Spaulding

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Posts posted by Helen Spaulding

  1. Q2. (2:4) In what way does favoritism make one a judge? How does favoritism make one a judge with “evil thoughts”?

    When we look upon another by their outward appearance, or by what we perceive as their worth to ourselves, we are judging them--something the Lord told us we are not to do! We cannot know the life they have had, nor what they have had to overcome to get where they are. Nor do we know the pain--nor the intent--of their hearts. :huh:

    Favoritism shows we are judging others. Just as a teacher observed one kid who was dirty, smelly and a troublemaker as not worth her attention, so enjoyed giving him "F"--until the day she learned he had lost his mother a few years before, and had faced a horrible home life that had him on a downward spiral. She reversed herself, making an effort to show him his worth by her work and praise of him. This "worthless" kid went on to become a famous doctor whose work improved the lot of many persons! What if she had not cared enough to try??? :o

    What would be the result in our neighbors or the people we meet if we were to show them that God thinks them worthy of His love? By our acceptance and showing them love, we can do so. Yeah, I know. I can only do so also by His enabling! I pray daily for that! :(

  2. Q4. (1:26-27) Why does James make taming the tongue and caring for the poor the prime tests of pure religion? Why not the quality of our quiet time or worship?

    Pure religion results in action in our lives and contacts. When we watch how we speak, treating others with kindness rather than sharp tongues and bitter anger--in spite of how they treat us--we show Jesus' love for them, and they are surprised at our response and wonder what makes us different from others. Caring for the poor also is an action that results from our love of God. We serve them in their need, in order to serve Him, and in response to His telling us to "do unto others as we would have them do to us." Thus, these are the "proofs" of the fact that we are, indeed, children of the Lord God! :mellow:

    We can have a delightful quiet time with the Lord, and worship Him in deep joy, but if it does not have any result in our lives, how will we be able to reach those who need to hear about Him? How can we draw others to know that there is something they need?? :o

  3. Q3. What is this "perfect law" that James mentions? How would you define it? How does it relate to the "royal law" (2:8)? In what sense does it bring liberty?

    The perfect law is the one Jesus lifted up as fulfilling all the law--"Love your neighbor as yourself!" All the commandments relating to our actions with others--giving honor to parents, do no evil, abstain from unclean words and deeds, don't steal, don't lie, don't covet--will be heeded by loving our neighbor as ourselves! If we "love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind", we will be drawn to fulfill this perfect law. :rolleyes:

    I think the "royal law" refers to loving God--as above, and the "perfect law" refers to the law of "love your neighbor as yourself." The two are complementary. :D

    It brings liberty from worrying about the pickey stuff that the Pharaisees loved to debate about in the Law! If we pray for the ability to fulfill this "Love your neighbor as yourself", you will fulfill the Law as God meant it to be fulfilled--no worry about the "pickey" stuff! :wub:

  4. Q2. (1:22) Why are we so easily fooled into thinking that listening to Bible teaching means that we are living out righteous lives? What is the nature of the self-deception?

    Because we so easily deceive ourselves day after day, we're good at it!

    We listen to Bible teaching--even participate in serious Bible study groups--and nod our heads in agreement with the principles we study. :huh:

    But then we go out and close the door to that compartment of our lives and live without considering the connection to what we are doing!

    Satan is all too clever, and he understands our weak points, then digs in! ;)

    Many think if they warm a pew on Sunday morning that they can then go out feeling good about themselves and live a pagan life all week. They consider their "religious duty" done! Wrong!! That's satan ruling our lives by deceiving us, or causing us to deceive ourselves. :o

    Too often, we have given God the throne of only a portion of our lives, taking it back when we go into other portions. We must make certain that we take time to digest the information we study, then utilize it to serve God in all parts of our daily lives! Only keeping close accounts with God will enable us to do that! :wub:

  5. Q1. (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word?

    We receive spiritual birth by believing the "word of truth" given us in the Bible, that is, that Jesus is the Son of God, that He came, lived a sinless life, died on the gruesome cross in our place for our sins, that He rose again and gives us the Holy Spirit to indwell us, empower us and guide us.

    We can only receive this spiritual birth if we have heard of it, and we hear--and know it's truth--by hearing and obeying His Word as given to us in the Bible! That is the beginning of our growth in the spiritual life He offers us!


    Therefore, our spiritual life is totally wrapped up in the Word--interpreted both as Jesus, Himself and the Word in the Bible that speaks of Him. We have no true spiritual life apart from Him and His Word! :rolleyes:

  6. Q4. (1:5-8) What is the promise to claim in verse 5? What is the condition attached to this promise in verse 6? How do trials help us receive this wisdom?

    If we lack wisdom, ask Him for it, and He will provide it. He will not deride us or find fault in us for our lack. He knows we are dust, not like Him, but He loves us and wants the best for us! :wub:

    We must believe that He will do this! If we ask but do not really believe that He cares to answer us, we cannot receive! Our hearts are closed to Him.

    Trials cause us to realize our need of Him and His wisdom! We can't see the "rocks beside the channel", and because we don't know where they are, we, in our conceit, can run into disaster and founder upon them. Because of this (possibly after many bad results in our past), we are forced to come to Him in humility, asking for His guidance--and then, obeying--for if we do not obey His guidance, we will fail, and our behavior shows our lack of belief! Surely, if we believe, we will obey. Won't we??? Hmmm. How many disasters does it take before we learn? :huh:

  7. Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith?

    God does not promise us a "trouble-free" life. In fact, as we read in Paul's letters to the Thessalonians, we are guaranteed trials, tribulation and persecution--just by following Jesus! Sounds like fun, hum? :o

    But, seriously, satan, not God, causes the trials. When we must go through them, we find that we MUST depend on God to guide and empower us! We can't do it ourselves. So, we learn to depend on God--not to try to go it alone. We need to be of the mind of Christ--totally committed to following Him and obeying God's commands--not wishy-washy--choosing first our plans then God's. :D

    When we learn to lean only on God and His enabling, we grow in understanding and our faith becomes fixed on Him and Him alone! :wub:

  8. Q2. (1:13-15) Why do people blame God for evil? Does God tempt us with evil? Does he tempt sinful people with evil? Why does he allow people to sin? Why does he allow evil to exist at all?

    People blame God because they do not truly know Him, and sure don't want to blame themselves! God never tempts us! Everything He does is good! So why is there evil in the world? Because satan defied God and was thrown down. Adam and Eve accepted satan's word and brought evil into mankind. Satan continually tempts people to sin by his lies. But he is defeated by Jesus' sacrifice. We have but to turn to Jesus for help and He will cause satan to flee from us!

    So why does God allow evil to continue to be? Because He made us free agents--not robots who cannot choose. He does not want us to serve Him because we MUST! He wants us to choose to love Him because we see what He has done for us and we fall down in worshipful praise of Him! He does not "allow" us to sin, rather He gives us the choice, then helps us resist this evil when we turn to Him for that help!

    Why allow evil to exist at all? So, if there were no evil--which is to defy God in any way--then there would be no choice! Sometimes, I wish He did not have such a good opinion of my ability to resist! :o

    Actually, He knows I have no ability to resist, and is ready to bolster me up at the slightest sign that I make that I need His help!! :wub:

  9. Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

    When we returned from Christmas in N. Carolina, we met 3 feet of snow in Southern Indiana. The road was cleared, but that piled snow higher in our drive entrance! We had to walk up the long hill to our home--taking over half an hour! My endurance and agility at age 80 is not what it used to be and I almost gave up. But the Lord strengthened me when I called upon Him, and I made it! I know He answers my prayers. Today, Sunday, it is snowing hard. There is already about an inch and a half on the ground, and it is rapidly adding to that . Am I distrusting God by staying home from Church (seven miles away), or am I just using the sense He gave me? I know He can get me home again, but I still have not totally recovered physically from the effort in December! :(

    Have I changed? Not in my trust in Him! He answered when I needed it. I pray that I am just heeding His warning to stay home. :mellow:

  10. Hello. I'm Helen--a grandmother--80 years old with three children, six grandchildren and two in-law grandsons. I live in Indiana, and have been in Pastor Ralph's studies for many years--minus the years we have been in missions. ( My husband and I have spent several years in missions to Somalia, Costa Rica, and Far East Russia--not counting the short terms in many other countries.)

    Each of the lessons has been of inestimable value to me! I look forward to this one, and getting to know the other members. God's blessing! :rolleyes:

  11. Q5. Now that you're finished with the Faith of Abraham, what did you get out of this study of Abraham's life? How would you evaluate the study? What can be improved?

    I received much from the study. For one thing, it reminded me once again that even Abraham--much loved by God and the founder of Israel--made mistakes in his life--yet God loved him and carried out His design that He desired to do through Abraham. Because I know this, I know that He continues to love me--no matter that I fail Him time after time! What would I do if I could not fly back to His arms, confident that He will forgive me and accept me back as His child! Lord, please keep nudging me to remember and return when I go astray!

    The study is very good at bringing out the treasures God has for us in these passages. Thank you, Pastor Ralph. Just keep on as you have been through the many studies I've participated in! :D

  12. Q4. Which of Abraham's achievements inspires you the most? As you reflect on his life, what stands out for you?

    Ooooh! That's a hard one! Let's see. I guess it would be that he listened to God--and heard Him plainly--and then obeyed! In so many instances, from leaving his home country to go who-knew-where, to being willing to sacrifice his son at God's word, to apparently bringing even his servant to know the Lord God! What a life! Sure, he made mistakes. Who doesn't? But, the overall life he lived was one at God's beck and call! Would that I would be so true to Him! :wub:

  13. Q3 (24:12-14) What do you think of the servant's prayer and test of God? Did the servant find the right girl on the basis of his hasty prayer? If not, then how?

    It seems to show that he had learned from Abraham to believe in and trust the one Holy God to help him when in need.

    I don't see where it says he was hasty in his praying--last minute, perhaps. But, also, perhaps just a continuation of his prayer as he journeyed there.

    The proof of his conviction that God would help him is that God did help him. Why else did this girl come at just that right time, and say the things that the servant asked as a sign to tell him that this is the right one for Izaak?! :rolleyes:

    So many times, we are apt to consider what God has done to be merely a happy happenstance! How many times He has given me help that I could have brushed off as coincidence, but I've learned to expect and look for His answers! He never fails us! We fail to recognize His touch on our lives! :wub:

  14. Q2 (23:3-20) What is the significance of Abraham's faith in God's promises at the same time as he pays dearly for this small property? What does this tell us about faith?

    Abraham trusted God's promises and obeyed. He paid for the land, for he knew that in order for it to truly belong to him and his posterity, he had to protect it from seizure when he died, as he obviously soon would.

    Faith is not just sitting down and folding our hands, waiting for God to drop a fortune--or whatever--into our laps! He expects us to pray for inspiration as to what He requires us to do, then DO it! We are not to do whatever we desire without inquiring of Him as to His Will! That ends in debacle. But, if we ask of Him what He requires of us, He has promised to guide us--but only so long as we do as He asks! :)

  15. Q1. Take some time to review Sarah's life and legacy. What were her strengths? Her weaknesses? Where did she show faith? Where did she lack faith?

    Sarah apparently did not protest leaving the land of her birth and following Abraham, her husband to this new land. It must have been difficult and the life of a wanderer, living in tents, must have been hard. but, she accepted her husband's actions and was obedient to her. ^_^

    She apparently believed in the Lord God of Abraham, but did doubt that he could cause her to produce a child in her old age! Because of this, she tried to "help" God by insisting Abraham take her servant for the mother of his son. :o

    Would that she had let god be God! It never works to try to take God's place and work His work as we would want it to be!! :(

  16. Q4. How does Abraham's near sacrifice of his beloved, only son Isaac help you understand better Jesus' crucifixion?

    How can a parent kill his/her only son? I cannot imagine the horror of feeling you must do such a thing. And yet, Abraham, believing that if necessary God could resurrect his son, would to this in obedience to God's command! :o

    This incident was a pre-figuring of the sacrifice of our Lord, God's only beloved Son, for our sins! If this would be abhorrent to a parent to do, how much worse for our Lord God to send His Son to earth to die for us--sinful creatures that we are! Yet He did this because this is the only way we could possibly be saved! That shows how much He loves us. Incredible! But a deed for which I am eternally grateful! Thank you Lord Jesus for being willing to do this for me--and all of your wayward children! :wub:

  17. Q3. (22:14) How have you learned to trust God to provide for you? How has he provided for you in the past? What are you facing right now that will require God to be your Provider, your Jehovah-Jireh?

    By having trusted Him and found Him faithful! When I have needed words to teach the children--and others--in Russia, He gave them to me. He has always taken care of details of our missions that were far beyond me, so I know He will take care of anything that comes up in the future! :wub:

    I am facing the sale of our farm and a move to a smaller place in town where we do not have to drive as much. It isn't easy, for we love our independence as well as the peace and quiet of the country, but it is necessary. He has provided in the past--whether it is "things" or peace of mind. He has this project in His hands--and it will come about in His timing and in His way! :)

  18. Can we really know God until we can trust him with our whole lives? Have you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ? If not, why not now? If you have, what has that surrender entailed for you? How has God blessed you in return?

    Until a person gives God his/her entire life, willing to let Him guide him/her in all things, we are unable to hear all He has to say to us. Thus, it is impossible to truly know Him without that!

    Yes, I have accepted Jesus as, not only my Savior, but also Lord of my life!

    For me, it meant giving up some things, including leaving my home to go to the mission fields for several years in different countries. By doing that, as my son told me, I missed much of the lives of my children and grandchildren. :huh:

    But when people ask me how I could stand to lose so much, live under privation and often misunderstanding, I have to say, "No! I have not given so much! I have been blessed so much!" To know Him better, to be able to see Him at work in so many diverse situations, and to see another come to know Him, gives a satisfaction different from any other in all of life! I thank Him every day for His kindness in giving me this opportunity and joy! :wub:

    As of now, since we are in our eighties, we need to be where the doctors speak the same language we do, so we are at the end of this joy. I just pray that my writing occupation will now be used by Him for His glory! :D

  19. Q1. What effect does Satan want trials to have in our life? What effect does God want them to have? The effect really depends upon how we respond to the trial. Have you ever been through a trial that strengthens and invigorates you at the end? Have any of your trials inspired others or have you been inspired by another's trial?

    Satan wants us to think God has given up on us and the trials prove it! Then he can encourage us to think he will give us power and there'll be no more probelms! <_<

    God wants us to realize that He is with us in trials, that the trials (if we trust Him and follow His guidance) are to help us to grow in understanding and to be more able to be used by Him. :wub:

    Yes, but it does take hindsight to understand! I don't know if my trials have inspired others, however my work on writing my book was used by God to inspire others. :D

    I have been inspired by others' trials. Praise His Name! :rolleyes:

  20. Q4. (21:33) How does the realization that God is El-Olam, the Eternal God, effect you? How does it alter the way you live your life?

    God 's eternal, and because He is, I know He is, and will be, always there when I need to call upon Him! I bow before Him in awe and subjection, knowing I do not qualify for anything from Him. Yet, He gives all to me: faith, grace, eternal life, etc. I don't deserve it. It is all due to His love that He extends to me. :)

    Since I know this, I try my best to obey Him as He makes me to know His will. Sure, I fail--too many times. But, He picks me up, dusts me off and says "try again!" As long as I am trying to keep close to Him, to study His word in order to know Him, and attempt to obey, He will not disown me. He continues to teach me. Because I know this, I spend time in prayer and Bible study, listen to what He puts on my heart and ask Him for the ability to do whatever He desires of me. That means that even if others say I am narrow, or wrong in what I perceive He is telling me, I listen to Him! Sure, I have a prayer partner, and we share about what God is doing in our lives. If we disagree, I go back to God for clarification. But if peace fills my heart as I prepare to follow His will, I know it is of Him! :o

    Without Him, life is empty--unfulfilling! :wub:

  21. Q3. In what ways has God blessed Abraham in this difficult chapter 21? Given what we know about Ishmael's character (16:12; 25:18), how has Abraham been blessed that he sent him away? How has Isaac been blessed? What might have happened if Ishmael hadn't been sent away? Have you ever been rejected or sent away? Were is God in all of this?

    God told Abraham that his first son, Ishmael, would be the father of a great nation also. In addition, Isaac is the son of the prophecy through which the nation of Israel is born--and ultimately the coming of the Messiah, Jesus, into the world. Jesus is the savior of the world. Ishmael is not part of this prophecy, and his wild description is fulfilled in his descendents today. Through him, Islam has come into being. I do wish Abraham had resisted Sarah in his going against God by having a son by Hagar! How much pain and suffering would have been avoided today if he had! :huh:

    Abraham and his family regained peace. Surely Abraham mourned not getting to be with Ishmael, I'm sure. But, Abraham had learned that peace with God is better than any other "peace!" :(

    If Ishmael had remained in the family, Isaac would probably have not developed into the man he became. He was the quiet one, and surely would not have been able to mature in the manner in which he did, if the much older Ishmael had been around to dominate him. :o

    I have not really been rejected or sent away in this manner. I was once made an object of ridicule amoung our team by our leaders--which hurt me terribly. I had shared a problem with one leader, asking for her prayers, and she used it as the theme of a training session--in a manner that poked anger and derision against me! Hard to take. Needless to say, I shared nothing else with her! I came to a closer walk with the Lord because of being thrown back on Him, and through it, learned not to trust in humans for help. Only He can help us overcome problems. Sometimes this is the reason He allows these things to happen. :rolleyes:

  22. Q2. (21:8-10) What motivates Sarah to demand Ishmael's expulsion from Abraham's family encampment? Is she righteous in this? Have you ever tried to force your spouse to act against his or her principles? Have you ever been forced yourself?

    She fears that Ishmael will inherit Abraham's possessions rather than her son. In addition, she cannot stand to see her son mistreated or scorned by the son of her handmaiden. Just seeing her maid reminds her of what she has done in getting Abraham to have a child by her maid.

    No, there was no righteousness in her first not believing God when He said Abraham would have a son by Sarah and enticing him to take Hagar to bed, but getting rid of the evidence did not make her righteous--it only added to her guilt.

    No, I don't think I've ever tried to get my husband to act against his principles. I have tried to get him to turn from some behavior that was contrary to how the Bible says we should act--such as his refusing to forgive someone who did something against him, but nothing against his principles. :(

    Yes, I have been forced--such as not tithing as God says we should.

  23. Q1. (21:5-7) The name Isaac means "he laughs." What is Sarah's laughter like now compared to her laughter in 18:12-15 and Abraham's laughter in 17:17? What does this tell you about God's sense of humor?

    She is full of joy because her arms are full of the son God had promised her! It just bubbles up our of her--as well as gratitude to her Lord who had so blessed her. Before, her laughter had been mocking that she could possibly have a child in her old age. :rolleyes:

    Abramham's laughter was now joy. His beloved Sarah had borne him the promised son! It must have deepened his love and dependence on God, knowing now that surely He could be trusted to do what He promised!

    God surely does have a sense of humor. Just looking at some of the animals and plants He has made shows us that--aardvarks, wildebeasts, playful seals and other such. And, above all, the things that He has revealed to me as I sometimes pray stupid prayers--and He answers them! Sometimes, I think I can hear Him laugh--not in derision, but in joyful enjoyment of the beings He has created! Especially, I think He joys in us when we get an "Ah-hah!" moment and understand something He has been trying to teach us! :wub:

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