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lulu 1931

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Posts posted by lulu 1931

  1. I think that he condemned him for thinking all he would need in life was a good crop and a place to store it instead of his relationship to God. He should have shared some of it with poor people.

    The key message was verse 15 Guard against greed...a man's life does not consist in the ambundance of his posessions.

    You can't take your earthly possession to heaven, only things that you store with God.

    How is it related to the sermon on the mount? they both express the need to share and not be so self centered!

  2. We honor God by our words, actions, and our heart. Also by the choices we make in life.

    We dishonor his name when we use his name in vain..even the one word so many use"GOD"as a expression of surprise or when we are angry.

    We should start each prayer with blessing for OUR FATHER who looks after each and everyone of us. We should remember he is the holy father to all of us.

    I am sorry I have not anwered any of the questions for awhile. I have been ill and also my PC has not been working right. Glad to be back with you all.

  3. We should take **** as a very serious sin..one of the 10 commandments. We think that it can not lead to any thing but most of the time it does.

    We need to look at people with a "brotherly love" not as something sexual...look at them as God's creation and a part of our

    "Christian family"

    I liked one reply that stated "Send Jesus to answer the door when Satin knocks". We all need to practice this in our daily living.

  4. I would first tell him to ask for giveness from God then seek counciling from people trained to help people like him. I would show my love and support to him and invite him to attend church with me and talk to my minister.

    When you are tempted over the internet or Tv you can always delete or change the station..at the beach or pool you can always leave and find another place to enjoy the sun.

    You are athe one controlling your choices..make the right one!!!

  5. The similarity us that both come from the heart and you are breaking you vows to each other.

    The difference is on was actually done while the other was just thought about..both can lead to heartbreak for your spouse.

    I think that **** also breaks the commandment because it comes from your heart and thus deception and unclean.

    One must keep true to yourself and your spouse if you want to have a happy marriage and show your love for each other.

  6. Jesus taught us to"Love the Lord God with all our hearts and souls and with our mind". The second thing he taught us "to love our neighbor as ourself". If we follow these commandments we will not committ murders, become angry,or insult anyone.This will be tasks that we must work on each and every day of our lives though thoughts, deeds, prayers and the greatest of all LOVE.

  7. Q4. (Matthew 5:25-26) What is the point of Jesus' parable of settling out of court? Who are we supposed to settle with, according to this parable? What does "settling" entail? What are the reasons that we should settle?

    I think he is pointing out that we need to settle our differences as quick as possible so o harm will happen to anyoen.I think he is talkign about our sins against God- we need to ask forgiveness or we will stand in judgement with GOD on our"judgement day". Whe you don't ask for forgiveness you turn into a unhappey person and can not rejoice in the feeling of forgiveness and the love of GOD.

  8. When we hold something against someone or they against us we have an" unclean "heart so we need to "cleanse" our hearts before we seek worship with God.

    We should seek God in prayer and ask for forgiveness and then try to reconcile with whomever we have wronged or whomever has wronged us.

    We should go as far as needed to work out our differences. Sometimes it will not happen so we should let God through our prayers work with us and the person whom was affected. God softens the hardest hearts if it is his will. He works in many ways to answer our prayers.

  9. 1.Yes I think that some churches try to be more "modern" and less teaching from the whole Bible.I think this is differntly affecting our younger people.

    2.It is churches following the ceremony of the rituals of their church required by the laws of their denomination and doing this with forgiveness and grace.

    3. Very sad and ugly...not many true Christians, mostly "Fareweather "church goers.

  10. Q4. (Matthew 5:13-15) How do verses 13-16 relate to verses 10-12? How does hiding our light affect the glory of God? Why must glory and suffering go hand in hand? Was Jesus' suffering necessary? Is ours? What does this have to do with Romans 12:2?

    When we bring our witness of God and his beliefs so others see then we will be subjected to persecution.If we hide this we will not influence the other people to follow us. In order to bring out the Glory Of God to the world we will bring suffering to ourselves. Yes his suffering was necessary as will as ours. What happens to you in this world will be rewarding to you in heaven!

  11. Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable?

    We should not hide our believes and christian ways form the rest of the world. Put them were everyone can see them and spread the light of the word all over the world.

  12. 1. He or she has chosen the wrong paths to follow and the wrong choices in the lives, probable but not sure, from peer presure.

    2. sometimes, but most need help

    3.They may come to church on Sunday but then go back to their unchristian ways for the rest of the week.

    4. I am some times guilty of drifting off the right path, I am try to stay on the straight and narrow path following Jesus's teaching.

    5. Yes I pray that it is!!

  13. As we strive for a pure heart, we must first confess our sins..then live with the fact that Jesus was sent to us and died on the cross for us to forgive our sins.We need to love from the heart and follow in his footsteps.

    Chronic sinners will not see God for they have not yet accepted the fact that they have sinned...so they have not asked for forgiveness.

    We need to work every moment of our lives to follow Jesus's teaching,love from our hearts and souls,and trust in him..


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